ENEE 757 :: Fall 2015 :: Critiques and Discussions

Written Paper Critiques

Paper critiques are due at 11 am one week before class, unless otherwise indicated.

The required readings are posted on the course web site, and will typically be 1 to 2 papers per class meeting. Some papers will require two or three readings to understand. This is not light pleasure reading. After you get used to this type of reading, most papers can be read in 2-3 hours each.

In your critiques, capture the most important points about the paper, both positive and negative. I am looking for evidence that you thought about the problem discussed in the paper, you incorporated personal experience, you looked for how the security issues discussed in the paper are addressed today, etc. Think critically about the paper and don't trust the authors -- make them convince you!

Don't write more than 2-3 sentences in any of the template fields. Write concise and precise statements:

I will grade each critique on a 0-2 scale. You will receive 0 points if you do not submit your critique before the deadline or if your critique simply paraphrases the abstract and introduction. You will receive 1 point if you made an effort to understand the paper and to critique it and 2 points if you make an insightful comment. Based on past experience, truly insightful comments are uncommon, so you may not get 2 points often.

Submission Instructions

Use the provided BibTeX template to write the critiques; write plain ASCII text -- no Word DOC, no RTF, no HTML! Do not remove BibTeX syntax (e.g. the @ sign before entries). Submit your critiques using the GRACE system.

In-Class Paper Discussions

We will use a structured discussion format, inspired by the rules of competitive debating. 4 students will take turns in each structured discussion, 2 arguing for the paper's contributions and 2 for its weaknesses. I will select the 4 students a few days in advance, to allow the two teams to prepare.

The debate will use the following format:

After the debate, we will have an open discussion about the paper with the whole class. You should be prepared to critically comment upon both the paper and the ideas in the paper. You should respond to probing questions and defend your point of view.

In ENEE 757, you will learn mostly by preparing for, and participating in, these discussions. An important component of your grade corresponds to your participation in these discussions: your points don't have to be objectively "right", but you must be able to explain them. If you expect to sit quietly in a corner, you will not get these points.

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