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A mechanism has been provided to save a running Lisp core image and to
later restore it. This is convenient if you don't want to load several files
into a Lisp when you first start it up. The main problem is the large
size of each saved Lisp image, typically at least 20 megabytes.
extensions:save-lisp file
&key :purify :root-structures :init-function
:load-init-file :print-herald :site-init
The save-lisp function saves the state of the currently
running Lisp core image in file. The keyword arguments have
the following meaning:
- :purify
- If non-NIL (the default), the core image is
purified before it is saved (see purify (page ).) This reduces
the amount of work the garbage collector must do when the
resulting core image is being run. Also, if more than one Lisp is
running on the same machine, this maximizes the amount of memory
that can be shared between the two processes.
- :root-structures
This should be a list of the main entry points in any newly
loaded systems. This need not be supplied, but locality and/or
GC performance will be better if they are. Meaningless if
:purify is nil. See purify (page ).
- :init-function
- This is the function that starts running
when the created core file is resumed. The default function
simply invokes the top level read-eval-print loop. If the
function returns the lisp will exit.
- :load-init-file
- If non-NIL, then load an init file;
either the one specified on the command line or
```init.'fasl-type'', or, if
```init.'fasl-type'' does not exist,
init.lisp from the user's home directory. If the init file
is found, it is loaded into the resumed core file before the
read-eval-print loop is entered.
- :site-init
- If non-NIL, the name of the site init file to
quietly load. The default is `library:site-init'. No error
is signalled if the file does not exist.
- :print-herald
- If non-NIL (the default), then print out
the standard Lisp herald when starting.
- :process-command-line
- If non-NIL (the default),
processes the command line switches and performs the appropriate
To resume a saved file, type:
lisp -core file
&key :root-structures :environment-name
This function optimizes garbage collection by moving all currently
live objects into non-collected storage. Once statically allocated,
the objects can never be reclaimed, even if all pointers to them are
dropped. This function should generally be called after a large
system has been loaded and initialized.
- :root-structures
- is an optional list of objects which
should be copied first to maximize locality. This should be a
list of the main entry points for the resulting core image. The
purification process tries to localize symbols, functions, etc.,
in the core image so that paging performance is improved. The
default value is NIL which means that Lisp objects will still be
localized but probably not as optimally as they could be.
defstruct structures defined with the (:pure t)
option are moved into read-only storage, further reducing GC cost.
List and vector slots of pure structures are also moved into
read-only storage.
- :environment-name
- is gratuitous documentation for the
compacted version of the current global environment (as seen in
c::*info-environment*.) If nil is supplied, then
environment compaction is inhibited.
Next: 2.13 Pathnames
Up: 2 Design Choices and
Previous: 2.11.1 Process Accessors
Raymond Toy
Mon Jul 14 09:11:27 EDT 1997