The following functions interface the process returned by run-program:
extensions:process-p thing
This function returns t if thing is a process. Otherwise it returns nil
extensions:process-pid process
This function returns the process ID, an integer, for the process.
extensions:process-status process
This function returns the current status of process, which is one of :running, :stopped, :exited, or :signaled.
extensions:process-exit-code process
This function returns either the exit code for process, if it is :exited, or the termination signal process if it is :signaled. The result is undefined for processes that are still alive.
extensions:process-core-dumped process
This function returns t if someone used a Unix signal to terminate the process and caused it to dump a Unix core image.
extensions:process-pty process
This function returns either the two-way stream connected to process's Unix ıPTY connection or nil if there is none.
extensions:process-input process
extensions:process-output process
extensions:process-error process
If the corresponding stream was created, these functions return the input, output or error file descriptor. nil is returned if there is no stream.
extensions:process-status-hook process
This function returns the current function to call whenever process's status changes. This function takes the process as a required argument. process-status-hook is setf'able.
extensions:process-plist process
This function returns annotations supplied by users, and it is setf'able. This is available solely for users to associate information with process without having to build a-lists or hash tables of process structures.
process &optional check-for-stopped
This function waits for process to finish. If check-for-stopped is non-nil, this also returns when process stops.
extensions:process-kill process signal &optional whom
This function sends the Unix signal to process. Signal should be the number of the signal or a keyword with the Unix name (for example, :sigsegv). Whom should be one of the following:
extensions:process-alive-p process
This function returns t if process's status is either :running or :stopped.
extensions:process-close process
This function closes all the streams associated with process. When you are done using a process, call this to reclaim system resources.