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8.7.4 Calling Lisp from C

Calling Lisp functions from C is sometimes possible, but is rather hackish. See funcall0 ... funcall3 in the `lisp/arch.h'. The arguments must be valid CMU CL object descriptors (e.g. fixnums must be left-shifted by 2.) See `compiler/generic/objdef.lisp' or the derived file `lisp/internals.h' for details of the object representation. `lisp/internals.h' is mechanically generated, and is not part of the source distribution. It is distributed in the `docs/' directory of the binary distribution.

Note that the garbage collector moves objects, and won't be able to fix up any references in C variables, so either turn GC off or don't keep Lisp pointers in C data unless they are to statically allocated objects. You can use  purify (page gif) to place live data structures in static space so that they won't move during GC.



Raymond Toy
Mon Jul 14 09:11:27 EDT 1997