I've had the fortune of working with really great collaborators. My students mostly have degrees in computer science. All have fluency in a non-English natural language. As part of our research, they have published first author papers at first-tier conferences (ACL, IMCL, WWW, and NIPS) and first-tier journals (Machine Learning Journal and Computational Biology). They've won competitive positions at Yahoo! Labs, Microsoft Research and Facebook. Several have gone on to academic positions at Stanford, UMass, and Ursinus.
I'm fairly conservative about whom I put on this list (mostly just coauthors and official students), so e-mail me if there's been an oversight.
Current PhD Students
People I'm Working with now
Past PhD Students
Past Collaborators
Current MS Students |
Current Undergrads |
Past MS Students
Past Undergrads
Other Students I've Published With