ENEE 459D | ENEE 759D | CMSC 858Z :: Course Policies

ENEE 759D Security Data Science is an advanced course. Its primary goal is to teach you how to read research papers with a critical eye and how to apply some of these ideas in practice. This page is here to help you understand the details of how this course runs. Please read the whole thing at the start of the semester. A few of these policies are likely to be different than what you are used to.

Reading assignments

HOMEWORKS ARE DUE at 6 PM the evening before class.

Use the provided BibTeX template to submit the homework; write plain ASCII text -- no HTML! Submit your homework by emailing the instructor. We might switch to a Web based submission system in the future.

Course requirements:

You Must Read And Understand The Papers. We expect you to really read and understand all the papers. Not just skim them. Read them. Understand them. Discuss them intelligently. If this is your goal, you will find this course engaging, rewarding, and extremely useful in your career.

Note that your assignments are graded on whether you got something intelligible out of the reading and not on whether your answers are objectively "right". The instructor will provide feedback on some of your written critiques, with general suggestions for improvement, but if you do not get an email you may assume that your writeup is satisfactory.


See the projects page.


Grading will be perfomed on a "straight scale," out of 100 points:

Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights (different standards are applied to graduate and undergraduate students):

Expectations for graduate students: Expectations for undergraduate students:

The above should make it clear that we want you to actually read the papers. There should be no reason that any student qualified to take the course gets less than an "A" in this class unless they slack off and either skip class or fail to actually read the papers. Life brings unexpected situations -- we very strongly urge you NOT to cut things close by skipping classes or failing to turn in homeworks on purpose just because you can do that and still theoretically get an "A."

We have already built in some missed assignments into the grading system -- you can still get an "A" with a few missed assignments. Accounting for things like waking up sick, or job interview trips, or conference trips, or whatever is your responsibility. Reserve missed assignments for true emergencies only, and notify the instructor in advance if you will need to miss a class. Assignments are due at or before the scheduled due date even if you are going to be missing class.


The University's Code of Academic Integrity applies, modified as follows:

Piazza Policy

This course uses the Piazza web site for answering questions. The home Piazza page for this course is at: https://piazza.com/umd/fall2013/enee759d/home. When posting questions on Piazza, students must keep in mind the collaboration guidelines noted above, and use these additional guidelines:

Created with coursegen. Last updated: Wed Sep 04 10:38:30 -0400 2013 [validate xhtml]