ENEE 657 :: Fall 2017 :: Projects

The goal of the ENEE 657 projects in terms of depth and quality is to develop the effort to a degree that would merit publication in one of the workshops associated with the USENIX Security Symposium. There will be two projects:

Pilot Project

For this project, you will propose a security problem and identify one data set that you could analyze for addressing the problem. This propoosal will be posted on the project's message board on Piazza.

Each student must complete an individual pilot project and obtain preliminary results. Your goal IS to determine the feasibility of the idea, to determine if this work should continue for the group project. Your goal IS NOT to obtain a good result -- negative results, suggesting that this is a bad idea, are encouraged! The point of this is that you should be ambitious and try challenging projects. After two weeks, post your pilot-project results to the message board.

In addition, each student is required to review at least two other projects on the message board. These reviews must include comments and constructive feedback, but they should not grade or rank the projects. When writing these project reviews it is a good idea to follow the same pattern as in your paper reviews, by summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

You are encouraged to propose your own projects. Here are some ideas, to help you get started:

Group Project

Following the pilot projects, you will form teams and propose ideas for the work on the most promising project ideas. There will be two project checkpoints during the semester. At each checkpoint, the teams will present the status of their project and the tasks they plan to achieve during the three-week sprint that follows the checkpoint. The project will be concluded with a report, posted on the message board, and a presentation in class.

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