Course Information for Ling645/CMSC723

Course Information for Ling645/CMSC723
Introduction to Computational Linguistics

The TA's course page: updates and info from Feng.

General description

Class information Course accounts Useful resources

General Course Information

Wednesdays, 1:00pm-3:30pm, Symons Hall 0200

Philip Resnik,, Office hours: Wednesdays, 4pm, AV Williams 3143

Teaching Assistant:
Peng Feng,, Office hours: Thursday 1-2pm, TA room, first floor AV Williams Bldg.


Course Description

General statement. This course is an introduction to computational linguistics. It assumes some basic familiarity with linguistics concepts and requires the ability to program. We will be covering traditional foundations of computational linguistics areas such as finite-state methods, context-free and extended context-free models of syntax, parsing, and semantic interpretation; basics of more recent corpus-based and stochastic methods such as n-gram models, hidden Markov models, probabilistic grammars, and statistical methods for word sense disambiguation; and some selection of application areas from among such topics as information retrieval, machine translation, computational psycholinguistics, and computational lexicography. Concepts taught in class will be reinforced in practice by hands-on programming assignments.

Course Requirements

  1. Homework Assignments. These may involve doing exercises from the text, answering questions, or programming. For programs, students will turn in (a) a program listing, and (b) a trace of the code working successfully. Students are encouraged to work together, but every assignment must contain one of the following statements:

    1. I completed this assignment solo.
    2. I collaborated to a small extent with [name(s)] on this assignment.
    3. I collaborated extensively with [name(s)] on this assignment.

  2. Course Project and Presentation Students will formulate a course project that involves getting hands-on experience with some aspect of computational linguistics. Proposals for projects will be reviewed by the professor mid-semester in order to provide guidance about what's appropriate. Appropriate projects will in general involve programming. Students can (and are encouraged to) work in small groups (2-3 people) on their course projects, and collaborations between students in different departments is particularly encouraged.

  3. Final exam. The course will have a final exam. There is no midterm.

  4. Quizzes. There may be an occasional pop quiz.

    The final grade in the course will be computed based on 50% for the final exam, 30% for the course project, 15% for the assignments, and 5% for quizzes and class participation.

  Philip Resnik                        Phone:   (301) 405-6760
  Department of Linguistics            Fax:     (301) 405-7104
  1401 Marie Mount Hall
  University of Maryland 
  College Park, MD 20742 USA

By far the best way to reach me is by e-mail to

This page last updated January 30, 2002.