Computer Account Info
Computer Accounts
Course accounts will be on the OIT
(Office of Information Technology) Unix cluster. These
accounts will exist only through the end of the semester and then will
be deleted. You must also get a WAM (Workstations At Maryland)
account and a GLUE account during
the first week of classes. These will provide a permanent computer
account and will allow you to work from campus labs and by
telephone/modem connections.
Computer accounts will be distributed the first day of class: you will
get a login name, a password (which you should change as soon as
possible!), and some basic information.
First things to do, even before getting your computer
account include the following (see the Student Computing Resources
page for this info and more.)
- Read the ethics documents
concerning acceptable use of computing facilities at UMD.
- Those not familiar with computing using the Unix operating
system should consider taking the 3-hour Introduction to Unix
offered by the OIT
Peer Training Program. Also see below for pointers to other
resources for learning Unix and other tools.
- Check out information about the OIT Help Desk program.
They provide walk-in service in room 1400 of the Computer and Space
Sciences building, telephone support at (301) 405-1500 during
business hours, and e-mail support at
The next thing you should do is read the course page on
Unix Info and Resources.
Return to the course home page.