Current Advisees
Past Advisees
Zara Harmon, Postdoc
Thomas Schatz, Postdoc
Kasia Hitczenko, PhD, Linguistics
Nika Jurov, PhD, Linguistics
Yakov Kronrod, PhD, Linguistics
Naho Orita, PhD, Linguistics
Craig Thorburn, PhD, Linguistics
Alayo Tripp, PhD, Linguistics
Chris Yang, PhD, Linguistics (MIT)
Emily Gong, MS, Computer Science
Jackie Nelligan, MS, Computer Science
Erin Bennett, Baggett Fellow
Grace Brown, Baggett Fellow
Lawrence Chen, Baggett Fellow
Emily Coppess, Post-bac Researcher
Myles Dakan, Baggett Fellow
Josh Falk, Baggett Fellow
Nathalie Fernandez, Baggett Fellow
Chris Hammerly, Baggett Fellow
Jackie Nelligan, Baggett Fellow
Caitlin Richter, Post-bac Researcher
Michaela Socolof, Baggett Fellow
Simon Chervenak, Honors Thesis, Linguistics
Leslie Famularo, Honors Thesis, Brain and Cognitive Sciences (University of Rochester)
Saahiti Potluri, Honors Thesis, Math
Jordan Schneider, Honors Thesis, Computer Science
Eliana Vornov, Honors Thesis, Linguistics
Student Collaborators (Current and Past)
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but includes at least those cases where the project we worked on together ended up being published.
Rosa Lee, PhD Student, Linguistics
Kamala Sreepada, Undergraduate Researcher
Ali Aboelata, Undergraduate Researcher
Shannon Barrios, PhD, Linguistics
Allyson Ettinger, PhD, Linguistics
Annie Gagliardi, PhD, Linguistics
Alex Krauska, PhD, Linguistics
Adam Liter, PhD, Linguistics
Anna Namyst, Undergraduate Researcher
Zoe Ovans, PhD, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
Laurel Perkins, PhD, Linguistics
Harini Salgado, High School Researcher
Grayson Wolf, Undergraduate Researcher
Yu'an Yang, PhD, Linguistics