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my (very) temporary office at NUS

view from yee whye's apt (where i stayed)

down a cute street with 50s style shops (girl not included)

mosque near arab street

children visiting mosque on school tour (can you spot the one with the badminton racquet?)

another part of the mosque

stray cat fed on arab street

library across from yee whye's

i like flashing green men!

art-deco office building

same building

front of building

china town; we had lunch here

fullerton hotel, near the esplanade

fullerton hotel with financial district behind

the esplanade

fountain in park by esplanade


esplanade again, with balloon

in front of plaza, couple getting married (so cute!)

the plaza is for the concert hall

statue outside asian civilization museum

old supreme court building

credits: design and font inspired by Seth Able's LoRD, some images converted to ANSI using ManyTools, original drawing of me by anonymous.
last updated on twelve may, two thousand twenty four.