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first day in town before dinner...

dinner group---all from dublin or melbourne

except for me

town at night

clock tower

still no clue how to read it

nicola and me

more tower

some bulding, apparently with a wc

more nighttime pictures

...of the vltava

...and the charles bridge

cobblestones and feet

next day from ahigh

guards...not as still as in uk, but close


apparently the largest contiguous

cathedral complex in europe

(but not largest cathedral)


we think these are for heating

jon may and an organ

incredible: a gun/axe hybrid

and some sword/gun hybrids -- they thought of everything!

if i were a knight

i would want to be...

chicken man!

me shooting a crossbow

some torture device

another one

another torture device

quickly followed by barbies!

prague, the city---i think charles university is in there

jason reisa overlooking prague

patrick pantel (again)

yes, they sell cigarettes in restaurants

the new-old synagogue

too bad it's "r" not "f"

kevin knight shows off beer and mini-castle

free champagne at banquet

but don't forget we're still nerds!

my table: graeme hirst, daniel marcu, (blanking!) and patrick pantel

plus jason reisa, steve deneefe's wife and her husband

after dinner crowd: deepak r, uli g, alex f, jason r and marine c

back to the cathedral, going for weird shots now

our new group: barney pell, chin-yew l, rahul b and lorenzo t

hal playing too much with his new camera

and the playing ends (for now)

view from top of cathedral

"steps" in vltava

emnlp carea chair's dinner: jan w, joakim n, louann p., jan h (and others not pictured)

next day at the natural history museum (before black light show)

credits: design and font inspired by Seth Able's LoRD, some images converted to ANSI using ManyTools, original drawing of me by anonymous.
last updated on thirty september, two thousand twenty four.