NLP.WordNet.Types | Portability | non-portable (H98 + implicit parameters) | Stability | experimental | Maintainer |  |
Description |
This module is maintained at:
http://www.isi.edu/~hdaume/HWordNet/. This module describes the types used in the purely functional interface. More information about WordNet is available at:
http://http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/. |
Synopsis |
The wrapper type for wordnet functions. |
type WN a = a |
In actuality this type is: type WN a = (?wne :: WordNetEnv) => a but Haddock cannot parse this at this time. |
The basic Word type (just a String). |
type Word = String |
A Word is just a String. |
The part of speech type. |
data POS |
The basic part of speech type, either a Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb. | Constructors | | Instances | |
The type, and functions dealing with overview searches. |
data Overview |
The Overview type is the return type which gives you an
overview of a word, for all sense and for all parts of speech. | Instances | |
numNounSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many noun senses the searched-for word has. |
numVerbSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many verb senses the searched-for word has. |
numAdjSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many adjective senses the searched-for word has. |
numAdvSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many adverb senses the searched-for word has. |
taggedCountNounSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many times this word was tagged as a noun. |
taggedCountVerbSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many times this word was tagged as a verb. |
taggedCountAdjSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many times this word was tagged as an adjective. |
taggedCountAdvSenses :: Overview -> Int |
Given an Overview, this will tell you how many times this word was tagged as an adverb. |
The type, and functions dealing with the word net environment. |
data WordNetEnv |
getReleaseVersion :: WN (Maybe String) |
This will give you the current release of the WordNet databases
we are using (if we know). |
getDataDirectory :: WN FilePath |
This will give you the directory from which the databases are being read. |
The type to control which sense a search is looking at. |
data SenseType |
A SenseType is a way of controlling search. Either you specify
a certain sense (using SenseNumber n, or, since SenseType is an
instance of Num, you can juse use n) or by searching using all
senses, through AllSenses. The Num instance performs standard
arithmetic on SenseNumbers, and fromInteger yields a SenseNumber (always),
but any arithmetic involving AllSenses returns AllSenses. | Constructors | | Instances | |
The type, and functions dealing with search results. |
data SearchResult |
The basic type which holds search results. Its Show instance simply
shows the string corresponding to the associated WordNet synset. | Instances | |
srOverview :: SearchResult -> Maybe Overview |
This provides (maybe) the associated overview for a SearchResult.
The Overview is only available if this SearchResult was
derived from a real search, rather than lookupKey. |
srSenseNum :: SearchResult -> Maybe SenseType |
This provides (maybe) the associated sense number for a SearchResult.
The SenseType is only available if this SearchResult was
derived from a real search, rather than lookupKey. |
srPOS :: SearchResult -> POS |
This gives the part of speech of a SearchResult |
srDefinition :: SearchResult -> String |
This gives the definition of the sense of a word in a SearchResult. |
srSenses :: SearchResult -> [SenseType] |
This gives a list of senses the word has. |
srWords :: SearchResult -> SenseType -> [Word] |
This gives the actual words used to describe the Synset of a search result. |
srForms :: SearchResult -> [Form] |
This gives all the Forms a word has (i.e., what sort of relations hold between
it and other words. |
srFormKeys :: SearchResult -> Form -> [Key] |
This provides a Key (which can be searched for using lookupKey) for
a SearchResult under a given form. For instance, it can be used to
get all Hypernyms of a given word. |
srToKey :: SearchResult -> Key |
This converts a SearchResult into a Key. |
A sum type of the different relations which can hold between words. |
data Form |
The different types of relations which can hold between WordNet Synsets. | Constructors | Antonym | | Hypernym | | Hyponym | | Entailment | | Similar | | IsMember | | IsStuff | | IsPart | | HasMember | | HasStuff | | HasPart | | Meronym | | Holonym | | CauseTo | | PPL | | SeeAlso | | Attribute | | VerbGroup | | Derivation | | Classification | | Class | | Nominalization | | Syns | | Freq | | Frames | | Coords | | Relatives | | HMeronym | | HHolonym | | WNGrep | | OverviewForm | | Unknown | |
| Instances | |
A simple key into the database. |
data Key |
A Key is a simple pointer into the database, which can be
followed using lookupKey. | Instances | |
Produced by Haddock version 0.5 |