; Hand this in to: tdumitra@umiacs.umd.edu ; Required Readings @inproceedings{Milk_or_Wine, Acmid = {1267343}, Address = {Vancouver, B.C., Canada}, Articleno = {7}, Author = {Ozment, Andy and Schechter, Stuart E.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th conference on USENIX Security Symposium - Volume 15}, Publisher = {USENIX Association}, Series = {USENIX-SS'06}, Title = {Milk or wine: does software security improve with age?}, Url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1267336.1267343}, Year = {2006}, studentfirstname ="", studentlastname ="", summary = "", contribution1 ="", contribution2 ="", contribution3 ="", contribution4 ="", contribution5 ="", weakness1 = "", weakness2 = "", weakness3 = "", weakness4 = "", weakness5 = "", interesting = "high/med/low", opinions = "", } @article{Effect_of_Vulnerability_Finding, Abstract = {Despite the large amount of effort that goes toward finding and patching security holes, the available data does not show a clear improvement in software quality as a result.}, Author = {Eric Rescorla}, Bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}, Journal = {IEEE Security {\&} Privacy}, Number = {1}, Pages = {14-19}, Title = {Is Finding Security Holes a Good Idea?}, Volume = {3}, Year = {2005}, studentfirstname ="", studentlastname ="", summary = "", contribution1 ="", contribution2 ="", contribution3 ="", contribution4 ="", contribution5 ="", weakness1 = "", weakness2 = "", weakness3 = "", weakness4 = "", weakness5 = "", interesting = "high/med/low", opinions = "", }