Course Goals

Targeted cyber attacks are increasingly sophisticated, while traditional security technologies (e.g. firewalls, password-protection systems, or other passive measures) have limited utility against skilled and persistent targeted hackers. Today, many organizations are seeking data scientists, who are able to use Big Data techniques for identifying threats and attacks. This specialized field demands skills and knowledge in multiple areas, including (a) systems, to develop the technologies needed to store and process massive data sets; (b) data analytics, to extract information from these data sets; and (c) security, to ask the right questions about cyber attacks.

This course will provide an introduction to security data science from the perspective of the security expert. We will focus on the current tends in cyber attacks, we will survey some of the recent literature and we will get hands-on experience with using data analysis systems and techniques for solving security problems.


See project ideas.

Course prerequisites

Permission from the instructor (see below for topic prerequisites).

Topic prerequisites

If you are concerned about these prerequisites please contact the instructor for guidance. We want everyone who is serious about taking this course to get in; we just don't want students to be lost due to lack of background.


No required textbook. Reading materials will be provided on the course website and/or distributed in class.

Course Topics

Course structure

This is a graduate-level course, designed to emphasize skills that are critical for succeeding in a Ph.D. program:

The students will read papers on selected topics in security, summarize their strengths and weaknesses using a defined written template, and present this critique in front of the class. The students will also form teams and work on a semester-long project to investigate a security problem of their choosing using data analysis techniques. Basic knowledge of data analysis systems and techniques will be delivered through lectures.

Grading method

Instructor: Tudor Dumitraș