; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Submit by logging into grace.umd.edu and using the following command: ; submit 2014 fall enee 757 0101 11 my_file.bib ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Readings @INPROCEEDINGS{ Durumeric14, title = {The Matter of {Heartbleed}}, author = {Zakir Durumeric and James Kasten and David Adrian and J. Alex Halderman and Michael Bailey and Frank Li and Nicholas Weaver and Johanna Amann and Jethro Beekman and Mathias Payer and Vern Paxson}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference}, month = {Nov}, address = {Vancouver, Canada}, year = {2014}, studentfirstname ="", studentlastname ="", summary = "", contribution1 ="", contribution2 ="", contribution3 ="", contribution4 ="", contribution5 ="", weakness1 = "", weakness2 = "", weakness3 = "", weakness4 = "", weakness5 = "", interesting = "high/med/low", opinions = "", } ; BibTex cross-references (don't add anything here)