ENEE 657 :: Fall 2019

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Computer Security


What are the odds that you will get hacked tomorrow? To answer this question, we must understand the capabilities of real-world adversaries and what helps them exploit software vulnerabilities and distribute malware around the world. Moreover, the machine learning techniques that drive the success of such inferences in non-adversarial domains, like computer vision or autonomous driving, face new challenges in security.

ENEE 657 provides a principled introduction to computer security. By taking this course, you will gain an understanding of both attacks and defenses. You will also learn to reason about their effectiveness in the real world.

Who should take ENEE 657?

The goal of this course is to give you a thorough grounding in computer security. You will learn about the current research issues in this area, and the fundamental security principles; this will prepare you to collaborate with security researchers, to tackle security problems that appear in your own work, or to conduct research in security. You will also gain hands-on experience with implementing security techniques. ENEE 657 is a systems-oriented course with a substantial programming component; this is not a course in cryptography or theoretical security.


The University's Code of Academic Integrity applies, modified as follows:


NameEmailOfficeOffice Hours
Prof. Tudor DumitraČ™ IRB 5228 TBD

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