; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; To submit, log into grace.umd.edu and use the following command: ; /submit 2017 fall ENEE 657 0101 25 cyber_conflict.bib ; --------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Required Readings @ARTICLE{ Langner2013, title = {{To Kill a Centrifuge A Technical Analysis of What Stuxnet's Creators Tried to Achieve}}, author = {Langner, Ralph}, number = {November}, year = {2013}, pages = {1--36}, studentfirstname ={}, studentlastname ={}, summary = {}, contribution1 ={}, contribution2 ={}, contribution3 ={}, contribution4 ={}, contribution5 ={}, weakness1 = {}, weakness2 = {}, weakness3 = {}, weakness4 = {}, weakness5 = {}, interesting = {high/med/low}, opinions = {}, } @ARTICLE{ nye2017deterrence, title = {Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace}, author = {Nye Jr, Joseph S}, journal = {International Security}, pages = {44--71}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {2017}, number = {3}, volume = {41}, studentfirstname ={}, studentlastname ={}, summary = {}, contribution1 ={}, contribution2 ={}, contribution3 ={}, contribution4 ={}, contribution5 ={}, weakness1 = {}, weakness2 = {}, weakness3 = {}, weakness4 = {}, weakness5 = {}, interesting = {high/med/low}, opinions = {}, } ; BibTex cross-references (don't add anything here)