/* * check_password_rules.c */ #include #include #define MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE 256 /* Given a string, check whether it meets the quality rules for UMD Directory passwords Implement: * A password must be at least 8 and no more than 32 characters in length. * A password must contain at least one uppercase letter. * A password must contain at least one lowercase letter. * A password must contain at least one character from the set of digits or punctuation characters (such as # @ $ & among others). * A password may not begin or end with the space character. * A password may not contain more than two consecutive identical characters. Do not implement * A password may not be (or be a variation of) a dictionary word in English or many other languages. This includes making simple substitutions of digits or punctuation that resemble alphabetic characters (such as replacing the letter S in a common word with the $ symbol). * You may not reuse a password you have already used. */ int check_password_rules(char s[]) { } int main () { char password[MAX_PASSWORD_SIZE]; // Read password and check UMD rules return 0; }