Ling819/Ling848, Fall 2007

LING848, FALL 2008: Seminar on Computational Learning


Philip Resnik

Where to get information

  • Schedule of topics
  • List of readings
  • Class blog
  • PDF locker (login/password given in class)
  • Class mailing list


    Note: The content of 800-level seminars varies from year to year, and this seminar will not cover the same material as previous offerings of Ling848 (Seminar in Computational Linguistics). If you have questions about the seminar, including any uncertainty about whether your background is appropriate in order to attend, please contact the instructor.

    The goal of this seminar is to familiarize students with fundamental concepts and paradigms in computational learning, and to discuss their assumptions, applicability, and relevance to issues of concern to linguists.

    In terms of the organization of topics, I begin with unsupervised learning (EM, clustering), then segue into feature-based representations and stochastic optimization (LSA, genetic algorithms). From there we move to a series on classification/concept learning from labeled instances (neural networks, PAC learning, SVMs), then probabilistic modeling (Bayesian inference, MDL, maximum entropy), and finally to Gold's paradigm and grammatical inference.

    I'm looking forward to a semester in which we strengthen our ability to discuss language-related learning issues in more formal, computational terms, and then apply that ability in open-minded discussions that lead to creative research ideas and innovative final projects.

    Philip Resnik, Associate Professor
    Department of Linguistics and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
    Department of Linguistics
    1401 Marie Mount Hall            UMIACS phone: (301) 405-6760       
    University of Maryland           Linguistics phone: (301) 405-8903
    College Park, MD 20742 USA	   Fax: (301) 314-2644 / (301) 405-7104	   E-mail: resnik AT umd _DOT.GOES.HERE_ edu