CMSC/AMSC/MAPL 460 Computational Methods


Class:  T, Th......2:00pm-3:15 pm (CSI 3120)


Instructor: Ramani Duraiswami E-mail: ramani AT;

Office Hours:  Wednesdays 1:30 p.m. - 3:00, in AVW 3361. (you must confirm I am there before coming by emailing me)


TA: Ross Adelman; E-mail: rna AT

Office Hours: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM on Fridays, in AVW 3368


Textbook (Required): Numerical Computing with MATLAB, by Cleve Moler, ISBN 0-89871-560-1

Individual Chapters may be downloaded from the author's web site at

The book may be purchased from the bookstore, or from the web.

Textbook (other): A useful reference is Ascher & Greif


Software (required): MATLAB.

You will need reliable access to MATLAB and a printer for doing homework in this course.

PIAZZA for peer-to-peer discussions/assistance.




Printing: Most homework will call for printing material (graphs, programs and the like off Matlab) and submitting it.

Emailed homework is NOT acceptable.


Prerequisites: Programming, advanced calculus, linear algebra.


Description in the catalog: Basic computational methods for interpolation, least squares, approximation, numerical quadrature, numerical solution of polynomial and transcendental equations, systems of linear equations and initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. Emphasis on methods and their computational properties rather than their analytical aspects.


Homework will be given out periodically, and will be due on the first class in the following week from the date handed out. No late homework, without prior arrangement. Homework will be posted on this web page.


Collaboration Policy:  You may study together and discuss problems and methods of solution with each other to improve your understanding. You are welcome to discuss assignments in a general way among yourselves, but you may not use other students' written work or programs. Use of external references for your work should be cited. Clear similarities between your work and others will result in a grade reduction for all parties. Flagrant violations will be referred to appropriate university authorities.


You are responsible for checking this page.

Policy: Honor code

Grading: Homework 30%, Mid-Term 25%, Final 35%, Quizzes 10%

Previous versions of this course: (for reference) Fall-2005 Spring-2007 Fall 2008  Spring 2010 Spring 2013

All class material will be posted on Piazza