LBSC 708L/CMSC 838D Practice Final Exam This exam is worth a total of 30 points, and you have 2 hours to complete it. You may use any resources at all (books, Internet, existing code, etc.) except for another person or anything produced by another person after the start of this exam. 1) [20 points] Make a Java application which creates a graphical user interface with at least the following functions: a) A set of three radio buttons labeled "English", "French" and "German". The "English" button should be initially selected. b) A small text window in which the user may enter search terms. This area should be labeled "Query". c) A button labeled "Search". d) A button labeled "Reset". When this button is selected by the user, the "English" radio button should be selected and any text in the "Query" text window should be removed. Save your work on your M drive as and Exam.class. Partial credit will be awarded. 2) [10 points] You have been selected to lead a 10 person team that will design the user interface for a teleoperation control station for a remotely piloted camera that will be used to perform pre-spacewalk surveys during assembly of the International Space Station. The intended user will be one of the astronauts aboard the Shuttle. Your final user interface design must be completed in 8 months. Describe in detail the process that you will use to establish the final requirements for the user interface using a rapid prototyping methodology. You may submit the answer to this question as a Microsoft Word file (in which case it should be on your M drive as exam.doc) or handwritten on paper.