INST 734
Information Retrieval Systems
Spring 2018
Module 13: Monday April 30 to Sunday May 6
This module focused on images, and in particular on photographs and
video. The module is designed to be completed in 12 hours over 7
days. As with every module, you must complete all componentents of
this module by midnight on the evening of the indicated end date for
the module.
Module Checklist
The recommended order for completing the activities in this module is:
Make progress on your project! This is a two-week module, the
first week of which includes the Thanksgiving break. Only 5 hours
of work is expected from you in that first partial week, all of
which should be allocated to your project.
Check ELMS to see if you have an additional reading summary assigned to you
this week. If so, complete that summary by midnight Thursday December 4 and
submit it using ELMS.
Watch the exercise explanation video for
Project Assignment P11 or P13 if you are doing an instrutor designed
Complete Project Assignment P11 if you are doing an
instructor-designed batch project or Project Assignment P13 if you
are doing an instructor-designed user study project. Submit your
results using ELMS.
If you want to hear some of the topics in this module
presented differently, consider viewing parts of the optional supplementary videos.
Finally, complete Project Assignment P13. Like all
assignments that you are asked to turn in, this is due at midnight on
the last day of the module.
Doug Oard
Last modified: Sat Apr 28 12:39:35 2018