INST 734
Information Retrieval Systems
Spring 2018
Module 12: Monday April 23 to Sunday April 28
This module focused on searching audio, with a particular focus on
speech and music. The module is designed to be completed in 12 hours
over 7 days. As with every module, you must complete all
componentents of this module by midnight on the evening of the
indicated end date for the module.
Module Checklist
The recommended order for completing the activities in this module is:
Check ELMS to see if you have an additional reading summary assigned to you
this week. If so, complete that summary by midnight Thursday and
submit it using ELMS.
A video about the MediaEval
2011 workshop. MediaEval includes both speech and video
retrieval tasks. You can also see longer interviews with Martha
Larson and Gareth Jones.
A 2011 Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference
presentation by Kira Radinsky on a juke box that
literally reads your mind by using a brain-computer
interface (best when you start playing it at about the 4 minute