INST 734
Information Retrieval Systems
Fall 2014
Module 6: Monday October 6 to Sunday October 12
This module focused on Web search. The module is designed to be
completed in 12 hours over 7 days. As with every module, you must
complete all componentents of this module by midnight on the evening
of the indicated end date for the module.
Module Checklist
The recommended order for completing the activities in this module is:
Check ELMS to see if you have an additional reading summary assigned to you
this week. If so, complete that summary by midnight Thursday and
submit it using ELMS.
Additional readings are assigned
to five students. All students should read the five summaries once
they are posted to ELMS, and all students other than those who wrote a
summary this week should make a comment on the discussion board about
at least one of the summaries (or about someone else's comment on one
of them).
A guest lecture by Hal Varian on Search
Advertizing in Marti Hearst's Fall 2005 SIMS 141 course on
Search Engines at the University of California, Berkeley.
A guest lecture by Brian Larson on Real-Time
Twitter Search in Marti Hearst's Fall 2012 i290 course on
Analyzing Big Data with Twitter at the University of
California, Berkeley.
A guest lecture by Peter Norvig on Google
News, Print Maps, and Earth in Marti Hearst's Fall 2005
SIMS 141 course on Search Engines at the University of
California, Berkeley.
Finally, complete Project Assignment P6. Like all
assignments that you are asked to turn in, this is due at midnight on
the last day of the module.
Doug Oard
Last modified: Sun Oct 26 14:30:44 2014