Choosing a Term Paper or Project

For the term project or paper, students will be expected to choose from one of the following options:
Term Paper
A publishable term paper that adds substantially to the present body of knowledge on some aspect of e-discovery. Students may work individually or (for papers of very substantial scope) as a team of two; for team papers the contributions of each co-author must be clearly delineated. Term paper topics require prior approval from one faculty member.
Term Project
An experimental investigation of some research question. This might be a user study, development of a novel system or component, or evaluation of one or more existing components. A written report is expected, but (depending on the scope of the experimental investigation and the nature of the results) it need not be in a publishable form. Students may work in teams of any size, but the contributions of each team member must be clearly delineated. The research question, research method, and team composition require prior approval from one faculty member.
Structured Evaluation Exercise
A structured evaluation exercise, modeled on the interactive track of the TREC Legal Track. The scope of this exercise requires that it be completed in a team in which students adopt specialized roles. Completion of this exercise requires creation of topics, submission of results, drawing of samples, and relevance assessment and computation of results.
In addition, all projects require some form of written report (which will be extensive for the term paper, of course, and which may be briefer for the term project (depending on the scope of the implementation effort). For the structured evaluation exercise, the report should be comparable to a TREC participant report. All teams will also be expected to make a presentation to the class during the last class of the semester.

By the date indicated in the syllabus, each team should send an email to both instructors with the names of the people on their team, their team's choice from the three options above, and (except in the case of the structured evaluation) a page or so of text describing their paper or project. Please also identify the role(s) that each member of the project team will fill (for all projects, including the structured evaluation exercise). Any details sent in earlier emails (discussing project options) should be repeated so that we will have everything in one lace, but that information can simply be copied in its original form (even if it exceeds the page or so that we have asked for).

The instructors will respond by email by Friday of the same week with their approval, or with further guidance. Please cc your project partners on your email so that they will receive the feedback at the same time (that Friday is the start of Spring Break, and we don't want our reply stuck in your unread email all week!).