INFM 603
Information Technology and Organizational Context
Spring 2015
Assignment P4
Project Presentation

Each team will have at most 25 minutes for their presentation. There is no requirement that both partners speak. You may want one partner to operate the system, flip slides, and switch between showing your system and showing powerpoint and demos while the other partner speaks, so it might be convenient to have both team members involved. The presentation should start with a brief description of your goals, stated in terms of the user experience. A brief demo of the result (i.e., whatever system you have built) should follow, and that should then be followed by a description of:

You may also include recommendations for improving the project experience in future semesters if you wish. You can allocate time between these as you wish, but you may not run long -- your presentation will end precisely 15 minutes after it starts, and you must allocate at least two minutes for questions from within that 15 minutes.

The use of powerpoint is not strictly required, but each team must turn in an outline of what whey presented (and a sufficiently complete set of powerpoint slides would be fine in lieu of any other form of outline). That outline, together with the video of the presentation (which will not be made public), subsequent testing of the system by the instructor, and the previously submitted project description, will be the basis for grading the project. Projects need not be perfect to receive full credit; the requirement is that it be well conceived, well implemented, and that it reflect substantial and well focused effort.

Doug Oard
Last modified: Wed Apr 29 22:44:20 2015