INST 346
Technologies, Infrastructure and Applications
Spring 2018
Assignment H10

This homework is designed to give you experience with application layer concepts, and with HTTP in particular.

Create an annotated list of the sequence of HTTP messagesthat your Web browser would need to send and receive in order to obtain and display this Web page (the Web page that contains this homework assignment). To do this:

  1. First, use Wireshark to see the HTTP messages that are sent from your browser to the srver and received by your browser from the server in order for you to see this Web page. Make a list of those messages. For each message, list the message type and which way it is being sent (browser to server or server to browser) and describe (in general terms) the purpose of that message. For messages sent by the server, also specify the response status code (there is a list of status codes in the sldes for session 31).
  2. Now answer the same questions for the Web page at
  3. You should find that the number of messages differs for the two Web pages. Explain why that is so.

Submit your two lists of HTTP messages and your explanation for the difference on ELMS.

Doug Oard
Last modified: Mon Apr 23 21:05:01 2018