0;136;0c INST 154: E1

INST 154
Apollo at 50
Spring 2020
E1: Museum Field Trip

Maryland students are uniquely fortunate to be a metro ride away from on of the finest sets of museum exhibits on the Apollo Program anywhere in the world at the National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall. We'll therefore start the course with a tour of that museum.

The professor will conduct guided tours (promptly!) at 2 PM on Saturday February 8 and again (the same tour) at 2 PM on Saturday February 15 and at 2 PM on Sunday February 16. We'll meet in front of the Lunar Module in the Hall of Flight, which is the room on the mall side of the museum, right inside the entrance. The goal of these guided tours is to see the actual hardware that was used during the Apollo Program. We'll see an Apollo command module, service module, lunar module, and spacesuit, and one part of a Saturn V moon rocket. We'll also see some of the hardware that was developed for the Soviet Union's lunar landing program. The tour will take about an hour.

If you can't make it to one of the guided tours, you can take a self-guided tour on your own any time the museum is open during the first two weeks of the semester. A two-page self-guided tour description is available. Please do try to make it to one of the guided tours if you can, though, because there's more to talk about than can fit in two pages!

The nearest metro station is L'Enfant Plaza. If you take the northernmost exit (arriving on the Green or Yellow Line, walk towards the back of the train and go up the escalator to find that exit) and then continue straight ahead from the top of the second escalator and take the first left (on 6th street SW), the museum will be right in front of you. Entrances are at the center of the other side of the building (the side facing the Mall). Additional information is available on the Museum's Web site (but be sure to go to the one on the National Mall, not the other one in Virginia!).

To demonstrate that you actually did take a tour, please upload a selfie photo of you with some Apollo artifact from the National Air and Space Museum to ELMS. Note that there are a lot of things in the museum that are not Apollo artifacts. To receive credit your selfie must be with an Apollo artifact.

Doug Oard
Last modified: Sun Feb 9 11:48:42 2020