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INST 154
Apollo at 50 Spring 2020
Course Description

Catalog Description

In May 1961, President Kennedy reached into the 21st century and pulled a decade back into the 1960s. Just over eight years later, Neil Armstrong became the first of twelve people to walk on the Moon. This was one of the greatest engineering accomplishments of all time, and a transcendent human experience. This course will draw on both primary and secondary sources to explore the social, political, financial, scientific, engineering, operational and human aspects of the Apollo program that came together to make the Moon landings possible and it will invite students to reflect on the limitations of the Apollo approach that leave us still grasping for solutions to many other complex societal problems.



Face-to-Face Sessions

For the first half of the semester, the class met in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:15 PM in ESJ 2212. Each session began with a presentation by the instructor (or, perhaps occasionally, a guest speaker), followed by discussion in small groups, and then the second part of the presentation. In the final few minutes of class we typically discussed the current student activity (see below).

At the start of the semester, students were be assigned to groups of 6 that will meet for 15 minutes during each class session to discuss that session’s topic. Each student in the group was assigned one document to read (or one media file to view or listen to) as background for that session. Some readings are longer than others, but you should read selectively and limit your preparation time to one hour per session so as to have adequate time for the other activities described below. The goal of these diverse assignments is to bring multiple perspectives into the class discussion during each session. Each student in a group served on a rotating basis as a discussion leader or as a scribe. The scribe posted a one-page set of bullet points summarizing the group’s discussion to the course ELMS site by 10 AM the next morning.

Asynchronous Online Sessions

After Spring Break, the class will continue in an asynchronous online format (with one exception, May 12). Each session typically involves five student activities: The materials for each asynchrnous online class session will be available for one week: they will be linked from the course schedule Web page one week prior to the assigned date for that session, and they must be completed by 6:15 on the assigned date for that session (i.e., by the end of the originally scheduled class session on that date).

Synchrounous Online Sesson

The May 12 class will be synchrounous, meeting at the regular class time (5:00-6:15) using Zoom. After a brief introduction that we will all have together, students will join breakout rooms to discuss the draft papers that they have read with the authors of those papers. At the end of that class, we will come back together to discuss broad themes across the draft papers.
The scale of the Apollo program is daunting, so we will use four activities outside of class over the course of the semester to bring students in contact with different aspects of the Apollo Program possible.

Students are expected to devote a minimum of 8 hours per week to this course, including 3 hours in class, 2 hours preparing for class, and 3 hours devoted to the current individual or team experience.

Individual Experience: Museum Field Trip

Maryland students are uniquely fortunate to be a metro ride away from on of the finest sets of museum exhibits on the Apollo Program anywhere in the world at the National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall. We'll therefore start the course with a tour of that museum. Students may join a one-hour guided tour with the instructor during the first or second weekend of the course, or they can conduct a self-paced tour on their own. Students will be asked to submit a selfie photo with some Apollo artifact to verify completion of this assignment.

Individual Experience: Case Study

Each student will nominate some historical figures who they would be interested in studying in greater depth, and a single person will then be assigned to each student, with each student studying a different person. The student will be expected to bring their assigned historical figure’s perspective to class discussions, when appropriate, and they will write a short paper on a critical incident of their choice in that person’s life. In every case an initial source is be provided, and students will be expected to augment that source with additional primary and secondary sources, and to list those additional sources on their submitted paper.

Team Experience: Managing the Apollo 11 Mission

The year 2019 was the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing on the Apollo 11 mission. In a recent project we worked with colleagues to digitize dozens of channels of voice interaction in the NASA Mission Control Center during the entire 8-day Apollo 11 mission, a total of more than 8,000 hours of audio. Students will work in groups if three, with each group being assigned a different mission phase to study. Each team will selectively listen to the recordings from their chosen mission phase and will present what they have learned both about mission operations and about the human experience of serving in Mission Control during the Apollo Program.

Term Paper: Doing Big Things

Early in the semester, students will be invited to select some other audacious goal that either was, was not, or has yet to be achieved. Over the course of the semester, students will then be invited to draw parallels between their chosen goal and the Apollo Program. At the end of the semester, students will then be asked to write a term paper in which they draw om what they have learned in this class to focus on the factors that did, didn’t, will or won’t make it possible to achieve their chosen goal.

Office Hours and Contact Information

  Instructor TA TA
Name Doug Oard Tyler Black Duncan Griffin
Email oard@umd.edu tblack1@terpmail.umd.edu dgriffi5@umd.edu
Office Hours Tuesday 5:00-6:15 PM Sunday, 6:00-7:00 PM Thursday, 5:00-6:15 PM
WebEx Address https://umd.webex.com/meet/oard https://umd.webex.com/meet/tblack1 https://umd.webex.com/meet/dgriffi5
During online instruction, office hours are being held using WebEx. No prior arrangement is needed to connect during office hours to discuss material from the class sessions, readings, individual or team experiences, etc. We are also happy to talk at other mutually convenient times by phone or in person if coming to office hours is not possible for you; email is the best way to reach us to set up an appointment, and it is also a good way to get a quick answer to a simple question.
A schedule that summarizes what we will cover in each session can be found on the course Web site.

Course Materials

The course Web site at http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~oard/teaching/154/spring20/ contains the most recent version of all material produced for this course. Among other things, this course description, and links to the materials for each session. We will use ELMS only for things that can not be done on the open Web. Examples include submitting homework assignments and summaries of assigned readings and reading materials prepared by other students. Details of how we will use ELMS can be found on ELMS.

Reading assignments for each week can be found on the schedule. The principal texts for this course are:

The course has a Google Groups mailing list that will be used by the instructor to make announcements. Students will be automatically added to the mailing list based on email addresses on file with the university.


Student grades will be computed from:

25% Attendance, readings, and discussion group participation
10% Quizzes
5% Air and Space Museum selfie
15% Case study
20% Apollo 11 team project
5% Extra credit for exceptional class participation
25% Term paper
Totals above 100% will be rounded down to 100%. Grades a A will be awarded for total scores of 90-100%; B for 80-89.999%; C for 70-79.999%, D for 60-69.999%, and F for total scores below 60%.

During Face-to-Face instruction, assignments were due at 5:00 PM (i.e., before the start of class) on the date indicated in the schedule. During Online Instruction, assignments are due at 6:15 PM on the date indicated in the schedule. Deadlines are sharp, and no credit will be awarded for late assignments.

Participation in discussion groups is an important part of the learning experience, so class attendance is required. The discussion group grade will be computed separately for each student by the instructor and teaching assistants, working together. Discussion group grades will be reduced for all absences after the first, except as required by university policy or law (e.g., for religious observances affecting more than one class period, extended illness affecting more than one class period, or military service affecting more than one class period). For the team experience, all team members will receive the same grade. The term paper will be sole authored, but you may (and should!) get comments on drafts from others.

Completing the reading or media assignment before every class (except the first) is very important because that will be the basis for our discussions durng class. Unanounced quizzes (or, during online instruction, quizzes for every class) will be used to check understanding of key concepts from the readings. Each quiz during face to face instruction will be 5 minutes at the start of class.

Students are encouraged to work together to learn the materials and to learn the how to do the assignments. However, all of the material that is turned in for grading must be produced by the individual or team that is submitting the material.


Some of the assigned reading and media materials may not be available in formats that are accessible to students with vision or hearing impairments. Students for whom such materials would pose problems will be asked to inform the instructor during the first week of classes so that alternative sources that with suitable provisions for accessibility can be assigned. Lectures will be recorded using Panopto and made available to all students through ELMS; experience has shown that such recordings can be particularly helpful for students with limited proficiency in spoken English. Students requesting other types of accommodations should contact the Accessibility and Disability Service for evaluation during the first two weeks of classes, and (except in cases of emergent difficulties during the semester) must discuss their request with the instructor prior to the end of the third week of the semester.
Doug Oard
Last modified: Tue Mar 24 10:20:19 2020