Louiqa Raschidimage circa 1987 or circa 1998. |
Louiqa Raschid is a professor at the University of Maryland where she holds appointments in the Smith School of Business, the Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) and the Department of Computer Science. She is a member of the Computational Linguistics and Information Processing (CLIP) Lab, the Database Group and the Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. She has over two decades of experience in data science, a computational paradigm with the potential to fundamentally change the way we exploit data driven decision making to support a broad range of human activities. Raschid has made pioneering contributions towards meeting data integration, data management and data mining challenges in multiple non-traditional domains. Her multidisciplinary research spans the fields of computer science to business information systems, with a strong link to important data science applications including the life sciences and health sciences, humanitarian disaster relief applications, human behavior modeling within social streams, and the modeling and management of financial ecosystems. She has been an ACM Distinguished Scientist since 2008 and was named an ACM Fellow in 2016. Academic Degrees: Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 1980; Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of Florida, 1987 Email: Phone: DBLP Publication List: and Google Scholar Page
I co-organized the Data Science for Macro-Modeling (DSMM) Workshop in conjunction with SIGMOD 2017. Past editions of the workshop: DSMM2014 DSMM2016 .
I am leading an effort sponsored by the NSF and the CRA CCC to develop community financial cyberinfrastructure and to create a data science for finance research agenda. I organized two workshops on Knowledge Representation and Financial Cyberinfrastructure in 2010 and 2012. These efforts, as well as a report from the National Academy of Science, were cited as leading to the creation of the NSF CIFRAM program in 2013.
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
DILS 2008 Best paper award .
Exploiting Ontology Structure and Patterns of Annotation to Mine
Significant Associations between Pairs of Controlled Vocabulary Terms,
Woei-Jyh Lee, Louiqa Raschid, Hassan Sayyadi and Padmini Srinivasan.
We have submitted the BIPASS: BIP Alternative Splice Server to the 2007 Web server compilation by Nucleic Acids Research.
NEW COURSE BMGT 499B Next Generation Financial Cyberinfrastructure.
(less new course) BMGT 828 R Computational Challenges of Web 2.0 and Beyond for BMGT Ph.D. Students.
CMSC 828 U Fall 2006 on Exploiting Biological Resources: Design, Analysis and Integration.
Sahana: I am the founding chair of the Board of the Sahana Software Foundation. Sahana is the leading FOSS disaster information management solution. Read about its initial architecture, efforts to help after Hurricane Sandy, and the Free Software Foundation's 2006 Award for Projects of Social Benefit. To place this in context, the 2005 FSF award was won by the Wikipedia FOSS project!
In the news: An article in Smith Business on life science data management.
Wide area data delivery: Understanding the behavior of applications in a wide-area environment. Develop methodology to facilitate resource monitoring and effective data delivery. Exploit models of updates at servers, user profiles, and wide area latency distributions to develop push-pull and other adaptive data delivery techniques.
Data Management for the Life Sciences:
Develop tools for scientists
to integrate data across highly interconnected life science sources.
Challenges include query planning and optimization,
exploring search spaces in large graphs, ranking query results, workflow,
and link data management.
Health science data management and Patient Health Records.
Humanitarian IT: Humanitarian IT solutions including F/OSS disaster management solutions, disaster data management and data integration in complex information spaces.
Grid data management: Resource monitoring; scalable optimization; auction based mechanisms for resource allocation. Publishing and locating sources based on quality and content metadata using the WWW and XML.
Semantic query optimization for object and object-relational databases; Fixpoint and declarative semantics for rule-based programs and updates in database systems.
A (near) complete list of my publications is available on Michael Ley's DBLP site .
My research has been funded by the NSF and DARPA and has been published in high quality journals and conferences including ACM SIGMOD, VLDB, AAAI, IEEE ICDE, ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, IEEE ToC, the Journal of Logic Programming, and the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.