Files you'll edit: | | |
You will implement PCA and kernel PCA here. | |
You will implement code for hidden Markov models here. | |
You will implement GMM clustering here (baseline K-means is provided). |
Files you might want to look at: | | |
Includes (in python format) some simple toy data sets. |
digits |
Digits data. | |
Some basic kernels. | |
Some helpful utilities, including plotting functions. |
What to submit: You will handin all of the python files listed above under "Files you'll edit" as well as a partners.txt file that lists the names and uids (first four digits) of all members in your team. Finally, you'll hand in a writeup.pdf file that answers all the written questions in this assignment (denoted by WU#: in this .html file), as well as and
Evaluation: Your code will be autograded for technical correctness. Please do not change the names of any provided functions or classes within the code, or you will wreak havoc on the autograder. However, the correctness of your implementation -- not the autograder's output -- will be the final judge of your score. If necessary, we will review and grade assignments individually to ensure that you receive due credit for your work.
Academic Dishonesty: We will be checking your code against other submissions in the class for logical redundancy. If you copy someone else's code and submit it with minor changes, we will know. These cheat detectors are quite hard to fool, so please don't try. We trust you all to submit your own work only; please don't let us down. If you do, we will pursue the strongest consequences available to us.
Getting Help: You are not alone! If you find yourself stuck on something, contact the course staff for help. Office hours, class time, and the mailing list are there for your support; please use them. If you can't make our office hours, let us know and we will schedule more. We want these projects to be rewarding and instructional, not frustrating and demoralizing. But, we don't know when or how to help unless you ask. One more piece of advice: if you don't know what a variable is, print it out.
>>> Si = util.sqrtm(array([[3,2],[2,4]])) >>> x = dot(randn(1000,2), Si) >>> plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], 'b.') >>> dot(x.T,x) / real(x.shape[0]) array([[ 2.88360146, 2.05144774], [ 2.05144774, 4.05987148]])(Note: The reason we have to do a matrix square-root on the covariance is because Gaussians are transformed by standard deviations, not by covariances.) Note that the sample covariance of the data is almost exactly the true covariance of the data. If you run this with 100,000 data points (instead of 1000), you should get something even closer to [[3,2],[2,4]]. Now, let's run PCA on this data. We basically know what should happen, but let's make sure it happens anyway.
>>> (P,Z,evals) = dr.pca(x, 2) >>> Z array([[ 0.57546631, -0.81782549], [-0.81782549, -0.57546631]]) >>> evals array([ 5.2620058 , 1.25255969])This tells us that the largest eigenvalue corresponds to the direction [0.57, -0.82] and the second largest corresponds to the direction [-0.82, -0.57]. We can project the data onto the first eigenvalue and plot it in red, and the second eigenvalue in green. (Unfortunately we have to do some ugly reshaping to get dimensions to match up.)
>>> x0 = dot(dot(x, Z[0,:]).reshape(1000,1), Z[0,:].reshape(1,2)) >>> x1 = dot(dot(x, Z[1,:]).reshape(1000,1), Z[1,:].reshape(1,2)) >>> plot(x[:,0], x[:,1], 'b.', x0[:,0], x0[:,1], 'r.', x1[:,0], x1[:,1], 'g.')WU1: Depending exactly on your random data, one or more of these lines might not pass exactly through the data as we would like it to. Why not? Now, back to digits data. Let's look at some "eigendigits."
>>> (X,Y) = datasets.loadDigits() >>> (P,Z,evals) = dr.pca(X, 784) >>> evals array([ 0.05465988, 0.04320249, 0.03914405, 0.03072822, 0.02969435, .....(Warning: this takes about a minute to compute for me.) Eventually the eigenvalues drop to zero. WU2: Plot the normalized eigenvalues (include the plot in your writeup). How many eigenvectors do you have to include before you've accounted for 90% of the variance? 95%? (Hint: see function cumsum.) Now, let's plot the top 50 eigenvectors:
>>> util.drawDigits(Z[1:50,:], arange(50))WU3: Do these look like digits? Should they? Why or why not? (Include the plot in your write-up.) Next, you need to implement Kernel PCA. We can first try this on our simple 2d data with known covariance and a linear kernel:
>>> Si = util.sqrtm(array([[3,2],[2,4]])) >>> x = dot(randn(1000,2), Si) >>> (P, alpha, evals) = dr.kpca(X, 2, kernel.linear) >>> evals array([ 4.00434172e+08, 5.46598996e+01]) >>> alpha array([[ 3.16227743e-02, 8.31483667e-02, -2.75562562e-02, ..., -2.93759139e-03, -2.93759139e-03, -5.91730489e-03], [ 3.16227802e-02, 5.05064932e-03, 1.38360913e-02, ..., -8.02854635e-05, -8.02854635e-05, -2.06104070e-04]])Now, let's try with some data that vanilla PCA will find difficult:
>>> (a,b) = datasets.makeKPCAdata() >>> plot(a[:,0], a[:,1], 'b.', b[:,0], b[:,1], 'r.') >>> x = vstack((a,b)) >>> (P,Z,evals) = dr.pca(x, 2) >>> Z array([[ 0.87703838, 0.48042032], [-0.48042032, 0.87703838]]) >>> evals array([ 6.26494952, 5.72135994])WU4: Why does vanilla PCA find this data difficult? What is the significance of the relatively large value of the eigenvalues here? Now, let's look at the projected data:
>>> Pa = P[0:a.shape[0],:] >>> Pb = P[a.shape:-1,:] >>> plot(Pa[:,0], randn(Pa.shape[0]), 'b.', Pb[:,0], randn(Pb.shape[0]), 'r.')Here, we've added a bit of random noise to the Y-axis so that the points don't all lie on top of one another. WU5: Did PCA do what we might want it to? Why or why not? Include the plot to justify your answer. Now, let's use some kernels.
>>> (P,alpha,evals) = dr.kpca(x, 2, kernel.rbf1) >>> evals array([ 3.55250103e+07, 7.28020391e+01]) >>> Pa = P[0:a.shape[0],:] >>> Pb = P[a.shape[0]:-1,:] >>> plot(Pa[:,0], Pa[:,1], 'b.', Pb[:,0], Pb[:,1], 'r.')WU6: How do the eigenvalues here compare to the linear case? What does this tell you? How does the plot look? How might this be useful for supervised learning? WU7: Experiment with different kernels, and perhaps interpolations of different kernels. Try to find a kernel that gets as much of the variance on the first two principle components as possible. Report your kernel and a plot of the data projected into 2d under that kernel.
>>> (a,b,pi) = datasets.getHMMData() >>> a array([[ 0.66666667, 0.33333333], [ 0.5 , 0.5 ]]) >>> b array([[ 0.66666667, 0.25 , 0.08333333], [ 0.25 , 0.25 , 0.5 ]]) >>> pi array([ 0.5, 0.5]) >>> hmm.viterbi(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([0, 0, 0, 1]) >>> hmm.viterbi(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([0, 1, 1, 1])The observation sequences are Hot Cold Cold Wet and Hot Wet Cold Wet, respectively. The inferred latent state sequences are G G G B and G B B B, respectively. If you need help debugging: I added statements to print al and ze at the end of the viterbi function. Here's the output I get:
>>> hmm.viterbi(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) [[-0.69314718 -1.5040774 -3.29583687 -5.08759634 -7.97796809] [-0.69314718 -2.77258872 -3.98898405 -5.78074352 -6.8793558 ]] [[-1 0 0 0 1] [-1 0 0 0 1]] array([0, 0, 0, 1]) >>> hmm.viterbi(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) [[-0.69314718 -1.5040774 -4.39444915 -5.37527841 -8.26565017] [-0.69314718 -2.77258872 -3.29583687 -5.37527841 -6.76157277]] [[-1 0 1 0 1] [-1 0 1 1 1]] array([0, 1, 1, 1])
>>> 0.5 + 0.25 0.75 >>> log(0.75) -0.2876820724517809 >>> util.addLog( log(0.5) , log(0.25) ) -0.2876820724517809If you say addLog(a,b) then it's effectively computing log(exp(a) + exp(b)), but in such a way that there's no numeric underflow. If you're curious, you're encouraged to look at the code to see how it works! So, keep in mind that: you replace probability multiplication with log probability addition, you replace one with zero, replace zero with -inf, and you can now replace probability addition with log probability addLogition. Now, armed with this new tool, let's implement the forward algorithm. Once you've got a solution, here's some debugging help based on the same data we had from the Viterbi case:
>>> hmm.forward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([[-0.69314718, -1.25624123, -2.67140358, -4.06259134, -5.56850996], [-0.69314718, -1.75093747, -3.09162132, -4.47051216, -5.70230466]]) >>> hmm.forward(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([[-0.69314718, -1.25624123, -2.82648449, -4.11756738, -5.58815463], [-0.69314718, -1.75093747, -2.96983593, -4.47862365, -5.71699198]])From there, you can move on to the backward algorithm. Here's some similar debugging help:
>>> hmm.backward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([[-4.56743938, -4.17757522, -2.89037176, -2.48490665, 0. ], [-5.5405585 , -4.13148411, -2.61843804, -0.69314718, 0. ]]) >>> hmm.backward(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) array([[-4.6660574 , -5.27618751, -2.89037176, -2.48490665, 0. ], [-5.37008359, -3.43833693, -2.61843804, -0.69314718, 0. ]])I've provided a sanityCheck function that ensures that you get the same value for "sum al_i be_i" for all time positions.
>>> al = hmm.forward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> be = hmm.backward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> hmm.sanityCheck(al, be)If it prints something, that's bad! Finally, we have to implement parameter re-estimation based on the forward and backward tables. This goes in reestimate. Again, you'll need to use the magic of addLog to make this work. At the end, pi should contain log probabilities for the pi value. The normalizeLog function will turn an unnormalized vector of log probabilities into a normalized vector of probabilities. Here's an example of how it works:
>>> v = log(array([1,2,2,3,2])) >>> v array([ 0. , 0.69314718, 0.69314718, 1.09861229, 0.69314718]) >>> util.normalizeLog(v) array([ 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2])What it's done is addLoged all the values in the vector and then used this as a normalization constant. It turns the result into a bunch of probabilities. Big hint: In the notes and the book and elsewhere, it makes a big deal out of re-estimating values as the fraction of something that you care about (expected counts) to the sum of expected counts. It's not worth computing the denominators. Just compute the numerators and let normalizeLog ensure that these probabilities sum to one. (This is all the denominator is doing, anyway). Here's re-estimation in practice:
>>> al = hmm.forward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> be = hmm.backward(array([0,1,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> (a_new, b_new, pi_new) = hmm.reestimate(array([0,1,1,2]), al, be, a, b, pi) >>> a_new array([[ 0.53662942, 0.46337058], [ 0.39886289, 0.60113711]]) >>> b_new array([[ 0.35001693, 0.55333559, 0.09664748], [ 0.14235731, 0.44259786, 0.41504483]]) >>> pi_new array([ 0.72574077, 0.27425923])And here's another one:
>>> al = hmm.forward(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> be = hmm.backward(array([0,2,1,2]), a, b, pi) >>> (a_new, b_new, pi_new) = hmm.reestimate(array([0,2,1,2]), al, be, a, b, pi) >>> a_new array([[ 0.34624522, 0.65375478], [ 0.35236106, 0.64763894]]) >>> b_new array([[ 0.43532693, 0.30443136, 0.26024171], [ 0.13435433, 0.21603434, 0.64961132]]) >>> pi_new array([ 0.66907982, 0.33092018])Once you've got this all set up, we can run EM on this single example:
>>> (a_em,b_em,pi_em,logProbs) = hmm.runEM(array([0,1,1,2]), 2, 3) iteration 1... log probability -5.25485 iteration 2... log probability -4.15148 iteration 3... log probability -4.14962 iteration 4... log probability -4.14593 iteration 5... log probability -4.13452 iteration 6... log probability -4.09672 iteration 7... log probability -3.99093 iteration 8... log probability -3.80666 iteration 9... log probability -3.64349 iteration 10... log probability -3.49871 iteration 11... log probability -3.29489 iteration 12... log probability -3.0354 iteration 13... log probability -2.83776 iteration 14... log probability -2.78245 iteration 15... log probability -2.77644 iteration 16... log probability -2.77452 iteration 17... log probability -2.77356 iteration 18... log probability -2.77308 iteration 19... log probability -2.77283 iteration 20... log probability -2.77271 iteration 21... log probability -2.77265 iteration 22... log probability -2.77262 iteration 23... log probability -2.7726 iteration 24... log probability -2.7726 iteration 25... log probability -2.77259 ... iteration 50... log probability -2.77259 >>> a_em array([[ 2.54354295e-293, 1.00000000e+000], [ 1.00000000e+000, 5.67486661e-014]]) >>> b_em array([[ 5.00000000e-001, 5.00000000e-001, 1.49055507e-282], [ 0.00000000e+000, 5.00000000e-001, 5.00000000e-001]]) >>> pi_em array([ 1., 0.])Note: There is internal randomization so you won't necessary get these exact results: try running a couple of times. WU9: Why does EM settle in this configuration? What is it saying? What happens when you use three states instead of two? What's the resulting probability of the data? What about four states? What happens and why? Now, we do some fun data. Take a look at words.txt. This contains a small news article. We're going to run EM on this data where each character is an observation. We can load this data as:
>>> (words, wordsDict) = datasets.readCharacterFile("words.txt") >>> words array([ 8, 1, 22, ..., 12, 5, 19]) >>> wordsDict[words] array(['h', 'a', 'v', ..., 'l', 'e', 's'], dtype='|S1')
A space character has gotten translated to observation 0, and then "a" is 1, "b" is 2, ..., and "z" is 27. There are no other characters allowed. WU10: Run EM on this data using two states. Run it a few times until you get a final log probability at least -9250. (It should happen in two or three trials. This will take a few minutes to run.) When you do this, it will print out the resulting initial state probabilities, transition probabilities and emission probabilities. What has it learned? Include all of this output in your write-up.
>>> mu0 = clustering.initialize_clusters(datasets.X2d, 2, 'determ') >>> (mu,Si,pk,ll) = clustering.gmm(datasets.X2d, mu0) Iteration 0... ll -136.062 Iteration 1... ll -134.546 Iteration 2... ll -134.603 ... Iteration 98... ll -133.888 Iteration 99... ll -133.888 >>> pk array([ 0.49705476, 0.50294524]) >>> mu array([[ 2.21490879, 1.42426306], [-2.23276225, -2.22951005]]) >>> Si array([[[ 0.80769547, 0.11842686], [ 0.11842686, 1.41535853]], [[ 0.63844626, -0.06697666], [-0.06697666, 0.98891016]]])Hint: While running, this will plot the results of EM. If you want to turn that off, comment out the obvious line in the gmm function. Plus, when it says "Press enter to continue", if you type "q" and press enter, it will stop bugging you. You can also play with the example I did in class:
>>> mu0 = clustering.initialize_clusters(datasets.X2d2, 4, 'determ') >>> (mu,Si,pk,ll) = clustering.gmm(datasets.X2d2[0:50,:], mu0) Iteration 0... ll -221.05 Iteration 1... ll -214.35 ... Iteration 99... ll -174.277 >>> pk array([ 0.37999285, 0.18 , 0.17999931, 0.26000783]) >>> mu array([[ 3.27887088, -1.11009874], [-4.25488151, 2.14473591], [ 0.58294548, 4.76656061], [-3.22310253, -4.17603284]]) >>> Si array([[[ 1.47527597, 0.18752747], [ 0.18752747, 1.86006074]], [[ 0.1634365 , 0.0515103 ], [ 0.0515103 , 0.27863332]], [[ 0.13719571, -0.13635173], [-0.13635173, 0.79989168]], [[ 0.84347685, 0.16791742], [ 0.16791742, 0.94558951]]])Which runs only on the first 50 points; if you run on all the data, it takes quite a bit longer, but I get:
>>> (mu,Si,pk,ll) = clustering.gmm(datasets.X2d2, mu0) Iteration 0... ll -1406.57 Iteration 1... ll -1376.17 Iteration 2... ll -1349.41 Iteration 3... ll -1321.55 Iteration 4... ll -1299.73 Iteration 5... ll -1282.37 Iteration 6... ll -1267.76 ... Iteration 98... ll -1218.32 Iteration 99... ll -1218.32 >>> pk array([ 0.33112729, 0.16666649, 0.16823876, 0.33396746]) >>> mu array([[ 2.96732434, -0.96002069], [-3.92433308, 1.99052864], [ 0.81200349, 4.87488728], [-3.19631327, -4.1116481 ]]) >>> Si array([[[ 1.99362992, -0.0459743 ], [-0.0459743 , 2.35381307]], [[ 0.29393661, -0.04375116], [-0.04375116, 0.23631325]], [[ 0.72873692, 0.04663613], [ 0.04663613, 0.81434992]], [[ 1.02420113, 0.11266846], [ 0.11266846, 0.80237127]]])You can do an additional test by:
>>> mu0 = clustering.initialize_clusters(X, 10, 'ldh') >>> (mu,Si,pk,ll) = clustering.gmm(X, mu0) >>> plot(ll) >>> util.drawDigits(mu, arange(10))(This takes a while to run for me: about 30 seconds total.) WU8: Run the above a 5 times. How many iterations does it seem to take for GMM to converge using ldh? Do the resulting cluster means look like digits for most of these runs? Pick the "best" run (i.e., the one with the lowest final objective) and plot the digits (include the plot in the writeup). How many of the digits 0-9 are represented? Which ones are missing? Try both with ldh and with random initialization: how many iterations does it take for GMM to converge (on average) for each setting? WU9: Repeat WU8, but for k in 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. For each k, pick the best of 5 runs, and plot the digits. How big does k have to get before you start seeing representatives for each digit?