Randomized k -Server Algorithms for Growth-Rate Bounded Graphs Yair Bartal Manor Mendel Abstract The k-server problem is a fundamental online problem where k mobile servers should b e scheduled to answer a sequence of requests for p oints in a metric space as to minimize the total movement cost. While the deterministic comp etitive ratio is at least k, randomized k-server algorithms have the p otential of reaching o(k) comp etitive ratios. This goal may b e approached by using probabilistic metric approximation techniques. This pap er gives the first results in this direction obtaining o(k) comp etitive ratio for a natural class of metric spaces, including d-dimensional grids, and wide range of k. Prior to this work no result of this typ e was known b eyond results for sp ecific metric spaces. 1 Intro duction The k -server problem, defined by Manasse, McGeoch, and Sleator [18], consists of an n-point metric space, and k mobile servers (k < n) residing in points of this metric space. A sequence of requests is presented, each request is associated with a point in the metric space and must be served by moving one of the k servers to the request point. The cost of an algorithm for serving a sequence of requests is the total distance traveled by the servers. The problem is formulated as an online problem, in which the servers algorithm must make the movement decision without the knowledge of future requests. Denote by costA ( ) the cost of an algorithm A for serving the request (in case A is randomized algorithm, this is a random variable), and by costopt ( ) the minimal cost for serving . As customary for online algorithms, we measure their performance using the competitive ratio. A randomized online algorithm A is called r-competitive if exists some C such that for any task sequence , [cost A ( )] r costopt ( ) + C . The randomized (resp. deterministic) competitive ratio is the infimum over r for which there exists a randomized (resp. deterministic) r-competitive algorithm. The k -server problem attracted much research, Science Department, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Emails: yair@cs.huji.ac.il, mendelma@yahoo.com. Supported in part by a grant from the Israeli Science Foundation (195/02). Supp orted in part by the Landau Center. Computer mainly toward resolving the k -server conjecture due to [18], which states that the deterministic competitive of the k -server problem is k in any metric space. A lower bound of k is established in [18], and the best upper bound known is 2k - 1 given by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou [16]. The randomized k -server conjecture analogously states that the randomized competitive ratio of the k server problem is (log k ), in any metric space. In the randomized case very little is known. The best lower bound known is (log k / log log k ) due to [2, 3], whereas the best upper bound in terms of k is still the deterministic upper bound 2k - 1. Essentially, the only case where the randomized k -server conjecture is known to be true is for the uniform metric space (where all pairwise distances are equal), which is equivalent to the paging problem. The competitive ratio for the uniform space is Hk = k -1 ln k [12, 19, 1]. Thus, a challenging problem i=1 i is to design randomized k -server algorithms that achieve competitive ratio strictly less than k for arbitrary metric spaces. Lots of work has been devoted to achieve this goal with very little success thus far. Some partial results have been achieved for specific metric spaces. Irani [14] studies the problem of two-weight caching. Bartal, Chrobak and Larmore give 2 - algorithm for 2 servers on the line [8]. Recently, Csaba and Lodha [10] gave an O(n2/3 ) competitive randomized algorithm for n equally-spaced point on the line. Some more results are known when k is very close to n [6, 13] which we discuss in more detail in the sequel. Let us explain our general methodology. A general tool in approaching the randomized k -server problem is that of metric approximation. Let the aspect ratio of a metric space be the ratio of the largest to smallest pairwise distances. This paper deals with finite metric spaces, for which it is convenient to normalize distances so that the smallest distance is one and is the diameter of the metric space. Also, in the context of this paper, we think of = O(n) (as for the shortest distance metric in an unweighted graph). Obviously, randomized algorithms for metric spaces of small aspect ratio can be obtained by first embedding it into a uniform space with distortion at most and Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 666 then using the randomized algorithm for the uniform space. This trivial approach results with competitive ratio O( log k ) which may be useful if is small relative to k . The main result of this paper is improving on the above trivial bound to get 1- polylog(n) competitive algorithms for a large class of metric spaces. Probabilistic metric approximation [4] provides a useful tool in approaching the randomized k -server problem by reducing the problem to the case where the metric space is an HST. A µ-HST is a metric space that can be recursively decomposed into subspaces of diameter smaller by a factor of µ than that of the whole space. In [4, 5, 11] it is shown that the competitive ratio for the k -server problem is within O(µ log µ n) factor of the competitive ratio that can be achieved for HST spaces. This general approach has been the basis to the development of randomized algorithms for the related metrical task systems problem, which also imply that for k = n - c servers there is an O((c log k )2 log log k ) competitive randomized k -server algorithm [6, 13]. The goal of designing randomized servers algorithms on HSTs has been previously approached by Seiden [20]. He showed that for a µ-HST with µ k , low height and small degree, there is polylog(k ) competitive algorithm. Unfortunately, this result is not applicable to the general problem because of the condition on µ. In this paper we make a step in applying the general framework described above. Our main result provides randomized k -server algorithms for a natural class of metric spaces defined on unweighted graphs having bounded growth-rate, including d-dimensional grids. The growth-rate (see [17]) of an unweighted graph M is = max{log |B (x, r)|/ log r; x M , r 2}. Such metric spaces can be probabilistically approximated by HSTs with some special properties that enable us to get better algorithms. The competitive ratio we obtain 1 for the class of growth-rate is 1- +2 polylog(n). For d-dimensional grids we obtain a competitive ratio of d+1 n d(d+2) d3 log n. Our result is motivated by the recent work of Csaba and Lodha [10] for the special case where the metric space is composed of equally spaced points on the line (i.e. d = 1). Our result extends their result, as well as simplifies their proof for this special case. 2 Algorithms Graphs for Growth-Rate Bounded proximation of larger families of metric spaces by the decomposable metric spaces. Definition 2.1. A (, b, t)-decomposable space is a metric space M = (V , d) that can be partitioned into t blocks B1 , . . . , Bt with the fol lowing properties: (i) the distance between any two points in the same block is 1. (ii) Each block contains at most b points. (iii) Denote by the minimum distance between two points in different blocks, and by the maximum distance between two points in different blocks. Then 1, and = . We prove in the next section. Lemma 2.1. There exists a k -server randomized algorithm DM which is O(max{b, } log t) competitive on any (, b, t)-decomposable metric space. In this section we obtain algorithms for more natural and general families of metric spaces using DM, and probabilistic approximation of metric spaces [4]. We need the following definition taken (with adaptations) from [4]. Definition 2.2. For µ 1, a µ-hierarchically wellseparated tree (µ-HST) is a metric space defined on the leaves of a rooted tree T . To each vertex u T there we associate a label (u) 0 such that (u) = 0 if and only if u is a leaf of T . The labels are such that if a vertex u is an offspring of a vertex v then (u) (v )/k . The distance between two leaves x, y T is defined as (lca(x, y )), where lca(x, y ) is the least common ancestor of x and y in T . Clearly, this function is a metric on the set of vertices. The tree T is cal led the tree defining the HST. An exact µ-HST is an µ-HST which also satisfies for every internal child u of a vertex v , the stronger condition (u) = (v )/k . Definition 2.3. ([4]) An embedding f : M N between metrics spaces is cal led dominating if u, v M , dM (u, v ) dN (f (u), f (v )). A metric space M is probabilistically approximated by a set of metric spaces S if there exists a distribution D over S and for every N S , a dominating embedding fN : M N , such that for al l u, v M , N S [dN (fN (u), fN (v ))] dM (u, v ). In [4] it is observed. Proposition 2.1. If M is -probabilistical ly approximated by S and for each S S there is r-competitive randomized k -server algorithm, then M has r competThe algorithm presented in this paper can be natu- itive randomized algorithm for the k -server problem. rally presented as having two parts: A basic algorithm The following theorem is result due to [11] (improvthat works on a family of parameterized "decomposable" spaces, and generalizations via (probabilistic) ap- ing previous constructions [4, 5]) and an observation made in [7]. 667 Theorem 2.1. For any µ 1, and any n point metric space is O(µ logµ n) probabilistical ly approximated by as set of exact µ-HSTs. (M Definition 2.4. We define (M ) = mindiamdM ()x,y) , x=y the distortion of M from the uniform space. By scaling we may assume without loss of generality that minx=y dM (x, y ) = 1, and therefore throughout the rest of the paper (M ) = diam(M ). Corollary 2.1. Any n-point metric space M with d+1 og2 growth rate at most d Ę , has a d+2 dllog n competitive randomized algorithm for the servers problem, where = (M ). Proof. Let h > 2 to be a natural number to be defined shortly. Then bM (1/h ) (1/h )d . Thus, in order to use Theorem 2.2, it is sufficient to show that (1/h )d £ 1-2/h , i.e., h d + 2 Corollary 2.2. The d-dimensional grid on n points d+1 has O(n d(d+2) d3 log n) competitive randomized k -server algorithm. Proof. The result follows from the fact that growth rate of the d-dimensional grid is d and that its diameter is £ = dn1/d . Note that for d = 1 we obtain the same competitive ratio achieved in [10] for this metric space. Definition 2.5. We define bM (r) = max{|S | : S d ia ) M , minx=ym(S(x,y) r}. dM Combining Lemma 2.1 with Theorem 2.1 we obtain Lemma 2.2. Let M be an n-point metric space. Let = (M ). Fix a natural number h > 1. Then there exists an r-competitive randomized algorithm for the k server algorithm on M and r = O(max{1/h bM (1/h ), 1-1/h } h log2 n ). log 3 An Algorithm for Decomp osable Spaces We recall some concepts from the servers problem on Proof. Let µ = 1/h . By Theorem 2.1, M is O(µ logµ n) uniform spaces (also known as the paging problem). probabilistically approximated by a set of exact µ- The following concepts are commonly used in that HSTs. We claim that each such HST is ( µ2 , bM (µ), t) setting, and were first introduced in [21, 15, 12]. decomposable space for some t n. To see this, decompose such an HST into blocks which are subtrees Definition 3.1. (Phase partition) The request seof height 1. The diameter of each such block is at most quence is partitioned into disjoint contiguous subseµ (actually, either 0 or µ). Note that since the distances quences, cal led phases, as fol lows. The first phase begins in the HST dominates the distances in M , each block at the beginning of the sequence. The ith phase begins contains at most bM (µ) points. The distances between immediately after the i - 1th phase ends. It ends either blocks are at most , and at least µ2 . Thus these at the end of the sequence, or just before the request for trees are indeed ( µ2 , bM (µ), t) decomposable, for t k + 1'th distinct point during the ith phase (whatever n. By Lemma 2.1 there are O(max{ µ2 , bM (µ)} log n) comes first). Note that phase partitioning can be done competitive algorithms for these trees and applying in an online fashion. We cal l a phase of k servers in, a k -phase. Proposition 2.1 we conclude the claim. Definition 3.2. (Marking algorithms) A point that has been already requested during the current phase Theorem 2.2. Let M be an n-point metric space. Let is cal led marked. Marks are erased at the end of the = (M ). If there exists h > 2 such that bM (1/h ) phase. An online algorithm is said to have the marking og2 1-2/h , then for any k there exists 1-1/h hllog n com- property if it never leave a marked point without a server. petitive algorithm for M . Denote by MARKk (S ), a marking algorithm with k To reach a natural family of metric spaces for which servers to applied to the space S . Theorem 2.2 implies non-trivial bounds, we use the We now present the algorithm for (, b, t) decomnotion of growth-rate from [17]. posable spaces. Definition 2.6. Let a = minx=y dM (x, y ). The growth Algorithm Demand-Marking (DM). Assume the rate of M is defined as (, b, t)-decomposable space M is composed of the blo cks B1 , . . . , Bt . log |{y : dM (x, y ) ar}| The algorithm is executed in periods. Periods are con. (M ) = max x M , r 2 log r tiguous subsequences that partition the request sequence We thus conclude. 668 Obviously, this problem is equivalent to the k -server problem, and in particular, the algorithm DM can be cast in terms of evaders. In order to prove the lemma we need to observe that when DM ejects an evader from block Bi , it does so by choosing uniformly at random an available block and moving the evader to that blo ck. It is helpful to identify evaders with an identity that is kept when an evader moves from one block to another. We also assume that when there is a need to eject an evader from block Bi , DM first chooses an evader among those that were injected to Bi during the period, if there exists such an evader in Bi . These assumptions have 3.1 Analysis We will need the following lemma, no real influence on the behavior of the algorithm. It which appeared (implicitly) in [21]. supposedly influence the cost of reconfiguration of the evaders in the block, however, we bound this cost by Lemma 3.1. Consider a partition to j -phases of the the maximum cost possible. request sequence in a uniform space S with b points With the above assumptions, there are exactly mp unique evaders that are ejected at least once during 1. Any marking algorithm MARKk (S ) has a cost at period p. We next show that for each such evader, most k in a k -phase. the expected number of ejections is at most 1 + ln t. 2. Any (offline) strategy with h servers, h k , has a Fix an ejected evader e and denote by Y the number of ejections of evader e. Note that between ejections of e at cost of at least k - h + 1 in each k -phase. least one block must have change status from available The definition of periods and phases of DM is a de- to unavailable. This is so since when e is ejected, it terministic function of the request sequence, indepen- is ejected to an available block Bi , and it will not be ejected from Bi before Bi will become unavailable. dent of the random bits of DM. From the discussion above, we can bound Y as Denote by costA (p) the cost of strategy A during the period p. We fix an poblivious adversary ptrategy adv, follows. Order the blocks Bi1 , Bi2 , . . . , Bit according to s [cost DM (p)] r costadv (p) + the order in which they become unavailable during the and we prove that C , where r = O(max{b, } log t), and C is independent period. Note that availability is a deterministic function of the request sequence. of the request sequence, independent of the random = 1 2 · · · , where p is the subsequence of period p. The end of a period is determined by DM in an online fashion. We further decompose the subsequence p into noni i contiguous subsequences p , i {1, . . . , t}. where p contains the requests in p to block Bi . Each of the algorithms MARKj (Bi ), 1 j k , receives the requests i in p as input. For every block Bi we define the demand of the block demi at a given time as maximum j such that MARKj (Bi ) has already finished j -phases since the beginning of the period. Note that the demand of a block does not decrease during the period. At the beginning of the period we assume demi = 0. DM maintains the invariant that if a block Bi has ki servers, then they occupy the same points occupied by the servers of MARKki (Bi ). A block Bi for which ki > demi (i.e., it has more servers than its demand) is called available. DM maintains the invariant that after serving a request, in every block Bi , ki demi . In case demi increases above ki , then DM adds demi -ki servers to Bi (see below how) to satisfy demi = ki . Note that in this way, once a block becomes unavailable, it remains unavailable until the end of the period. In order to bring a server to block Bi , DM chooses uniformly at random a block Bj among the available blocks and moves one of the servers in Bj to Bi . A period ends when there is a server to move, but no available block. In this case the demands in all the blocks are reinitialized to 0, the phase in each block is stopped (i.e., all MARKj (Bi ) are reinitialized), and a new period b eg i ns . Denote by Dp (i) the number of servers DM has at the end of period p in block Bi . Similarly, denote by Cp (i) the number servers adv has at the end of perio d p in block Bi . i Let m p = max{0, Dp-1 (i) - Dp (i)} (where the sum is over the blocks) be the number of servers that changed places during the phase. Lemma 3.2. The expected number servers movements between blocks during period p done by DM is at most mp (1 + ln t). Proof. In order to prove this lemma it is easier to think of the k -server problem as an (n - k )-evader problem [9]: There are n - k evaders in the n-point metric space, and no two evaders can occupy the same point. A sequence of point requests is presented. Upon requesting a point x, the evader in x (if there is one) must be moved to an unoccupied point. The cost is the total movement of the evaders. 669 bits of DM. Denote by Ih the indicator variable of whether the evader e reached Bih . With these notations t Y h=1 Ih . Denote by h0 the block Bih0 in which e began the period. Thus for h < h0 , Pr[Ih = 1] = 0. We next prove that for h h0 , Pr[Ih = 1] 1/(t - h + 1). To see this denote by Jh the event "h is the largest nuh ber such that h < h and Ih = 1". Note that m : h 0 Proof. For each server movement from Bi2 to Bi1 , i1 = is a universal constant and C is a constant independent i2 , we associate the following costs of DM: (i) The server of the request sequence. movement, which is at most . (ii) The reconfiguration Proof. Note that cost in both Bi1 and Bi2 , which is at most 2b. (iii) The i i i total cost for servicing the requests in Bi1 since the last (3.2) Dp-1 (i) Cp (i) = Cp-1 (i) = time a server was brought into Bi1 (or the beginning of i the period, in case this is the first time) until that point. Dp (i) = total # of servers. = We next show that the last term is at most b . Indeed, just before the server was brought into Bi1 , From (3.1) and (3.2), block Bi1 had demand demi1 , and thus the there were i at most demi1 -phases in Bi1 since the beginning |Cp-1 (i) - Dp (i)| = (3.3) of period p. In particular since the last time a server was brought to into Bi1 . 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