Approximate Budget Balanced Mechanisms with Low Communication Costs for the Multicast Cost-Sharing Problem Markus Bl¨ser a 1 Intro duction We investigate the relation between budget balance and communication for the multicast cost-sharing problem in the context of distributed algorithmic mechanism design. We use the formal model introduced by Feigenbaum, Papadimitriou, and Shenker [3]: Our network is a rooted undirected tree T = (V , E ) with n nodes. The root r of T models the service provider. The set P of leaves of T represents the users, who wish to receive the transmission of the provider. Let p = |P |. Each e E has a weight ce . This weight represents the costs of using e for the transmission. If a transmission is sent to a subset R P of the users, then it is sent along the edges of the smallest subtree of T containing r and all nodes of R. We call this subtree T (R). The costs c(T (R)) of this subtree is the sum of the weight of its edges. Each i P has a utility ui which he derives from getting the transmission. The ui are private information. A cost-sharing mechanism determines which of the users receive the multicast transmission and which price they have to pay. The set of each user's strategies is to report any value bi 0 as their utility. Based on the input vector b = (b1 , . . . , bp ), the mechanism decides which users receive the transmission and assigns prices to the users. The value xi (b) denotes the price user i has to pay. i (b) equals one if i gets the transmission and is zero otherwise. The receiver set R(b) is the set of all users receiving the transmission. The individual welfare wi (b) of user i is defined by wi (b) = i (b)ui - xi (b). The aim of each user is to maximize his individual welfare. Like Feigenbaum, Papadimitriou, and Shenker [3], we assume that messages arrive reliably, in order, and without significant delay. Each message here consists of a number that is algebraic1 in the bi and the ce . We mainly care about "hotspot communication costs", that is, the maximum number of messages per edge should be small, say O(1) or O(polylog(n)). Institut fur Theoretische Informatik, ETH Zurich, 8092 ¨ ¨ Zurich, Switzerland, . Work p erformed at ¨ the Institut fur Theoretische Informatik, Universit¨t zu Lub eck, ¨ a ¨ Germany. Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under grant BL 511/5-1. 1 This prohibits enco ding tricks. 1.1 Cost-Sharing Mechanisms. As a countermeasure against users misreporting their utilities, mechanisms should be (group) strategyproof. Group Strategypro of (GSP): For every coalition C P and every vector b = (b1 , . . . , bp ) with bi = ui for all i C the following holds: If / i (b)ui - xi (b) i (u)ui - xi (u) for all i C , then this holds with equality for all i C . We only treat mechanisms that also satisfy the following three technical properties, which are natural in the context of multicast cost-sharing. No Positive Transfer (NPT): For all i, xi (b) 0. Voluntary Participation (VP): For all i, wi (b) 0 provided that i bids truthfully, i.e., bi = ui . Consumer Sovereignty (CS): Every user i gets the transmission as long as his bid bi is high enough. Two further requirements are usually considered. One is efficiency (in a socio-economic sense) which we will not deal with here, because this case is rather well understood [3]. We are concerned with mechanisms that meet GSP, NPT, VP, and CS and are (approximately) budget-balanced as defined below. i Budget Balance (BB): R(b) xi (b) = c(T (R(b)). Algorithms for budget balanced mechanisms necessarily have high communication costs (see Section 2.1). Therefore, we investigate mechanisms that are only approximate budget balanced. -Approximate Budget Balance (-BB): i (1/) · c(T (R(b))) R(b) xi (b) · c(T (R(b)). ( may be a function depending on the network.) 2 Results 2.1 Previous Results. The Shapley Value SH and any other mechanism that meets GSP, NPT, VP, CS, and BB and that is also symmetric2 has bad network complexity: Feigenbaum et al. [2] show that such a mechanism has to sent (p) bits over (n) edges. 2 A mechanism is symmetric if users connected by a path with costs zero are treated equally. Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 625 Archer et al. [1] propose an approximation SSF of SH with low communication costs. Their algorithm for SSF sends log p/ log numbers over each edge for any fixed parameter > 1. SSF is only h -BB, where h is the height of T . 3 2.2 New Results. We first observe that SSF is asymptotically budget balanced (i.e., the function in the definition of -BB fulfills (n) 1 for n ) on trees of polylogarithmic height (which seems to be perfectly reasonable for multicast trees) when choosing properly. This conclusion is new and, in particular, is not drawn by Archer et al. Second, we present a mechanism N that meets GSP, NPT, VP, and CS and can be computed with only a polylogarithmic number of messages per edge. N is also reasonably budget balanced, more precisely, it is O(log n)-BB. Compared with the mechanism of [1], which is only n -approximate budget balanced on trees of height (n) for some > 1, this is almost a doubly exponential improvement. 3 Pro ofs 3.1 Trees with p olylogarithmic height. SSF performs particularly well on trees of polylogarithmic ¯ ¯ height when setting = 1 + 1/h, where h = 1+ , (max{log n, h}) h is the height of the multicast tree, and > 0 is a fixed constant. Then SSF sends at ¯ most (1 + o(1)) · h · log p numbers over each edge, as x ¯ log(1 + x) x+1 for x 0. Moreover, SSF is (1 + 1/h)h mx m BB. Since (1 + x) 1 + 1-mx for all m N and x 0 ¯ with mx < 1, (1 + 1/h)h = 1 + o(1) as a function in n. Theorem 3.1. On trees of polylogarithmic height, SSF is asymptotical ly budget balanced while sending only a polylogarithmic number of messages over each edge. 3.2 Trees with arbitrary height. To construct N , we basically use the mechanism SSF but on a modified tree T with height O(log n). This modification is only "virtual" in the sense that T can be embedded into T in an appropriate way. T will be a topology tree for T as defined by Frederickson.4 Throughout this section, we refer to the definitions in [4, Section 2]. Topology trees are only defined for binary trees. Therefore, we first have to make T binary. If v is a node of T with children v1 , . . . , v , then we insert a binary tree of height log and give all the new edges weight zero. This modification is only "virtual" in the sense that we do not have to 3 Archer et al. also b ound the efficiency loss. Due to space limitations we do not deal with this issue here. 4 We thank an anonymous referee for p ointing out the usefulness of topology trees for our purp oses. change T . All the changes are simulated by v when running the mechanism. Next, we compute a topology tree T for T and embed it into T . T can be computed by calling the procedure cluster in [4, Section 2] O(log n) times. Procedure cluster consists of one top-down and one bottomup pass and sends a constant number of messages over each edge. We call the node v of a cluster C that is closest to the root r of T the root of C . In T , an edge connecting a cluster C at level with a cluster C at level + 1 gets the weight of the path from v to v , where v and v are the roots of C and C . By induction, it follows that the weight of a path in T from any leaf u to the root r of T equals the weight of the path in T from u to the root of T . The following lemma summarizes these ideas. Lemma 3.1. The tree T has height O(log n). It can be computed on T with O(log n) messages per edges. The weight of the path in T from a leaf u to the root equals the weight of the path in T from u to the root. Each edge of T contributes to O(log n) edge weights of T . Our mechanism N now works as follows: It simply runs SSF on T . N inherits all game-theoretic properties of SSF. Furthermore, it is O(log n)-BB.5 To execute N on T , any computation of SSF at a cluster C is carried out in T at its root v . We send messages that are sent from cluster C to C in T from v to v in T . Since each edge of T contributes weight to O(log n) edges of T , this increases the number of messages send over each edge by a factor of O(log n). Theorem 3.2. Mechanism N meets GSP, NPT, VP, and CS. It is O(log n)-approximate budget-balanced. Mechanism N can be executed by sending O((log n)3+ ) messages over each edge. References [1] A. Archer, J. Feigenbaum, A. Krishnamurthy, R. Sami, S. Shenker. Approximation and collusion in multicast cost sharing. Games and Economical Behaviour, to appear. [2] J. Feigenbaum, A. Krishnamurthy, R. Sami, S. Shenker. Hardness results for multicast cost sharing. In Proc. 22nd Conf. on Found. of Software Technology and Theoret. Comput. Sci. (FSTTCS), LNCS 2556, pp. 133­144, 2002. [3] J. Feigenbaum, C. Papadimitriou, S. Shenker. Sharing the cost of multicast transmissions. J. Comput. Sys. Sci. 63:21­41, 2001. [4] G. N. Frederickson. Ambivalent data structures for dynamic 2-edge connectivity and k smallest spanning trees. SIAM J. Comput. 26(2):484­538, 1997. 5 Note that the users always overpay under N . By scaling with (log n)-1/2 , we could N even make O((log n)1/2 )-BB. 626