A General Approach to Online Network Optimization Problems Noga Alon Baruch Awerbuch Yossi Azar ¶ Niv Buchbinder § Joseph (Seffi) Naor Abstract We study a wide range of online graph and network optimization problems, focusing on problems that arise in the study of connectivity and cuts in graphs. In a general online network design problem, we have a communication network known to the algorithm in advance. What is not known in advance are the bandwidth or cut demands between nodes in the network. Our results include an O(log m log n) competitive randomized algorithm for the online non-metric facility location and for a generalization of the problem called the multicast problem. In the non-metric facility location m is the number of facilities and n is the number of clients. The competitive ratio is nearly tight. We also present an O(log2 n log k) competitive randomized algorithm for the online group Steiner problem in trees and an O(log3 n log k) competitive randomized algorithm for the problem in general graphs, where n is the number of vertices in the graph and k is the number of groups. Finally, we design a deterministic O(log3 n log log n) competitive algorithm for the online multi-cut problem. Our algorithms are based on a unified framework for designing online algorithms for problems involving connectivity and cuts. We first present a general O(log m)-deterministic algorithm for generating fractional solution that satisfies the online connectivity or cut demands, where m is the number of edges in the graph. Scho ols of Mathematics and Computer Science, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Email: nogaa@p ost.tau.ac.il. Research supp orted in part by a US-Israel BSF grant, by the Israel Science Foundation and by the Hermann Minkowski Minerva Center for Geometry at Tel Aviv University. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218. E-mail: baruch@blaze.cs.jhu.edu. Supp orted by Air Force Contract TNDGAFOSR-86-0078, ARPA/Army contract DABT63-93-C0038, ARO contract DAAL03-86-K-0171, NSF contract 9114440CCR, DARPA contract N00014-J-92-1799, and a special grant from IBM. Scho ol of Computer Science, Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel. Email: azar@post.tau.ac.il. Research supported in part by the Israel Science Foundation and by the IST Program of the EU. § Computer Science Dept., Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel. Email: nivb@cs.technion.ac.il. ¶ Computer Science Dept., Technion, Haifa 32000, Israel. Email: naor@cs.technion.ac.il. Research supp orted in part by a USIsrael BSF grant, and by EU contract IST-1999-14084 (APPOL II). This may be of independent interest for solving fractional online bandwidth allocation problems, and is applicable to the node version as well. The integral solutions are obtained by an online rounding of the fractional solution. This part of the framework is problem dependent, and applies various tools including results on the approximate max-flow min-cut for multicommodity flow, the HST method and its extensions, certain rounding techniques for dependent variables, and R¨cke's new hierarchical decomposition of graphs. a 1 Intro duction We study a wide range of graph and network optimization problems, focusing on problems that arise in the study of connectivity and cuts in graphs. Such problems are associated with an input graph G = (V , E ) (directed or undirected), a cost function c : E R+ , and a requirement function f (to be defined for each problem separately). The goal is to find a minimum cost subgraph that satisfies f . Our model is online; that is, the requirement function is not known in advance and it is given "step by step" to the algorithm, while the input graph is known in advance. Network design problems are typically defined by a requirement function f that specifies for each cut in the graph the minimum coverage required for it. Since we are considering an online version of network design problems we concentrate on the following subclass which we call generalized connectivity. The requirement function f is a set of demands of the form D = (S, T ), where S and T are subsets of vertices in the graph such that S T = . A feasible solution is a set of edges, such that for each demand D = (S, T ) there is a path from a vertex in S to a vertex in T . Examples of problems belonging to this class are Steiner trees, generalized Steiner trees, and the group Steiner problem. Less obvious examples are the set cover problem and the non-metric facility location problem, described below. Cut problems in graphs involve separating sets of vertices from each other. We concentrate on a family of cut problems which we call generalized cuts. The requirement function f is a set of demands of the form D = (S, T ), where S and T are subsets of vertices in the graph such that S T = . A feasible solution is a set of edges that separates for each demand D = (S, T ), any Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 577 two vertices s S and t T . Examples of problems belonging to this class are multiway cuts and multi-cut. There is a natural linear relaxation for the problems that we are considering. For generalized connectivity problems, a feasible fractional solution associates a fractional weight (capacity) with each edge, such that for each demand D = (S, T ) a unit of flow can be sent from S to T , where the flow on each edge does not exceed its weight. For generalized cuts, a feasible fractional solution associates a fractional weight (length) with each edge, which we interpret as inducing a distance function. The constraint is that for each demand D = (S, T ), the distance between any two vertices s S and t T is at least 1. Since many of the problems that we are considering are NP-hard, this linear relaxation is very useful for computing an approximate solution. Please refer to [17] for more details. In addition, fractional solutions have a motivation of their own in certain network design problems and bandwidth allocation problems. Previous work: Network optimization problems in an online setting have been studied extensively. The online Steiner problem was considered in [14] who gave an O(log n)-competitive algorithm and showed that in a general metric space this is indeed best possible. The generalized Steiner problem was considered in [3], where an O(log2 n)-competitive algorithm is given. This was improved to an O(log n)-competitive ratio algorithm by [5]. The online version of the metric facility location problem was also considered recently. Meyerson [15] gave a randomized O(log n)-competitive algorithm o which was improved to a deterministic ( lolg lg n n )og competitive algorithm by Fotakis [7]. Recently, a deterministic online O(log n log m)-competitive algorithm for the set cover problem was given by [1] where n is the number of elements and m is the number of sets. l n lo m A lower bound of ( log loogm+lg g log n ) was also shown g o for any deterministic online algorithm for the online set cover problem. There is a vast literature on efficient approximation algorithms for problems involving connectivity and cuts. The reader is referred to [13, 17] for more details. this problem. Our algorithm draws on ideas taken from the algorithm of [1] for the online set cover problem. We next describe our results on converting online a fractional solution into an integral solution. This rounding is problem dependent and we describe the rounding for each of the special cases considered. The first problem we consider is non-metric facility location. In this problem we are given a set of possible facilities, each with a setup cost, and a set of clients, each with a connection cost to the facilities. The goal is to find a solution that minimizes the sum of the setup costs and the service costs. In the online case of the non-metric facility location, clients arrive online. The set cover problem is a special case of this problem in which the facilities are sets and the connection cost is either zero or infinite, depending on whether or not an element belongs to a set. Next, we consider the multicast problem that generalizes the non-metric facility location problem. In the multicast problem we are given a set of weighted rooted trees containing a set of terminals. Each terminal is associated with at most one node in each tree. The goal is to find a minimum weight set of subtrees that contain all the terminals, where a subtree must contain the root of the tree it belongs to. In the online case, the terminals arrive online, and upon arrival of a terminal it is necessary to connect it to the root of a tree containing it. The non-metric facility location is a special case of the multicast problem. Each facility corresponds to a tree of depth two. A tree has one edge emanating from the root with weight equal to the setup cost of the facility, and then there are edges to the leaves, where each leaf corresponds to a client, and the weight of an edge is equal to the connection cost of the client to the facility. Finally, in the realm of generalized connectivity, we consider the group Steiner problem on trees and general graphs [9]. In the group Steiner tree problem on a rooted tree we are given a weighted rooted tree T = (V , E , r), and groups g1 , g2 , . . . gk V . The goal is to find a minimum rooted subtree T = (V , E , r) that contains at least one vertex from each group. In the online version of the problem, the groups arrive online. The multicast problem is a special case of the group 1.1 Results. We study generalized connectivity and Steiner problem on rooted trees. Given an instance of cuts problems in a unified framework. The idea is to the multicast problem, the roots of the trees can be first compute a fractional solution online and then round connected to a joint root using edges of zero weight. A this solution to an integral one. We provide a general group contains all the nodes associated with a particular deterministic procedure that computes a near-optimal terminal. Notice that this reduction creates a special fractional solution to any problem belonging to our class instance of the group Steiner tree problem in which any of problems. Specifically, the competitive ratio that we two paths from the root to vertices belonging to the achieve is O(log m), where m is the number of edges in same group are disjoint. the graph. This algorithm can easily be extended to In the multi-cut problem we are given an undirected the vertex counterparts of the problems. We also show graph with costs (capacities) and a set of source-sink a matching lower bound of (log m) on the competitive pairs. The goal is to find a minimum cost set of ratio of any deterministic or randomized algorithm for 578 edges that disconnects each source-sink pair. In the online version of the problem, the source-sink pairs arrive online, and upon arrival of a pair it is necessary to disconnect it. We show an online algorithm for the multi-cut problem using the constructive version of a remarkable result of R¨cke [16] for the hierarchical a decomposition of graphs ([6] and [12]) together with an approximate max-flow min-cut theorem on trees [11]. This decomposition is used along with an online primaldual algorithm for the problem on trees. Specifically, we obtain the following results. · A randomized O(log m log n) competitive algorithm for the online multicast problem on trees, where m is the number of edges, and n is the number of requested terminals. · A randomized O(log m log n) competitive algorithm for the online non-metric (and metric) facility location problem, where m is the number of possible facilities and n is the number of clients. · A randomized O(log2 n log k )-competitive algorithm for the online group Steiner problem on trees, where k is the number of groups, and n is the number of leaves in the tree. This implies a randomized O(log3 n log k )-competitive algorithm for general graphs using hierarchically well-separated trees [4, 8] · A deterministic O(log3 n log log n) competitive algorithm for the online multi-cut problem in general graphs. Improved bounds are obtained for planar graphs and for trees. 2 Preliminaries In this section we formally define our problems. Let G = (V , E ) be a graph (directed or undirected) with cost function c : E R+ associated with the edge set E . Suppose further that there is a weight function (or capacity function) w : E R+ associatee with the edge d set E . The cost of w is defined to be E we ce . Let A V and B V be subsets of V such that A B = . Let G be the graph obtained from G by adding a super-source s connected to all vertices in A and a super-sink t connected to all vertices in B . The edges from s to A are directed into A and have infinite weight, and the edges from B to t are directed into T and have infinite weight. There is flow from A to B of value if there exists a exists a legal flow function f that sends units of flow from s to t satisfying the capacity function w. The shortest path from A to B is defined to be the shortest path with respect to w from any vertex u A to any vertex v B (i.e. the minimal distance between any pair of vertices in A and B ) A requirement function is a set of demands of the form Di = (Si , Ti ), 1 i k , where Si V and Ti V and Si Ti = . We first define the generalized connectivity problem. The input is a requirement function f . A feasible integral solution is an assignment of weights (capacities) w from {0, 1} to E , such that for each demand Di = (Si , Ti ), 1 i k , there is a flow function from Si to Ti of value at least 1. A feasible fractional solution is an assignment of weights (capacities) w from [0, 1] to E , such that for each demand Di = (Si , Ti ), 1 i k , there is a flow function from Si to Ti of value at least 1. We note that the flow constraint has to be satisfied for each demand (Si , Ti ) separately. The cost of a solution is defined to be the cost of w. We now define the generalized cuts problem. The input is a requirement function f . A feasible integral solution is a set of edges E E that separates for each demand Di = (Si , Ti ) any two vertices a Si and a b Ti . Alternatively, we can think of each edge e E s having weight w(e) = 1. Thus, the weight function w induces a distance function on the graph such that the distance between vertices separated by E is at least 1. A feasible fractional solution is an assignment of weights w from [0, 1] to E , such that for each demand Di = (Si , Ti ), 1 i k , the distance induced by w between each a Si and b Ti is at least 1. The cost of a solution is defined to be the cost of w. In an online setting, the graph G = (V , E ) along with the cost function c is known to the algorithm (as well as to the adversary) in advance. The set of requests of the form Di = (Si , Ti ) is then given one-by-one to the algorithm in an online fashion. Upon arrival of a new demand, the algorithm must satisfy it by increasing the weights of edges in the graph. (The algorithm is not allowed to decrease the weight of an edge.) Thus, previous demands remain satisfied. The performance of the algorithm, the competitive ratio, is defined to be the ratio between the cost of the solution produced by the algorithm and the cost of an optimal solution that satisfies the given demands with minimum cost. We now define the special cases that we consider in the context of generalized connectivity. The multicast problem in trees is defined as follows: Let X = {1, 2, . . . , n} be a ground set of terminals, and let T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tm } be a family of rooted trees with a cost function c : E R+ associated with the edges. Each tree leaf is associated with a subgroup of the terminals, where any terminal i belongs to at most one leaf subgroup in each of the trees. A cover is a collection of rooted subtrees T = {T1 , T2 , . . . , Tm }, where Ti Ti (1 i m), such that the union of the subgroups of the leaves in T is the set X . The cost of a cover is the sum of the costs of the edges in the subtrees 579 The goal is to find a cover of minimum cost. This problem is a natural generalization of the set cover problem. Think of each set as being represented by a tree containing only one edge, where one vertex is a root and the other vertex a leaf. The cost of the edge is equal to the cost of the set and the leaf is associated with the elements belonging to the set. We note that the multicast problem in trees has an O(log n)approximation algorithm. The non-metric facility location problem is a special case of the multicast problem. In the non-metric facility location problem there are m possible locations for opening facilities denoted by F = {f1 , f2 , . . . , fm }. There is a setup cost for opening each of the facilities. There are also n clients R = {r1 , r2 , . . . , rn } and a connection cost function c : F × R R+ denoting the cost of connecting each client to each facility. A solution is a subset F F and a mapping of the clients to the facilities in F . The goal is to minimize the cost of the solution which is defined to be the setup cost of the facilities in F plus the connection cost of the clients as defined by the mapping of clients to facilities in F . The problem is clearly an instance of the multicast problem, where there is a tree corresponding to each facility and all trees have depth two. The cost of the "root" edge is equal to the setup cost of the facility and the cost of each "leaf" edge (that corresponds to a client) is equal to the cost of connecting the client to the facility. The group Steiner tree problem in a rooted tree is defined as follows. We are given a rooted tree T = (V , E , r) with non-negative cost function c : E R+ , and groups g1 , g2 , . . . gk V . The ob jective is to find a minimum cost rooted subtree T that contains at least one vertex from each of the groups gi , 1 i k . The multicast problem is a special case of this problem. Given an instance of the multicast problem, we can connect the roots of all the multicast trees using edges of cost 0 to a joint root r. Group gi , 1 i n, is defined to be the set of leaves containing terminal ti . Notice that this reduction creates a special instance of the group Steiner tree problem in which any two paths from the root to vertices belonging to the same group are disjoint. The group Steiner tree problem has an O(log n log k ) approximation algorithm, where k is the number of groups, and n is the number of leaves in the tree [9]. In general (undirected graphs, the best approximation factor known for the group Steiner problem is O(log2 n log k ) by combining [9] with [8]. The multi-cut problem in undirected graphs is a special case of the previously defined generalized cuts problem, where the requirement function f is a set of source-sink pairs {si , ti }, 1 i k . The best approximation factor for this problem is O(log k ) [10]. in T . 3 Computing a fractional solution online In this section we describe our online algorithm for computing a near-optimal fractional solution for both the generalized connectivity and the generalized cuts problems. We first describe the algorithm for the generalized connectivity problem (Section 3.1) and then explain the changes needed for the generalized cuts problem (Section 3.2). Let |V | = n and |E | = m. The competitive ratio of our algorithm is O(log m) and it is defined with respect to an optimal offline fractional solution. We note that our method is applicable to both vertex and edge versions of our problems, as well as for directed and undirected graphs. Let us denote the cost of an optimal fractional solution, OPT, by . We first claim that by using the doubling technique, we can assume that the value of is known up to a factor of 2. Initially, we can start guessing = mineE ce , and then run the algorithm with this bound on the optimal solution. If it turns out that the value of the optimal solution is larger than our current guess for it, (that is, the cost of the fractional solution exceeds ( log m)), then we can "forget" about all weights given so far to the edges, update the value of by doubling it, and continue on. We note that the fractional cost of the edges that we have "forgotten" about can increase the cost of our solution by at most a factor of 2, since the value of is doubled in each step. We thus assume that is known. We next claim that we can assume that for all edges having weight strictly less than 1 in the online solution, their cost is between 1 and 2m2 . This is justified as follows. First, we double the weights of all the edges in OPT and round down to zero all edges that have weight less than 1/m. This results in a feasible solution of cost 2 which we a denote by OPT . Since the weights of the edges in OPT re at least 1/m, the cost of the edges in OPT cannot exceed 2m. Hence, all edges in the graph having cost more than 2m can be ignored. We now set to 1 in our solution the weight of all edges having cost less than /m. This can increase the competitive factor of our algorithm by at most a factor of 2. Thus, the costs of all the edges in the graph are between /m and 2m, and the costs can further be normalized so that the minimum cost is 1 and the maximum cost is at most 2m2 . We note that by ignoring edges in the graph we mean that they are not considered by our online algorithm. For the generalized connectivity problem it means that we do not use these edges to connect vertices, and hence they can be removed from the graph. For the generalized cut problem it means that such edges do not participate in a cut, and hence we can identify the two endpoints of such edges. 580 3.1 Generalized Connectivity. We describe an on- Thus, the increase of the potential function is at least: line algorithm with competitive factor O(log m). All w1 e- 1 logarithms are to the base 2. Initially, the algorithm = ce we log2 + e 3 ce gives each edge a fractional weight of 1/2m . Assume C e now that the algorithm receives a new demand (S, T ). ce we log2 we The following is performed in this case. C e 1 1. If the maximum flow from S to T is at least e 1 = we 1 ce we log2 + 1, then do nothing. ce C C 2. Else: While the flow between S and T is less than 1, perform a weight augmentation: · Compute a minimum cut C between S and T . · For each edge e C , we we (1 + 1 ce ). Theorem 3.1. The above algorithm is O(log m)competitive for the fractional generalized connectivity problem. Proof. It suffices to show that the following is maintained throughout the algorithm: e we ce 6 log2 m + 4 + 1 = O( log m). E We now analyze the performance of the algorithm upon termination, i.e., when the algorithm gets the full requirement function. Lemma 3.1. When the algorithm terminates, al l connectivity demands are satisfied. Consider an iteration in which a connectivity demand (S, T ) is geven. Let C be a cut that has weight less than i Proof. Follows immediately from the algorithm. 1, i.e., C we < 1. The weight of each edge e C n Lemma 3.2. The number of weight augmentation steps increases by we /ce in each weight augmee tation step. Thus, the total increase of the quantity performed during the run of the algorithm is at most E we ce in a weight augmentation step does not exceed 6 log2 m + 4 = O( log m). e we e ce = we < 1. ce Proof. Obviously, for each edge e E , we 1 + c1 C C e always holds, since an edge which has weight exceeding e 1 2 1 cannot be part of a minimum cut with total weight Initially, E we ce m · 2m3 · 2m = 1, and the claim less than 1. Consider the following potential function: thus follows from Lemma 3.2 that bounds the number of weight augmentation steps. e = ce we log2 (we ) 3.2 Generalized Cuts. We now present an E O(log m)-competitive algorithm for the generalized where we is the weight of edge e in OPT . We now show cuts problem. It is essentially the same as the algorithm for the generalized connectivity problem presented in three properties of : the previous section. We highlight the changes needed. · The initial value of the potential function is: Initially, the algorithm assigns each edge a length -6 log2 m - 2. of 1/2m3 . Assume now that the adversary gives the algorithm a new request (S, T ). The algorithm is as · The potential function never exceeds 2. follows. · In each weight augmentation step, the potential function increases by at least 1. The first two properties follow directly from the initial value and from the fact that no edge gets a weight of more than 2. Consider an iteration in which the adversary gives a connectivity demand (S, T ). A weight augmentation of a cut C is performed as long as the connectivity between S and T is less than 1. The total weight assigned by OPT to edges in C is at least 1. 1. If the length of the shortest path from S to T is already at least 1, then do nothing. 2. Else: While the length of the shortest path from S to T is less than 1 perform a length augmentation: · Compute the shortest path P between S and T . · For each edge e P , we we (1 + 1 ce ). 581 Clearly, the above algorithm produces a feasible integral optimal solution and a fractional optimal solufractional solution to the problem. Proving the com- tion. This is true even when the graph is a line and the petitive factor in this case follows closely the proof in cuts demands groups are of size 1. the case of generalized connectivity. Hence we conclude: Proof. Let A be any deterministic or randomized online Theorem 3.2. The above algorithm is O(log m)- algorithm. Let G be a line with vertices v1 , v2 , . . . , vn competitive for the fractional generalized cut problem. (n = 2k + 1). We describe the strategy of the adversary. The adversary starts with the demand ({v1 }, {vn }). 3.3 Lower Bounds. We now show that our algo- This is defined to be iteration zero. Algorithm A rithm is optimal for the fractional generalized connectiv- must increase the distance from v1 to vn to be 1. ity and generalized cuts problems. In order to show that This means that the expected distance from either v1 we prove two lemmas. The first one provides a lower to v(n+1)/2 or from v(n+1)/2 to vn is at least half. bound on the competitive ratio of either a deterministic Thus, in the next iteration the adversary continues with or a randomized algorithm for the generalized connec- either ({v1 }, {v(n+1)/2 }) or ({v(n+1)/2 }, {vn }), choosing tivity problem. The lemma also holds with respect to an the path which has the shorter expected distance. integral optimal solution. The second lemma provides The adversary can continue doing so until it asks two the same lower bound with respect to the generalized consecutive vertices. It is not hard to see that the expected cost of Algorithm A in the fractional case is cuts problem. at least, Lemma 3.3. Any deterministic or randomized algolog(n-1) i rithm for the online fractional connectivity problem has 1 = (log n) = (log m) a competitive ratio of at least (log m) with respect to 2 =1 both an integral optimal solution and a fractional optimal solution. This holds even when the graph is an The optimal integral solution can assign a length of 1 undirected star. to the edge separating the last two vertices, completing the proof of the lower bound. Proof. Let A be any deterministic or randomized online algorithm. Let T be a star with n leaves (and edges) We remark that the proofs of the lower bounds in v1 , v2 , . . . , vn , a root r, n = 2k . We describe the strat- this section cannot be applied to the fractional online egy of the adversary. The adversary starts by asking Steiner tree problem, as well as for the fractional onthe demand (S, T ), S = {r}, T = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ). This line generalized Steiner tree. However, a lower bound is defined to be iteration zero. Algorithm A must in- on the competitive ratio for any deterministic or rancrease the flow from the root to all the leaves to be domized online algorithm for these problems follows in equal to 1. This means that the expected flow to ei- a straightforward manner from the lower bound shown ther the n/2 first terminals or to the n/2 last termi- for the integral Steiner tree problem in [14]. nals is at least half. Thus, in the next iteration the adversary changes T to be either (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn/2 ) or 4 Applications - Integral Connectivity and (v(n/2)+1 , . . . , vn ), choosing the set with the smaller Cuts Problems expected flow value. In the k th iteration, if the We can use the algorithms described in the previous previous demand was ({r}, {vi , vi+1 , . . . , vj }), j > i, section as a basis for an efficient randomized online then the next demand is either ({r}, {vi , . . . , v i+j }) or algorithm for special cases of the integral connectivity 2 ({r}, {v i+j +1 , . . . , vj }) choosing the set with the less ex- and cuts problems as well. This can be done by 2 pected flow. It is not hard to see that the expected cost rounding online the fractional solution generated by the algorithm in the previous section. This is the heart of Algorithm A in the fractional case is at least, of our general approach to online network optimization li g n o problems. The rounding algorithms use the online 1 = (log n) = (log m). algorithms for generating a fractional solution as a 2 =1 "black box". We present here four problems in which The optimal integral solution can assign a weight of such a rounding is applicable. In section 4.1 we consider the multicast problem 1 only to the edge adjacent to the last vertex asked, and the non-metric facility location problem. In section completing the proof of the lower bound. 4.2 we consider the group Steiner problem on a tree. Lemma 3.4. Any deterministic or randomized algo- Then, in section 4.3 we consider the group Steiner tree rithm for the online fractional cuts problem has a com- problem in general graphs. We conclude with the online petitive ratio of at least (log m) with respect to both an multi-cut problem in Section 4.4. 582 4.1 Multicast and Non-metric Facility Lo cation Problems. We describe a randomized algorithm for the multicast problem. Following each request, we first compute an O(log m)-competitive fractional solution. We now explain how the rounding of the fractional solution is performed. Initially, the algorithm starts with an empty cover C = . The algorithm keeps for every tree Ti T , 2 log(n + 1) random independent variables, X (Ti , j ), 1 j 2 log(n + 1) , distributed uniformly in the interval [0, 1]. The value of n is the number of terminals asked so far by the adversary. As n changes we gradually increase the number of random variables. Define the threshold of tree Ti to be: 2 log(n m + flow that can be sent from the roots of the trees in T to the vertices that are associated with t is at least 1. Let ftT be the flow to terminal t in tree T . Thus, the probability that terminal t is not covered is bounded from above by the probability that the threshold of each tree T containing t is larger than ftT . Recall that the weight of each edge on a path to t is at least the flow going to the terminal on the path. For any tree T and j , 1 j 2 log(n + 1) , the probability that the flow to t in T is at most X (T , j ) is 1 - ftT . Thus, the probability that none of the flow paths to t exceeds X (T , j ) is T T (1 - ftT ) e- T T T ft < 1 , e 1) (Ti ) = j =1 in X (Ti , j ). The rounding method is very simple. Take to the solution C all edges e for which we > (Te ), where Te is the tree containing edge e. That is, the weight of edge e has exceeded the threshold of the tree containing it. We note that increasing n adds more random variables which can only decrease the thresholds of the trees, and hence increase the probability of taking edges to the solution. Thus, when increasing n , it is necessary to reconsider previously considered edges. Let be the value of an optimal fractional solution to the instance given so far. We now analyze the performance of the algorithm. where the last inequality follows from the fact that TT ft = ft 1. Thus, the probability that the terminal is not covered by any 1 j 2 log(n + 1) is less than 1/n 2 . Lemma 4.1 suggests the following change to the algorithm to guarantee that a feasible solution is always computed. We run the algorithm. If at any time a terminal t is requested, but is not covered, then we choose the cheapest path from a root of a tree in T to t to the cover. The cost of this path is certainly a lower bound on the optimal solution. Since this event happens with probability at most 1/n 2 for each terminal, its effect on the expected cost of the algorithm is negligible. Thus, we obtain the following theorems. Lemma 4.1. The fol lowing holds throughout the algoTheorem 4.1. There exists a randomized algorithm rithm: for the online multi-cast problem in trees that is 1. The expected cost of the solution produced by the O(log n log m) competitive. algorithm is O( log n log m). Theorem 4.2. There exists an O(log n log m) compet2. For any terminal t, the probability that t is re- itive randomized algorithm for the non-metric facility quested, yet it is not covered, is at most 1/n 2 . location, where m is the number of facilities and n is the number of clients. Proof. We begin by proving (1). For each edge e and j , 1 j 2 log n, let Y (e, j ) be the indicator random We remark that both the online multi-cast probvariable of the event that we > X (Te , j ). Thus, lem in trees and the online non-metric facility location are generalizations of the online set-cover problem introduced in [1]. Thus, the lower bound of e + j l n lo m e 2 log(n 1) ( log loogm+lg g log n ) proved in [1] for any deterministic g o Exp ce ce · Exp[(Y (e, j )] algorithm for the online set-cover problem applies to =1 C E these problems as well. j+ e 2 log(n 1) = ce we 4.2 The Group Steiner Problem on Trees We =1 E describe a randomized algorithm for the group Steiner 2 log(n + 1) (2 log m + + 1) tree problem on trees. Following each request, we first l compute an O(log m)-competitive fractional solution. = O( log n og m). We now explain how the rounding of the fractional We now prove (2). Consider a terminal t. The solution is performed. To this end, we use an online fractional solution guarantees that the total amount of variation on the method of [9]. 583 Proof. From Lemma 4.2 it follows that the probability at any time t that edge e belongs to C is at most we . Note that for each edge e, the probability e /(wf - By linearity of the expectation the claim follows. we ) e /(we - we ) = 1, since we < wf . The edges We now analyze the probability that a group g is are considered in topological order so that C induces covered when wg > 1. a (connected) subtree of T , since an edge is added to C only if the path connecting it to the root r already Lemma 4.4. For any group g , consider the first time t belongs to C . We prove the following lemma: such that w > 1. Then, the probability that a vertex g Initially, the algorithm starts with an empty cover C = . Applying the technique of [9] requires that the fractional weights on a path from the root to a terminal are monotonically decreasing. However, the fractional solution that we compute may not necessarily satisfy this property. Therefore, we define the weight of each edge to be the maximum flow through the edge going to a terminal in the edge's subtree. Thus, we abuse notation and let we denote the flow on edge e instead of the actual weight of e. Note that by doing so we can only decrease the value of the fractional solution that serves as our baseline for performing the competitive analysis, since the flow value on an edge can only be less than the actual weight of the edge. Consider a weight augmentation iteration in the fractional algorithm. For each edge e, let we and we = we + e denote the weight of e before and after the weight augmentation iteration, respectively. For an edge e, let f be the edge adjacent to e and closer to the root r. The rounding algorithm processes the edges in topological order (from top to bottom). For each edge e, the following is performed: · If we > 1, then add e to C . · If e is incident on r, or wf > 1, then add e to C with probability e /(1 - we ). · If f C , then add e to C with probability e /(wf - we ). If we > 1 then edge e belongs to C with probability 1. Let e be an edge of depth p. By the (internal) inductive hypothesis, the probability that ep-1 is added to C is wp-1 . The probability that e is added to C is equal to we + e · (wp-1 - we ) = we + e = we . (wp-1 - we ) The above LHS is the probability that e was previously added to C plus the probability that e was not previously added to C , but ep-1 was previously added to C and e is added to C in the current step. If wp-1 > 1, then the probability that e is added to C in the current step is we + e · (1 - we ) = we + e = we . (1 - we ) If we > 1, then edge e belongs to C . Thus, the claim holds. Lemma 4.3. At any point of time t in the algorithm, the expected cost of the edges added to C is at most e T ce we (t). Lemma 4.2. At any point of time t in the algorithm, the belonging to g is in at time t is (1/ log N ), where N is probability that an edge e belongs to C is we (t), where the maximum size of a group. we (t) is the weight of e at time t. If we > 1, then e C . Proof. Our proof uses [9, Thm. 3.4, p. 72]. This Proof. The rounding algorithm adds each edge e to C requires proving that the probability of the "good" for which we > 1. events remains the same and that the dependency Consider an edge e and let the path from the root between them remains the same. The first claim follows r to e be e0 , e1 , . . . ep = e. The proof is by induction on from lemma 4.2. In order to prove the second claim the time t. we need to show that the probability of two "good" Induction Basis: At t = 0, pthe probability that e is events is the same as in Theorem 3.4 of [9]. This follows added to C is equal to we0 · i=1 wei /wei-1 = wep . from the fact that the probability that e is chosen to Inductive Step: Consider a time t > 0 where we is the solution given that h, an edge closer to the root, raised to we + e . By the inductive hypothesis, each is chosen is exactly we /wh . The events for e and f are edge ei , 0 i p - 1, belongs to C with probability independent, given that h, their least common ancestor, min{wei , 1}, and e C with probability we . is chosen. Thus, the probability for e and f is we wf /wh , We need another (internal) induction on p, the and we are done. length of the path from r to e. The base case is when Actually, in order to use the original proof of [9], e is incident on r. Then, the probability that e belongs we are required to prove a stronger assertion about the to C is independence of the corresponding events. However, this is not needed, since the proof of [9] can be modified e · (1 - we ) we + = we + e = we . so that only the second moment of the variable which is (1 - we ) 584 the number of paths from the root to a vertex in g needs to be computed. This follows from the assertion of [2, Sec. 4.8, Ex. 1]. Therefore, the above independence result suffices. Lemma 4.4 suggests the following randomized online algorithm. Run O(log k log N ) independent trials in parallel using the randomized rounding described, where k is the number of groups asked by the adversary. This results in a randomized algorithm with competitive ratio O(log k log N ) that covers all the groups with probability at least 1 - 1/k . In order to guarantee that the algorithm always produces a feasible solution, we can use the shortest path to a group in case the algorithm fails to cover it. The cost of this path is a lower bound on the optimal solution, and since this event happens with probability at most 1/k , it changes the expected competitive ratio of the algorithm by a negligible factor. Since we do not know in advance the value of k we may increase the number of trials gradually as more groups are asked, similar to Section 4.1. 4.3 The Group Steiner Problem on General Graphs. We now consider the Group Steiner tree algorithm on general graphs. To this end, we use hierarchically well-separated trees (HST-s) [4, 8]. A set of metric spaces S over V is said to -probabilistically approximate a metric space M over V , if: (1) for every x, y V and S S , dS (x, y ) dM (x, y ) and (2) there exists a probability distribution D over the metric spaces in S such that for all x, y V , E [dD (x, y )] dM (x, y ). Recently, the following theorem was proved in [8], improving upon the basic approach of [4]. Theorem 4.3. Every weighted connected graph G on n vertices can be -probabilistical ly approximated by a set of weighted trees, where = O(log n). The probability distribution can be computed in polynomial time. We use this theorem to obtain the following bounds. from Theorem 4.3 and the guarantee on the performance of the algorithm in Section 4.2 4.4 The multi-cut problem In this section we consider the online multi-cut problem in undirected graphs. The online algorithm we present here does not fit the general framework developed in the paper, where a fractional solution is computed online and then rounded online into an integral solution. In [16], R¨cke describes a procedure for finding a a hierarchical decomposition of any undirected graph G = (V , E ) with capacities on the edges. An efficient procedure for finding such a decomposition tree TG appears in [6] and [12]. This remarkable decomposition enables us to transform the problem from a general graph to a tree. We later on present an online algorithm for the multi-cut problem on trees with competitive ratio , where may depend on the height of the tree. The nodes of the decomposition tree TG correspond to a laminar family of subsets of V . There is a 1-1 correspondence between V and the leaves of the tree. The edges of TG correspond to cuts in G and each tree edge is associated with a capacity (or cost) which is equal to the capacity (or cost) of the corresponding cut in G. The tree TG has the property that for any choice of sourcesink pairs, any feasible multi-commodity flow function in TG can be routed in G causing a congestion of at most . The best value of is O(log2 n log log n) for general graphs and O(log n log log n)) for planar graphs, and it is given by [12] together with a polynomial-time construction of TG . Thus, the multi-cut problem in G translates into a multi-cut problem in the decomposition tree TG , where the goal is to separate between the leaves containing the source-sink pairs. We run an -competitive online algorithm for the (online) multi-cut problem in TG . A multi-cut in TG is a set of edges which translate back in G into a set of cuts having at most the capacity of the multi-cut in TG . Clearly, this translation can be done online. Theorem 4.4. There is a randomized online algorithm for the group Steiner problem in general graphs with a Theorem 4.5. There is a deterministic polynomialtime algorithm for the online multi-cut problem that competitive ratio of O(log3 n log k ). achieves a competitive ratio of: Proof. We first use Theorem 4.3 to randomly choose a · O(log3 n log log n) for general graphs. tree T from the distribution D. Then, we run the online · O(log2 n log log n) for planar graphs. algorithm from Section 4.2 on the tree T . When a new vertex v is being connected to the root r, we just connect · O(log2 n) for trees. it in the graph via its closest neighbor in the tree that is already connected to the root. Since the tree is an Proof. (Sketch) Let Conl (G) and Conl (TG ) denote the HST, the cost of this path in the tree is only twice the multi-cuts found by the online algorithm in G and in connection cost of v to the least common ancestor of TG , respectively. Let Copt (TG ) denote the optimal multiv and its closest previously connected neighbor. Thus, cut in TG , and let MCFopt (TG ) be the maximum multion the average, we are paying at most twice the stretch commodity flow in TG between the source-sink pairs. factor of the paths, and the theorem follows directly By [11], in a tree, Copt (TG ) 2 · MCFopt (TG ). Hence, 585 References Conl (G) Conl (TG ) · Copt (TG ) 2 · MCFopt (TG ). Let f be a maximum multi-commodity flow between the source-sink pairs in TG . Let MCFopt (G) denote a maximum multi-commodity flow in G between the source-sink pairs. Since f can be routed in G with a congestion of at most , we get that, MCFopt (G) yielding that Conl (G) 2 · MCFopt (G). Since MCFopt (G) lower bounds the optimal multi-cut in G, we get that our algorithm is (2 )-competitive. Substituting the appropriate values for , and setting = O(log n), the claimed bounds follow. We now proceed and show an online algorithm for the multi-cut problem in trees. First, note that there is a simple reduction from the online multicut problem in trees to the online set cover problem. Each pair of vertices in the tree corresponds to an element; each edge of the tree corresponds to a set. A set contains an element if the corresponding edge separates the two vertices corresponding to the element. Hence, by the main result of [1], (which follows the basic general approach developed here), there is a deterministic O(log2 n)-competitive algorithm for the online minimum multi-cut tree problem. The above reduction applies to any tree. However, when considering the decomposition trees produced by [12], we observe that their height is only O(log n). We use this to improve on the competitive ratio by providing an O(h)-competitive online algorithm for any tree, where h denotes the height. The online algorithm essentially follows the primal-dual 2-approximation algorithm of [11]. 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