An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for Maximum Tukey Depth Timothy M. Chan Abstract We present the first optimal algorithm to compute the maximum Tukey depth (also known as location or halfspace depth ) for a non-degenerate point set in the plane. The algorithm is randomized and requires O(n log n) expected time for n data points. In a higher fixed dimension d 3, the expected time bound is O(nd-1 ), which is probably optimal as well. The result is obtained using an interesting variant of the author's randomized optimization technique, capable of solving "implicit" linear-programming-type problems; some other applications of this technique are briefly mentioned. paper is to determine the computational complexity for the most basic such problem. 1.3 Previous results. For dimension d = 1, the Tukey median problem obviously corresponds to the standard median and can therefore be solved in O(n) time [19]; the maximum depth here is exactly n/2 . For higher d, the maximum Tukey depth is between n/(d + 1) and n/2 ; the lower bound here can be proved by Helly's theorem. In the geometry literature, a point with depth at least n/(d + 1) is referred to as a centerpoint. The first nontrivial algorithmic result for d = 2, by Cole et al. [18], was stated in terms of centerpoints: they showed that a centerpoint can be found in O(n log5 n) time, using a two-level application of parametric search [35]. Cole's refined parametricsearch technique [17] subsequently reduced the time bound to O(n log3 n). Later, an O(n)-time algorithm for centerpoints in the plane was discovered by Jadhav and Mukhopadhyay [27], using a clever prune-andsearch approach. This does not solve the Tukey median problem, however. In 1991, Matouek [32] described an algorithm s that can decide whether the maximum Tukey depth is at least a given value k in O(n log 4 n) time, using also a two-level parametric search as a subroutine. His algorithm actually constructs the entire depth-k contour (the region of all points at depth at least k ). Consequently, a binary search in k yields the maximum Tukey depth and a Tukey median in O(n log 5 n) time. Matouek's result has remained unsurpassed, until s recently. In 2000, Langerman and Steiger [29] obtained a faster decision algorithm with an O(n log 3 n) running time by using an alternative to parametric search; this algorithm does not construct the depth contour. The additional binary search then leads to an O(n log 4 n) time bound for Tukey median. Subsequently, Langerman and Steiger [31] showed that the Tukey median problem itself can be solved in O(n log 3 n) time. Some extra logarithmic factors seem inherent in their approach, because of its binary-search-like behavior. There is an (n log n) lower bound on the time complexity for computing the maximum Tukey depth (or deciding whether the maximum depth is at least k , or testing the depth value of just a single point q , or find- 1 Intro duction 1.1 Problem statement. Given a set P of n points in IRd , the Tukey depth of a point q IRd is defined as: min{|P | : over all halfspaces containing q }. We are interested in finding a Tukey median , that is, a point q IRd with the largest Tukey depth. 1.2 Motivation. Notions of depths for point data sets are important in statistical analysis. The above definition (also called location depth , data depth , and halfspace depth ) is among the most well-known and was popularized by John Tukey [47], who suggested using the corresponding depth contours (boundaries of regions of all points with equal depth) to visualize data. A Tukey median can serve as a point estimator for the data set (a "center") which is robust against outliers, does not rely on distances, and is invariant under affine transformations [41, 42, 45]. Because of the applications to statistics, the issue of designing efficient algorithms to find Tukey medians and their relatives--for example, a point with maximum Liu/simplicial depth , minimum Oja depth , or maximum convex-layers/peeling depth , and a line or flat with maximum regression depth --has attracted a great deal of attention from researchers in computational geometry [2, 3, 5, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37]. The topic has even led to a DIMACS workshop recently. The goal of the present of Computer Science, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada, This work has been supported in part by an NSERC Research Grant. Scho ol Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 430 ing a Tukey median that is extreme along a given direction) [3, 29]. We conjecture that the (n log n) lower bound holds for finding an arbitrary Tukey median as well. Extensions of the algorithms to d = 3 were also discussed in some of the previous papers, with more logarithmic factors in the running time. For example, with a three-level parametric search, Cole et al.'s centerpoint algorithm [17] now takes time O(n2 log7 n), or by Cole's refinement, O(n2 log4 n) [17]. Another O(n2 polylog n) algorithm was apparently given by Naor and Sharir [38]. Note that the problem is difficult because of our insistence on using exact depth values. Approximate versions of the problem can be solved considerably more quickly; for example, see [14, 32]. 1.4 New results. For d = 2, we show that theoretically a faster decision algorithm is possible by randomization: we can decide whether the maximum depth is at least a given value k in O(n log n) expected time (assuming non-degeneracy of the input). Our algorithm does not construct the entire depth-k contour, but it can find a point of depth at least k that is extreme along any given direction. The algorithm is based on a generalization of the author's randomized optimization technique [7]. This generalized technique is interesting in its own right, as it can deal with certain LP-type problems where the constraints are too numerous to write down and are instead specified "implicitly". By binary search in k , the maximum Tukey depth can now be computed in O(n log2 n) expected time. We show that the binary search can also be avoided, by the generalized randomized optimization technique again. We thus have a randomized O(n log n)-time algorithm for computing the maximum Tukey depth and a Tukey median. In view of the aforementioned lower bound (which holds for randomized algorithms), the result is optimal, at least if the maximum Tukey depth value is desired. Our algorithm in fact works for any fixed dimension d 3 and requires O(nd-1 ) expected time. As the problem of detecting affine degeneracies (the existence of d points on a common hyperplane) among n points in IRd-1 is believed to require (nd-1 ) time [24] and can be reduced to computing the maximum Tukey depth in IRd , our result is likely to be optimal for d 3 as well. Note that as a byproduct, we get an improved O(n2 )time randomized algorithm for centerpoints in IR3 . A Randomized Optimization Technique for Implicit LPs In this section, we present general tools that are of interest not just to the Tukey depth problem. 2 2.1 The original technique. Several years ago, the author [7] identified a simple lemma thatcan surprisingly be used to solve many geometric optimization problems. As in the popular parametric-search technique [1, 35], the strategy is to solve the decision problem first (requirement 1): decide whether the optimal value is at least a given value. Once a decision algorithm is found, an algorithm for the optimization problem can usually be obtained by following a general "recipe", even if the values are real numbers (where an ordinary binary search is not applicable). In the parametric-search recipe, an efficient parallel version of the decision algorithm (or another algorithm with appropriate characteristics) is usually required; the transformed algorithm is not only slower by some polylogarithmic factor but also quite complicated (sometimes un-implementable!). The novelty of the lemma below is requirement 2: if this particular condition is met for the problem at hand, not only can these complications be bypassed by a simpler randomized algorithm (which uses the decision algorithm only as a black box), but the resulting algorithm is also faster and has no logarithmic-factor slow-down. Requirement 2 is similar to the design of prune-and-search algorithms (forming subproblems of size a fraction less), but unlike traditional prune-and-search, we do not need to know a priori which subproblem defines the optimal solution. Lemma 2.1. [7] Let < 1 and r be fixed constants. Suppose f : P IR is a function that maps inputs to real values, with the fol lowing properties: 0. For any input P P of constant size, f (P ) can be computed in constant time; 1. For any input P P of size n and any t IR, we can decide whether f (P ) t in time D(n); 2. For any input P P of size n, we can construct inputs P1 , . . . , Pr P each of size at most n , in time no more than D(n), such that f (P ) = min{f (P1 ), . . . , f (Pr )}. Then for any input P P of size n, we can compute f (P ) in O(D(n)) expected time, assuming that D(n)/n is monotone increasing. The proof [7] follows from the well-known fact [19] that the standard way to compute the minimum of r numbers, if randomized, requires O(r) comparisons but only O(log r) expected number of "evaluations". The algorithm uses this fact recursively. 431 2.2 LP-typ e problems. Randomized techniques had been discovered earlier for a special class of geometric optimization problems that share properties (as defined below) enjoyed by linear and convex programming. Problems in this class can be solved in linear time for any fixed dimension, by simple algorithms [43, 44]. Definition 2.2. Let w : 2H W be a function that maps sets of constraints (members of H) to values in a totally ordered set W . We say that w is LP-type of dimension at most d if the following properties hold for all sets H H and all constraints h H: (i) w(H ) = w(B ) for some B H of size at most d. (ii) w(H {h}) w(H ). (iii) Suppose w(H ) = w(B ) with B H . Then w(H {h}) = w(H ) w(B {h}) = w(B ). We call a set B of size at most d a basis , and if (i) is obeyed, a basis for H . If w(B {h}) = w(B ), we say that B satisfies h. More generally, if w(B H ) = w(B ), B satisfies H . Primitive operations that algorithms may use include basis evaluation (computing w(B ) for a basis B ) and satisfaction/violation test (determining if a basis B satisfies or violates a constraint h). It can be shown from the definition that if w is H LP-type, then the modified function w : 22 W with w({H1 , . . . , Hn }) := w(H1 · · · Hn ) is LPtype as well, of the same dimension. If w is the standard linear programming problem (the minimum of a fixed linear function over the intersection of a given set of halfspaces H ), then w corresponds to a convex programming problem. 2.3 A generalized technique. In requirement 2 of the lemma, the subproblems are combined via the min operator, essentially 1-dimensional linear programming. The main observation of this section is that the min operator can be replaced more generally by d-dimensional linear programming. Parametric search can also reduce the d-dimensional optimization problem to a satisfaction/violation problem (requirement 1 without requirement 2), but in a more complicated multi-level or multidimensional form [16, 33, 39]. This technique incurs further polylogarithmic slow-down and does not carry over to abstract LP-type problems, unlike the new lemma below: Lemma 2.3. Let w : 2H W be an LP-type function of constant dimension d and let < 1 and r be fixed constants. Suppose f : P 2H is a function that maps inputs to sets of constraints, with the fol lowing properties: 0. For inputs P1 , . . . , Pd P of constant size, a basis for f (P1 ) · · · f (Pd ) can be computed in constant time; 1. For any input P P and any basis B , we can decide whether B satisfies f (P ) in time D(n); 2. For any input P P , we can construct inputs P1 , . . . , Pr P each of size at most n , in time no more than D(n), such that f (P ) = f (P1 ) · · · f (Pr ). Then we can compute a basis for f (P ) in O(D(n)) expected time, assuming that D(n)/n is monotone increasing. Proof. We describe a recursive algorithm that, given d inputs P1 , . . . , Pd each of size at most n, compute a basis for f (P1 )· · ·f (Pd ). The base case can be taken care of by requirement 0. By requirement 2, we can form inputs Q1 , . . . , Qdr each of size at most n , and reduce the problem to computing a basis for f (Q1 ) · · · f (Qdr ), or in terms of the modified LP-type function w, a basis for the set of dr elements {f (Q1 ), . . . , f (Qdr )}. The standard randomized incremental algorithm for LP-type problems [44] finds the solution using a linear (O(r)) expected number of satisfaction/violation tests and a polylogarithmic (O(logd r)) expected number of basis evaluations for w. (In fact, a weighted sampling algorithm by Clarkson [12] uses only O(log r) basis evaluations.) The satisfaction tests can be handled by requirement 1 and the basis evaluations can be performed by recursive calls. As a result, we have the following recurrence for the expected running time: T (n) = c logd r T ( n ) + O(rD(n)), for some constant c that depends only on d. This recurrence is in the standard "master" form [19] and solves to T (n) = O(D(n)), provided that log(c logd r)/ log(1/) < . If this inequality is not true, it can be made true by replacing with and r with r for a sufficiently large constant , since we can repeat the division procedure in requirement 2 a total of times before applying the recursive algorithm. 2 2.4 Some examples. To illustrate the versatility of the new lemma, we briefly sketch a few applications where some known results can be re-derived: · The problem of answering linear programming queries for a preprocessed set of n halfspaces in IRd 432 was considered by Matouek [33], who used multis level parametric search to reduce the problem to designing data structures for satisfaction queries (usually called membership queries). We can obtain a simpler reduction by the generalized lemma (similar to a reduction obtained by the original lemma for ray shooting queries [7]): just build a binary tree for the halfspaces and store a membership structure at each node (preprocessing time and space increases by at most a logarithmic factor); then requirement 2 trivially holds (with r = 2 and = 1/2) and we get an expected query time Q(n) which coincides with the time for membership queries, with no extra logarithmic factor, if Q(n)/n is monotone increasing. Similar results was obtained earlier by a different randomized method of the author [6]. The method here uses randomization only in the query algorithm, not the preprocessing, although the previous method can be derandomized more effectively, as shown by Ramos [40]. · Minimum diameter of moving points. Given n points {pi (t)}i=1,...,n , each moving linearly in IRd , for what the time value t is the diameter maxij pi (t) - pj (t) t he smallest? Gupta et al. [26] applied parametric search to get an O(n log3 n)-time algorithm for the two-dimensional problem. Clarkson [13] later described a randomized O(n log n)-time algorithm in dimension d 3, but this result can also be obtained as a corollary of the generalized lemma: because pi (t) - pj (t) 2 is a convex quadratic function in t, the problem is equivalent to a convex program with O(n2 ) constraints, one for each pair of points; requirement 2 can be met by partitioning the point set P into three subsets P1 , P2 , P3 of equal size and expressing the constraint set for P as the union of the constraint sets for P1 P2 , P2 P3 , and P1 P3 (with r = 3 and = 2/3). The satisfaction test reduces to computing the diameter of the point set at a fixed time, which can be accomplished in O(n log n) time for d 3 [15]. · Inverse parametric minimum spanning trees. Eppstein [23] considered the following graph problem: we have an undirected graph G(t1 , . . . , td ) with n vertices and m edges, where the weight of each edge is a linear function in t1 , . . . , td ; we are also given a tree T ; the goal is to find parameters t1 , . . . , td (if exist) such that the minimum spanning tree of G(t1 , . . . , td ) coincides with T . This problem can also be viewed as an implicit LP with O(mn) constraints, one for each pair of non-tree edge e and tree edge e , where T {e} \ {e } is a tree (the constraint is that the weight of e must be at least the weight of e ). In the journal version of his paper [23], Eppstein has already applied our randomized optimization technique to solve the problem in linear expected time, although he used the original lemma instead of the generalized lemma and the solution to the decision problem was not entirely clear. 3 Tukey Depth as an Implicit LP We now detail the application of the new lemma to the maximum Tukey depth problem. 3.1 Finding a p oint of a given depth k . Let P be the given non-degenerate set of n points in IRd . We first consider the problem of finding a point with Tukey depth at least k , minimizing a linear function, if such a point exists. That this is related to linear programming is not surprising, because the problem asks for an extreme point inside a halfspace intersection: { : over all halfspaces with |P \ | < k }. In the subsequent discussion, it is best to switch to dual space [22]. Here, the linear programming problem becomes the following: given a set S of points colored black or white in IRd , compute w(S ) := min s.t. (h) all black points of S are below h all white points of S are above h where (h) can be any linear function over the coefficients of h's hyperplane equation. For our problem, the dualized input becomes a nondegenerate set H of n hyperplanes. Given any point q IRd colored black or white, its level H (q ) refers to the number of hyperplanes below q if black, above q if white. Let Lk (H ) denote the set of all black points of level < k and let Uk (H ) denote the set of all white points of level < k . Our problem corresponds to computing w(Lk (H ) Uk (H )). Although Lk (H ) and Uk (H ) are infinite sets, it suffices to take only the vertices along their boundaries (called the k -level vertices). Unfortunately, even for dimension d = 2, he number of such vertices can be t superlinear (n2( log k) ) [46], and currently the best upper bound is O(nk 1/3 ) [20]. In practice, the number is probably smaller than this upper bound, and the obvious approach of constructing the k -level [8] and running a linear programming algorithm may not be as ineffective as one thinks (at least for d = 2). To design algorithms that are guaranteed to do well on any input, 433 however, we need to adopt the implicit LP approach from the previous section. We now state a known geometric result that enables us to divide a problem into subproblems of size a fraction less (requirement 2). We then demonstrate how the problem can be solved by our randomized technique. Lemma 3.1. (Cutting Lemma) Given n hyperplanes in a fixed dimension d, we can cut IRd into a constant number of simplices such that each simplex intersects at most n hyperplanes for some constant < 1. The construction takes linear time. Proof. This was first proved by Megiddo and Dyer [21, 36] (though the result was stated differently). For instance, in dimension 2, this construction gives 4 cells with = 7/8 (which can be refined to = 3/4 with more work). A simple random sampling algorithm was suggested by Clarkson [11]. The theoretically fastest deterministic algorithm (O(r d ) cells with = 1/r) was obtained by Chazelle [10]. 2 Theorem 3.1. Given a number k and a nondegenerate set of n points in a fixed dimension d, we can decide whether there exists a point of Tukey depth at least k (and return such a point) in O(n log n + nd-1 ) expected time. Proof. We use Lemma 2.3 to solve a slight extension of the dual problem: given a simplex and numbers a and b, compute w(f (H, , a, b)), where f (H, , a, b) := (Lk-a (H ) Uk-b (H )) . We check that the requirements of the lemma can indeed be fulfilled (ignoring the trivial base cases): 1. Given input (H, , a, b) of size n and a basis B , we can decide whether B satisfies f (H, , a, b), i.e., whether for the hyperplane h defined by B , Lk-a (H ) is (completely) below h and Uk-b (H ) above h, in the following manner. Without loss of generality, we concentrate on the first condition. Let be the portion of above h. The condition is equivalent to Lk-a (H ) = , i.e., Lk-a (H ) = . We take each (d-1)-dimensional simplex of . Testing whether Lk-a (H ) is empty reduces to finding a point inside all but k - a halfspaces in (d - 1)-dimensional space (the affine hull of )--the problem of "linear programming with violations" [9, 34]. In our case (where k -a is possibly large), a naive approach of constructing the entire (d - 1)-dimensional arrangement [22] is best and enough to implement the entire satisfaction test in D(n) := O(n log n + nd-1 ) time. 2. Given input (H, , a, b) of size n, we can form the simplices from the cutting lemma, intersect them with , and retriangulate to partition into simplices 1 , . . . , r . Then f (H, , a, b) = = ir =1 ir =1 f (H, i , a, b) f (Hi , i , a + ai , b + bi ), where Hi denotes the set of hyperplanes of H intersecting i (of size at most n ), and ai and bi respectively denote the number of hyperplanes strictly below i and above i . The theorem thus follows. 2 Remark : As Stefan Langerman (personal communication) pointed out, our technique can speed up a subroutine in Matouek's two-dimensional depth algos rithm (his Lemma 3.3) [32] and result in an improved O(n log2 n) expected time bound for constructing the entire depth-k contour. We leave open the question of whether O(n log n) time is possible for the twodimensional depth contour problem. 3.2 Finding a p oint of maximum depth. Having solved the problem of deciding whether the maximum Tukey depth is at least k , we consider the problem of computing the maximum Tukey depth. One way is to apply the randomized optimization technique again, this time in its original form (Lemma 2.1)-- the application is not entirely trivial (but is doable with the help of Helly's theorem) and results in a "two-level" algorithm. We describe another way that directly modifies our previous algorithm and applies the optimization technique just once. To this end, we consider a more general linear programming problem, where each of the constraints comes with a label value: maximize k such that there exists a point inside all given halfspaces with label < k ; or in dual form, compute w (S ) := min(-k , (h)) s.t. all black points with label < k are below h all white points of S with label < k are above h where the minimum is taken lexicographically. For example, the following is a special case (where labels are positions in a sequence): given a sequence S of linear constraints, find the longest prefix of S whose linear program is feasible. Curiously, this problem is LP-type and can thus be solved in O(|S |) expected time, without any extra logarithmic factor caused by binary search: 434 Observation 3.2. w is LP-type of dimension at most 2d + 1. Proof. We can check properties (i)­(iii) directly, or we can just recognize that w is an instance of quasiconvex programming (or "quasilinear programming"?), as defined (and shown LP-type) by Amenta et al. [4]: Roughly, the goal is to find a point that satisfies a set of constraints, maximizing a variable t, where each level set (points with the same t value) of each constraint is convex, and the level sets of each constraint are nested. In our case, for each point q with label k , the level set at all t > k is the dual halfspace of q , and the level set 2 at t k is all of IRd . The maximum Tukey depth problem dualizes to finding w (f (H, , a, b)) for = IRd and a = b = 0, where f (H, , a, b) = {q in black with label H (q ) + a} {q in white with label H (q ) + b}. Theorem 3.2. Given a non-degenerate set of n points in a fixed dimension d, we can compute the maximum Tukey depth (and return a Tukey median) in O(n log n + nd-1 ) expected time. Proof. 1. Deciding whether a basis satisfies f (H, , a, b) with respect to w again reduces to testing, for a given hyperplane h and a given number k , whether Lk-a (H ) is below h and Uk-b (H ) is above h. As in the proof of the previous theorem, this requires D(n) = O(n log n + nd-1 ) time. 2. Forming the simplices i , sets Hi , and indices ai and bi in the same fashion as in the previous proof, we similarly have f (H, , a, b) = = ir =1 Acknowledgements I thank Stefan Langerman for re-posing the problem at the 2002 Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry problem session, and for subsequent discussions. References [1] P. K. 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