Output-Sensitive Construction of the Union of Triangles Eti Ezra Micha Sharir Abstract We present an efficient algorithm for the following problem: Given a collection T = {1 , . . . , n } of n triangles in the plane, such that there exists a subset S T (unknown to Ë Ë us), of n triangles, such that S = T , construct efficiently the union of the triangles in T . We show that this problem can b e solved in sub quadratic time. In our solution, we use the approximate DisjointCover (DC) algorithm, presented as a heuristics in [9]. We present a detailed implementation of this method, which combines a variety of techniques related to range-searching in two dimensions. We provide a rigorous analysis of its p erformance in the ab ove setting, showing that it does indeed run in sub quadratic time (for a reasonable range of ). 1 Intro duction Many problems in computational geometry involve the task of constructing the boundary of the union of n geometric ob jects in the plane. Problems of this kind include motion planning [14], where we wish to construct the forbidden portions of the configuration space; hidden surface removal for visibility problems in three dimensions [16]; finding the minimal Hausdorff distance between two sets of points (or of segments) in IR2 [12]; applications in geographic information systems [8], and many others. In this paper, we focus mainly on the problem of constructing the union of n triangles in IR2 , and discuss the extension of our algorithm to other geometric ob jects in Section 4. Computing the union by constructing the full arrangement of the n input triangles, requires (n2 ) time in the worst case, which, in most cases, is wasteful, since the combinatorial complexity of the union boundary might be considerably smaller. Nevertheless, it is strongly believed that an algorithm for this problem Work on this pap er has b een supp orted by NSF Grants CCR97-32101 and CCR-00-98246, by a grant from the U.S.-Israeli Binational Science Foundation, by a grant from the Israel Science Fund, Israeli Academy of Sciences, for a Center of Excellence in Geometric Computing at Tel Aviv University, and by the Hermann Minkowski­MINERVA Center for Geometry at Tel Aviv University. Scho ol of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University. Scho ol of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University. that runs in subquadratic time when the boundary of the union has subquadratic complexity1 is unlikely to exist, since this problem belongs to the family of 3SUMhard problems [11], which are problems that are very likely to require (n2 ) time in the worst case. See below for more details. However, subquadratic algorithms exist in several special cases, such as the case of fat triangles (namely, every angle of each triangle is at least some constant positive angle), or of triangles that arise in the union of Minkowski sums of a fixed convex polygon with a set of pairwise disjoint convex polygons (which is the problem one faces in translational motion planning of a convex polygon). In these cases, the union has only linear or near-linear complexity [13, 15], and more efficient algorithms, based on either deterministic divide-andconquer, or on randomized incremental construction, can be devised, and are presented in the above-cited papers. If the input consists of general triangles, then one can employ the randomized incremental construction (RIC) of Agarwal and Har-Peled [3], whose analysis is based on Mulmuley's theta series [16]. As discussed in [9], the above algorithm has good performance, provided that the depth d(v ) of most of the vertices v (i.e., the number of input triangles containing v in their interior) in the arrangement induced by the n input triangles, is large enough. We refer to such vertices as being deep. Otherwise, when most of the vertices in the arrangement are shal low (but of positive depth), the RIC algorithm performs poorly. In this case, one can employ the Disjoint Cover (DC) algorithm, proposed in [9] and reviewed in more details below, which has goo d performance in practice. However, from a theoretical point of view (and in view of certain pathological examples, presented in [9]), the DC algorithm can produce (n2 ) vertices of the arrangement, even if the size of the output (i.e., the number of vertices on the boundary of the union) is only linear or constant, and it can be beaten by the RIC algorithm in such cases. is one variant of output sensitivity that one may wish to attain. In this paper we use a different notion of output sensitivity, described later in the introduction. 1 This Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 420 t1 t2 (a) t1 t6 t5 t2 t3 t4 (b ) Figure 1: (a) An arrangement of six triangles, illustrating the first measure of output sensitivity. The triangles t1 and t2 cover the entire union, so the output size is 2. (b) Illustrating the second measure of output sensitivity. The union boundary is determined only by the triangles t1 , . . . , t4 , even though the triangles t5 and t6 cover the i hole created by 4 ti . The output size is 4 according to the second measure, and 6 according to the first one. Output sensitivity. In this paper we derive an efficient (subquadratic) algorithm that computes the union in an "output-sensitive" manner. There are two obvious ways to define output sensitivity. The first is to measure the output size in terms of the size of th smallest subset S T that satisfies e S = , and the second measure is in terms of the T size f the smallest subset S such that o T . See Figure 1 for an illustration of the two S measures. Note that if the output size is , according to either of the two measures, the actual complexity of the union may be as large as ( 2 ) (but not larger). The second measure of output size is likely to be too weak. Indeed, consider the reduction, as presented in [11], of an instance of 3-SUM to an instance of the problem of determining whether the union of a given set of triangles fully covers the unit square. In the above reduction, let A denote an algorithm that efficiently computes the union of n triangles in the plane, in terms of the second measure, and let TA (n, ) denote its running time, expressed as a function of the total number n of input triangles and of the output size . We suppose that TA (n, ) = o(n2 ) when = o(n). In order to determine efficiently whether the given triangles fully cover the unit square, we consider only the portions of the triangles that are contained in the unit square, and triangulate them. In addition, we add four thin and narrow triangles that cover the boundary of the unit square. We now run A on the newly constructed instance. Clearly, there are no holes in the union of the newly created triangles if and only if the original union contains the unit square. In this case the boundary of the new union consists of only four triangles, and thus A will terminate in a predictable subquadratic time. We thus run A. If it terminates within the anticipated (subquadratic) time, we can determine at no extra cost, whether the union covers the unit square. Otherwise, we stop A, and correctly report that the union of the original triangles does not cover the unit square. Hence an efficient output-sensitive solution, under the second measure, would have yielded a subquadratic solution to 3-SUM, and is thus unlikely to exist. In contrast, the first measure does lend itself to an efficient output-sensitive solution, which is the main result of this paper. Our results. Specifically, we present an efficient algorithm to construct the boundary of the union of a set T = {1 , . . . , n } of n triangles in the plane, under the assumption that there exists a subset S T of n triangles (unknown to us) such that S = . We present an efficient subquadratic algoT rithm for computing the union in this special case, whose precise performance bound is given in Theorem 2.1 (and is subquadratic for a reasonable range of the parameter ; see below). Our approach is a randomized algorithm, based on the approximate DC algorithm, presented as a heuristics in [9]. We present a detailed (randomized) implementation of this metho d, in which we employ a technique for efficiently counting and reporting all red-blue intersections between a set of red line-segments and a set of blue line-segments [1], as well as standard techniques for range-searching in two dimensions [5, 7]. We provide a rigorous analysis of the algorithm performance in the above setting, showing that it does indeed run in (expected) subquadratic time. In particular, we first derive a subquadratic bound on the expected number of vertices generated by our version of the DC algorithm. Then we present a detailed implementation of the algorithm, which results in an overall subquadratic solution. We note that, when measuring the expected number of vertices generated by the algorithm, it suffices (and is appropriate) to consider only vertices at positive depth, since vertices at depth 0 are the vertices of the union, and they have to be constructed by any algorithm that computes the 421 union. We call the latter quantity, namely the number of positive-depth vertices generated by the algorithm, the residual cost of the approximate DC algorithm (or of any alternative algorithm). In Section 2 we briefly present the approximate DC algorithm, and derive an upper bound on its expected residual cost. Section 3 describes a detailed implementation of the approximate DC algorithm. We give concluding remarks and suggestions for further research in Section 4. 2 The Approximate Disjoint Cover Algorithm The approximate DC algorithm is described in detail in [9]. For the sake of completeness, we recall briefly some of these details. The algorithm is incremental, and adds the triangles one at a time, maintaining the union after each insertion (in this paper we use a slightly different implementation). The insertion order of the triangles is computed as follows. We denote by V + the set of vertices of the arrangement A(T ) at positive depth (considering only intersection points of the triangle boundaries and ignoring triangle vertices), and let R V + denote a random subset of V + . Suppose we have already inserted (1 , . . . , j -1 ). We regard each triangle as an open set. For each of the remaining triangles , we set (temporarily) S to be the set of all vertices of R in (the interior of ) that are i not covered by < W < W r r r a (2.1) Pr j () - Nj () (2.3) Pr () - Nj () > Nj () j 2e 2pNj () -a2 the DC algorithm, which can be viewed as the sum 0 < < 1, which can be made arbitrarily small (for a of Nj () mutually independent indicator variables, proper choice of c) such that, w.o.p., X1 , . . . , XNj () , each satisfying (1 - )r (2.2) Wj () Nj (), P r[Xi = 1] = p; P r[Xi = 0] = 1-p, for i = 1, . . . , Nj (). + 2(pNa ())2 j 3 , e- Nj ()[( +1) ln( +1)- ] . Using this bound, we obtain Lemma 2.2. Let T , V + , , and r be as in Lemma 2.1. Let j -1 denote the number of positive-depth vertices that have not been covered by the first j - 1 triangles chosen by the DC algorithm, and assume that j -1 . t Then, w.o.p., each remaining triangle satisfies (2.4) Nj () min r r for any a > 0. Substituting a = c Nj () log n, we obtain r < W > r c Nj () log n Pr () - Nj () j -c 2 log n 2 1 2e c - r log n . Nj () ( 1 - ) j -1 , j -1 Wj () - · r , In other words, the above is the probability that the temporary weight of , set by the approximate DC algorithm, differs from its expected value E(Wj ()) E (Wj ()) log n. The probability that by more than c there exists at least one such triangle is at most r < W > r c Nj () log n Pr j () - Nj () T -c 2 log n 2 for any fixed 0 < < 1, provided that the constants of proportionality are sufficiently large. Pro of: Fix a weight W0 , and, for each remaining triangle T , consider the event A : Substituting = Wj () - r Nj () > W0 . 1 j 2 ne , 4 in (2.3), we obtain If r max c2 Nj) log n then the above proba( +1 2 P r[A ] < e-W0 [ ln( +1)-1] . bility is at most 2n1-c /4 . Hence the complementary event occurs w.o.p. when c 3, say. Hence, if we As is easily verified, the function choose r = (t log n), the above inequality holds for +1 every triangle that satisfies Nj () = ( t ) (with the ln( + 1) - 1, f ( ) = constant of proportionality linear in the constant in the choice of r). This completes the proof of the lemma. 2 Lemma 2.1 implies that if we are left with at least defined for > 0, is monotone increasing and tends to one heavy triangle (i.e., a triangle whose temporary 0 as tends to 0. If, for some fixed 0 < < 1, weight is at least ( t )) in the j -th iteration, then, (1 - )W0 , Nj () < w.o.p., each such heavy triangle satisfies r r r then > /(1 - ), implying that Nj () log n, Wj () Nj () - c 1 1 (2.5) P r[A ] < e-W0 [ ln 1- -1] , for a sufficiently large constant c. r r Since Nj () log n Nj () (by the choice of where the expression in the brackets in the exp onent is r and the assumption on Nj ()), there is a constant positive. c - r log n . N () W0 rNj () 423 We keep iterating in this manner. At the j -th step, we are left with a subset Vj -1 of positive-depth vertices, so assume that Nj () < of size r- W0 = j 1 , (2.5) implies that the probability that j -1 i j -1 = - Ni (i ), (2.4) does not hold for is at most Clearly, if Nj () which are not covered by any of the first j - 1 triangles. If j -1 is smaller than /t, we stop this part of the Since we have assumed that j -1 , it follows, using algorithm. Otherwise, the remaining triangles of S still t the fact that r = (t log n), that the above probability cover all the remaining positive-depth vertices, and the is at most 1/nc, for an appropriate constant c (that number of these triangles can only decrease. Hence, also depends on ). Hence, the probability that at least there exists a remaining triangle of S that covers at one triangle violates (2.4) is at most 1/nc-1. Hence, least j -1 / remaining positive-depth vertices. Since w.o.p., (2.4) holds for all triangles . 2 this number is ( t ), Lemma 2.1 can be applied. Using Remark: Both Lemmas 2.1 and 2.2 rely on the a new sample R(j ) of r vertices of V + , we thus obtain (implicit) assumption that the choice of 1 , . . . , j -1 that, w.o.p., is independent of the choice of R. In particular, for the (1 - )r j -1 lemmas to be applicable at each stage of the iteration, R · , Wj () should be redrawn from scratch at each iteration. (See below for a discussion of this issue.) (with respect to R(j ) ), and so the chosen triangle j also We now have: satisfies this inequality. As above, using (2.4), w.o.p., Theorem 2.1. Let T = {1 , . . . , n } be a given col lec- either (1 - )j -1 , Nj (j ) tion of n triangles in the plane, and assume that there exists a subset S T of n triangles (unknown to or + us) such that S = T . Let V , and t be r j -1 r · , Wj (j ) - Nj (j ) as above. Then one can implement the approximate DC algorithm, so that its residual cost is O( 2 log2 t + ), t w.o.p. In particular, for t = 2 , the residual cost is This implies that, in either case we have O( 2 log2 n). (1 - - )j -1 . (2.7) Nj (j ) Pro of: We set V0 = V + and = |V0 |. We use the same notation as above for r, Nj () and Wj (), and assume Thus, using induction on j , the number of remaining positive-depth vertices j satisfies that r = (t log n), for the given parameter t. j 1 Since there exists a subset S T of n triangles 1-- whose union is equal to . j - T , the triangles in S cover (2.8) all the vertices in V + , and thus also all the vertices in R. Thus there exists a triangle in S that contains at Let q denote the number of triangles chosen at least r/ vertices of R (in its interior). It follows that this part of the algorithm. In particular, we have the first triangle 1 chosen by the DC algorithm (which q-1 > q . Note that after inserting all triangles t is not necessarily an element of S ), also satisfies of S , the partial union is equal to the overall union, and e hence the actual weights of the remaining triangles are all 0. However, some of the triangles of S may remain unchosen after the first q iterations. In either case, (2.8) Using (2.4) and noting that 0 = , we conclude implies q -1 1 that, w.o.p., either N1 (1 ) (1 - ) , or W1 (1 ) - 1-- r r q -1 - N1 (1 ) . Hence, in either case we have t r W1 (1 ) . (2.6) N1 (1 ) (1 - ) . ( ) e-(q-1) 1-- r - j -1 (1- )j-1 then (2.4) holds, (1- )j-1 . Then, putting =1 1 [ln 1- - ] . , In other words, 1 covers of the arrangement A(T ). and it therefore follows that q 1 + 1-- ln t, that is, positive-depth vertices the number of triangles chosen in the first part of the DC algorithm is O( log t). 424 After having chosen the first q triangles, we insert the other triangles in an arbitrary order. As a matter of fact, we may add all of them in a single step. The first q triangles that the DC algorithm inserts can generate, among themselves, at most O(q 2 ) vertices. In addition, the number of vertices of V + that have not been covered by the first q inserted triangles is, by construction, at most /t. As the algorithm inserts the remaining triangles, it may, in the worst case, generate all the remaining positive-depth vertices, and we t make no attempt to optimize its performance from this point on. It follows that, w.o.p., the overall residual cost of the DC algorithm is bounded by O(q 2 ) + = O( 2 log2 t) + . t t This completes the proof of the theorem. 2 Discussion. Clearly, if our only concern is to have the algorithm generate as few positive-depth vertices as possible3 , we should choose t as large as possible. For example, as noted, if we choose t = 2 , then the residual cost of the approximate DC algorithm is at most O( 2 log2 n), w.o.p. Since there are only triangles that define the union, the combinatorial complexity of the boundary of the union is only O( 2 ). This implies that, for the above choice of t, the overall number of vertices that the DC algorithm generates is O( 2 log2 n), which is subquadratic if n. However, if we are concerned with the actual running time, large values of t will slow down the algorithm. For example, for this choice of t, r has to be ( t log n) = ( log n). Since we have to choose a new sample at each of the first q iterations of the algorithm, the above may cost ( log n · log n) = ( log2 n), which is worse than a simple-minded sweep-based (or randomized incremental) algorithm that computes the union (and the entire arrangement, for that matter) in time O(n log n+) [16]. Hence, in the actual implementation of the algorithm, presented in Section 3 below, we will choose a smaller value for t, in order to optimize the bound on the actual running time of the algorithm. This will affect the bound on the residual cost; see below for details. We also note that the bound O(q 2 ) on the complexity of the union of the first q triangles may be too pessimistic in practice. If the complexity of the union turns out to be smaller, the residual cost will be smaller too. the actual generation of positive-depth vertices), such as the construction of the random samples R(j ) , the preprocessing time needed to compute all (temporary) weights with respect to R, and the time required for the actual construction of the union of the input triangles. The implementation given in [9] has good performance in practice, but its worst-case performance is hard to analyze. We present here an implementation that uses a battery of sophisticated, albeit standard, tools, based on range searching and related techniques [1, 5, 7], and lead to a subquadratic output-sensitive algorithm for constructing the union. In the following description, we denote by q the number of triangles chosen in the first stage of the algorithm, which cover all but at most positive-depth t vertices, where and t are as in Theorem 2.1. We note that the determination of q depends on the ability to count the number of uncovered vertices, which is not an easy task to implement efficiently. Nevertheless, we show that q can be well approximated. Sampling R. Recall that we have to draw a new subset R in each iteration of the DC algorithm, in order to eliminate any dependence between the shape of the present union and the (current) sample R. This makes the algorithm slightly more involved, and causes some degradation of its performance -- see below. The task at hand is to construct, at the j -th triangle selection step, a random sample of (an expected number of ) r positive-depth vertices of A(T ). Let E denote the set of 3n edges of the triangles in T . We apply the technique of Agarwal [1] (see also [4]) that constructs a representation of the intersection graph of E as the disjoint union of complete bipartite graphs {Ai ×Bi }s=1 , i i so that (|Ai | + |Bi |) = O(n4/3+ ), for any > 0. The construction takes O(n4/3+ ) time. Once this decomposition is constructed, sampling i is easy: Put M = |Ai | · |Bi |. Clearly, M = + is the total number of vertices of A(T ), where is the number of vertices on the boundary of T . If = O( ) then the entire arrangement has only O( ) = O( 2 ) vertices, and can thus be constructed in time O(n log n + 2 ), using any of the standard techniques [16]. (Note that the above construction can also be used for counting the number of vertices of A(T ).) We may thus assume that . We sample vertices one by one. At each sampling step we draw a random number j between 1 and M . We 3 Implementation of the Algorithm find the index i such that The actual cost of the algorithm depends on the cost i i of several support routines (in addition to the cost of Mi |Ai | · |Bi | < j |Ai | · |Bi |, 0. We then store the remaining points of R in a similar range searching data structure, and query with each of the remaining triangles of T to count how many of the (remaining) points of R it contains. Again, the cost of this step is O(n2/3+ r2/3+ ), for any > 0. Hence Computing the Insertion Order. As already de- the cost of a single iteration of the DC algorithm is scribed in the preceding section, at the j -th step of the O(n2/3+ r2/3+ ). Since we repeat this procedure for q approximate DC algorithm we compute, for each of the steps, the overall cost of the first stage of the algorithm remaining triangles , the (temporary) set S , which is O(q n2/3+ r2/3+ ) = O(n2/3+ r2/3+ ), for any > 0. is the set of all vertices of R in (the interior of ) that i are not covered by 0. Then drawing a single element of R takes O(log n) time, for a total sampling cost of O(r log n) per each iteration of the DC algorithm. Note that, although we have to resample at each iteration of the algorithm, the construction of {Ai × Bi }i has to be done only once. Note also that only the choice of the first q triangles requires resampling; The remaining n - q triangles can be inserted in an arbitrary order. As a matter of fact, in our implementation we insert all of them at once. Hence the overall sampling cost is O(n4/3+ + q r log n) = O(n4/3+ + r log2 n). Remark: As described in Lemma 2.1, at the j -th iteration, some of the i points of R may be contained in (the interior of ) 0. Since = O(n2 ) and n, this is always upper bounded by O(n4/3+ + n6/5+ 1+ ), and one can see that this running time is subquadratic for every n4/5 . (For smaller values of , a more 3/5 refined threshold is .) Note that the number of n2/5 positive-depth vertices generated by the DC algorithm, as was shown in Theorem 2.1, can be guaranteed to be subquadratic for any n, with a different choice of t. However, to obtain a subquadratic bound on the running time, we have to choose the parameter t in the above manner, which yields the bound O( 2 log2 n + 2/5+ 2/5+ 1+ ) on the number of generated t ) = O(n vertices at positive depth, which is larger than the better 427 bound provided by Theorem 2.1. We note that this degradation is mainly caused by the need to resample R at each of the first q steps of the algorithm. In summary, we have shown Theorem 3.1. Let T be a set of n triangles in the plane whose arrangement has vertices and whose union is equal to the union of a subset of n triangles. Then the union can be constructed in randomized expected time O(n4/3+ + n2/5+ 2/5+ 1+ ), for any > 0. 4 Concluding Remarks We have presented an output-sensitive algorithm for the problem of constructing efficiently the union of n triangles in the plane, whose running time is expressed in terms of the smallest size of a subset of the triangles whose union is equal to the union of the entire set. We have presented a concrete implementation of the heuristic approximate DC algorithm of [9], and showed that its expected residual cost (number of generated positive-depth vertices) is subquadratic when n. We have also presented a detailed implementation of this method, showing that the above problem can be solved in subquadratic time, when is reasonably small ( n4/5 ). One motivation for our algorithm is that sometimes one might expect that only a small number of triangles determine the union of the entire triangle set. In such a case, even though the value of is unknown, it is possible to run our algorithm with the values n4/5 , = 1, 2, 4, . . . , 2i , . . . (where i 4 5 log n). If the algorithm will terminate in subquadratic time, and the actual value of will be well approximated (up to a constant factor). Our solution raises several open problems. The major problem is to improve the running time of the algorithm. Recall that the preprocessing stage of choosing the first q triangles is the bottleneck of our algorithm, since we have to resample a random subset R V + , and recompute the (temporary) weights of the remaining triangles at each iteration. Although our approach seems wasteful, we believe that a single sample R might not be always sufficient to guarantee the inequalities (2.2) References and (2.4), and, as a result, Theorem 2.1 may be violated. Note that the theory of random sampling and [1] P. K. Agarwal. 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