A Time Efficient Delaunay Refinement Algorithm Gary L. Miller Abstract In this pap er we present a Delaunay refinement algorithm for generating good asp ect ratio and optimal size triangulations. This is the first algorithm known to have sub-quadratic running time. The algorithm is based on the extremely p opular Delaunay refinement algorithm of Rupp ert. We know of no prior refinement algorithm with an analyzed subquadratic time b ound. For many natural classes of meshing problems, our time b ounds are comparable to know b ounds for quadtree methods. 1 Intro duction Generating goo d aspect ratio meshes from input constraints is possibly one of the most important applications in computational geometry. The goal is to find a triangulation of the input domain satisfying the following three conditions: 1) Conforming: The triangulation should conform to the input boundary constraints. 2) Go o d Asp ect Ratio: No triangle should contain a small angle. 3) Size Optimal: It should contain a minimum number of triangles. There are several different approaches to the fundamental problems that are used both in theory and in practice. The approaches include advancing front, quad-tree, and Delaunay refinement [BE92]. At the present time the smallest meshes come from Delaunay refinement especially for complicated input boundaries. On the other hand, quadtree metho ds are the only metho ds known to have sub-quadratic algorithms and optimal size up to constants. In this paper we shall show that we can have the best of both: There are Delaunay refinement algorithms that are asymptotically faster than known quadtree algorithms but with smaller size meshes for a very natural class of meshing problems. Having a timing analysis for a Delaunay refinement algorithm is important. One, at the present time Delaunay refinement gives substantially smaller meshes for the same input and thus is the preferred metho d. Two, A complete version can be found at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ glmiller Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 (glmiller@cs.cmu.edu). Supported in part by NSF Grants CCR­9902091, CCR-9706572, and ACI-0086093. Delaunay refinement is widely used in practice and has been reimplemented may times. The Delaunay refinement package "Triangle" has thousands of users [She95] from Graphics, the Sciences, and Engineering. Triangle is a careful implementation of Delaunay refinement and is known to work very well in practice, [She96, She02a]. The worst cases for Triangle, as well as several other implementations, are not known but believed to be worst than that of, say, quadtree metho ds. Delaunay refinement has been proposed by several researchers. Two important works are those of Chew and Ruppert [Che89, Rup95]. Ruppert was the first to show size optimality [Rup95] but he required that all input angles were at least 90 degrees. More recent papers have addressed the small input angle condition as well as other improvements [She97, She02b, She00, BOG01, Kad01]. None of these improvements, however, included a sub-quadratic running time analysis. Ruppert [Rup95] proposed a general scheme for refining a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D mesh. His 2D Delaunay refinement algorithm handles inputs that include edges, namely, Planar Straight Line Graphs (PSLG). His paper, as well as subsequent papers, do not fully specify how important aspects of the refinement algorithm should be implemented to get an efficient algorithm. These aspects can dramatically effect its efficiency. Naive implementations of the algorithm, as presented by Ruppert, have quadratic worst-case running time. One important exception is the parallel algo¨o rithm of Spielman, Teng, and Ung¨r who give a parallel incremental algorithm that runs in O(log2 (L/S )) parallel time, where L and S are the largest and smallest ¨ input features [STU02]. But they do not give sequential time or work bounds for their algorithm. Ruppert's algorithm has quadratic worst-case running time even when L/S is bounded by a polynomial in the input size [Bar02]. The number L/S is often referred to a grading of the input or mesh. Given the dearth of timing analyses for Delaunay refinement, some have proposed we just implement quadtree-based metho ds since they have timing analyses and optimal size meshes[BEG94, BET99]. Bern, Eppstein, and Teng give a quadtree algorithm with a running time of O((n log n + m) log m) where n is the input size and m is the output size[BET99]. But in prac- Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 i 400 tice quadtree meshes are much larger for the same input than Delaunay refinement meshes. We will show that one can get a Delaunay quality mesh in the same asymptotic time bounds as those bounds known for quadtree methods. Notice that the timing bounds for quadtree and Delaunay are incomparable since one is in output size and other is in grading. In order to compare these different algorithm types we will need to set bounds on these two terms. The idea behind Delaunay refinement is very simple: Starting from a initial Delaunay triangulation, whenever we have a triangle with a "bad" aspect ratio, we either add the center of the circle that goes through the vertices of the triangle, the triangle's circum-center, or add the center of a nearby boundary segment. The main issue we try to address in this paper is how to take this algorithm "specification" and make it into an efficient algorithm with a provable timing analysis. As a simple example, what order should the circumcenters be added to the mesh to minimize the work done? Even though all orderings have the same quality guarantees[Rup95], if we add the circum-centers in the wrong order, we may perform dramatically more work than the optimal order. The main reason for the extra work is that the addition of each new circum-center may require us to remove a constant fraction of the old triangles and replace them with new triangles, giving us an algorithm that has quadratic runtime in terms of the size of the output even when the grading of the mesh is polynomial on the input size. This is only one of many algorithm design decisions that we made to get an efficient algorithm. We have designed our refinement algorithm to change the algorithm only when we could find no other way to get the analysis to work. We list here some of the small but important changes we have made to the refinement algorithm: First, we always add the circumcenter from the largest diameter first and we do not necessarily split edges before adding the circum-centers of triangles. We introduce a priority queue that includes both triangles and edges. Second, the intermediate meshes are constrained Delaunay triangulations. Third, we changed when and under what conditions the insertion of the circum-center of a skinny triangle yields to the center of a segment. These changes required only minor modifications our Delaunay refinement code at CMU. 1 We state a weaker form of our main theorem 2.1 so that we may compare our time bound to those of 1 The algorithm presented and analyzed here is simpler than earlier versions of this paper and with better time bounds. This algorithm does not include a messy preprocessing step needed for in the prior analysis. other algorithms. In the theorem below n is the number of input points, m the number of points in the final triangulation including the input points, and where is in some sense a localized version L/S as used by ¨o ¨ Spielman, Teng, and Ung¨r [STU02], in particular, it is as most L/S . Theorem 1.1. The procedure DELAUNAYREFINEMENT (see Table 1) runs in time O((n log (G) + m) log m) where m is the total number of points in the output. The function is defined in Definition 2.3 A very conservative estimate for (G) is that it is bounded by a polynomial in n, the input size. If we make this assumption then we get the bound O((n log n + m) log m) which is identical to the bound for quadtree [BET99]. Theorem 2.1 states a strong form of this theorem. In this case the dominate term in our analysis is for the cost of the priority queue used to find the next skinny triangle or edge to process. If we ignore the priority queue cost our bound becomes O(n log n + m) which would be optimal. The outline of the paper is as follows: In Section 2 we introduce both the basic and critical definitions used in both the algorithms and their analysis. This section also includes the main theorem. In Section 3 we give a high-level description of the algorithm, as well as, pseudo-code for the ma jor components. In Section 5 we present a several lemmas that we need to prove that both the algorithm runs in the time claimed and is size optimal. The timing analysis is in Section 4 while the proof that the mesh is optimal size is in Section 6. Finally, in Section 7 we give some concluding remarks as well as open questions. 2 Preliminaries Throughout this paper, unless explicitly stated otherwise, all ob jects are in R2 . Given a set S , the convex closure of S is the smallest convex set containing S , while the convex hull is the boundary of the convex closure of S . In our case the convex hull will always be a cycle of edges in counter-clockwise order, CCW. All disks are open and the boundary of a disk is called a circle. We assume that all circles have a well-defined interior. A simplex is the convex closure of an affine independent set of points. Given a simplex (an edge or a triangle) it has a well-defined circum-circle (the minimum radius circle) containing its points. It in turn has a well-defined circum-radius and circum-center. The diameter of a compact set is the maximum distance between any pair of points in the set. We say that a point p encroaches on a simplex S if it is interior to the circum-circle of S . More generally, i 401 i a simplex S encroaches on a simplex S if the circumcenter of S encroaches on S . A Planar Straight Line Graph (PSLG) is a set of n points P and a collection of non-crossing straightline segments with end points in P , a one-dimensional simplicial complex. A point p is visible to the point q , with respect to a PSLG G, if the open edge segment from p to q is disjoint from G or contained in an edge of G. More generally, for a cell complex the open edge must be contained in a cell from the complex. Otherwise, we say that p is invisible to or o ccluded from q . We will assume throughout that no four points are co-circular. This restriction can be remove with the use of Delaunay polygons. A crucial definition is that of lo cal feature size as defined by Ruppert [Rup95]. Let lfsG (p) be the minimum distance from p to two disjoint simplices in G. Most papers in the area give a discussion on how to construct a bounding box for the PSLG input. For simplicity and generality we will assume that the PSLG includes its own "bounding box". That is, a PSLG G is said to be a PSLG with b oundary if 1) G contains its convex hull2 , 2) no edge in the convex hull is encroached by any point from G, and 3) G contains at least three non-collinear points. Thus, we can view G as a 2D cell complex where the interior of G is the union of 2D cells. We say that the cell complex M is a refinement of the cell complex M if each cell in M can be written as the union of cells from M . Given any point p in the convex closure of G we consider the lowest dimensional cell containing p. We call this the containing dimension of p, denoted CD(p). Given a PSLG G and a refinement M of G, an edge of M that is contained in an edge of G is called a segment or a constraining edge. Given a set of points P , a triangulation M of P is said to be Delaunay if no triangle of M is encroached by any point from P . Given a PSLG G, triangulation M , and triangle T of M , we shall say T is encroached in the constrained sense (or simply encroached if there is no confusion) by a point p if 1) p is interior to the circum-circle of T and 2) p is visible to all three vertices of T in G. More generally we say that a circle C is encroached with resp ect to a p oint p if there is a vertex from M interior to C and visible to p. If no triangle of M is encroached, we say that M is a constrained Delaunay triangulation. We shall need to modify the definition of the radius of a circle for our application. We shall call it the visible2 The fact that the b oundary is convex is most likely not crucial and should be eliminated but we have not worked out the details here. C q r' c' c E p Figure 1: The Visible-Radius of a circle C with respect to a point p. radius of a circle. Let G be PSLG, C a circle, and p some point on C . We further assume that C is not encroached by any vertex visible to p. In this case, the visible-radius of C with respect to p is the radius if the center is visible to p otherwise it is half the length of the first cord occluding the center, i.e., its is half the diameter of the region visible to p and interior to C , see Figure 1. In general, p may have more than one visible region each of which is contained in the interior of C . In this case, its visible-radius will be the maximum over these regions. We will only be interested in those regions interior to the convex-hull of G. We make explicit the definition of the visible-radius of a triangle. Definition 2.1. The visible-radius of a triangle T in a refinement M of a PSLG G is the minimum visible radii of the vertices of T with respect to its circum-circle denoted by v r(T ). We can now give a new definition of a spacing function which we will need to give our new upper bound on the time for Delaunay refinement as well as necessary for the analysis. We call this new function the radialspacing function. Definition 2.2. Let M be a refinement of G a PSLG with boundary, and p be a point (not necessarily a vertex of M ) in the convex hul l of G. The radial-spacing RM (p) is the maximum visible-radius of any circle C satisfying the fol lowing properties: 1. p lies on the circle C, 2. C is not encroached by any point in M with respect t o p. 3. We only consider visible regions interior to C H (G) Definition 2.3. Let M be a refinement of G a PSLG with boundary, and let p be a point (not necessarily a i 402 i DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT(G, 0 ) 1 % G : PSLG with boundary, 0 : critical angle 2 G = CONSTRAINED-DELAUNAY(interior(G)) Observe that any mesh is also a PSLG and thus 3 Make a priority queue Q (tie: edges have priority). is well defined. We will apply to intermediate meshes 4 Insert skinny triangles with priority diamete . rs to bound the running time. 5 Insert each encroached edge e with priority 2|e|. We can now state the main theorem of the paper. 6 while Q not empty do 7 S = EXTRACT-MAX(Q) Theorem 2.1. The Delaunay refinement algorithm 8 INSERT-CIRCUM-CTR(G, S, circum-ctr(S )) Table 1 on input a PSLG G with boundary runs in time p O(m + V (G) log G (p)) where m is the total number of points in the output. Table 1: The Delaunay Refinement Algorithm. The basic approach to Delaunay refinement is to The main procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT pick a constant angle 0 and whenever there is a triangle starts by computing the constrained Delaunay trianguT with angle smaller than 0 we attempt to add the circum-center of T . This may in turn cause us to add lation of the input. There are several known algorithms the circum-center (midpoint) of an input segment. But for computing the constrained Delaunay of a set of nonin either case we are adding Steiner points to the mesh. crossing line segments and points. They all have run We shall say that a triangle is skinny if it contains an time of O(m log m) where m is the number of points angle less than 0 . Otherwise we say the triangle is fat. and segments, [Che87, WS87, Sei88]. It would be interIf M is a Delaunay Triangulation then the cavity esting to know if a simple incremental algorithm such of a point p (not necessarily in M ) is the union of as the one by Kau and Mount could be used without all the triangles of M that are encroached by p. The effecting the overall run time [KM92]. In steps 3-5 we setup a priority queue so that introduction of the point p into M will form a set of triangles all common to p. We call this configuration a edges are processed late enough that all the triangles tent and the edges common to p the ridges. We also containing the center of an edge are not too big. We also refer to the triangles common to a point p as the star process them soon enough so that we discover at most once that a circum-center encroaches on the segment as of p denoted by Star(p). We also need to pin down a few types of searches described in step 5 of BFS-CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES for planar triangulations. Suppose that (x, y , z ) are below. The bulk of the work is in procedure INSERTthe vertices of a triangle T in CCW order. Given the ordered edge xE z we define Search(E) to be the CIRCUM-CENTER. The procedure must first deterordered pair of ordered edges [(x, y ), (y , z )]. Given a mine (in the case when the point p is a circum-center triangle T and a point p in the circum-circle of T . of a triangle) if p encroaches on a segment and do this We define the path from T to p be the sequence of in such a way that all the work can be charged back triangles T = T1 , . . . , Tk such that 1) either p Tk to the edge if we decide not to add p. Second, if we or the edge occluding p from the interior of Tk is a decide to add p then the cost will be charged to the constraining edge and 2) Ti+1 is the unique triangle edges out of p. It will be important that we add p in sharing an edge e of Ti such that e occludes the interior some cases even if it encroaches on the edge. Call this of Ti from p for i < k . Observe that p encroaches each strong-encroachment. of the triangles on the path. Definition 3.1. Let S be a simplex, E a segment, and E1 and E2 the two subsegments obtained by splitting E 3 Algorithm at its midpoint. We say that S strongly-encroaches In this section we give our Delaunay refinement algo- E if 1) S encroaches E and 2) either E encroaches S , rithm, Table 1. The runtime analysis of this algorithm S encroaches E , or S encroaches E . 1 2 will be present in Section 4. We next describe our procedure INSERT-CIRCUMAs we pointed out in the introduction this algorithm follows very closely when possible to the known imple- CENTER for inserting the circum-center of an edge or mentation of Delaunay refinement as proposed by Rup- a triangle into the mesh, see Table 2. Further, let (M ) = maxpV (M ) M (p). vertex of M ) in the convex hul l of G. The grading M (p) is: RM (p) M (p) = . lfsM (p) pert. There are several important and subtle changes to make the timing analysis go through. i 403 i 4.1 Paying for the Yields If we insert a point p Table 2: Procedure repeatedly adds circum-center of into the mesh we shall charge the ridges out of p for all the work performed to insert p. On the other hand, skinny triangles and encroached segments. in the case when the circum-center of a triangle is not added but instead yields to a strongly-encroached If S is a segment of G then p is contained in S and segment, we will charge all the work to discover the procedure CONTAINING-OR-OCCLUDING simply re- strong-encroached segment to the segment. turns S . Otherwise the procedure simply traverses the path from S to the simplex containing p and if it finds Lemma 4.1. If T is a triangle with circum-center p a segment e in G which occludes S from p it return this then al l the triangles on the path from T to p belong segment instead. to the chain containing T . Each triangle is encroached Procedure BFS-CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES search by p. If T is a maximum diameter skinny triangle then for any segments in G which p encroaches. It must they are al l fat triangles. perform the search in such a way that all the work can be charged to the encroached edge in the case when Proof. The triangles on the path except for possibly the simplex S must yield to the strongly-encroached the last one are obtuse and thus strictly increasing in diameter. The fact that each triangle is encroached by edge. One critical point and reason for the term "90- p follows by induction on the number of triangles in the DEGREES" is that if p encroaches on an edge at step 5 chain. S the the angle formed at p by the endpoints of E and p must be at least 90 degrees. Also recall, that the convexince all the triangles on the path are in the hull of a simplex is its boundary in counterclockwise cavity of p and thus by Lemma 5.2 there is at most order. The procedure BFS-CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES a constant number of triangle on the path. Therefore is given in Table 3. procedure CONTAINING-OR-OCCLUDING takes at most a constant amount of work per call. BFS-CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES(G, S, S , p) We next analyzes the cost for procedure BFS1 % G : PSLG, S, S : Simplex, p : circum-center(S ) CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES(G, S, S , p) in the case 2 Init a FIFO queue with CONVEX-HULL(S ) when p is not added to the mesh. 3 while F I F O = do 4 xE y POP(F I F O) Lemma 4.2. If T is a triangle and E is a segment such 5 if ENCROACH(p, E ) then that E encroaches T , then any triangle on the path from 6 if E is segment of G then T to the midpoint of E is encroached by E . 7 Queue(Q, E ) Proof. The proof is by induction on the number of 8 if 2 = dim(S ) and T 9 STRONGLY-ENCROACH(S, E ) then triangles on the path. 10 EXIT(INSERT-CIRCUM-CENTER) hus, if a point yields due to condition 1) of the 11 PUSH(F I F O, SEARCH(E )) definition of strong-encroachment, the cost to search all Table 3: Procedure searches the cavity looking for an the triangles on the path can be charged to the segment encroached edge. since when adding the segment's circum-center all these triangles will be removed. The searching is done in a BFS manor with a queue of size at most four. Thus, 4 Timing Analysis we can charge all the triangles search to the segment as In this section we analyze the time for procedure well. This charge will be made at most once when the segment is added to the queue. We claim that at most DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT. The algorithm consists of two ma jor stages: 1) one triangle will be found to encroach on an edge E since computing a constrained Delaunay triangulation, step a triangle that encroaches on E must have priority less INSERT-CIRCUM-CENTER(G, S, p) 1 % G : PSLG, S : Simplex, p : circum-center(S ) 2 S CONTAINING-OR-OCCLUDING(G, S, p) 3 if S is occluding then 4 Queue(Q, S ); EXIT 5 BFS-CAVITY-TO-90-DEGREES(G, S , S, p) 6 Boundary REMOVE-CAVITY(G, S , p) 7 FORM-TENT(G, Boundary, p) 8 Queue(Q, skinny triangles in S tar(p)) 2, and 2) the refinement step, the while loop in line 6. The time for constrained Delaunay is O(n log n) as previously mentioned. The refinement has three ma jor costs 1) determining strong-encroachments (yield), 2) actually work to insert the points, and 3) maintaining the priority queue. We first consider the cost to yield. i 404 i he last lemma gives us an upper bound on our running time. We can improve our analysis by giving Lemma 4.3. If T is a triangle, T s the triangle containing the circum-center of T , and E a segment such a better bound on the indegree for points added by that T encroaches E , T encroaches on a subsegment procedure INSERT-CIRCUM-CENTER. First observe E1 of E , and E does not encroach T then any triangle that M (p) is at most a constant for circum-centers of on the path from T to the midpoint of E has diameter triangles. It is not true that M (p) is a constant for segment midpoints. But on average it is. > dia(T) i than that of E . But, we process edges and triangles highest priority first. We next consider condition 2) of the definition of strong-encroachment. Here we will show that there is at most a constant number of triangles searched and thus we charge this work to the segment. It will suffice to prove the following lemma: B (q , v r/ 2) is empty at the time we inserted q . Thus, if there are two such points q and q in A, it fllows o that the distance from q to q must be at least /( 2C ). Therefore the ball of radius /(2 2C ) around each such point is disjoint. It follows by area arguments that there are at most a constant number of such points. T Proof. Let C and p be the circum-circle and circumcenter of T . Let C , p , and r be the circum-circle, circum-center, and circum-radius of E respectively. Any triangle from T to E must have an edge intersecting the line p - p . This edge cannot have an endpoint in the interior of either C or C . We claim that the length of such an edge is > 2r. The proof of the claim follows by observing that line segment between the points C C does not occlude p from p and that r < r . It follows that the shortest such edge is a chord of C with midpoint p. Therefore 4 must b e longer than 2r . it Lemma 4.4. Let E be an edge in G, the input PSLG, then the average indegree in the graph G of the midpoints added to E is a constant. Proof. Let E be an input segment and let P = p1 , . . . , pk be the points added to E during the life of the algorithm. Further let Ei be the segment with center pi . We know by Theorem 4.1 that the indegree of each point pi in G is at most C4.1 · log Mi (pi ) where Mi is the mesh just after inserting pi . By Lemma 5.7 we know that each ridge out of pi can have length bounded by C5.7 . On the other hand, up to a constant lfs(pi ) does not change throughout the life of the algorithm. .2 The cost of Insertion Using Subsection 4.1 the Thus Mi (pi ) C |Ei |/ lfsG (pi ). cost of all the calls to INSERT-CIRCUM-CENTER, We next define a DAG H with vertices P . We add step 8 of DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT, can be upper a directed edge from pi to pj if pi is an endpoint of Ej . bounded by the number of ridges in the directed graph Observe that the indegree is at most two. G as defined in Subsection 5.1. We bound the number of ridges by bounding the indegree of G . We state this Claim 4.1. The out degree in H of pi is bounded below Ei | by C log lfs|G (pi ) for some constant C > 0. as a theorem: The Claim follows by observing that when the graph G is finally refined R(pi ) must be approximately lfs(pi ). Ei | Note that lfs|G (pi ) is a constant for nodes in H with out-degree zero, sinks. By a standard charging argument, each non-sink charges its indegree in G to its children in H. Thus each node will only pay for its in Proof. Let q be a point with a ridge to p. By Lemma 5.8 5 degree in H which is at most two. we know that the distance from p to q is between Structural Prop erties C5.8 lfsM (p) and 2RM (p). Let A(p, , 2) be an annulus centered at p of radius from to 2. Therefore if we In this section we present a collection of results that show that there can be at most a constant number of describe the types of configuration that can occur during points q in A(p, , 2), we will be done. the run of the procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT. We count the number points midpoints of segment These results will then be used in Section 4 to obtain separately from circum-centers of triangles in the annu- our upper bounds. lus. The case for midpoints of segments was done in We first observe that, by assuming that the input Lemma 5.13. is a PSLG with boundary, and the boundary will not In the triangle case, let q a point in the annulus, change during the refinement, and boundary segments be the circum-center of T with visible-radius v r. We know that the d(p, q ) 2RM (q ) C5.7 · v r by may be split into smaller segments. This is true because Lemma 5.7. By Lemma 5.9 we know that the ball our search will never cross an input segment. Theorem 4.1. Let p be a point either in the input graph G or added to G. Suppose that M is G if p V (G) otherwise let M be the triangulation just after adding p. Then the indegree of p in G is at most C4.1 · log M (p) for some constant C4.1 i 405 i Throughout this section we assume that G is PSLG with boundary, M a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the interior of G, 0 is the cutoff for skinny triangles. Let D0 equal the diameter of the maximum diameter skinny triangle in M . The first set of lemmas show that in the case when the point added comes from our priority queue in procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT, the circumradii of all triangles in a cavity or a tent are bounded. Lemma 5.1. Let G be a PSLG with boundary, M a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the interior of G, and p a point of M . RM (p) = max{ v r(T ) | T Star(p)}, e next show that if a triangle has almost maximum diameter then no skinny triangle has large visibleradius. Lemma 5.5. If T is skinny triangle in M then vr(T) C5.5 D0 Proof. The lemma follows by observing that the visible radius is nondecreasing as we move up the chain of obtuse triangles. Thus we may assume that T is a maximal skinny triangle and simply apply Lemma 5.4. L emma 5.6. If S is a simplex, dia(S) D0 , and S encroaches on a triangle T then vr(T) C5.6 dia(S) Proof. If T is skinny, we are done by Lemma 5.5. We may assume that T is fat. By Lemma 5.2 we know that number of fat triangles in the cavity is bounded and Proof. The proof follows by observing that the maximal by Lemma 5.3 their visible radii can only grow by a co empty circles containing p with respect to the visible- L nstant for each fat triangle. radius metric are precisely the circum-circles of the emma 5.7. Let S be a simplex in M , dia(S) D0 , W triangles in S tar(p) and p the circum-center of S . If E is an edge from p to e next need to bound the number of fat triangles q adding p to M then |p - q | 2C5.7 dia(S) in any cavity or tent. Proof. Let T be a triangle in the cavity of p in M . Now Lemma 5.2. Let p be a point not in M . Then the |p - q | 2vr(T) 2C5.6 dia(S) 5 number of fat Delaunay triangles in the triangulation of the cavity before and after insertion of p is at most .1 Parents in an Annulus In this subsection and 2 2 - 2 and , respectively the next subsection we show that the number of Steiner 0 0 points in an annulus of radius from r to 2r that have Proof. See full paper. an edge to some earlier generated point, is at most L a constant. This will be crucial in showing an upper emma 5.3. If triangles T1 and T2 share an edge e and bound on the work performed. T1 is fat then Define the following directed graph G on the set of all output points procedure DELAUNAY2vr(T1 ) 2rad(T1 ) 1 vr(T1 ) , REFINEMENT: Add a directed edge, called a ridge, vr(T2 ) dia(T2 ) dia(T2 ) sin 0 from each Steiner vertex p in the output mesh to each Proof. See full paper. of the vertices that appear on the boundary of the cavity at the time immediately after inserting the vertex p. We next show that the maximum skinny triangles By definition, no edges in our graph G emanate out of have small visible-radius. vertices of the initial mesh, but edges can point to them. Lemma 5.4. Let T be maximum diameter skinny tri- Also note that an edge can only travel in the reverse diangle then vr(T) C5.4 dia(T) where the constant C5.4 rection of time, i.e. it can only connect a Steiner vertex to a vertex that already existed in the mesh at the time only depends on 0 . of inserting the Steiner vertex. This means that there Proof. By Lemma 4.2 all the triangles in M from T to are no cycles in our graph G . The number of directed either the circum-center p or the edge which obscures p edges in our graph G is precisely the total number of triare fat and in the cavity of p. Let Tk be the triangle angles created during Ruppert's refinement algorithm, last triangle on the path. Consider the following chain excluding the triangles created for the purpose of comof inequalities: puting initial constrained Delaunay triangulation. On the other hand, the number of directed edges equals the vr(Tk ) vr(T) sum of in-degrees of all vertices in the graph G . We (1/ sin 0 )k dia(T) dia(T) will now provide an upper bound to the in-degrees of a The last inequality follows from Lemma 5.3. By vertex, which will later be used to establish the upper Lemma 5.2 we know that k /0 - 2. W bound for the run-time of the algorithm. where v r(T ) is the visible-radius of the triangle T . i 406 i We first give an upper and lower bound on the length of the edge into a point. Lemma 5.8. Let p be a point in the output mesh produced by procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT(G) and q be a point with an edge to p in the graph G then C5.8 lfsG (p) lfsM (p) dist(q , p) 2RM (p) e x R q p Figure 2: A Slanted-Tee. 2RG (p), where M is the output mesh, M is the mesh just prior to adding q , and C5.8 is some constant determine by a mesh size analysis of Delaunay refinement. Proof. The first inequality comes from Ruppert's original analysis of Delaunay refinement [Rup95]. There have been many analyses with better bounds that have appeared since [She00, MPW02]. Since we have slightly changed the algorithm we have included a proof of this inequality in Section 6. To see the second inequality, first note that q has to be a Steiner vertex. Clearly the interior of the disk centered at p of size lfsM (p) is free of other vertices, including q . Let us now establish the third bound. At the time of insertion of Steiner vertex q , the point p is on the boundary of the cavity of q . Hence, p is a vertex of some triangle T that disappears from the triangulation as a result of adding the Steiner vertex q . Let C be the circum-circle of T . Since q is visible to p the distance from p to q must be at most the diameter of the visible part of the interior of C to p. This diameter is at most 2v rp ( C). Thus dist(p, q ) RM (p). To see the last inequality simply observe that the radial spacing function is a non-increasing function. As we add points to G, we can only decrease the radial spacT g function. in he next lemma shows that when we add the circum-center p of a triangle to the mesh and p does not yield to an encroached edge then there is a large empty ball around the point p. Lemma 5.9. Let p be the circum-center of a triangle T with circum-radius r that is added to the mesh by procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT(G) then the fol lowing are true: 1. No edge of G intersects the bal l B (p, r/ 2). 2. There is no mesh point in the bal l B (p, r/ 2) at the time that p is added. Proof. To prove the first claim suppose the that some edge segment e of G intersects the ball B (p, r/ 2). Since p did not yield to the segment e, the midpoint of e must not belong to the ball B (p, r). It follows that p must encroach on one of the two subsegments of e. Thus p should have yielded to e, a contradiction. The second claim follows by observing that all of B (p, r/ 2) is visible to p and thus there can be no mesh poinI in B (p, r/ 2). t t is not true that the midpoint of a segment added by procedure DELAUNAY-REFINEMENT(G) will have a large empty ball around it at the time it was added. In the next subsection we address this issue. 5.2 Slanted-Tees and Their Critical Angle In this section we develop definitions and properties we will need to bound the work performed by inserting midpoints of edges. Throughout let e be a segment of an input edge and q its midpoint. Suppose that, on adding q to the mesh, we introduce a ridge R from q to a point p. Definition 5.1. The pair consisting of the segment e and the ridge R is cal led a slanted-tee, with base p and midp oint q . Let x be the endpoint of e that is closer to p, breaking ties arbitrarily. We cal l the triangle x - q - p the critical triangle and the angle x - p - q the critical angle. The triangle q - y - p is the acute triangle. See Figure 2. We will need a simple technical lemma about a triangle. Lemma 5.10. Let A, B , C be the angles and a, b, c be the opposite sides of a triangle and 0 < be some fixed constant. If |a| |c| and B /2 then there exists constants 0 < and 1 < such that either A or |c| |b|. Proof. See full paper. D efinition 5.2. We say a slantedee is skinny if its -t critical angle satisfies sin 1/(2 2C5.7 ). Otherwise it is fat. Thus a tee is skinn if the circum-radius r of y the critical triangle satisfies 2|R| r. i 407 i q F x q x c R xR p xR R p igure 3: Two skinny Tees facing to the right. Figure 4: Two skinny Tees facing each other . Proof. We count the fat slanted-tees separately from the skinny ones. We first consider the fat tees. If we write R for a right-facing tee and L for a left-facing one then all the tees in the annulus form a cyclically ordered sequence of R's and L's. We partition the annulus into a constant Lemma 5.11. If T and T are two fat slanted-tees with number of annuli of ratio C5.11 and count the number ridges R and R that do not face each other then either in each annuli separately. By Lemma 5.11 and the fact that the ratio between the angle formed by R and R is at least C5.11 , |R| 5 | | 5 the outer radius and inner radius is at most C5.11 , the C .11 |R , or |R C .11 |R| for constants C5.11 > 0 and angle between two tees is bounded below, except if the C5.11 > 1. tees face each other. But the number of consecutive tees Proof. It will suffice to handle the case when T is right- that face each other is just the number of consecutive facing and to the right of T . We are done if T is leftfacing. Thus we may assume that T is also right-facing. tees that face away from each other, which is a constant. T t If the midpoint q of T is not in the critical triangle of T 6ase. he case for skinny tees is symmetric to the fat tee c m hen the angle between R and R ust be at least C5.2 . t On the other hand, if q is in the critical triangle of T Output Size hen the distance from p to q is at least the distance from p to y , where y is the far point on e and the angle The proof that our modifications to known Delaunay between R and R is bounded below by the acute angle refinement algorithms does not effect the size optimality of T . Applying Lemma 5.10 to the acute triangle of T , can be found in the full paper. The proof uses relatively w L e are done. standard and known techniques. The only change is a emma 5.12. If T and T re two skinny slanted-tees to replace the nearest neighbor function with a nearest with ridges R and R that do not face away from each visible neighbor function. other then one of the fol lowing hold 1) there is an input i edge between R and R , 2) the angle formed by R and R 7 Conclusion and Op en Questions s at least C5.12 or 3) |R| C5.12 |R | or |R | C5.12 |R| It is interesting that several very simple incremental alfor constants C5.12 > 0 and C5.12 > 1. gorithm specifications in computational geometry have a Proof. We first consider the case that T and T re both run times that are not known. On the positive side, right-facing. We may assume that R is to the left of R . it is well known how to construct an algorithm for inIf there is an input edge between R and R we are done. serting n points into a Delaunay triangulation in ranOtherwise we assume there is none. Since there is no dom order gives an expected run time of O(n log n) when we start with a fixed constant-size initial trianinput edge between R and R it follows that the point , x see Figure 3, cannot be interior to the circum-circle gulation [dBvKOS00]. It is open how to construct a of critical triangle of T . Thus either the angle formed provably efficient incremental algorithm when we start with a large initial configuration? Our Delaunay reby R and R is big or |R| C |R | for some C > 1. a Finally we consider the case where T and T re finement is a more constrained version of the problem since we can only add the circum-centers of the triangles facing each other. See full paper and Figure 4. that are present at the time. As we add these circum- We next show that there is at most a constant number of slanted-tees with midpoints in a constant ratio annulus with ridges to a point p, the center of the annulus. We first need a technical lemma about the distance between slanted-tees. We say a tee is right-facing if the critical triangle is to the left of the ridge otherwise we say it is leftfacing. We say two tees face(away from) each other if the angle between them is < and the left tees is left(right) facing and the right is right(left) facing. Lemma 5.13. If A(p, , 2) is an annulus centered at p then the number of slanted-tees with base p and midpoint in A is at most a constant. i 408 i centers other circum-centers become available for inser- [MPW02] Gary L. Miller, Steven E. Pav, and Noel J. Walkington. 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