End-to-End Packet-Scheduling in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks V. S . A N I L K U M A R 1 M A D H AV V. M A R AT H E 1 S R I N I VA S A N PA RT H A S A R AT H Y A R AV I N D S R I N I VA S A N 3 2 Abstract Packet-scheduling is a particular challenge in wireless networks due to interference from nearby transmissions. A distance-2 interference model serves as a useful abstraction here, and we study packet routing and scheduling under this model. The main focus of our work is the development of fully-distributed (decentralized) protocols. We present polylogarithmic/constant factor approximation algorithms for various families of disk graphs (which capture the geometric nature of wireless-signal propagation), as well as near-optimal approximation algorithms for general graphs. The packet-scheduling work by Leighton, Maggs and Rao (Combinatorica, 1994) and a basic distributed coloring procedure, originally due to Luby (J. Computer and System Sciences, 1993), underlie many of our algorithms. Experimental work of Finocchi, Panconesi, and Silvestri (SODA 2002) showed that a natural modification of Luby's algorithm leads to improved performance, and a rigorous explanation of this was left as an open question; we prove that the modified algorithm is provably better in the worst-case. Finally, using simulations, we study the impact of the routing strategy and the choice of parameters on the performance of our distributed algorithm for unit disk graphs. 1 Introduction Packet routing and scheduling are two key problems that arise in the control and design of packet-switched networks. To send a packet from a node u to node v in a network, one needs to choose a path from u to v ; once the paths for all the packets have been determined, we are left with the issue of scheduling the packets along the paths. If multiple packets reach some node simultaneously, they must be queued or dropped. At most a given number of packets can be sent 1 Basic and Applied Simulation Science (CCS-5) and National Infrastructure and Analysis Center (NISAC), Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS M997, P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545. Email: {anil,marathe}@lanl.gov. The work is supported by the Department of Energy under Contract W-7405-ENG-36. 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Most of the work was done while visiting Los Alamos National laboratory. Email: sri@cs.umd.edu. 3 Department of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. Research supported in part by NSF Award CCR-0208005. Email: srin@cs.umd.edu. at a time on an edge (and sometimes nearby edges cannot have traffic simultaneously), and the scheduling problem is to decide which of the packets queued at a node should be sent first. The exact algorithms used for these problems have a significant impact on network performance. In this paper, we study the scheduling problem in the context of wireless ad-hoc networks. An ad-hoc network consists of a group of transceivers (also known as stations) sharing a common wireless channel and communicating with each other using this channel. Our two foci here are dealing with interference, and the development of distributed algorithms that have provably good approximation guarantees. Concretely, we are given a graph G = (V , E ), with packets that need to be sent from some sources to some destinations. We will also assume that paths are given; for the scheduling algorithms that we use, the algorithm of [29] can be modified to obtain good paths. If we find paths using a variant of the algorithm of [29] and then run our scheduling algorithms, we only lose an additional constant factor in the approximation ratio. We also discuss, via empirical analysis, the influence of the routing strategy on the overall performance of the protocols. The key issue in our case is interference. Almost all the theoretical, algorithmic work on packet routing and scheduling so far (e.g., [14, 16]) has primarily considered the following constraint: at most one packet can be sent on an edge at a time. While useful in wired networks, this assumption is not sufficient for wireless networks, where transmission by one transceiver precludes transmission by all nearby transceivers. An example of this is shown in Figure 1: if the transmissions on (a, b) and (c, d) occur simultaneously, node b receives signals from both a and c simultaneously, which interfere with each other and get garbled; nodes a and c are not aware of this problem at b (unlike, e.g., in Ethernet, where a collision is immediately detected by all nodes). This is called the hidden node problem in wireless networks. On the other hand, the transmissions on (a, b) and (d, e) in Figure1 can happen simultaneously. To model this notion combinatorially, first we construct the interference graph for a set of transceivers by having a node for each radio, and an edge (u, v ) if v lies in the transmission range of v (note that we are assuming equal transmission ranges here; see Section 2 for the general versions that we work with). We now require that the set of edges on which simultaneous Copyright © 2004 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. and the Society for industrial and Applied Mathematics. All Rights reserved. Printed in The United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any manner without the written permission of the publisher. For information, write to the Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036 and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 1021 transmission happens forms a distance-2 matching (these definitions are given in section 2); edges (a, b) and (d, e) in Figure 1 satisfy this property. This model is called the distance-2 interference model [7, 9]. Earlier wireless network models (e.g. [23, 25, 24, 13]) only placed vertex constraints: nodes that transmit simultaneously must form an independent set; this is clearly inadequate, from the above description. The above requirement might seem too restrictive sometimes: for instance, in Figure 1, b could transmit to a and c could transmit to d simultaneously; this is called the exposed node problem in radio networks. While this is true, reliable transmission requires transmission both ways (to acknowledge receipt of packets, for instance), and then the constraint described above seems reasonable. The 802.11 protocol addresses these issues by the MACA (Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) algorithms (see [22] for details): a sender first transmits a Request to Send (RTS) signal and the receiver then sends a Clear to Send (CTS) signal. Once the transmission starts, the receiver sends acks to the packets he receives correctly. a b c d e Figure 1: Distance-2 Interference The discussion so far only addresses the restrictions that the MAC layer places in radio networks. The MAC layer only ensures delivery of packets from a node to its immediate neighbor. The Routing Layer of the protocol stack is responsible for choosing the routes along which packets must travel (see [22] for details), and the MAC layer moves packets one step at a time along these paths. This give us the combined routing plus packet scheduling problem: given a set of packets in a network, choose paths for the packets (routing layer function) and then schedule the packets (MAC layer function). By incorporating the above interference constraint, we have the following generalization of the problem studied in [14], which we call E N D - T O - E N D PAC K E T S C H E D U L I N G W I T H I N T E R F E R E N C E ( E P S I ): given a wireless network and a set of packets with a path given for each, develop a protocol to schedule the movement of the packets from their sources to their destinations, while ensuring that at each step packets transmitted successfully were on edges forming a distance-2 matching. Our goal is to minimize the maximum time taken by any packet to reach its destination, or the makespan. Thus, the EPSI problem differs from [14] in the additional constraints placed by the MAC layer. It is not, in general, clear whether the path selection problem and the packet scheduling problems can be decoupled. In real networks, Barrett et al. [8] showed that there is significant interaction between protocols across the layers of the protocol stack. Consequently, it is not clear whether solving the corresponding problem in each layer optimally would result in optimal performance overall. The seminal paper of Leighton, Maggs and Rao [14] showed that for the standard wireline (i.e., "one packet per edge at a time" model), such a decomposition is indeed possible. Given a choice of paths for the packets, let C , the congestion, be defined as the maximum number of packets using any edge, and let D, the dilation, denote the maximum length of any path. It is easy to see that max{C, D} is a lower bound on the length of any schedule that uses the given paths. Leighton et al. show, quite remarkably, that the packets can be scheduled in O(C + D) time. Therefore, to solve the combined routing plus scheduling problem in the wireline model, it is sufficient to obtain paths with low C + D value, and then schedule the packets using [14]. Srinivasan and Teo [29] later designed an algorithm that chose paths with C + D value within a constant factor of the optimal, which combined with [14] gave a constant factor algorithm for the combined routing plus scheduling problem. We remark that the problem of routing and scheduling using "standard" (i.e., distance-1 as opposed to our distance-2) matchings has been studied by [1]. Our main contributions are as follows. (a) Packet-Scheduling Algorithms. We give the first provably-efficient distributed algorithms for packetscheduling in networks with the distance-2 interference constraint. While the original motivation for the model is radio networks, we also study this problem on different nongeometric graph classes. As in [14], we show that the EPSI problem can be decomposed into seperate path selection and packet scheduling problems. Let n denote the number of nodes in the given network. For packet scheduling in arbitrary graphs with maximum degree , we present a distributed O( log2 n)­approximation algorithm; we also show that it is hard to approximate the minimum time within a factor of 1- for any constant > 0, even in the centralized, polynomial-time setting. As is well-known, disk graphs, defined in Section 2, model radio communication well, and we obtain the following improved approximation algorithms for packet scheduling in them. For general disk graphs, we provide a distributed O(log2 n)­approximation algorithm and a centralized O(log n)­approximation algorithm. For unit-disk graphs, we give a distributed O(log n)­approximation algorithm and a centralized O(1)­ approximation algorithm. The above distributed algorithms are in the synchronous model; for unit-disk graphs, we also obtain a distributed O(log3 n) approximation in an asynchronous model. Our results for unit disk graphs can also be extended to a more general class of graphs known as (r, s)- 1022 civilized graphs.4 As discussed in [13, 7], (r, s)-civilized graphs are a more realistic model for ad-hoc networks due to their ability to model occlusions, directional antennaes and varying power ranges. A key driver of our algorithms is the random delays technique [14]; we combine this with additional new ideas to develop our algorithms. In particular, the standard lower bound of "congestion plus dilation" is shown to be no longer good in our model, and we use a more refined lower bound. For general disk graphs, we introduce a new packing result, which, along with the graph-theoretic notion of inductive coloring, helps us claim our approximation bounds. Many of our algorithms also employ a basic (list-)coloring algorithm due to [18]; we prove the improved performance of a variant of this algorithm, as discussed below. As in [14] and other work on packet routing, our results on packet scheduling imply that the path selection problem can be decoupled from the packet scheduling problem, as long as one can find paths with low C + D value, for the modified notion of congestion. For unit disk graphs, we show that the algorithm by Srinivasan and Teo [29] can be used to obtain such paths, within an O(1) factor. This allows us to solve the combined routing and packet scheduling problem with only additional constant factor penalty. For arbitrary disk graphs and arbitrary graphs, unfortunately [29] only gives an O(2 )­approximation. But in this case, we can use the standard randomized rounding procedure due to Raghavan and Thompson [27] and get an O(log n)­ approximation to the path selection problem. Therefore, for the combined routing and packet scheduling problem, this leads to an additional O(log n) penalty. (b) Distributed Coloring and Network Decomposition. Variants of the above-mentioned algorithm due to [18] have been useful in many distributed coloring algorithms (see, e.g., [12]) and also in our algorithms for packet scheduling. Due to its simplicity and generality, an extensive experimental evaluation of this and related coloring algorithms has been undertaken in [11]. A natural "non-lazy" variant of the original algorithm of [18] was empirically found to be much better. To quote [11], "In particular, when compared with Luby's algorithm it consistently turned out to be 2-3 times faster. The available asymptotic analyses do not explain this behavior ... and we leave it as an interesting open question". We present such a rigorous explanation in Lemma 7.1, showing that the non-lazy variant is provably better by a constant factor, in the worst case. In passing, we also improve the running time of a powerful distributed primitive known as network decomposition [4, 5, 6, 17, 21]; see, e.g., [10] for each fixed pair of real values r > 0 and s > 0, a graph G can be drawn in R2 in an (r, s)-civilized manner if its vertices can be mapped to points in R2 so that the length of each edge is at most r , the distance between any two points is at least s, and no two edges intersect (except at their endpoints). 4 For an application to distributed network protocols. We observe that the protocol of [17] which runs in O(log2 n) time, can be modified to run in O(log n) time. In addition to being of independent interest, this is likely to be useful in a practical implementation of our algorithms. (c) Empirical Analysis. We perform a detailed analysis of some of our algorithms, and the routing algorithm based on [3] on random geometric graphs, with a large number of packets injected at random sources. Several popular routing protocols, such as DRS and AODV [22] are based on shortest-path routing. Another popular approach is Valiant's paradigm [28]. We observe that the algorithm based on [3] yields significantly smaller congestion, compared to the other two approaches. We also study the impact of various parameters on the performance of our distributed algorithms. The two parameters of interest are the number of colors (equivalently, the frame length) used in the distributed c o l o r i n g a l g o r i t h m an d t h e m a x i m u m i n i t i a l r a n d o m d e l a y which each packet could be subjected to. Increasing either of the two would lead to better performance (in terms of packet losses) at the cost of increased makespan. Our studies indicate that for a wide range of values, increasing the frame length has a much bigger impact on performance rather than maximum initial random delay. Related Work. For the earlier model of one packet per edge at a time, one of the most significant results is the work of [14], where they show the existence of a constant factor approximation, using the Local Lemma. Their result assumes that the packets already come with pre-specified paths. This work was a followed up by a series of papers (see, e.g., [15, 28, 19]. Rabani and Tardos [26] give a distributed algorithm for this problem, that takes time O(C + D(log n)O(log n) + log6 n), which was improved by Ostrovsky and Rabani [20] to O(C + D + log1+ n). The distance-2 interference model MAC layer packet-scheduling in ad-hoc networks has been considered in [7, 23, 25]. The problem can be cast as either vertex or edge coloring depending on the particular setting [9]. The problem of finding an end-to-end schedule of packets under radio interference model has not been studied prior to this paper. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 defines the basic notation. Sections 3, 4 and 5 describe the packet scheduling results for disk graphs, unit-disk graphs and arbitrary graphs, respectively. The path selection is outlined in Section 6. Section 7 describes the faster distributed coloring algorithm and Section 8 discusses network decomposition. Our empirical results are described in Section 9. Many p ro o f s a n d d e tails are o m itted h ere d u e to lack o f space. 2 Preliminaries Formally, an instance of the packet scheduling problem is specified as E P S I (G(V , E ), {p1 , . . . , pk }). G(V , E ) is 1023 the underlying interference graph (described below), which would be undirected for the most part, except in disk graphs. p1 , . . . , pk are the packets to be transmitted, with packet pi starting at si and destined for ti , along the path Pi . The path Pi is encoded in packet pi . We will assume that any packet takes one unit of time to cross a link and at any time at most one packet can cross a link. In addition, if packets are being sent simultaneously on edges e = (u, v ), e = (u , v ), then d(e, e ) 2 (d(·) is defined below). If a packettransmission violates either of these requirements (i.e., if some other transmission is made simultaneously on an edge that is within distance less than two), then the transmission fails and has to be retried later. Each node/edge has a buffer in which a packet can wait till it successfully moves to the next node in its path. The objective is to construct a schedule, S , that decides which packet should be sent out at a node at any time. A schedule is valid iff it sends all packets along their paths subject to the above re-trial requirement (in the case of failures). Let CS (pi ) denote the (random) time at which packet pi is delivered in schedule S . The Makespan of S , denoted by C (S ) = maxi CS (pi ) is the time taken by S to route all the packets, and our objective is to construct a schedule with low (expected) makespan. For the most part, we will assume a synchronous, distributed communication model; this is reasonable in our context of a primarily local-area network, since nodes can keep synchronized, e.g., by using GPS receivers. Let denote the maximum degree in G. Given subsets A, B V in graph G(V , E ), the distance dG (A, B ) is defined to be the minimum length of the (directed or undirected) shortest path over all pairs of vertices a A, b B . For edges e = (u, v ), e = (u , v ) E (G), dG (e, e ) is defined as dG ({u, v }, {u , v }). For vertex w V , we will also sometimes use dG (w, e) to denote dG ({w}, {u, v }). We will drop the subscript whenever it is clear. A subset M E is said to be a distance-2 matching if d(e, e ) 2 for any distinct pair e, e M . Disk Graphs. A disk graph is specified by a set of points V , with a disk D(v ) centered at each v V , with radius r(v ). The directed graph G(V , E ) induced by these disks is the following: the set of nodes is V and a (directed) edge (u, v ) is present if v D(u). The special case where all radii are equal is called a unit disk graph, and in this case, if edge (u, v ) E , then (v , u) E ; as a result we can view unit disk graphs as undirected. See section 3 for more details. 3 Disk graphs A popular model for radio networks is disk graphs. The disk around a point naturally corresponds to the effective transmission range of the radio. As described in Section 2, we will think of disk graphs as being directed. Because of our communication model, which requires two way transmission, only bidirected edges can be used for transmission; so we assume that the paths P1 , . . . , Pk only use bidirected edges. The unidirected edges only contribute to the interference: therefore, if edge e = (u, v ) is being used at time t, no other edge e = (u , v ) with min{d(u , e), d(v , e), d(u, e ), d(v , e )} 1 can be used simultaneously. Our algorithm involves choosing random delays at the first step, as in [14] and then scheduling packets at each time step by solving a coloring problem. A sequential coloring algorithm yields an O(log n) approximation to the makespan, while a distributed coloring yields an O(log2 n) approximation. We need some more notation for disk graphs. For edge e = (u, v ), define r(e) = r(u) + r(v ). Define N (v ) = {e |d(v , e ) 1, r(e ) r(v )} and N (e) = {e |d(e, e ) 1, r(e ) r(e)}. Define C (e) to be the number of packets whose path uses some edge of N (e), and C = maxe C (e). D is still defined to be the dilation. L E M M A 3 . 1 . For any vertex v , the size of the largest distance-2 matching in the subgraph induced by N (v ) is O(1). Therefore, OP T = (C + D). Figure 2 contains a description of our synchronous distributed algorithm for solving the E P S I problem on disk graphs. The algorithm is called Algorithm D I S K E P S. The description of the algorithm is complicated because of its distributed nature. The underlying sequential algorithm, based on [14], is simple: first we construct an invalid schedule S which does not respect the matching constraints by first giving a random delay at the origin of each packet, and then letting it "zip through", one step at a time. We then show that at each step, for each packet pi , O(log n) packets are transmitted simultaneously on edges not within distance-2 of it. We now construct a valid schedule S by considering all packets at each time step T , and moving them to their next hop, by a distance-2 coloring algorithm, D I S K C O L, described below. The algorithm below is a distributed algorithm, based on [18]. Lemma 3.2 proves that this algorithm runs for O(log n) rounds and uses O(log n) colors for coloring the set ET of edges in the algorithm D I S K E P S. The lemma also proves that the additional log n factor is not needed for the sequential greedy algorithm. The algorithm's performance can be shown in the following three steps. L E M M A 3 . 2 . 1. At any T (which is a multiple of c log2 n), for any edge e, define CT (e) = N (e) ET . Then, CT (e) = O(log n), for each e, T , with high probability. 2. Let T be any multiple of c log2 n. The algorithm D I S K C O L colors the edges in ET (defined in algorithm D I S K E P S) in c log n steps, using c log2 n colors, with high probability. The set ET can be colored sequentially using O(log n) colors. 1024 Algorithm D I S K E P S 1. Each packet pi chooses a delay Zi uniformly at random from {1, . . . , cX0 } (c > 0 is a specific constant and X0 = C + D). and waits for Yi = Zi c log2 n steps at si . 2. From time Yi + 1 onwards, the packet moves along path Pi . At each node v on Pi , the packet spends c log 2 n steps. 3. pi reaches the j th node v on Pi by time Yi + j · c log2 n. If it reaches before Yi + j · c log 2 n, it waits in the queue till then. 4. Let T be a multiple of c log2 n. All packets are moved to their next hop, from the current location at time T , during the time interval [T , . . . , T + c log2 n] by the following steps. (a) Let ET be the edges on which packets need to be moved at step T . Run Subroutines D I S K C O L below in c log n steps to choose a color i {1, . . . , c log 2 n} for each packet pi (this can be done, by Lemma 3.2) (b) At step T + c log n + i , packet pi is moved to the next node on its path. Once it reaches ti , the packet is removed. Subroutines D I S K C O L 1. Repeat the following steps in rounds i = 1, 2, . . . till all edges are colored. 2. Round i: Each uncolored edge chooses to do nothing with probability 1/2. With the remaining probability, it performs the following steps. (a) Each uncolored edge e chooses a color uniformly at random from {(i - 1)d log n + 1, . . . , id log n}. (b) Each edge e checks whether some edge e in N (e) has chosen the same color as e. (c) If there is no such edge e , e is colored with the color it chose; otherwise, e remains uncolored in this round. Figure 2: Distributed algorithm for solving E P S I problem on disk graphs. 3. Algorithm D I S K E P S schedules the packets in time O(log2 n) times the optimal schedule, with high probability. The sequential version of the algorithm has an approximation guarantee of O(log n). 4 Unit-disk graphs When all disks have the same radius, we obtain significant improvements in the approximation guarantee. By a repeated geometric decomposition, we can actually get an O(1) approximation. This sort of decomposition only requires a sparsity condition, rather than geometry, and can be applied Proof Sketch: (1) Let each packet pi be at the end point of to bounded genus graphs also. We then give an O(log n) disedge ei at step T . During the time interval [T , T + c log2 n), tributed algorithm by refining the analysis of the algorithm r packet pi , i only moves along ei , in an interference free D I S K E P S in Section 3. Finally, we give a dist3 ibuted algo2 rithm in the asynchronous model with a O(log n) approximanner. Now, just consider the time steps j c log n, j = 0, 1, . . .: with respect to these, packets wait for a random mation guarantee. delay, and then move to their destination, one step at a time. As in [14], the expected value of CT (e) 1, for any such 4.1 A sequential O(1)­approximation algorithm The T = j c log2 n and for any edge e. The statement now notation used here is defined in § 2. Assume the common radius to be 1. Let B be a bounding box in the plane for follows by a Chernoff bound. (2) Order the edges in ET in nonincreasing order of their the points in V . If we assume that G is connected, B must r(e) value. Since CT (e) = O(log n), list coloring uses have sides of length O(n). Let Bk be a partition of B into O(log n) colors for this order. For the distributed algorithm smaller grid cells, each cell having dimensions k × k . Let k D I S K C O L, in each round, each uncolored edge gets a color B be obtained by translating the grid Bk by k /2 along the that does not conflict with any edges with higher r() value, x and y axes. A cell in Bk will refer to one of the k × k with constant probability. As a result, each edge gets a color sized pieces in it, and a point in Bk is any lattice point with in O(log n) steps, with high probability. Since O(log n) integer coordinates. We denote lattice points within Bk by colors are used in each round, this gives a total of O(log2 n) lower-case letters and the k × k cells within Bk by upper-case letters. For a disk S of radius 1 in the plane, let C (S ) be the co lo rs in all. number of paths Pi that visit some vertex v V , located (3) The previous statements imply that each packet pi moves one edge forward on Pi after the Yi c log2 n steps, with high within S . Define C = maxS {C (S )}. As before, D is the probability for the distributed version. For the sequential length of the longest path. It is easy to see that max{C, D} is still a lower bound on the optimal size. coloring, this movement happens every O(log n) steps. 1025 The main intuition for the partitioning algorithm is the following. After the first step (giving random delays and partitioning), both C and D become O(log n) within each time frame: C becomes O(log n) because of the random delays, while D becomes O(log n) because of the partitioning. This means that the smaller scheduling subproblem in any frame is localized to a O(log n) × O(log n) region of the plane. Thus, in addition to the temporal decomposition, we are able to do a spatial decomposition too. If we carry this process once more, we end up with scheduling problems on regions of size O(log log n) × O(log log n), and at this point, we can solve by brute force in poly (n) time. The algorithm is described in Figure 3 and is called Algorithm U N I T D I S K E P S. Subroutine PA RT I T I O N(k ) in Figure 3 forms a partition of the problem into smaller subproblems, each on a grid of dimensions 2 log k × 2 log k . L E M M A 4 . 1 . There exists a choice of random delays for all the packets in step 1 of subroutine PA RT I T I O N(k ) which satisfies the following property: for any time frame T of length log k , and for any lattice point p in the input to the subroutine, the number of paths visiting some vertex u V located in S (p) is O(log k ), where S (p) is a unit disk centered at p. length at most O(log2 n) times the optimal, with high probability. The basic idea is to combine contention resolution methods along with the random delays plus coloring techniques that have been used so far. Note that if there are C packets in the vicinity of some packet p, that are contending for a transmission slot at a time, all of these can be scheduled in O(C log n) steps with high probability. The random delays step allows us to reduce the effective congestion at every step, and after that one can perform coloring via the contention resolution. Note that we need to simulate some sort of synchronization, to ensure that the right set of packets is contending at any time, and this can easily be achieved by suitable waiting for polylogarithmic steps at regular intervals. We also need to keep track of the path encoded in the packet headers. The algorithm is described in Figure 4 and is referred to as Algorithm A S Y N C H RO N O U S U N I T D I S K E P S. L E M M A 4 . 4 . Each packet pi moves on its th edge of its j th segment during time (j - 1)W + ( - 1)W log n, . . . , (j - 1)W + W log n - 1 with high probability. Each packet pi moves on its j th segment during time (j - 1)W, . . . , j W - 1 with high probability. C O RO L L A RY 4 . 2 . All packets are delivered within time L E M M A 4 . 2 . A schedule of length O(log log n) can be O(OP T log3 n) with high probability, where OP T is the constructed for the scheduling problem on a grid of size length of the optimal schedule. O(log log n) × O(log log n). 5 Ar b i t r a r y g r a p h s C O RO L L A RY 4 . 1 . A schedule for the distance-2 interference problem on unit disk graphs of length O(1) times the We now handle the case of general graphs; the maximum degree of the given graph will play a key role now. We optimal can be found in polynomial time. start by claiming the hardness of approximating EPSI: L E M M A 5 . 1 . Let be an arbitrary positive constant. It is not possible to approximate the optimum makespan of every instance of E P S I problem in polynomial time within a factor of 1- , unless P = N P . We next present a distributed approximation algorithm using the the random delays approach from [14]. First, we need to define a better lower bound on the optimal makespan, since edge congestion is too weak: consider a complete graph Kn with one packet to be sent on every edge; the edge congestion and dilation are each 1, but the optimal makespan is m = n(n-1)/2. Define C as the maximum, over all edges e = (u, v ), of the number of paths that pass through u or v (or through both). Define D as usual to be the dilation, and let X0 = max{C, D}. Let OP T denote the number of steps in the optimum schedule. It is easily seen that OP T X0 . Our algorithm G E N E R A L E P S has two steps: (1). Construct an invalid schedule S in the following manner: (a) For each packet, choose a random delay from {1, . . . , cX0 } (c > 0 is a specific constant). (b) Allow each packet to zip through along its path, after waiting for the random delay at the source. (2). Now that step (1) is done, Convert S into a 4.2 Distributed algorithms We start with the synchronous model. Algorithm D I S K E P S detailed in Figure 2 for disk graphs can be modified to yield a better bound of O(log n) for the case of unit -isk graphs. Since all disks have the same radius, the notation and ordering of Section 3 is not needed. We will use the lower bounds C, D defined in the previous subsection. The first three steps of the algorithm DI S K E P S are unchanged, expect for the delays and time frames being multiples of log n, instead of log2 n. In step 4 of the algorithm, instead of running algorithm D I S K C O L, we actually run Luby's algorithm [18]. This takes O(log n) steps, and uses O() colors, where is the max degree of the subgraph induced by ET , which we is O(log n). L E M M A 4 . 3 . There is a distributed, O(log n) approximation algorithm for the packet-scheduling problem on unit disk graphs. Asynchronous model The algorithm described earlier needs centralized, synchronous control, which is difficult in practice. We now describe a completely distributed, asynchronous, randomized algorithm that gives a schedule of 1026 Algorithm U N I T D I S K E P S 1. Run subroutine PA RT I T I O N(n) to create smaller problems on 2 log n × 2 log n sized grids. 2. For each of the subproblems on a 2 log n × 2 log n sized grid, run subroutine PA RT I T I O N(2 log n) to create smaller subproblems on O(log log n) × O(log log n) sized grids. 3. Solve the scheduling problem within a O(log log n) × O(log log n) sized grid by exhaustive search (details in Lemma 4.2). 4. Combine the schedules for all the subproblems together to form the whole schedule. Subroutines PA RT I T I O N(k) I N P U T A scheduling instance on a k × k region. O U T P U T Partition this instance into smaller scheduling problems, defined on grid cells of size 2 log k × 2 log k, and compute an invalid schedule for each subproblem. 1. Construct an invalid schedule S1 () in the following manner: (a) For each packet, choose a random delay from {1, . . . , c(C + D)}, where c > 0 is a specific constant, such that Lemma 4.1 is satisfied (the property in Lemma 4.1 can be checked in polynomial time; so this step involves choosing the random delays, checking the property and repeating if necessary). (b) Allow each packet to zip through along its path, after waiting for the random delay at the source. 2. Partition B into grids B2 log k and B2 log k . 3. Consider successive time frames of length log k. 4. For each time frame T of size log k, assign each packet pi to a unique cell Z in B2 log k , B2 log k such that the path traversed by pi during T lies completely within Z ; break ties arbitrarily. 5. For each time frame T , for each cell Z in B2 log k , B2 log k , the problem restricted to Z involves scheduling the packets assigned to it during T , along the segments of the paths within Z . Figure 3: Algorithm for solving E P S I problem on unit disk graphs. valid schedule S as follows. Let Et be the set of edges on which packets are being transmitted at time t in S . Greedily distance-2 edge color edges in Et ; let Et (1), . . . , Et (k ) be the color classes (k is the number of colors used): each Et (i) is a distance-2 matching. This can be done distributively. Schedule the packets using Et in k steps: at the ith step schedule packets in set Et (i), i = 1, . . . , k . The algorithm can be made distributed in the same way as algorithm D I S K P S in § 3. L E M M A 5 . 2 . Algorithm G E N E R A L E P S produces a schedule of length O((C + D) · · log n) with high probability. 6 Path Selection We first describe the O(log n)­approximation for (C + D) using Raghavan-Thompson randomized rounding [27]. We formulate the path selection problem an integer program and then relax it, as in section 2.1 of [29]. There are two main differences from the program in [29]. The first is that C refers to our modified definition of congestion (for disk graphs or for arbitrary graphs). Next, for each edge f E (G), the corresponding constraint in the case of arbitrary f K k graphs becomes N (f ) k=1 xf C , where N2 (f ) 2 ( denotes the set of edges f including f ) within distance 2 of f ; for disk graphs N2 (f ) is replaced by N (f ). After "path filtering" as in [29], the rounding is done using [27], which yields an O(log n) approximation. For unit disk graphs, [29] actually yields an O(1)­ approximation, by formulating the LP differently, using box congestion. Partition the plane into boxes of size 1/2 × 1/2. It is easy to see that the discussion in Section 4 can be modified to work with this notion. Now, instead of choosing paths from a source vertex to a destination vertex, we will think of compressing each box into a single vertex, and will try to choose a path from the box containing the source to the path containing the destination. Once this is done, we can get a path in the original graph by choosing any arbitrary node for each box present in the path. Therefore, the formulation of [29] needs to be modified in the following manner: consider the graph by compressing boxes containing points into singe nodes. Each box is adjacent to neighboring boxes. The edge congestion is changed to vertex congestion, and instead of a constraint per edge in [29], we have the following constraint per nonempty B K k box B : N (B ) k=1 xB C , where N (B ) is the set of boxes within distance 2 of B , including B (there are at most 25 of these). Also, the dilation constraint is rewritten similarly. After the path filtering, the rounding in [29] can be still used because for each path P , the number of rows containing an entry for P is still O(C ). This gives the 1027 Algorithm A S Y N C H RO N O U S U N I T D I S K E P S 1. Each packet pi chooses a delay uniformly at random from {1, . . . , 1 X0 }, where 1 > 0 is a constant and X0 is as defined before. 2. For each packet pi , define Pi to be a path obtained by prepending Xi virtual edges to Pi , the original path (this is implemented by following self loop edges at the origin of pi ). 3. Partition each Pi into segments of length log n each. 4. Let W = 2 log3 n. During time (j - 1)W, . . . , j W - 1, each packet pi attempts to proceed on its j th segment in the following manner: (a) Let W = 2 log2 n. (b) During time (j - 1)W + ( - 1)W log n, . . . , (j - 1)W + W log n - 1, each packet will attempt to move on the th edge of the current segment: i. t denotes the current time; t {(j - 1)W + ( - 1)W log n, . . . , (j - 1)W + W log n - 1} ii. If packet pi has already sent its th edge of the j th segment, keep waiting till time (j - 1)W + W log n - 1}. iii. If pi has not already succeeded in sending its th edge of the j th segment, it chooses to send with probability 1 . 2 log n iv. If pi sent at time t, and detected a collision, retry as in the above step. (c) After packet pi succeeds in moving on the th edge of current segment j , it just waits till time (j - 1)W + W log n - 1. 5. If packet pi has already finished moving on the j th segment of its path Pi , it just waits at current node till time j W - 1. Figure 4: Asynchronous distributed algorithm for solving E P S I problem on unit disk graphs. following result. L E M M A 6 . 1 . The path-selection problem with the objective being to minimize (C + D), can be approximated to within O(log n) on arbitrary graphs, and to within O(1) on unitdisk graphs. 7 Distributed Vertex Coloring Our packet scheduling algorithms can be viewed as implementing a distributed coloring algorithm within each frame. This motivates the question of efficient distributed algorithms for various coloring problems. Luby's algorithm [18] is often used in distributed coloring algorithms. One of the parameters in [18] is the sleep probability at each step, which needs to be at least 1/2 in Luby's analysis. The algorithm works as follows on a given graph G. Each vertex u V (G) is associated with a list L(u) of colors; initially, |L(u)| + 1, where is the maximum degree in G. Vertices get colored using a distributed list-coloring algorithm in a synchronous round-by-round fashion (in a given round, any vertex communicates only with its neighbors). A generic round proceeds as follows. (a) Each yet-uncolored vertex wakes up with probability w or goes to sleep with probability 1 - w. (b) Each vertex u which is awake, chooses a tentative color uniformly at random from its current list L(u). (c) Each vertex u that has some neighbor that chose the same tentative color as u, is called unsuccessful; all other (yet-uncolored) vertices are called successful. (d) Each successful vertex v is permanently given its chosen tentative color c, and this color c is removed from L(x) for all neighbors x of v such that c L(x). The unsuccessful vertices proceed to the next round. Note that once a vertex gets a permanent color, it is never considered again. It can be easily verified that |L(u)| du + 1, where du is the degree of u in the current round. This also implies that step (b) is well defined; i.e., if u is yet-uncolored, |L(u)| 1. It is also easy to verify that if and when the algorithm terminates, G has a valid vertex coloring. The empirical results of [11] showed that the algorithm improves by a constant factor when "w = 1/2" is changed to "w = 1". We provide a worst-case explanation: L E M M A 7 . 1 . There are constants c and c such that 0 < c < c , for which the following hold for all n large enough. (a) For any graph with n nodes, the coloring algorithm with w = 1, terminates within c log n rounds with high probability; and (b) on the complete graph Kn , the coloring algorithm with w = 1/2 requires at least c log n rounds with high probability. 8 Faster Distributed Graph Decompositions A -decomposition of a graph G = (V , E ) is a partition of the vertex set into subsets (called blocks). The diameter of a decomposition is the least d such that any two vertices belonging to the same connected component of a block are at distance d. In the distance computation, if we allow the paths between two vertices in a block to pass through other vertices which are in the same block, then the diameter is said to be weak; otherwise, the diameter is said to be 1028 the strong. In [17], Linial and Saks show that for any graph G, there exists a -decomposition of G such that the weak diameter of each block is at most d, where , d = O(log n). In addition, they provide a distributed algorithm which constructs such a decomposition and terminates in O(d) time with high probability. We "simulate" all their rounds using a single round and obtain the following result. L E M M A 8 . 1 . Our distributed algorithm decomposes any graph G in O(log n) time into O(log n) blocks with weak diameter O(log n). 9 Empirical Analysis We study two aspects of the packet scheduling problem empirically. The first set of experiments deal with the effect of the routing strategy on the congestion. The routing strategies we experimented with are: (i) Shortest-path routing, (ii) Valiant's paradigm [28], and (iii) Modified Source Routing (SR). The last strategy is an adaptation of the Source Routing algorithm proposed in [3]. Routes are chosen sequentially for each packet using a weighted shortest path algorithm. After each path is chosen, the weights for the edges along this path (and for some of edges which are two hops away from the path) are increased by a multiplicative factor (1.25 in our experiments). This ensures that no edges/regions in the network get overloaded by packets. The second set of experiments deal with the sensitivity of our algorithms to various parameters: (i) the maximum initial random delay for any packet (mrd), (ii) the maximum number of colors available for the distributed edge coloring algorithm (mc), and (iii) the maximum number of rounds in the distributed coloring algorithm (nt). During a particular stage of the distributed algorithm, if a packet needs to be transmitted on some edge, and if this edge cannot be colored after nt rounds of the coloring algorithm, then the packet gets dropped. We study the sensitivity of packet loss to mrd and mc. The routing is done by SR, with nt = 15. The number of packets injected into the network was varied from 156 to 10000. All our experiments were performed on Acknowledgments. We thank Hari Balakrishnan, Subhash random connected unit disk graphs obtained by a random Khot and Alessandro Panconesi for helpful discussions. placement of 10000 nodes in a 50 × 50 square. The source and destination for each packet was chosen randomly from References all nodes. The plots are obtained by averaging over ten runs. Impact of Routing. Figures 5 (a) and (b) show the conges- [1] N. Alon, F. Chung and R. Graham. Routing permutations on tion and dilation in the network with respect to the number of graphs via Matchings. SIAM Journal of Discrete Maththematics, 7, pp. 513-530, 1994. packets in the network for the three routing algorithms. Recall that dilation is the maximum length of a path traversed [2] M. Adler and C. Sheideler. Efficient Communication Strategies for Ad-hoc Networks. Proc. 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While trying to route around the heavily congested regions in the network, Source Routing incurs additional costs in terms of the dilation. However, this cost is amply compensated for by the much bigger gains incurred by Source Routing with respect to congestion. Sensitivity to Parameters. Recall that mrd and mc are the maximum initial random delay and the maximum number of colors used during distributed coloring respectively. Figures 5 (c) and (d) show the effect of mrd and mc on the total number of packets lost. For a fixed value of mc, packet loss decreases linearly with increasing values of mrd. On the other hand, for a fixed value of mrd, packet loss seems to decrease exponentially with increasing values of mc. In particular, for the range of values plotted here, doubling the value of mc yields a substantial reduction in packet loss than doubling the value of mrd. This has useful implications in practice. 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