SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I Multiple-Signal Duplicate Detection for Search Evaluation Scott Huffman, April Lehman, Alexei Stolboushkin Howard Wong-Toi, Fan Yang, Hein Roehrig {huffman,alehman,aps,hwongtoi,fanyang,hein} Google Inc. Mountain View, CA ABSTRACT We consider the problem of duplicate document detection for search evaluation. Given a query and a small numb er of web results for that query, we show how to detect duplicate web documents with precision 0.91 and recall 0.77. In contrast, Charikar's algorithm, designed for duplicate detection in an indexing pip eline, achieves precision 0.91 but with a recall of 0.58. Our improvement in recall while maintaining high precision comes from combining three ideas. First, b ecause we are only concerned with duplicate detection among results for the same query, the numb er of pairwise comparisons is small. Therefore we can afford to compute multiple pairwise signals for each pair of documents. A model learned with standard machine-learning techniques improves recall to 0.68 with precision 0.90. Second, most duplicate detection has focused on text analysis of the HTML contents of a document. In some web pages the HTML is not a good indicator of the final contents of the page. We use extended fetching techniques to fill in frames and execute Javascript. Including signals based on our richer fetches further improves the recall to 0.75 and the precision to 0.91. Finally, we also explore using signals based on the query. Comparing contextual snipp ets based on the richer fetches improves the recall to 0.77. We show that the overall accuracy of this final model approaches that of human judges. 1. INTRODUCTION Detection of duplicate or near-duplicate web pages is b oth an imp ortant problem for web search engines, and a very difficult problem. Several algorithms have b een prop osed and evaluated in recent years [11, 8, 3, 9, 2, 3]. Most approaches can b e characterized as different typ es of distance or overlap measures op erating on the HTML strings fetched for pairs of URLs b eing compared. State-of-the-art algorithms, such as Broder et al.'s [2] and Charikar's [3], achieve reasonable precision and/or recall, but do not approach human-level accuracy. The problem we address in this pap er is duplicate detection as a part of search evaluation. Highly accurate duplicate detection is critical for obtaining accurate relevance measurements. To see this, supp ose we are interested in measuring the aggregate relevance of results served by various search engines, for a set of sample queries. We obtain a relevance score from a human judge for each of the top N results of each query, from each engine b eing measured. We can roll these scores up to an aggregate relevance metric for each engine, using a technique such as nDCG [10]. Duplicates can affect our measurement in two ways. First, an engine may receive undue credit for returning duplicate results for a given query. Unaccounted for, an engine that returns four copies of the (highly rated) appropriate homepage for a navigational query will receive credit four times over. In reality, users of the engine will b e annoyed, not four times happier, and the useless duplicates that are returned will push other p otentially good results down in the results list. Second, rating noise can b e introduced when two duplicate results from different engines are not detected, and thus are judged separately and p otentially receive different relevance scores. Similarly, rating noise is introduced if two non-duplicates are wrongly detected as duplicates, assuming this means only one of them will b e judged and they will receive an identical relevance score. Therefore, accurate relevance measurement in this framework requires duplicate detection with b oth high precision and high recall. Duplicate detection approaches used by modern search engines are designed for very high scalability. As part of building an index of web pages, an engine must efficiently identify duplicates among the billions of URLs b eing crawled and indexed. Because of this, recent approaches have focused on transforming the string returned by a URL into a single compact hash or "fingerprint." Comparing these fingerprints is very inexp ensive and gives a measure of similarity/distance b etween the content of the corresp onding web pages. Typically, these algorithms op erate on content Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: [Information Search and Retrieval] General Terms Algorithms, Measurement Keywords Compression distance, duplicate detection, machine learning, search evaluation, similarity hash, web search Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIGIR'07, July 23­27, 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-597-7/07/0007 ...$5.00. 223 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I that is directly fetched via the URL (what is fetched by wget or curl) -- which in many cases is very different from what a user will see in a browser, due to constructs such as frames, Javascript, and other dynamic content. Fully "rendering" the page like a browser does, by fetching emb edded frames, executing Javascript, and so on would simply b e too costly. For search evaluation, however, we can afford to explore more exp ensive approaches. We only need to find duplicates among the top search results for a given query, from some small numb er of search engines b eing measured (for instance, the top five results from three engines, giving up to 15 total URLs); and, for search evaluation, we only need to do this for hundreds or thousands of sample queries. Even accounting for measurement over time (where we might see a new URL tomorrow that is a duplicate of one we rated today), the numb ers are not large. We present an approach to duplicate detection for search evaluation that achieves precision and recall approaching human-level accuracy. The approach has three key elements: · Use of multiple text-based signals, combined using a standard machine-learning classifier, as opp osed to a single distance algorithm. · Use of signals derived from b oth the directly-fetched content and the "rendered" content of each URL. · Use of signals that are based on the query for which the URLs b eing compared were returned. We evaluate p erformance using a collection of 34,577 URL pairs derived from ma jor search engines' top results on 500 randomly-selected queries; each pair is lab eled by multiple human judges as duplicate or non-duplicate. Because we want to maximize b oth precision and recall in a balanced way, we use a balanced F-score (2PR/(P+R)) as an overall accuracy measure, where P represents precision and R recall. Taking Charikar's [3] random-hyp erplane hashing algorithm as a baseline, we find that using multiple signals combined via a decision-tree classifier improves the F-score by approximately 6 p ercent. Adding in signals derived from rendered content gives an additional 5 p ercent improvement, and adding query-based signals yields another p ercent. In aggregate, these methods reach an accuracy level that approaches the average accuracy of individual human judges. Section 2 describ es related work. Section 3 presents our duplicate detection method and describ es several of the signals we use. Section 4 describ es our evaluation methodology and the human-scored data we collected. Exp erimental results and a comparison of our method's accuracy to previous algorithms app ear in Section 5. We provide conclusions and p ossible extensions in Section 6. This approach was extended by Schleimer et al. [14] so that two documents that overlap for a long enough sequence are guaranteed to have at least one matching fingerprint stored. Brin et al. [1] and Shivakumar and Garcia-Molina [15, 16] explored schemes for detecting plagiarism using sentence overlap and word frequency comparisons. These schemes compute multiple fingerprints p er document and two documents are considered similar if a large fraction of their fingerprints agree. Shivakumar and Garcia-Molina looked at applying these schemes to the web where naively considering all pairs that have at least one fingerprint match is inefficient [17]. Charikar [3] develop ed a technique for fingerprinting documents that allows one to estimate the cosine similarity b etween documents quickly. The idea is to choose a set of random hyp erplanes and then record for each document which half-space of each hyp erplane contains the document term vector. We use an implementation of Charikar's algorithm as one of the signals for our system. Recently, Henzinger [9] compared Broder et al.'s algorithm and Charikar's to determine the precision of each at a fixed recall. Henzinger adjusted the parameters of Charikar's algorithm to have the same storage needs as that of Broder et al.'s and achieve the same recall. The precision of each algorithm was then estimated. Henzinger found that b oth algorithms had higher precision when comparing documents from different sites. Since Charikar's algorithm identified a higher p ercentage of duplicate pairs from different sites, it also achieved higher precision than Broder's algorithm. Henzinger then used the algorithms in combination to produce a new algorithm that gets a b etter trade-off b etween precision and recall. Calibrasi and Vitanyi [4] worked on clustering groups of similar documents using distance measures based on compression algorithms. Given a compression algorithm, the normalized compression distance b etween two documents A and B is defined as ncd (A, B ) = c (AB ) - min {c (A), c (B )} max {c (A), c (B )} where AB is the concatenation of A and B and c (X ) is the compressed size of document X . Intuitively, if two documents are similar, the compression of their concatenation is similar in size to each of their individual compressed sizes, i.e., one document does not add much content b eyond what is already in the other. For this study, one of our signals is based on the normalized compression distance. Finally, in the area of query-sp ecific duplicate detection, Gomes and Smith suggested using text around the query terms as a means for comparing documents [7]. This method provides another signal we use in our system. 2. RELATED WORK The ma jority of the work on duplicate document detection has focused on the problem of finding all duplicate document pairs without comparing all pairs of documents in the corpus. Along these lines, Manb er [11] introduced the idea of considering all k-byte sequences in the text and fingerprinting the document with the sequences that hash to a bit sequence ending in c 0's where c is a parameter. This work was built on by Heintze [8] to develop a system for plagiarism detection. Broder et al. [2] applied a shingling approach similar to Manb er [11] and Heintze [8] to the web. 3. APPROACH Our approach to duplicate detection differs from the previous approaches in three resp ects. First, instead of relying on a single predictive signal we make use of multiple signals. The intuition is that each signal uses a different dimension to compare pages, and the combination of these signals is a b etter predictor than any signal alone. Second, we use richer fetching techniques to bring in a rendered body which in some cases is more representative of the page as rendered in a browser. Third, since our focus is on duplicate detec- 224 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I tion in the setting of search evaluation, we consider signals that estimate how similar the pages are with resp ect to a sp ecific query. b egin by describing the b ody-based signals and then discuss the query-sp ecific signals. 3.1 Rendered Bodies When considering whether two pages are duplicates, previous approaches have focused on the HTML that can b e fetched with a wget command. In a significant p ercentage of cases, the contents of the HTML b odies (fetches) do not reflect what is rendered in a browser. In these situations, algorithmic duplicate determination based on the original fetches is usually not accurate. We address two situations in which the fetched HTML is not representative of the rendered app earance of the page: Redirects: In some cases the initial page returned with a simple fetch quickly redirects to a final "landing" page. A tool like wget can follow HTTP redirects, but it does not handle "meta refreshes" and page loads initiated from scripts on the page. Sometimes these techniques are used to branch b etween different versions of a site. In this case, very similar initial HTML pages can lead to widely differing landing pages. Conversely, redirects are often used to drive traffic to a single page. In this situation the initial pages tend to b e stuffed with keywords for search engines, which do not see the redirect, and the landing page is p olished for human users. Frames: A fetch of a web page using frames returns the frameset of the page, i.e., a description of the frame layout and URLs for the frame content. Two web pages from a site using a common frame layout will differ only in the frame URLs; hence, content analysis needs to include the content of those frame URLs. The same holds for pages using inline frames (iframes). Our approach is to render pages with a Mozilla-based fetcher similar to Crowbar [6]. After the page is loaded in the fetcher, we execute the equivalent of "view source" in Firefox to generate the effective HTML of the URL. We do not wait for redirects with long delays. We incorp orate frames by grafting their contents into the surrounding document at the place of the frame declaration; this produces invalid HTML, but is a good base for our content analysis. Fetching and rendering is much more exp ensive than simply fetching the content of the initial URL: with external frames and scripts many more URLs need to b e retrieved and rendering a page in a browser is CPU intensive. To reduce bandwidth requirements, we do not fetch images. Moreover, we observe that for many URLs, the effective HTML does not differ much from the original HTML. Therefore an interesting area of future work is to develop heuristics for whether exp ensive rendering of a page is worthwhile or not. 3.2.1 Body-based Signals For each pair of URLs, we fetch b oth an HTML b ody and a rendered b ody. (See Section 3.1.) For each of these b odies, we compute a numb er of distance metrics. Some of these metrics have b een explored in the literature as standalone duplicate detection algorithms but our focus here is on using them as one of many signals in a larger duplicate detection system. Exact title match: The simplest signal we use is a check of whether the titles of the two documents exactly match. Despite the simplicity of this signal, it turns out b e very useful for finding pairs of documents that are incorrectly considered duplicates by more sophisticated algorithms. Similarity-hash distance: We use Charikar's algorithm for hashing document term vectors to a 64-bit hash [3]. This hashing scheme ensures that the fraction of bits that agree b etween two documents' hashes is, in exp ectation, equal to the cosine similarity b etween the documents' term vectors. Tf-idf distance: The tf-idf score of a term, namely the product of the frequency of the term in a document divided by its frequency in the corpus, is a commonly used concept in information retrieval. For duplicate detection, we compare the top 100 tf-idf terms in each document, using a logarithmic idf table. Let LX b e the list of terms from document X and pos (w, LX ) b e the p osition of term w in LX . For two documents A and B , we compute a distance b etween LA and LB which is biased towards the movements of top terms in the lists. In particular, for documents A and B and a term w, we define their weight as: weightA,B (w) = 1 ln(pos (w, A) + e - 1) ln(pos (w, B ) + e - 1) Without loss of generality, assume that |LA | |LB |. Then the tf-idf distance b etween A and B is given by: P wLA tf-idf distance(A, B ) = 1 - P wLA weightA,B (w) weightA,A (w) Note that if |LB | > |LA | then we normalize the tf-idf distance based on LB instead. Body-length distance: Let len (X ) b e the length of the HTML b ody for document X . Then we define the bodylength distance b etween documents A and B as ( 0 if len (A) = len (B ) = 0 bld(A, B ) = |len (A)-len (B )| otherwise max {len (A),len (B)} Modified normalized compression distance (mcd): We apply the concept of compression distance to our duplicate detection problem using the gzip algorithm as the underlying compression algorithm. We modify the formula for compression distance to increase the accuracy for documents that are similar to each other. We define the modified normalized compression distance b etween documents A and B as mcd (A, B ) = max {|c (AB ) - c (AA)|, |c (AB ) - c (B B )|} . max {c (AA), c (B B )} 3.2 Predictive Signals For a pair of URLs, we compute a numb er of different signals based on the URLs, the HTML b odies, the rendered b odies and the text of the query used to score the relevance of the URLs. We use only one URL-based signal, namely an exact match on the domain of the URL. In addition, we compute body-based signals from b oth the fetched HTML and the rendered b odies as well as query-specific signals based on the text app earing near the query terms in the page. We 225 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I Note that the modified normalized compression distance is 0 if and only if c (AA) = c (AB ) = c (B B ). In contrast, the normalized compression distance may b e non-zero for identical documents since c (AA) is not guaranteed to equal c (A). Our modification means that we can distinguish b etween document pairs that are identical and pairs that are very similar to each other at the cost of decreasing the accuracy of the measurement for very dissimilar pairs. This is acceptable b ecause the difficult part of accurately detecting duplicate documents lies in distinguishing pairs that are duplicates from pairs that are merely very similar to each other. · Pages A and B contain primarily the same content, but have different basic layouts and surroundings. ­ Example: Two pages that contain lyrics to the same song, but from completely different sites with different app earance, background and surrounding content. ­ Example: Two pages contain the same information ab out a hotel, restaurant, etc., but are different "aggregator" sites with different app earance, layout, etc. · Pages A and B lead to the same content, but one page initially requires a user login or registration while the other does not. · Pages A and B redirect to one another only under certain conditions. Example: and only redirect to one another if the user is using the Firefox browser. · Pages A and B are essentially the same page, but contain different "sort orders" of the same list of items. Using these instructions, four judges p er URL pair had full agreement on 98.5% of pairs. The remaining 504 pairs were reviewed by additional judges (and in the hardest cases, by the authors), until we had a final judgment for every pair. Our data set included 537 duplicates out of 34,577 pairs. Note that the small numb er of duplicate pairs in the sample is partly due to the fact that we filtered out exact duplicate URLs returned from two different engines since these are trivial to lab el correctly. It should b e noted that the rater agreement for the class of duplicate pairs was only 83.0% whereas for the non-duplicate pairs it was 98.8%. This demonstrates that the difficulty of detecting duplicate documents, even for human raters, lies in distinguishing the duplicate pairs from the pairs that are merely very similar to each other. Treating the final judgments as ground truth, an interesting accuracy baseline is the precision and recall of individual judges. We took the first, second and third rater who rated each pair and compared their rating to the final rating. The b est F-score obtained was 85.5% with a precision of 77.4% and a recall of 95.4%. Since these ratings were also used to determine the final duplicate/non-duplicate judgement, this is p ossibly a higher score than an indep endent rater could achieve. Interestingly, humans do b etter at recall but have a lower precision than either Charikar's algorithm [3] or our machine-learning approach. 3.2.2 Query-specific Signals In search evaluation, the question of whether two URLs are duplicates is made in the context of the query for which these two URLs were returned as good search results. Two pages are duplicates if their content is essentially the same in light of the query. For each URL we extracted contextual snippets from the document that app eared near the query words. This text was similar to the text that users see on a search engine's results page as a description accompanying a search result. However we found that a few modifications allowed the snipp ets to b e more accurate for duplicate detection. First, we used much longer snipp ets than would typically b e presented to a user in a search result display. Second, search engines sometimes draw snipp ets from sources other than the visible text of the page, such as meta tags or ODP entries [12]. In our case, we restricted the snipp ets used as a duplicate detection signal to b e from the visible text of the page. 4. METHODOLOGY To generate training and test data, we first randomly sampled 500 English queries from Google's US querystream in mid 2006. Each query was run on three search engines, and the first five search results were recorded, yielding up to 15 unique URLs for each query. We then asked four human judges to indicate duplicate/non-duplicate for each pair of URLs associated with each query. In reality, judging whether two URLs are duplicates is often very difficult; there are many "edge" cases. After some initial trials, so that we could get consistent data, we produced fairly detailed instructions to guide our human judges on some of the more common hard cases. Examples that we indicated should b e considered duplicates included: · Pages A and B contain the same content and app ear to b e from the same "site", but one is a "printer friendly" version of the other. · Pages A and B are the same page, from different mirrors/archive sites. · Pages A and B have essentially the same content and layout, with the exception of non-essential elements such as text advertisements, banner ads, or non-critical site "b oilerplate" such as legal and copyright notices. · Page A automatically redirects the browser to another page (even after a delay of a few seconds), and this page is a duplicate of page B. Examples that we indicated should not b e considered duplicates included: 5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Based on preliminary results we did not feel that a single duplicate detection algorithm could effectively distinguish duplicate documents with b oth high precision and high recall. Our goal was to understand how much each of the following three techniques improve duplicate detection: 1. use many signals computed from standard fetches and the URL instead of a single duplicate detection algorithm. 2. do extended fetching to generate rendered b odies which are sometimes more indicative of how the page will app ear in a browser. Compute signals from the standard fetched b odies and the rendered b odies. 226 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I Group Key F R FS RS Signals same domain same title fetched-b ody mcd similarity hash tf-idf distance same rendered title rendered-b ody mcd rendered similarity hash rendered tf-idf distance snipp ets from fetched b odies snipp ets from rendered b odies 100 90 80 70 Table 1: Signals used for classification 3. use signals based on the query. To study this question, we used the publicly available data-mining toolb ench Weka [18] to analyze our data. This tool enabled us to exp eriment quickly with a large variety of classification algorithms. In our initial tests, we were able to obtain much b etter results with classifiers that were treebased or rule-based. This matched our intuition that the class of duplicates was not inherently linear, and that there were probably sub classes of duplicates definable by b oolean conditions over various combinations of signals. To compare various feature sets, we used the average F-score from two classifiers: Jrip, a rule-based classifier (Weka's implementation of the Ripp er algorithm [5]) and J48, a decision-tree classifier (a Weka implementation of the C4.5 algorithm [13]). Each classifier was run using 10-fold cross-validation a total of nine times each using different randomization seeds for learning and cross-validation splits. The numb ers rep orted are for the models with median F-score. In order to understand the usefulness of our three ideas for improving duplicate detection we considered the following groups of signals in Table 1. Group F alone represents a set of signals that can b e easily computed from a standard fetch. We use this set to evaluate how much improvement can b e made over a single duplicate detection algorithm by combining multiple signals. Group R are the signals that can b e computed from rendered b odies. We added group R to group F to evaluate the combined effect of using multiple signals and richer fetching techniques. When evaluating query-based signals we discovered that snipp ets derived from the fetched and rendered b odies b ehave differently. Therefore they are listed separately as groups FS and RS resp ectively. Note that b ody-length distance was not included in sets F or R. It turns out that b ody-length distance is not useful when modified normalized compression distance is included in the set of signals. However, in practice, b ody-length distance is a much faster signal to compute and therefore in Section 5.3 we discuss the effects of replacing modified normalized compression distance with b ody-length distance. We first show how much improvement can b e gained from each of these three techniques for our US English-based dataset. We then discuss using this model on different languages and queries from outside the US. F+R+RS 60 SimHash F Tf-Idf F+R Figure 1: F-score of duplicate detection techniques: similarity hashing (simhash), Tf-Idf, F signals only, F + R signals, F + R + RS signals, and a human rater. 5.1 Results We first consider the predictive strength of the individual signals, with precision and recall calculated over data for which the appropriate b odies were available (in some cases, we were unable to fetch the rendered b odies). The results app ear in Table 2, ordered by decreasing F-score. The strongest two signals are drawn from the rendered b odies. This matches our intuition that these rendered b odies more closely match what the user sees, and when available often provide b etter predictors than signals based on the direct fetches. However, it should b e noted that since only 90% of the pairs had rendered b odies for b oth URLs, their recall and F-scores over the full set of URL-pairs would b e lower. Figure 1 summarizes the improvement in duplicate detection accuracy as we cumulatively add groups of signals corresp onding to our three techniques. We use the similarity hash distance as a baseline since it is commonly used in search-engine indexing systems. We also show the F-score for tf-idf distance since it is actually 2.2 p oints higher and represents the b est F-score obtained by an individual signal computed from a standard fetch. Taking a combination of all fetched-b ody signals provides a 3.8 p oint improvement b eyond tf-idf distance. Further adding signals computed from the rendered b odies adds another 5.3 p oints to the Fscore. Finally, the addition of signals based on the rendered snipp ets (text surrounding the query terms in the rendered b ody) also app ears to help ( 1.4 p oints). Table 3 gives the breakdown of precision and recall for each of these signal sets. One interesting thing to note is that the improvement in F-score comes largely as a result of improving the recall while maintaining a high precision. In Section 5.3, we rep eat this analysis with the signals ordered by increasing computational cost. The precision-recall curve for the model including all the signals in F, R, and RS is shown in Figure 2. While the overall F-score our algorithm achieves is close to that of a human rater, it does so with noticably higher precision but lower recall. For our algorithm to match human-level recall, its precision would b e b elow 20%. We susp ect this may b e b ecause our algorithms do not detect b olierplate content au- 227 Human SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I Signals rendered snipp et mcd rendered tf-idf distance tf-idf distance snipp et mcd similarity hash b ody mcd rendered b ody mcd rendered b ody-length distance b ody-length distance same rendered title rendered similarity hash same title P 85.6 81.5 84.4 88.9 90.2 89.9 86.1 84.3 86.6 52.2 82.3 50.9 Jrip R 70.3 70.7 65.9 61.4 59.9 58.4 55.6 55.6 52.1 80.9 50.1 70.7 F 77.2 75.7 74.0 72.6 72.0 70.8 67.6 67.0 65.0 63.4 62.3 59.2 P 90.3 84.5 86.1 91.9 91.4 90.5 90.5 89.6 90.0 52.2 86.4 50.3 J48 R 66.6 67.6 63.4 59.3 57.6 58.4 54.2 52.7 52.2 80.9 47.9 63.6 F 76.9 75.1 73.0 72.1 70.7 71.0 67.8 66.4 66.1 63.4 61.6 56.2 Average F 77.0 75.4 73.5 72.3 71.3 70.9 67.7 66.7 65.5 63.4 61.9 57.7 Table 2: Individual signal strength. Rendered-body data were computed over the 31,231/34,587 (90%) pairs for which rendered bodies were available. Signals similarity hash tf-idf distance F F+R F + R + RS Human Rater P 90.2 84.4 88.7 86.7 87.8 Jrip R F 59.9 72.0 65.9 74.0 68.7 77.4 79.1 82.8 81.4 84.4 P = 77.4 P 91.4 86.1 89.9 91.2 91.3 J48 R F 57.6 70.7 63.4 73.0 67.8 77.3 75.2 82.4 77.3 83.6 R = 95.4 Average F 71.3 73.5 77.3 82.6 84.0 85.5 Table 3: Precision and recall 1 human rater 0.8 Signals similarity hash F F+R F + R + RS F 71.3 77.3 82.6 84.0 F (when FS added) -- 77.3 82.6 83.5 Precision 0.6 Table 4: Effect of fetched-body snippets 0.4 5.2 Cross-location performance 0.2 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Recall 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Figure 2: The solid line is the Precision-Recall curve for F + R + RS signals. The dotted line is the Fcontour for the max achieved F-score of 84.0, just below that of the best human rater. tomatically whereas humans can quickly eliminate irrelevant sections of a web page and determine that the underlying core content of two pages is the same. Somewhat surprisingly, the addition of snipp ets generated from the fetched HTML of the documents does not improve the F-score. Results app ear in the second column of Table 4, where each row shows the average F-score first with and then without signals based on fetched-b ody snipp ets. Our models were built from data based on queries that originated in the US and were made in English. A natural question is how well such models extend to queries for other locations and in other languages. We tested these classifiers on two data sets from Google's United Kingdom and Chinese querystreams. We obtained our test sets in the same way we built our US training data, except that we sampled only 200 queries for each test set. For UK data we had 204 duplicates out of 14,328 pairs, and for Chinese data a significantly smaller 120 duplicates out of 14,377 pairs. Our results app ear in Table 5. The average F-score of 83.8 for UK queries indicates that the models trained over US English queries fit well for UK English queries. However, these models do not translate as well to Chinese-query duplicate results, producing a maximum Fscore of only 74.8. The small sample size in this dataset (only 120 duplicates) may b e having an effect. In any event, more analysis is required to explain the discrepancy. Perhaps for double-byte languages, the results can b e improved by explicitly training on double-byte language training sets. 228 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I Test set UK Chinese P 83.2 64.8 Jrip R 79.9 56.7 F 81.5 60.4 P 96.4 75.4 J48 R 77.9 74.2 F 86.2 74.8 Average F 83.8 67.6 Table 5: Test results for Chinese and UK queries may b e wise to abandon computing compression distances on the entire b odies, but still use compression distances for the snipp ets. This change reduces the Fscore to 83.5 which is not a large decrease from the 84.0 achieved when including compression distances over b odies. We now consider the cost of computing all duplicate pairs in a corpus of documents. The complexity of this step is prop ortional to the numb er of pairs of documents. In our case, this is prop ortional to the numb er of queries and the square of the numb er of results p er query, which greatly reduces the numb er of pairs of pages that need to b e compared. Based on the ab ove considerations, the signals can b e ordered by increasing computational cost. When building a system, a natural approach is to choose only enough signals to reach a desired F-score. Figure 3 shows the marginal gain in F-score obtained by adding increasingly exp ensive signals to our model. We group ed same title and same domain together b ecause individually they each provide very low F-score. Interestingly, combining just the three cheapest signals -- same domain, same title and b ody-length distance -- already gives an F-score ab ove 70 which is as good as many of the more exp ensive signals alone. Adding similarity hash brings the F-score ab ove 75. Computing the compression distance for fetched b odies does improve the F-score but a bigger increase is realized by adding signals based on the rendered content. This again matches our intuition that the rendered content is more indicative of what users see, and that it is b eneficial to combine different kinds of signals (in this case, those from b oth fetched b odies and rendered b odies). A practical emb odiment of our methodology handling hundreds of queries and tens of thousands of URLs a minute is feasible. Figure 4 shows an example model when replacing the exp ensive modified normalized compression distances on b odies with b ody-length distance in the signal set F + R + RS. 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 +tf-idf +snippet +title(r) +tf-idf(r) +body mcd +simhash(r) +snippet(r) +simhash domain and title +body-length(r) +body mcd(r) +body-length F-score Cumulative signals Figure 3: Performance gain while adding signals of increasing computational complexity. Signals computed from the rendered body are indicated by `(r)'. Errors bars denote the lower and upper quartile of F-scores per signal set. 5.3 Practical efficiency The increased p erformance of our duplicate detection algorithm comes at a computational cost. In a real implementation, there are three classes of computationally intensive tasks, given b elow: 1. Obtaining the page content, which is made up of fetching and rendering. The rendering task is very CPU intensive and therefore has the dominant cost. Fetching tasks add latency b ecause they can result in subsequent fetches to pull in secondary documents and the contents of frames. The cost of fetching and rendering scales linearly with the numb er of documents. In practice, tens of thousands of URLs p er minute can b e handled with a moderate numb er of servers. 2. Processing individual pages, which includes the cost of computing all signals that are based on a single page (tf-idf terms, snipp ets, similarity hashes, etc). This step is dominated by the cost of parsing each document since computing the signals is relatively cheap once the document is parsed. This step is considerably cheap er than step 1. 3. Duplicate determination. We first consider the simple task of determining whether two given URLs are duplicates. For this step we compute all the signals based on pair of pages (such as compression distance and tf-idf distance) and then apply our algorithms to these pair-based signals to determine whether the two pages are duplicates. The complexity of this process is dominated by compression distance computations. In practice, dep ending on the scale of the application, it 6. CONCLUSIONS Our exp erimental results show that the accuracy of duplicate detection algorithms can b e significantly improved by combining multiple text-based signals and computing those signals over b oth fetched and rendered b odies. We b elieve the quality of our models could b e increased further by (1) detecting and removing b oilerplate from document b odies, (2) more fine-grained feature selection, (3) using more sophisticated URL-matching signals, and (4) training over larger data sets. The increased p erformance we gained comes at a computational cost. The resultant algorithm is only feasible over modest-sized problems. It would b e interesting to explore the idea of combining multiple signals in other duplicate detection domains with stricter computational limits, such as web crawling and indexing. 229 SIGIR 2007 Proceedings Session 10: Web IR I (rendered_snippet_mcd <= 0.23888) and (same_rendered_title = true) and (bodylengthdistance <= 0.01325) => class=dup (rendered_tfidfdistance <= 0.51996) and (rendered_snippet_mcd <= 0.16307) and (same_rendered_title = true) => class=dup (tfidfdistance <= 0.45709) and (simhashdistance <= 4) and (same_title = true) => class=dup (rendered_tfidfdistance <= 0.53986) and (rendered_bodylengthdistance <= 0.03841) and (rendered_simhashdistance <= 2) => class=dup (rendered_tfidfdistance <= 0.51996) and (rendered_snippet_mcd <= 0.09619) and (rendered_simhashdistance <= 12) => class=dup (tfidfdistance <= 0.53986) and (rendered_snippet_mcd <= 0.21829) => class=dup (tfidfdistance <= 0.53986) and (bodylengthdistance <= 0.0015) and (same_domain = false) => class=dup => class=notdup Figure 4: Example Jrip classification rules 7. 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