On-line Spam Filter Fusion Thomas R. Lynam and Gordon V. Cormack David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada trlynam@uwaterloo.ca, gvcormac@uwaterloo.ca ABSTRACT We show that a set of indep endently develop ed spam filters may b e combined in simple ways to provide substantially b etter filtering than any of the individual filters. The results of fifty-three spam filters evaluated at the TREC 2005 Spam Track were combined p ost-hoc so as to simulate the parallel on-line op eration of the filters. The combined results were evaluated using the TREC methodology, yielding more than a factor of two improvement over the b est filter. The simplest method ­ averaging the binary classifications returned by the individual filters ­ yields a remarkably good result. A new method ­ averaging log-odds estimates based on the scores returned by the individual filters ­ yields a somewhat b etter result, and provides input to SVM- and logistic-regression-based stacking methods. The stacking methods app ear to provide further improvement, but only for very large corp ora. Of the stacking methods, logistic regression yields the b etter result. Finally, we show that it is p ossible to select a priori small subsets of the filters that, when combined, still outp erform the b est individual filter by a substantial margin. Categories and Sub ject Descriptors: H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]:information filtering General Terms: Exp erimentation, Measurement Keywords: spam, email, filtering, classification nary classification for each message in turn, after which it is informed of the true classification. Prior to TREC 2005 [26], we conducted pilot tests using the TREC Spam Filter Evaluation Tool Kit [19], eight op en-source filters, and two email corp ora containing 55,120 messages in total. These tests supp orted the primary hyp othesis ­ that našve fusion improves on the b est base filter. i The pilot tests also indicated by exhaustive enumeration that subset selection or different score-combining methods might provide further b enefit. After TREC 2005, we conducted tests using the output from fifty-three spam filters run on four corp ora within the context of the TREC 2005 Spam Evaluation Track [7]. The fifty-three filters were develop ed by seventeen indep endent organizations; the four corp ora, totaling 318,482 messages, were derived from indep endent sources. The principal objective of these tests was to test the primary hyp othesis; a secondary ob jective was to examine the effectiveness of new fusion and subset selection methods. 2. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK We address the problem of on-line content-based spam filtering, an adaptive binary text classification problem[6, 23]. A stream of incoming email messages is presented to the filter, which must lab el each as spam or ham (not spam). The filter's effectiveness (ineffectiveness) is measured by the prop ortion of spam and the prop ortion of ham that it correctly (incorrectly) classifies. As it is difficult to quantify the relative cost of spam and ham misclassification errors, filters typically exp ose to the user a threshold parameter that may b e adjusted to improve one at the exp ense of the other [18]. Text classification has b een studied within the context of information retrieval and machine learning. Spam filtering in particular has b een addressed within these contexts; however, the TREC 2005 Spam Evaluation Track provides the first standard test corp ora and evaluation tools, and abstracts the problem differently from previously rep orted efforts. Spam filtering has b een the sub ject of much practical interest; currently, hundreds of commercial and free filters are available. Many rely on content-based classification techniques; others use techniques that are b eyond the scop e of this evaluation. Combining the output from multiple tools has b een rep orted to improve information retrieval [20, 21, 2, 25] and classification p erformance [4, 28, 17, 13, 15]. In information retrieval, a primary concern has b een the combination of ranked lists of documents retrieved by different systems. The combination of the results from differently structured 1. INTRODUCTION We investigate methods of spam filter fusion ­ combining the output from separate filters to form a b etter result. Fusion methods, under a variety of names [12], have b een found to achieve varying degrees of b enefit for classification and ranked information retrieval applications. Our test setup is different from what is commonly used to evaluate classifiers and information retrieval systems. The input is real email, large-scale, and presented to the filter in chronological order. There is no explicit training set; learning takes place on-line. The filter must return a score as well as a bi- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. SIGIR'06, August 6­11, 2006, Seattle, Washington, USA. Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-369-7/06/0008 ...$5.00. 123 queries has also b een investigated [3]. These techniques are generally applied to a batch process in which entire ranked lists are combined. The TREC spam filtering approach resembles ranked retrieval in that the spamminess score rep orted by the filter in effect ranks messages, but the ranking is incremental as the scores must b e determined one message at a time, without knowledge of future messages. Ensemble methods [9] have b een the sub ject of much investigation for machine learning in general and for classification in particular. Bagging and b oosting combine the results of several weak classifiers, typically employing the same algorithm over p erturb ed training sets or configuration parameters. Stacking [27], in contrast, uses a meta-learning technique to induce the b est combination of stronger classifiers that employ distinct methods. In general, these investigations have employed a batch learning configuration and have b een evaluated based on their binary classification effectiveness using separate training and test sets. Neither našve fusion nor stacking has b een shown conclui sively to have substantial b enefit in this application. Dzeroski and Zenko state with resp ect to general text classification, "Typically, much b etter p erformance is achieved by stacking as opp osed to voting," and "Our empirical evaluation of several recent stacking approaches shows they p erform comparably to the b est of the individual classifiers selected by cross-validation, but not b etter."[10] Hull et al., within the context of batch filtering, state, "We have found that simple averaging of probabilities or log odds ratios generates a significantly b etter ranking of documents," and "We generated [meta] parameter estimates using b oth linear and logistic regression but failed to reach the standard set by the simple averaging strategies."[13] Sakkis et al. stack Našve Bayes and k-nearest-neighb or (KNN) classifiers usi ing a KNN meta-classifier over various parameter configurations and observe that the b est stacking configuration outp erforms the b est individual classifier configurations by a small margin: "The results presented here motivate further work in the same direction. In particular, we are interested in combining more classifiers [...] Finally, it would b e interesting to compare the p erformance of stacked generalization to other multi-classifier methods [...] ."[22] Segal et al. [24] employ a pip eline of purp ose-built filters to analyze various asp ects of email messages. At the end of the pip eline, if no filter has definitively classified the message, the scores from all filters are combined using linear coefficients computed by a non-linear optimizer, the combination showing improvement over the individual filters. Number of Base Filters 0 2 4 6 8 10 .01 - .02 - .05 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.5 - 1- 2- 4- 10 - 20 - 50 - (1-ROCA)% - Aggregate Pseudo-Corpus Figure 1: TREC Filter Performance Distribution 3. TREC SPAM FILTER EVALUATION TREC 2005 Ham Mr X 9038 SB 6231 150685 TM 39399 Full Aggregate 205253 Corp ora Spam Total 40048 49086 775 7006 19516 170201 52790 92189 113129 318482 Table 1: TREC Corpus Statistics TREC, the Text Retrieval Conference, provides large test collections, uniform scoring procedures, and an annual forum for comparing results for a numb er of information- retrieval applications. While TREC has previously examined batch and adaptive filtering, spam filter effectiveness was first addressed in TREC 2005. The TREC Spam Filter Evaluation Tool Kit, develop ed for TREC 2005, provides a standardized method for running and evaluating spam filters. Instead of sp ecifying the relative cost of spam and ham errors, the toolkit requires the filter to return a spamminess score that may b e compared to an external threshold to yield a binary classification. In addition, the filter must return a binary classification based on some internal threshold chosen by the filter implementor. Receiver Op erating Characteristic (ROC) curves provide a mechanism for comparing filters over various p ossible threshold settings [11]. In addition, the area under the curve (AUC or ROCA) provides a useful summary measure of filter p erformance. Spam filters typically have extremely low error rates - ROCA = 0.9999 is not uncommon; therefore the toolkit rep orts 1-ROCA (the area ab ove the curve) as a p ercentage. That is, ROCA = 0.9999 is rep orted as (1-ROCA)% = .01. The toolkit also rep orts (also as p ercentages) spam misclassification prop ortion (sm%) at various ham misclassification prop ortions (hm%). The toolkit provides b ootstrap-estimated 95% confidence limits for all ROC measures (cf. [8]). The toolkit invokes each filter using a command-line interface that presents the messages one at a time to the filter. After the filter returns a classification and score, the true classification is communicated to the filter so that it may learn from the message. The toolkit collects a result file with one line p er message containing the filter's output and the true classification. This result file is used as input to the evaluation comp onent of the toolkit, which computes (among others) the following effectiveness indicators: ROC curve, (1-ROCA)%, and sm% at hm% = 0.1. Twelve indep endent groups participated in the TREC 2005 Spam Track. Each submitted up to four spam filters for evaluation. In addition, variants of five op en-source filters were adapted, in consultation with their authors, for evaluation. In total, 53 filters authored by 17 organizations were evaluated1 . The filters were develop ed entirely indep endently from the test corp ora and from the authors of this study; Several filters failed to run on some of the corp ora and are excluded from the results on those particular corp ora; 46 filters ran successfully on all corp ora. 1 124 0.01 0.01 % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 1.00 % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 0.10 fuse-score bogo sabayes fuse-vote spamprobe popfile dbacl crm114 spambayes dspam 0.10 fuse-score fuse-vote bogo sa-bayes spamprobe spambayes popfile dbacl crm114 dspam 1.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 50.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 SpamAssassin Corpus Mr X Corpus Figure 2: Pilot Fusion Filters vs. Base Filters 0.50 1.00 2.00 10.0 x max worst mean best min 5.0 2.0 x x x x x x x x x 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.01 0.02 0.5 max worst mean best min 1-ROCA% 1-ROCA% 1.0 0.1 0.2 x x x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K-Subsets K-Subsets SpamAssassin Corpus Figure 3: Pilot Subset Selection the filters were neither designed nor selected to b e amenable to fusion. We used the output from all TREC Spam Track runs as the basis of our main fusion exp eriments. Four separately-sourced corp ora, ranging in size from 7006 to 170201 messages, were used for evaluation (see table 1). For the purp ose of meta-analysis, the results on the four corp ora were aggregated and the same summary measures were computed on the aggregate. Performance among the filters differed dramatically. For example, figure 1, the distribution of (1-ROCA)% of the TREC runs on the aggregate, shows three orders of magnitude difference b etween the b est and the worst. Individual corpus results show similar diversity. Details of the TREC 2005 filters, corp ora and results may b e found in the proceedings.[26] Mr X Corpus op en-source filters2 and two test corp ora (n = 60343 ; n = 490864 ). We also investigated the p otential impact of subset selection by applying the techniques to all 255 non-empty subsets of base filters. Figure 2 shows sup erior ROC curves for the two fusion methods, as compared to all of the base filters. But only one curve, normalized score averaging on the larger corpus, nets a significantly b etter (1-ROCA)% statistic (p < .02) than the b est base filter. 4. PILOT EXPERIMENT The pilot exp eriment investigated two našve fusion methi ods ­ voting and normalized score averaging ­ using eight 2 Bogofilter [b ogofilter.sourceforge.net], CRM114 [crm114.sourceforge.net], dbacl [dbacl.sourceforge.net], DSPAM [dspam.sourceforge.net], POPFile [p opfile.sourceforge.net], SpamAssassin (Bayes filter only) [spamassassin.apache.org], SpamBayes [spambayes.sourceforge.net], SpamProb e [spamprob e.sourceforge.net]. 3 SA Corpus [spamassassin.apache.org/publiccorpus]. 4 Mr X Corpus [plg.uwaterloo.ca/~gvcormac/mrx]. 125 0.01 logistic.full svm.full logodds.full vote.full best.full 0.01 logistic.mrx logodds.mrx svm.mrx vote.mrx best.mrx % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 1.00 % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 0.01 50.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 Full Corpus 0.01 vote.sb svm.sb logistic.sb logodds.sb best.sb 0.01 logistic.tm svm.tm logodds.tm vote.tm best.tm Mr X Corpus % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 1.00 % Spam Misclassification (logit scale) 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 0.10 0.10 1.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 0.01 50.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 % Ham Misclassification (logit scale) 10.00 50.00 S B Corpus Figure 4: Fusion Filters vs. Best Filter Figure 3 shows (1-ROCA)% for normalized averaging over k-subsets of the base runs, as a function of k. The curves lab eled max, min, and mean are over the (1-ROCA%) scores yielded by all subsets of size k. The curves lab eled best and worst are yielded by selecting p ost-hoc the base runs that, taken individually, yield the k b est and worst (1-ROCA)% statistics. The x symb ols on the 1-axis indicate (1-ROCA)% for each of the base runs. From the pilots we concluded that the našve combination i methods were worthy of further validation. However, we were uncomfortable with normalized averaging as a method for combining scores, as it relies on unwarranted assumptions ab out the distribution of spamminess scores returned by the base filters. We determined, therefore, to seek to devise a method that relied only on the warranted assumption that each filter would attempt to minimize (1-ROCA)%; that is, to minimize the numb er of pairs of ham and spam messages in which the ham message yielded the higher spamminess score. From the k-subset analysis we found reason to hyp othesize that subsets of the base filters might b e found a priori (as opp osed to a p osteriori in the pilot) that would yield b etter p erformance, or that would yield good p erformance with less computational exp ense. And if subsets might b e learned, so might other linear and non-linear combinations of the scores. T M Corpus 5. FUSION EXPERIMENT The primary purp ose of our main exp eriment was to validate the hyp othesis that each of the following methods would improve on the b est of a collection of separate filters. A secondary purp ose was to assess the relative effectiveness of the methods. Best Filter. As a baseline for comparison, we selected (a p osteriori) the filter achieving the b est ROC score on each corpus. Voting. Each base filter's output consists of a binary classification and a spamminess score. Vote fusion uses only the binary classification output of the base filters. The fused filter's spamminess score for a message is the fraction of base filters that classify it as spam ­ a numb er b etween 0 and 1. The fused filter's binary classification is determined relative to some arbitrary constant threshold 0 < t < 1; a spam classification is returned when spamminess > t. The summary statistics that we present are insensitive to our choice of t = 0.5. Log-odds averaging. When a filter rep orts a spamminess score sn for the nth message, we estimate Ln , the odds that the message is spam to b e Ln = log || {i < n | si sn and ith messag e is spam} | + {i < n | si sn and ith messag e is ham} | + . 126 Method logistic svm logodds vote b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .007*** (.005-.008) .73*** (.55-.98) .008*** (.005-.013) .65*** (.55-.77) .009*** (.007-.011) .80*** (.65-.98) .013* (.010-.018) 1.00*** (.82-1.21) .019 (.015-.023) 1.78 (1.42-2.22) Full Corpus (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .115** (.071-.184) 10.5 (6.75-15.8) .155 (.046-.516) 6.71 (3.66-12.0) .166 (.057-.483) 5.55 (3.57-8.53) .193 (.076-.490) 11.0 (7.01-16.8) .231 (.142-.377) 11.2 (4.38-25.9) S B Corpus Method logistic svm logodds vote b est Method logistic logodds svm vote b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .010*** (.007-.014) 1.32* (.68-2.58) .011*** (.007-.016) 1.02** (.53-1.97) .011*** (.007-.017) 1.48* (.73-2.98) .014*** (.008-.024) 1.21** (.86-1.71) .045 (.032-.063) 3.90 (1.55-9.50) Mr X Corpus (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .036*** (.030-.044) 3.89*** (3.43-4.41) .055*** (.045-.067) 3.97*** (3.50-4.49) .061*** (.045-.067) 4.78*** (4.27-5.33) .095** (.079-.115) 4.91*** (4.45-5.43) .135 (.111-.163) 10.3 (9.16-11.6) T M Corpus Method vote svm logistic logodds b est Method logistic svm logodds vote b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .012*** (.010-.015) 1.20*** (1.07-1.35) .017*** (.015-.021) 1.29*** (1.16-1.45) .020*** (.017-.023) 1.78*** (1.64-1.93) .028*** (.023-.033) 1.66*** (1.48-1.86) .051 (.044-.058) 3.78 (3.36-4.25) Aggregate Results improvement on b est: *p < .05, **p < .005, ***p < .0005 Table 2: Fusion Summary Statistics That is, we simply count the numb er of prior spam messages with a lower or equal score and the numb er of prior non-spam messages with a higher or equal score, and take the log of their ratio. The necessary counting can b e done in O(log n) time with a suitable data structure [5]. The fused spamminess score is the arithmetic mean of the base filters' Ln scores. We set t = 0. SVM. Li scores were used as features and all prior messages were used as a training set. SVMlight's [14] default kernel and parameters were used. For efficiency reasons, SVMlight was not run after every message; retraining was effected at Fib onacci-like intervals.5 The SVMlight output was used directly as the fused spamminess score. We set t = 0. Logistic regression. The LR-TRIRLS logistic regression package [16] was used to find weights such that the weighted average of the base filters' Li scores b est predicted the log-odds of the classification of prior messages. This weighted average was used as the spamminess score, and we set t = 0. Negative weights were assumed to represent overfitting; an iterative process was used to eliminate them. The filter with the most negative weight was eliminated; regression and elimination were rep eated until no negative weights remained. For efficiency reasons, the weights were not recomputed for every message. For the first 100 messages, the 1 weights were fixed at f , where f is the numb er of base filters. Thereafter, they were recomputed after every nj messages where n1 , n2 , n3 , ... forms a Fib onacci-like series.6 Increasing training set sizes were used to adapt SVM, a batch method, to on-line classification [6]. We used training set sizes of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000. 6 We used increasing training set sizes of 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 2100, 4100, 9100, 5 Figure 4 shows the ROC curves for the four fusion methods and the b est filter for each of the four corp ora. Table 2 shows the summary statistics for the same runs, with 95% confidence limits and p-values. Each p-value indicates the probability that the statistic's improvement over that of the b est filter may b e due to chance. 6. SUBSET EXPERIMENT To select subsets of the base filters, we employed the same elimination process as for logistic-regression stacking. After eliminating the filters corresp onding to negative weights, we continued the process ­ eliminating the filter with the smallest weight ­ until only k filters remained. These k filters formed the base classifiers for a new fused filter. The resulting filter combines k spamminess scores by multiplying them by their resp ective weights as determined by the selection process. The subset exp eriment, unlike fusion, involved a batch process ­ selection and the computation of weights takes place with resp ect to a training corpus and the resulting filter is applied to a different test corpus. To evaluate the subset selection method, we used two corp ora ­ Mr X and S B ­ as training corp ora, and the other two ­ Full and T M ­ as test corp ora. For each test corpus we computed subsets of size 2, 3, 4, 8, 16, ..., m where m is the largest subset that yields all p ositive coefficients. Each subset was used in a fusion run on the two test corp ora. Tables 3 and 4 show the results of these four sets of runs. All subsets improve on the b est run in b oth measures, significantly so except for the smaller subsets trained on the S B corpus. Performance improves with subset size; p erformance of the larger subsets is comparable to that of the b etter fusion methods. 19100, 39100, 69100, 99100, 129100, 159100. 127 Subset mrx23 mrx16 mrx8 mrx4 mrx3 mrx2 b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .007*** (.006-.009) .79*** (.62-.99) .007*** (.006-.009) .84*** (.69-1.02) .009*** (.007-.011) .88*** (.71-1.08) .012*** (.009-.015) 1.07*** (.82-1.39) .012*** (.010-.016) 1.15*** (.92-1.44) .016 (.012-.021) 1.31** (1.01-1.68) .019 (.015-.023) 1.78 (1.42-2.22) Full Corpus Subset mrx23 mrx16 mrx8 mrx4 mrx3 mrx2 b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .047*** (.038-.057) 3.84*** (3.41-4.32) .050*** (.040-.062) 3.99*** (3.56-4.48) .055*** (.041-.072) 4.22*** (3.72-4.79) .084*** (.067-.105) 4.37*** (3.74-5.09) .081*** (.063-.104) 4.20*** (3.66-4.81) .094*** (.075-.118) 4.40*** (3.90-4.96) .135 (.111-.163) 10.3 (9.16-11.6) T M Corpus improvement on b est: *p < .05, **p < .005, ***p < .0005 Table 3: Mr X-derived Subsets on Full and T M Corpora Subset sb14 sb8 sb4 sb3 sb2 b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .008*** (.007-.010) 1.01*** (.81-1.25) .008*** (.007-.010) 1.02*** (.81-1.28) .010*** (.008-.012) 1.40* (1.07-1.82) .012*** (.010-.015) 1.45* (1.22-1.73) .015*** (.012-.018) 1.51 (1.23-1.84) .019 (.015-.023) 1.78 (1.42-2.22) Full Corpus Subset sb14 sb8 sb4 sb3 sb2 b est (1 - R O C A )% sm%@hm% = .1 .049*** (.041-.059) 5.50*** (4.83-6.27) .053*** (.044-.063) 5.78*** (5.01-6.66) .058*** (.048-.069) 6.09*** (5.21-7.11) .074*** (.061-.089) 7.72*** (6.60-9.00) .109** (.087-.136) 8.80*** (7.58-10.18) .135 (.111-.163) 10.3 (9.16-11.6) T M Corpus improvement on b est: *p < .05, **p < .005, ***p < .0005 Table 4: S B-derived Subsets on Full and T M Corpora 7. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION All fusion methods substantially outp erformed the b est filter. The lack of significance of results with resp ect to the S B corpus may b e attributed to its size; 775 spam messages are insufficient to distinguish filters at the error rates achieved. It may also b e the case that some effects (notably SVM and logistic-regression stacking) increase with corpus size. Voting ­ simply counting the binary classification outputs of the filters ­ is remarkably effective, but app ears to yield somewhat less improvement than the other filters. On the other hand, we have reason to b elieve that voting is more stable, and may p erform b etter on short corp ora, or on the first several thousand messages of long corp ora. One p ossible reason for this is that voting is b etter able to take advantage of prior knowledge incorp orated into the individual filters; until reliable estimates of the filters' credibility are obtained, simple voting seems to b e the safest choice. Nevertheless, given the diversity of p erformance among the base filters, it is remarkable that a simple vote works so well. Each filter no doubt incorp orates several arbitrary parameters set by its authors, not the least imp ortant of which is t, the classification threshold. Thus, voting works well due to social b ehaviour as much as any technical reason. The log-odds transformation is an essential comp onent of the other techniques ­ the transformed scores were used directly and also as input to the SVM and logistic regression meta-learning methods. In the pilot exp eriment we investigated various linear and non-linear combinations of scores. Although the sum of linear-normalized scores worked acceptably well in the pilot, we had no confidence that it would combine well the diverse score distributions found in the TREC runs. Indeed it did not, p erforming more p oorly than simple voting on the Mr X Corpus. Therefore we dropp ed it from further consideration and did not test it on the other corp ora. Since we had used Mr X in the pilot (but with dif- ferent filters) we used it for testing various parameters and methods, testing only the ones that app eared promising ­ the ones rep orted here ­ on the other corp ora. In this sense one may consider the Mr X results to b e somewhat "cherry picked" but not the results on the other corp ora. The rationale for the log-odds transformation is as follows. Given a threshold t, messages may b e placed in two dichotomous classes: spam messages with spamminess score s t, and non-spam messages with s t. A new message with spamminess t must necessarily fall into one of these classes. We use the observed size of these classes as an estimate of the odds ratio. That is, the area of the tails of the unnormalized score distributions provides a likelihood ratio multiplied by the prior odds (i.e. the overall odds ratio). We also exp erimented with using log-likelihood instead of log-odds. Log-likelihood is computed by subtracting log-prior-odds from log-odds; log-prior-odds is easily estimated from the observed spam to non-spam ratio. While log-likelihood makes more "sense" from a probabilistic p oint of view, it makes no difference to ROC or logistic regression results, and introduces slightly more noise due to the (additional) instability of the log-prior-odds estimate. In addition, we computed p ositive or negative log likelihood ratios [1] (as appropriate) from the base filters' binary classifications; preliminary testing revealed the average of these works marginally b etter than voting, but not as well as the average of the log-odds-transformed scores. Three of the corp ora showed b etter results for log-odds averaging than for voting; two were significant in a 2-tailed test (full, p < .0002; mrx, p < .2; tm, p < .0001), one showed an inferior (sb, p < .16) result which we suggest is largely due to chance, but may also b e due to the small size of the corpus offering insufficient numb ers for accurate logodds estimates. The aggregate "run", which is not a run at all but an amalgam of the other four, shows that log-odds averaging improves on voting (p < .0001). 128 The log-odds transformed scores were used as input features to SVMlight. We also tried the untransformed scores and the binary classifications as features, with deleterious results. We also tried several combinations of kernels and parameter settings, but found none that yielded b etter results. We do not claim to have the exhausted space of features, kernels and settings. SVMlight, using default parameters, improves on voting on the same corp ora as does logodds, and shows a significant improvement in the aggregate (p < .0001). While SVM's improvement over log-odds is significant only for the aggregate run (p < .01), the consistent improvement over the four corp ora leads us to b elieve that it is b etter. We found that straightforward logistic regression yielded p oor p erformance, even with very large amounts of training data. We observed, as did Hull [13] in a somewhat different context, that negative coefficients were a near-certain sign of over-fitting7 . But logistic regression constrained to non-negative results is intractable, so we used the simple heuristic of deleting the filter with the most negative coefficient and rep eating until no negative coefficients remained. There is no reason to b elieve that this is the b est approach. For example, we could have used significance rather than magnitude as an elimination criterion. But for efficiency we chose a simplistic technique that app eared to work. We leave it to future research to investigate more sophisticated strategies. Logistic regression p erformed the b est on all corp ora except S. B.; significantly b etter than the other methods in the aggregate (vote, p < .0001 ; logodds, p < .0001 ; svm, p < .0001). S. B.'s discordant result is not significant and may b e due to chance. Examination of the ROC curve (figure 2) shows the logistic regression curve apparently sup erior to the rest, yet the (1-ROCA)% statistic is inferior. Further investigation, and verification of the ROC results with SPSS, shows that an extreme p oint b eyond the scale of the graph accounts for the difference. We note also that sm% at hm% = .1 shows logistic regression to b e sup erior on the S. B. corpus. While the difference may b e due to chance, it is also plausible that stacking methods are sup erior only on larger corp ora, where they have more opp ortunity to learn. The stepwise elimination process emb odied in the logistic regression approach identifies a subset of the base filters that contribute to the b est fusion result. Continuing the elimination process yields smaller subsets which all outp erform the b est filter; even the subsets of size 2 outp erform the b est individual filter. Figure 5 indicates the numb er of distinct Mr X-derived subsets in which each filter participates; the filters are lab elled and ordered by their individual p erformances. We note that the b est-p erforming filter is not a memb er of any of the subsets ­ many strong filters are excluded in favour of weaker ones. The S B-derived subsets show the same effect, from which we may infer that interfilter correlation is a determining factor in subset selection. The cross-corpus design of the exp eriments serves to indicate that a subset of filters chosen using one source of email may b e exp ected to yield a fused filter that works well on another. 7 We say near-certain b ecause the process did in fact discover some valid negative coefficients. Two of the base filters were fusions of other filters, and the regression process yielded a strong negative coefficient for comp onents that were overrepresented. Figure 5: Base Filter Participation in Subsets (by Separate Performance) 8. CONCLUSIONS The fusion methods presented here produce combined filters that outp erform all other tested filters by a substantial margin ­ more than a factor of two in the standard measures of ROC area and spam misclassification at a 0.1% ham misclassification rate. As such, they are the b est filters tested to date on the TREC corp ora. The simplest method ­ voting based on the binary classifications yielded by the individual filters ­ yields an ROC curve that is clearly sup erior to the b est filter on each of the corp ora. Although voting works well, it lacks app eal b ecause it relies on the arbitrarily-set classification thresholds of the individual filters, and its sensitivity can b e adjusted only coarsely by sp ecifying the numb er of filters that must agree to classify a message as spam. The fifty-three different threshold values afforded by this test were adequate to achieve good ROC results, but we are skeptical as to whether the approach would b e practical for a smaller numb er of filters, unless one had the capability to adjust the individual filters' thresholds. The score-based methods ­ log-odds averaging, SVM, and logistic regression ­ are more app ealing in that they use the score and not the threshold setting from each individual filter. The score-based methods app ear also to improve on voting, but the incremental improvement is not nearly as dramatic as that of voting over the b est individual filter. The ROC curves for these methods don't clearly dominate voting, and the statistics are sup erior by a significant margin on only the larger corp ora. Of these methods, logistic regression (with elimination of filters with negative coefficients) app ears to yield the b est p erformance. On the other hand, log-odds averaging is the simplest of the score-based methods, and the other methods take as input the log-odds transformed scores. That is, the log-odds transformation is the essential basis of all the score-based methods. In practice, it may not b e feasible to run 53 separate filters on each incoming email message. Our exp eriments indicate that it is p ossible to select a smaller numb er ­ roughly half ­ without compromising p erformance. 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