Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation Julian J. McAuley julian.mcauley@nicta.com.au Tib´rio S. Caetano e tiberio.caetano@nicta.com.au NICTA and Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Australia Abstract Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference in graphical models requires that we maximize the sum of two terms: a data-dependent term, encoding the conditional likelihood of a certain labeling given an observation, and a data-independent term, encoding some prior on labelings. Often, data-dependent factors contain fewer latent variables than dataindependent factors ­ for instance, many grid and tree-structured models contain only firstorder conditionals despite having pairwise priors. In this paper, we note that MAPinference in such models can be made substantially faster by appropriately preprocessing their data-independent terms. Our main result is to show that message-passing in any such pairwise model has an expected-case exponent of only 1.5 on the number of states per node, leading to significant improvements over existing quadratic-time solutions. form mAB (yAB ) = max A (yA |xA ) yA\B mDA (yAD ), D(A)\{B} (2) where (A) is the set of cliques that intersect with A. If the nodes of our model have N states, solving (eq. 2) appears to require (N |A| ) operations, since there are N |A| possible values of yA . Alternately, (eq. 1) can be expressed in the form y(x) = argmax ^ y F F data dependent F (yF |xF ) + CC C (yC ) , (3) data independent where each F F is a subset of some C C. In this paper, we show that much faster algorithms can be developed whenever the model's data-dependent factors contain fewer latent variables than its dataindependent factors, or equivalently when every F F is a proper subset of some C C in (eq. 3). Although our results apply to general models of this form, we shall mainly be concerned with the most common case, in which we have pairwise models with data-independent priors, or problems of the form y(x) = argmax ^ y iN node potential 1. Introduction MAP-inference in a graphical model G consists of solving an optimization problem of the form y(x) = argmax ^ y CC i (yi |xi ) + i,j (yi , yj ) . (4) edge potential (i,j)E C (yC |xC ), (1) where C is the set of maximal cliques in G. This problem is often solved via message-passing algorithms such as the junction-tree algorithm, loopy beliefpropagation, or inference in a factor graph (Aji & McEliece, 2000; Kschischang et al., 2001). Computing messages between two intersecting cliques A and B in general involves solving a problem of the Appearing in Proceedings of the 27 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Haifa, Israel, 2010. Copyright 2010 by the author(s)/owner(s). This encompasses a wide variety of models, including grid-structured models for optical flow and stereo disparity as well as chain and tree-structured models for text or speech. Examples are shown in Figure 1. In all of these examples, we give a solution to (eq. 2) with an expected-case running time of only O(N 1.5 ), while to our knowledge, the best currently known solution is the na¨ (N 2 ) version. Our result is achieved by ive preprocessing the data-independent part of the model offline, simply by sorting the rows and columns of i,j . As our optimizations apply directly to the message passing equations themselves, they can be applied Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation 2. Our Approach We consider an (undirected) pairwise graphical model G(N , E), where N is the set of nodes, and E the set of edges, which factorizes according to (eq. 4). In such a model, computing a message between two neighboring cliques A = (i, j) and B = (i, k) is equivalent in complexity to solving mAB (yi ) = i (yi ) + max j (yj ) + i,j (yi , yj ), (5) yj Figure 1. Some graphical models to which our results apply: cliques containing observations have fewer latent variables than purely latent cliques. Gray nodes correspond to the observation, white nodes to the labeling. In other words, cliques containing a gray node encode the data likelihood, whereas cliques containing only white nodes encode priors. We focus on the case where the gray nodes have degree one (i.e., they are connected to only one white node). to many variants of belief-propagation, such as the junction-tree algorithm, loopy belief-propagation, and factor graphs. In particular, in models where beliefpropagation is known to produce the correct solution, i.e., trees (and junction trees in general), our optimizations result in the asymptotically fastest solution for exact inference. 1.1. Related Work There has been previous work on speeding-up messagepassing algorithms by exploiting some type of structure in the graphical model. For example, Kersting et al. (2009) study the case where different cliques share the same potential function. In Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher (2006), fast message-passing algorithms are provided for the case in which the potential of a 2clique is only dependent on the difference of the latent variables (which is common in some computer vision applications); they also show how the algorithm can be made faster if the graphical model is a bipartite graph. In Kumar & Torr (2006), the authors provide faster algorithms for the case in which the potentials are truncated, whereas in Petersen et al. (2008) the authors offer speedups for models that are specifically grid-like. The latter work is perhaps the most similar in spirit to ours, as it exploits the fact that certain factors can be sorted in order to reduce the search space of a certain maximization problem. In practice, this leads to linear speedups over a (N 4 ) algorithm. We too shall rely on sorting to reduce the search space of a maximization problem, but additionally we exploit dataindependence to reduce a (N 2 ) algorithm to O(N 1.5 ). Notably, our assumption of data-independence in the prior differs substantially from those above; it is arguably a much weaker assumption since it is in fact satisfied by most graphical models of practical interest. where i (yi ) is the sum of (yi |xi ) and any first-order messages over yi (similarly for j (yj )). The general form of (eq. 5) encompasses many variants of beliefpropagation. In all such cases, solving (eq. 5) appears to be a (N 2 ) operation, since this is the number of possible arguments to i,j . For a specific value of yi = q, solving (eq. 5) amounts to solving mAB (q) = i (q) + max j (yj ) + i,j (q, yj ), yj va vb (6) which appears to have linear time complexity, as it is equivalent to solving max {va [i] + vb [i]} . i (7) However, we note that solving (eq. 7) is only O( N ) if we know the permutations that sort va and vb . Our algorithm for solving (eq. 7) is given in Algorithm 1; the execution of this algorithm is explained in Figure 2. For now, we simply state the following theorem regarding the algorithm's running time: Theorem 1. The expected running time of Algo rithm 1is O( N ). This yields a speedup of at least ( N ) in models containing pairwise priors and unary data-likelihoods. We have recently employed an algorithm of this type in McAuley & Caetano (2010), where we showed that fast algorithms can be developed for inference in graphical models whose maximal cliques are larger than their factors. Further discussion of this theorem can be found in Section 3; complete proofs are given in McAuley & Caetano (2009). An apparent issue is that the cost of sorting every row of i,j is (N 2 log N ) (i.e., more expensive than the na¨ solution). However we make the observation that ive this cost can be circumvented so long as only the dataindependent part of the potential is maximal (i.e., the prior, such as in (eq. 6)). In such cases, the dataindependent part of the model can be sorted offline. Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation Algorithm 1 Find i that maximizes va [i] + vb [i] Require: permutation functions pa and pb that sort va and vb in decreasing order 1: Initialize: start 1 2: end a p-1 [pb [1]] {end a is the index of the elea ment in va corresponding to the largest element in vb ; see the red line in Figure 2} 3: end b p-1 [pa [1]] b 4: best argmaxi{pa [1],pb [1]} {va [i] + vb [i]} 5: max va [best] + vb [best] 6: while start < end a start < end b do 7: {consider the indices pa [start] and pb [start]} 8: start start + 1 9: if va [pa [start]] + vb [pa [start]] > max then 10: best pa [start] 11: max va [best] + vb [best] 12: end if 13: if p-1 [pa [start]] < end b then b 14: end b p-1 [pa [start]] b 15: end if 16: {repeat Lines 9­15, interchanging a and b} 17: end while 18: while start < end a do 19: {we have considered all candidate values in pb , but some may remain in pa } 20: start start + 1 21: if va [pa [start]] + vb [pa [start]] > max then 22: best pa [start] 23: max va [best] + vb [best] 24: end if 25: end while 26: {repeat Lines 18­25, interchanging a and b} 27: return best {this takes expected time O( N )} start = 1 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 don't search past this line 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 start = 2 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 start = 3 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 start = 4 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 start = 5 8 > > > > > < > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 Figure 2. Algorithm 1 explained (best viewed in color): the two arrows connect va [pa [start]] to vb [pa [start]], and va [pb [start]] to vb [pb [start]]; the red line connects end a and end b , which is updated each time an arrowhead lies to its left; we only consider those arrows that whose tail lies to the left of the red line ­ all others can be ignored; a dashed arrow is shown when a new maximum is found. Once i,j has been sorted, (eq. 6) can be solved via Algorithm 2.1 Often the prior is homogeneous (every edge uses the same prior), meaning that i,j can be sorted online, so long as |E| (log N ) (i.e., the number of messages that must be computed is asymptotically larger than log N ). Similarly, when using iterative inference schemes (such as loopy belief-propagation), the sorting step takes place only during the first iteration; if inference is run for (log N ) iterations, then speed improvements can still be obtained with online sorting. rows and columns of the data-independent terms have been sorted offline. First note that if Algorithm 1 solves (eq. 7) in O(f (N )), then Algorithm 2 must take O(N log(N ) + N f (N )); thus we need only compute f (N ). We shall demonstrate that f (N ) O( N ) as stated in Theorem 1. We consider the expected-case running time, under the assumption that the order statistics of va and vb are independent. It is worth mentioning that we are limited to expected-case analysis, as there is provably no deterministic solution that is sub-linear in N : otherwise we could solve max-sum matrix multiplication (or `funny matrix multiplication') in O(N 2.5 ), though it is known to have no deterministic sub-cubic solution (assuming that only addition and comparison operators are used) (Kerr, 1970; Alon et al., 1997). The running time of Algorithm 1 depends on the permutation matrix that transforms the sorted values of 3. Runtime Analysis In this section, we compute the expected-case running time of Algorithm 2 under the assumption that the 1 C++ implementations of our algorithms are available at http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~julianm/ Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation Algorithm 2 Solve (eq. 6) using Algorithm 1 Require: a set of permutation functions p such that pi sorts the ith row of i,j in decreasing order. 1: compute the permutation function pa by sorting j {takes (N log N )} 2: for q {1 . . . N } do 3: (va , vb ) (j , i,j (q, yj |xi , xj )) 4: r Algorithm1 (va , vb , pa , pq ) {O( N )} 5: mAB (q) i (q) + j (r) + i,j (q, r|xi , xj ) 6: end for {expected-case O(N N )} 7: return mAB Step 1: 8 > > > > > > > > < > > > > > > > > : 99 92 87 81 78 66 53 46 30 26 21 16 12 10 8 6 2 14 16 9 7 12 8 10 3 11 13 1 15 4 6 5 98 93 85 76 71 70 67 65 63 57 48 42 39 37 26 17 3 4 8 11 7 16 13 9 6 2 15 10 12 5 1 14 don't search past this line 97 95 81 78 75 60 55 50 44 39 37 31 30 27 26 20 11 4 5 10 14 6 9 7 3 16 12 2 8 13 15 1 Figure 4. Algorithm 1 can be generalized to handle any number of lists. For K lists (corresponding to K th -order K-1 priors), it has running time O(KN K ). va into the sorted values of vb , which in turn depends only on their order statistics. Figure 3 gives examples of different permutation matrices, and the number of addition operations that each induces. Here we see that our method is (1) when the two vectors have the same order statistics, and (N ) when the two vectors have `opposite' order statistics. Our analysis considers the case that the order statistics of va and vb are independent (i.e., every permutation matrix is equally likely). Further details and proofs are given in McAuley & Caetano (2009). As stated in Figure 3, we can compute the number of additions as follows: starting from the top-left of the permutation matrix, find the smallest gray square that contains an entry; if this square has width M , we perform fewer than 2M additions. For a randomly chosen permutation matrix, simple inspection reveals that the probability that M > m is given by (N - m)!(N - m)! , PN (M > m) = (N - 2m)!N ! side of Figure 3); if the data are negatively correlated we will tend to observe permutations that lie close to the off-diagonal (the right side of Figure 3). In such cases, we shall observe better or worse performance (respectively) than the expected-case. 4. Generalizations As we have suggested, our results apply not only to pairwise models, but to any models whose datadependent cliques have fewer latent variables than the data-independent cliques; in this section we shall state our main result in this general case. We have shown that Algorithm 1 solves (eq. 7) in O( N ). By similar reasoning, it can be shown that this algorithm can be adapted to solve max {v1 [i] × v2 [i] × · · · × vK [i]} i (10) (8) and thus, using the identity E(X) = x=1 P (X x), we can show that the expected value of M is N/2 in sub-linear time. As with our solution to (eq. 7), we can substantially reduce the search space if we know the permutations that sort the lists (see Figure 4). The running time of our algorithm is given by the following theorem (a proof is given in (McAuley & Caetano, 2009)): Theorem 2. Algorithm 1 generalizes to K lists with K-1 an expected running time of O(KN K ) (it can be K-1 adapted to be O(min(N, KN K )), if we carefully avoid rereading entries). This generalization can be applied as follows: if the data-independent factors are of dimension K (within cliques containing more than K terms), we can obtain 1 1 an expected speedup of ( K N K ); setting K = 2 re covers precisely the ( N ) speedup for pairwise priors discussed so far in this paper. An example application to which this generalization can be applied is that of Felzenszwalb (2005). This model contains a third-order geometric prior, while the data-dependent factors are only pairwise. Our method EN (M ) = m=0 (N - m)!(N - m)! , (N - 2m)!N ! (9) which can be shown to be (log N ) and O( N ) (Theorem 1). Thus we can solve (eq. 2) in expected-case (N EN (M )) which is O(N 1.5 ). We shall verify these statements experimentally in Section 5.1. 3.1. Correlated Data As shown in Figure 3, our algorithm will perform better or worse than the expected-case depending on the particular permutations that sort the data. If the data are positively correlated we will tend to observe permutations that lie close to the main diagonal (the left Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation best case permutation: operations: 1 1 3 3 5 7 7 9 10 10 worst case Figure 3. Different permutation matrices and their resulting cost (in terms of additions performed). Each permutation matrix transforms the sorted values of one list into the sorted values of the other, i.e., it transforms va as sorted by pa into vb as sorted by pb . For instance, if there is an entry in the first row and fifth column, this indicates that pa [1] = pb [5] (equivalently that p-1 [pa [1]] = 5, or p-1 [pb [5]] = 1), meaning that the largest value of va has the same index as the fifth a b largest value of vb . The red squares show the entries that must be read before the algorithm terminates (each corresponding to one addition). In reference to Algorithm 1, an entry in row number start corresponds to computing va [pa [start]] + vb [pa [start]]; similarly, the entry in column number start corresponds to computing va [pb [start]] + vb [pb [start]]. A simple method to determine the number of additions is as follows: starting from the top-left of the permutation matrix, find the smallest gray square that contains an entry; if this square has width M , we shall read fewer than 2M entries. Note that the width of this gray square is precisely the value of start when the algorithm terminates. Number of online operations per message entry 50 40 Number of additions 2 × start when Algorithm 1 terminates. This confirms that the expected value given in (eq. 9) matches the experimental performance, and also verifies that the expectation is upper-bounded by 2 × N . Due to the computational overhead of our solution, we expect the running time of our algorithm to differ from the value shown in Figure 5 by a multiplicative constant, except in cases where va and vb are highly (positively or negatively) correlated. 5.2. Inference in Pairwise Models 30 20 na¨ve method i our method 2 N 2× 0 0 100 N/2 (N -m)!(N -m)! m=0 (N -2m)!N ! 10 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 Figure 5. The number of addition operations required to compute each entry of a message (average of 10 trials). The na¨ solution requires (N ) operations, whereas our ive method requires O( N ) in the expected-case. The exact expectation is also shown. In each of the following experiments we perform beliefpropagation in models of the form given in (eq. 4). Thus each model is completely specified by defining the node potentials i (yi |xi ), the edge potentials i,j (yi , yj ), and the topology (N , E) of the graph. Furthermore we assume that the edge potentials are homogeneous, i.e., that the potential for each edge is the same, or rather that they have the same order statistics (for example, they may differ by a multiplicative or additive constant). This means that the sorting can be done online without affecting the asymptotic complexity. When subject to heterogeneous potentials we need merely sort them offline; the online cost shall be similar to what we report here. 5.2.1. Chain-Structured Models In this section, we consider chain-structured graphs. Here we have nodes N = {1 . . . Q}, and edges E = {(1, 2), (2, 3) . . . (Q - 1, Q)}. The max-sum algorithm is known to compute the maximum-likelihood solution exactly for tree-structured models. Figure 6 (top) shows the performance of our method on a model with random potentials, i.e., i (yi |xi ) = U [0, 1), i,i+1 (yi , yi+1 ) = U [0, 1), where U [0, 1) is the allows us to pass messages in this model in O(N 3 ), 1 i.e., (N 3 ) faster than the standard cubic solution. As the pairwise case is by far the most common, and as it gives the largest speedup, we shall focus on this case in our experiments. 8 5. Experiments 5.1. Number of Addition Operations Figure 5 shows the number of addition operations required to solve to (eq. 7); multiplying by N +1 gives the number of operations required to compute (eq. 5), i.e., the entire message. va and vb are chosen by sampling uniformly from [0, 1)N , and the average of 10 trials is shown. The value reported is precisely the value of Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation Total wall time (seconds) uniform distribution. Fitted curves are superimposed onto the running time, confirming that the performance of the standard solution grows quadratically with the number of states, while ours grows at a rate of N 1.5 . The residual error r shows how closely the fitted curve approximates the running time; in the case of random potentials, both curves have similar constants. Figure 6 (bottom) shows the performance of our method on a `text-denoising' experiment. In this experiment random errors are introduced into a body of text, which the model aims to correct. Here we have i (yi |xi ) = (1 - I{xi } (yi )), i.e., a constant cost is incurred in the event that xi and yi are not equal. i,i+1 (yi , yi+1 ) returns the frequency of the pair (yi , yi+1 ) in a training corpus. This experiment was performed on text from each language in the Leipzig Multilingual Corpora (Quasthoff et al., 2006). The first 100,000 characters were used to construct the pairwise statistics of i,i+1 , and the next 2,500 characters were used for the denoising experiment. Although our algorithm results in a faster solution for all languages, we observe a higher constant of complexity than that obtained for random data. This suggests that the pairwise priors in different languages are not independent of the messages; the higher residual error may also suggest that different languages have different order-statistics. 5.2.2. Grid-Structured Models Similarly, we can apply our method to grid-structured models. Here we resort to loopy belief-propagation to approximate the MAP solution, though indeed the same analysis applies in the case of factor graphs (Kschischang et al., 2001). We construct a 50 × 50 grid model and perform loopy belief-propagation using a random message-passing schedule for five iterations. In these experiments our nodes are N = {1 . . . M }2 , and our edges connect the 4-neighbors (similar to the grid shown in Figure 1 (left)). Figure 7 (top) shows the performance of our method on a grid with random potentials (similar to the experiment in Section 5.2.1). Figure 7 (bottom) shows the performance of our method on an optical flow task (Lucas & Kanade, 1981). Here the states encode flow vectors: for a node with N states, the flow vector is assumed to take integer coordinates in the square [- N /2, N /2)2 (so that there are N possible flow vectors). For the unary potential we have (i,j) (y|x) = Im 1 [i, j] - Im 2 [(i, j) + f (y)] , (11) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 Random potentials (2500 node chain) na¨ve method i 0.00002N 2 (r = 0.00514) our method 0.00002N 1.5 (r = 0.00891) 100 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 80 70 Total wall time (seconds) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.60 0.45 0.30 0.15 0.00 75 Text denoising na¨ve method i 0.00002N 2 (r = 0.15) our method 0.00015N 1.5 (r = 5.38) Japanese 90 105 120 135 150 Korean 500 1000 1500 N (alphabet size) 2000 Figure 6. Running time of inference in chain-structured models: random potentials (top), and text denoising (bottom). Fitted curves confirm that the exponent of our method is indeed 1.5 (r denotes the residual error, i.e., the `goodness' of the fitted curve). spectively), and f (y) returns the flow vector encoded by y. The pairwise potentials simply encode the Euclidean distance between two flow vectors. Our fitted curves in Figure 7 show O(N 1.5 ) performance for both random data and for optical flow. 5.2.3. Failure Cases In our previous experiments on text denoising and optical flow we observed running times similar to those for random potentials, indicating that there is no prevalent dependence structure between the order statistics of the messages and the potentials. In certain applications the order statistics of these terms are highly dependent. The most straightforward example is that of concave potentials (or convex potentials in a min-sum formulation). For instance, in a where Im 1 [a, b] and Im 2 [a, b] return the gray-level of the pixel at (a, b) in the first and second images (re- Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation 90 80 Total wall time (seconds) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 100 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 Random potentials (50 × 50 grid, 5 iterations) na¨ve method i Total wall time (seconds) 0.00034N 2 (r = 24.26) our method 0.00252N 1.5 (r = 15.26) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Stereo disparity (50 × 50 grid, 5 iterations) na¨ve method i 0.00033N 2 (r = 15.21) our method 0.00852N 1.5 (r = 253.57) 0 100 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 100 Optical flow (50 × 50 grid, 5 iterations) na¨ve method i Total wall time (seconds) 0.00038N 2 (r = 28.04) our method 0.00386N 1.5 (r = 1.76) 100 Image denoising (50 × 50 grid, 5 iterations) na¨ve method i 0.00037N 2 (r = 43.63) our method 0.00727N 1.5 (r = 14.04) Total wall time (seconds) 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 100 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 0 0 100 200 300 N (number of states) 400 500 Figure 7. Running time of inference in grid-structured models: random potentials (top), and optical flow (bottom). Figure 8. Two experiments whose potentials and messages have highly dependent order statistics: stereo disparity (top), and image denoising (bottom). stereo disparity experiment, the unary potentials encode that the output should be `close to' a certain value; the pairwise potentials encode that neighboring nodes should take similar values (Sun et al., 2003). Whenever both va and vb are concave in (eq. 7), the permutation matrix that transforms the sorted values of va to the sorted values of vb is block-off-diagonal (see the sixth permutation in Figure 3). In such cases, our algorithm only decreases the number of addition operations by a multiplicative constant, and may in fact be slower due to its computational overhead. This is precisely the behavior shown in Figure 8 (top), in the case of stereo disparity. It should be noted that there exist algorithms specifically designed for this class of potential functions (Kolmogorov & Shioura, 2007; Felzenszwalb & Huttenlocher, 2006), which are preferable in such instances. We similarly perform an experiment on image denois- ing, where the unary potentials are again convex functions of the input (see Lan et al., 2006). Instead of using a pairwise potential that merely encodes smoothness, we extract the pairwise statistics from image data (similar to our experiment on text denoising); thus the potentials are no longer concave. We see in Figure 8 (bottom) that even if a small number of entries exhibit some `randomness' in their order statistics, we begin to gain a modest speed improvement over the na¨ soluive tion (though indeed, the improvements are negligible compared to those shown in previous experiments). At the core of our work is an O( N ) solution to (eq. 7); this solution has many applications beyond those covered in this paper. As suggested in Section 3, our analysis leads to an O(N 2.5 ) expected-time solution to `funny matrix multiplication' ­ the analogue 6. Discussion and Future Work Exploiting Data-Independence for Fast Belief-Propagation of regular matrix multiplication where summation is replaced by maximization. It can be shown that a sub-cubic solution to funny matrix multiplication has a variety of applications beyond those discussed here. For instance, it allows us to solve the all-pairs shortest path problem in O(N 2.5 ) (Aho et al., 1983). We have also applied similar techniques to a different class of graphical models, by exploiting the fact that the data-dependent factors in triangulated graphical models often contain fewer terms than their maximal cliques. In such cases, exact inference in a junctiontree is equivalent to a generalized version of funny matrix multiplication. 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