Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields Joseph K. Bradley jkbradle@cs.cmu.edu Carlos Guestrin guestrin@cs.cmu.edu Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (both authors) Abstract We examine maximum spanning tree-based methods for learning the structure of tree Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) P (Y|X ). We use edge weights which take advantage of local inputs X and thus scale to large problems. For a general class of edge weights, we give a negative learnability result. However, we demonstrate that two members of the class­local Conditional Mutual Information and Decomposable Conditional Influence­ have reasonable theoretical bases and perform very well in practice. On synthetic data and a large-scale fMRI application, our methods outperform existing techniques. ence, in turn, is intractable for general CRFs (Koller & Friedman, 2009). Thus, although structured models of Y are more expressive than unstructured ones, researchers often use unstructured models for simplicity, especially when expert knowledge does not specify a structure (e.g., Palatucci et al. (2009)). Low-treewidth CRFs­CRFs for which the outputs Y form a low-treewidth graph­are a key exception, permitting tractable inference and parameter learning (Shahaf et al., 2009). In this work, we develop methods for efficiently learning tree structures for CRFs. We take advantage of local inputs, where outputs Yi are only directly influenced by small subsets of X . We advocate a simple maximum spanning tree-based algorithm, for which we examine a general class of easily estimated edge weights. In a negative result for this class, we prove a major distinction between learning tree CRFs P (Y|X ) and learning trees P (Y). However, for two weighting methods in this class, we demonstrate favorable theoretical properties and, via analysis on simple models, can expose the domains in which they succeed. Using synthetic data, we demonstrate empirically that our methods represent a significant improvement over previous methods in terms of recovering the true structure of tree CRFs. Finally, we apply our methods to a structured prediction problem involving fMRI data from Palatucci et al. (2009). 1. Introduction The study of probabilistic graphical models (cf., Koller and Friedman (2009)) often focuses on Bayesian networks, Markov random fields, and other generative models of probability distributions P (Y). However, Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) (Lafferty et al., 2001), which model conditional distributions P (Y|X ), offer computational and statistical advantages when we require P (Y|X ) but not the full joint distribution P (Y, X ). CRFs have been successful in a variety of areas, from natural language processing tasks such as part of speech tagging (Lafferty et al., 2001) to activity recognition (Vail et al., 2007) and heart motion abnormality detection (Schmidt et al., 2008). Most research on CRFs has focused on inference or parameter learning with fixed, expert-chosen structures. Reliance on hand-picked structures is often pragmatic, for structure learning can be very expensive. In fact, parameter learning, which is often a subroutine in structure learning methods, requires inference for each training example at each iteration for CRFs; inferAppearing in Proceedings of the 27 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Haifa, Israel, 2010. Copyright 2010 by the author(s)/owner(s). 2. CRF Structure Learning We first define CRFs and structure learning. Let X be a set of input variables and Y a set of output variables. A CRF models a conditional distribution as P (Y|X ) = 1 j j (YCj , XCj ), where YCj Y, XCj X form Z(X ) the domain of factor j and Z is a partition function dependent on X . As for generative models, if the CRF's graph (over Y, not X ) is low-treewidth, inference and parameter learning are tractable. Representing and learning P (Y|X ) can be easier than working with the joint P (Y, X ). Even if P (Y, X ) is hightreewidth, the conditional P (Y|X ) may not be. (If P (Y, X ) is low-treewidth, so is P (Y|X ).) We distin- Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields Algorithm 1 Tree CRF Structure Learner Input: Dataset D over Y, X ; inputs Xi for each Yi Initialize G to be the complete graph over Y. for all (Yi , Yj ) do In G, set W eight(Yi , Yj ) - Score(i, j). end for Return: M axSpanningT ree(G) guish between three learning tasks: feature selection, structure learning, and parameter learning. Feature selection means to select inputs XCj relevant to each set YCj ; i.e., a factor j involving YCj can only use the selected inputs: j = j (YCj , XCj ). In this work, we assume we are given an input mapping specifying inputs XCj for each potential factor involving YCj . For many applications, expert knowledge can provide input mappings (such as in image segmentation, where Y are segment labels and X are pixels); in other cases, sparsistent methods (Ravikumar et al., 2008) can be used for feature selection. Structure learning means to select outputs YCj for each factor, thus choosing a graph over Y representing conditional independence in the distribution. Though expert knowledge can sometimes dictate structure, conditional independence can be less intuitive than nonconditional independence (such as in our fMRI application), making structure learning a valuable tool. Parameter learning means choosing the values of the factors j (YCj , XCj ), where the factor domain YCj XCj is fixed. This has been well-studied for both tractable structures (e.g., Lafferty et al. (2001)) and intractable (e.g., Schmidt et al. (2008)). 2.1. Related Work Few papers address CRF structure learning. Torralba et al. (2004) proposed Boosted Random Fields, which select features and learn CRF structure using greedy steps to approximately maximize data log likelihood. Schmidt et al. (2008) proposed maximizing block1 -regularized pseudolikelihood, which gives a convex program and tends to produce sparse models. However, both methods learn intractable (high-treewidth) models in general. Shahaf et al. (2009) learn lowtreewidth CRFs by using ideas from graph cuts to maximize a conditional mutual information-based criterion. Like us, Schmidt et al. (2008) and Shahaf et al. (2009) assume pre-specified input mappings. Like Shahaf et al. (2009), we consider learning tractable, low-treewidth models. They demonstrate that low-treewidth structures can perform better than more general structures which require approximate in- ference and parameter learning. After stating our approach, we compare it with theirs in Section 3.1. We are not aware of learnability results for CRF structures other than learning being hard in general. This claim follows from the hardness of learning general generative models (e.g., Srebro (2003)). 3. Efficiently Recovering Tree CRFs Since we only learn tree CRFs, we simplify notation. We write Yij {Yi , Yj }. The inputs for Yi specified by the input mapping are Xi ; likewise, Xij corresponds to Yij . Our goal now is a scalable algorithm for learning tree CRF structures. We begin by proposing a gold standard and showing it is ideal but impractical. 3.1. A Gold Standard We can define an algorithm analogous to Chow-Liu for generative models (Chow & Liu, 1968) by showing that the conditional log likelihood of a tree CRF decomposes over the edges (i, j) and vertices i in the tree T . Let Q be our model and P the true distribution. Using the (optimal) parameters Q(A|B) = P (A|B), EP [log Q(Y|X )] = (i,j)T EP [log Q(Yij |X )] - i (degi - 1)EP [log Q(Yi |X )] = (i,j)T IP (Yi ; Yj |X ) + C, where subscript P means w.r.t. P , degi is the degree of vertex i, and C is a constant w.r.t. the structure. Assuming the global Conditional Mutual Information (CMI) I(Yi ; Yj |X ) is easy to compute, we can recover the maximum likelihood model: (i, j), compute I(Yi ; Yj |X ), and choose the maximum spanning tree. This method was proposed by Friedman et al. (1997) for learning Tree-Augmented Naive Bayes classifiers. Unfortunately, as the dimensionality of X grows, this method quickly becomes intractable. Computing I(Yi ; Yj |X ) requires an accurate estimate of P (Yij |X ) (or similar quantities); P (Yij |X ) can be as expensive to compute and represent as P (Y|X ) when the dimensionalities of Y and X are of the same order. This observation emphasizes the need to parametrize our model with local inputs Xi X , rather than global inputs Xi = X , to ensure scalability w.r.t. X . 1 Ideally, we could retain the efficiency of spanning trees while making use of local inputs in X , i.e., only calcu1 If the true model were a tree CRF with local inputs and complexity were ignored, global CMI could recover the true structure, after which the model could be succinctly parametrized with local inputs. However, if the true CRF were not a tree, it is unclear whether global CMI would recover the optimal projection onto a tree with local inputs. Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields lating probabilities of the form P (Yij |Xij ) conditioned on small sets Xij . With local inputs, though, the partition function prevents the conditional log probability from decomposing over edges and vertices: log P (Y|X ) = - log Z(X ) + (i,j)T sumption makes our methods less general but more practical. (E.g., feature selection requires inputs for each of |Y| outputs, rather than for |Y| possible edge 2 factors.) We now define a general class of such scores. Definition: The Local Linear Entropy Scores are scores Score(i, j) representable as linear combinations of entropies over subsets of {Yi , Yj , Xi , Xj }. This class of scores includes, for example, the local Conditional Mutual Information I(Yi ; Yj |Xij ) = H(Yi |Xij ) + H(Yj |Xij ) - H(Yij |Xij ) we consider in Section 4.2. Unfortunately, the Local Linear Entropy Scores are insufficient in general for recovering tree CRFs, as the following theorem demonstrates. Theorem 2 Assume that the edge score S is symmetric, i.e., S(i, j) = S(j, i). Even if we assume the class of distributions we are learning: · are representable by tree CRFs, · obey the input mapping, i.e., that if the true model has edge (i, j), a factor involving Yij involves no more inputs than Xij , · and have no trivial potentials, i.e., that no potentials are deterministic or effectively absent, then every Local Linear Entropy Score S violates the Score Decay Assumption for some models from this class, even with exact entropy estimates. Proof Sketch: Since conditional entropies equal a difference between non-conditional entropies, any Local Linear Entropy Score S(i, j) may be written as w · H(Yi ) + H(Yj ), H(Xi ) + H(Xj ), H(Yij ), H(Xij ), H(Yi , Xi ) + H(Yj , Xj ), H(Yi , Xj ) + H(Yj , Xi ), H(Yi , Xij ) + H(Yj , Xij ), H(Yij , Xi ) + H(Yij , Xj ), H(Yij , Xij ) (This has all non-conditional entropies, grouped since S is symmetric.) The proof considers a list of cases using these observations: (1) Since tree CRFs generalize trees (where X = ), the score must (approximately) reduce to the mutual information S(i, j) = I(Yi ; Yj ) when X = . (2) Since we can have arbitrary factors over X , the score must not be exactly S(i, j) = I(Yi ; Yj ). (3) We can introduce simplifying constraints by considering models for which the inputs X are conditionally independent given the outputs Y. These constraints allow us to prove that, for certain classes of distributions, we require S(i, j) I(Yi ; Yj ), but that such a score fails for other classes. log ij (Yij , Xij ). Our primary goal is to overcome the intractability of the partition function by deriving a meaningful local edge score Score(i, j) usable in Algorithm 1. Shahaf et al. (2009) took a similar approach, defining edge scores and maximizing the weight of edges chosen for a low-treewidth model. However, they used global inputs, with edge scores set to the global CMI I(Yi ; Yj |X ). They focused on the second step­ maximizing the weight of edges included in the model­ while we focus on better methods for weighting edges. Our work is compatible with theirs; their algorithm could use our edge scores to learn treewidth-k models. 3.2. Score Decay Assumption We phrase our analysis of edge scores in terms of recovering the structure of tree CRFs. I.e., we assume the true distribution is representable by a tree CRF. We begin by defining a desirable property for edge scores. Definition: If the true model P (Y|X ) is a tree T , the Score Decay Assumption (SDA) states that, for any edge (i, j) T , if a path in T of length > 1 between k, l includes (i, j), then Score(i, j) > Score(k, l). Intuitively, the SDA says the score between vertex pairs decays with distance. Yet this is less strict than requiring, e.g., that the assumption hold regardless of whether (i, j) is an edge in T ; thus, the SDA does not rely on comparing pairs of edges not in T . This condition is necessary and sufficient for recovering trees. Theorem 1 Suppose P (Y|X ) is representable by a tree CRF with structure T . The Score Decay Assumption holds for a score S w.r.t. P iff Algorithm 1 using score S can recover T . Proof: While building a maximum spanning tree over Y by Kruskal's Algorithm (Kruskal, Jr., 1956), say we add edge (k, l) T . Let pathkl be the path between / k, l in T . There exists an edge (i, j) pathkl not yet added, so Score(i, j) < Score(k, l), violating the SDA. I.e., we add an edge not in T iff the SDA is violated, so Algorithm 1 recovers T iff the SDA holds. Recall that we wish to use local scores S(i, j) = f (Yij , Xij ) for scalability. We make a simplifying assumption about the input mapping: a factor involving Yij depends on Xi Xj (not arbitrary Xij ). This as- Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields !"# &"# !"# $"# !$# &$# %%%# !%# &%# Nevertheless, piecewise likelihood is a useful approximation which helps tie our two proposed edge scores to the ideal but intractable global CMI. 4.2. Local CMI Figure 1. Counterexample for piecewise likelihood and local CMI: P (Y, X) has a comb structure, with weak pairwise factors everywhere except for one strong factor (Y2 , X2 ). The first Local Linear Entropy Score we select is a local version of global CMI I(Yi ; Yj |X ). The local CMI is: I(Yi ; Yj |Xij ) = EP [log P (Yij |Xij )] -EP [log P (Yi |Xi,j ) + log P (Yj |Xi,j )] . The local CMI score is interpretable as the piecewise likelihood (first line), minus correction terms for the edge's endpoints (second line). Intuitively, these corrections discount interactions between each Yi and X . We can also interpret local CMI as a bound on the likelihood gain of a tree CRF over a disconnected model. Proposition 3 Let QT (Y|X ) be the projection of the true distribution P (Y|X ) onto tree structure T w.r.t. P (X ), and let Qdisc (Y |X) i P (Yi |Xi ) be the projection onto the disconnected model. The local CMI score CM I(i, j) for QT bounds the likelihood gain 2 : EP [log QT (Y|X ) - log Qdisc (Y|X )] (i,j)T 4. Heuristic Scores Despite this negative result, we are able to identify certain Local Linear Entropy Scores which are intuitive and have desirable theoretical properties. Though the scores violate the Score Decay Assumption in general, they are very successful empirically (Section 5). 4.1. Piecewise Likelihood We want to base our scores upon the conditional log likelihood, which does not decompose over edges because of the partition function Z(X ). Much research aims at handling partition functions tractably. We frame our analysis in terms of one such work: piecewise likelihood (Sutton & McCallum, 2005; 2007). Piecewise likelihood approximates the log likelihood by upper-bounding Z(X ). The bound effectively divides Z(X ) into one term for each factor, permitting learning each factor's parameters independently. Sutton and McCallum (2005; 2007) apply this approximation to parameter learning for Markov random fields and CRFs, achieving fast learning and high accuracy. For pairwise models, if we combine factors with their Z terms, piecewise likelihood becomes (i,j) log P (Yij |Xij ). This Local Linear Entropy Score is usable in Algorithm 1: S(i, j) = EP [log P (Yij |Xij )]. However, piecewise likelihood is a poor edge score. If a pair (Yi , Xi ) share a strong potential, piecewise likelihood weights will likely result in a star structure over Y with Yi at the center, as in the following example. Example 1: Consider Figure 1's model. (Y2 , X2 ) has a strong potential so that H(Y2 |X2 ) 0. The score for any edge (2, i) is: E[log P (Y2,i |X2,i )] = -H(Y2,i |X2,i ) = -H(Yi |X2,i ) - H(Y2 |Yi , X2,i ) -H(Yi |X2,i ) > -H(Yi |Xi ) CM I(i, j) Proof: Choose a topological ordering of Y in T with root Y1 . Let YP ai be Yi 's parent. Entropies and expectations are defined w.r.t. Q (Y, X) QT (Y |X)P (X). E[log QT (Y |X) - log Qdisc (Y |X)] = i H(Yi |Xi ) - H(Y |X) = i H(Yi |Xi ) - H(Y1 |X) - i>1 H(Yi |YP ai , X) = H(Y1 |X1 ) - H(Y1 |X) + i>1 H(Yi |Xi ) - H(Yi |YP ai , X) H(Y1 |X1 ) - H(Y1 |X1 ) + i>1 H(Yi |Xi,P ai ) - H(Yi |YP ai , Xi,P ai ) = i>1 H(Yi |Xi,P ai ) + H(YP ai |Xi,P ai ) -H(Yi,P ai |Xi,P ai ) = (i,j)T CM I(i, j) Like piecewise likelihood, local CMI can perform poorly if a pair (Yi , Xi ) has a strong potential. Example 2: Consider again Figure 1's model, where (Y2 , X2 ) is strong enough that H(Y2 |X2 ) is small. Local CMI gives a small score to any edge with Y2 since I(Y2 ; Yj |X2,j ) = H(Y2 |X2,j ) - H(Y2 |Yj , X2,j ) 0. Since the score for the false edge (Y1 , Yn ) does not condition on X2 , it could be much higher than the Both piecewise likelihood and local CMI have bounds relating them to the tree CRF log likelihood; we can show that neither bound is strictly better for all distributions. 2 All other Xj participate in weak potentials, so -H(Yi |Xi ) -H(Yi |Xij ) > -H(Yij |Xij ). Even if edge (Y2 , Yi ) is not in the true model and (Yi , Yj ) is, we will score (Y2 , Yi ) above (Yi , Yj ). This behavior appeared often in our synthetic experiments. Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields score of the true edges (Y1 , Y2 ), (Y2 , Y3 ). Note that this is a separate issue from identifiability; with local inputs, it is vital that we connect Y1 , Y2 and Y2 , Y3 . However, local CMI performs fairly well in practice. 4.3. Decomposable Conditional Influence To overcome the above counterexample, we propose a final Local Linear Entropy Score dubbed the Decomposable Conditional Influence (DCI): DCI(i, j) EP [log P (Yij |Xij )] -EP [log P (Yi |Xi ) + log P (Yj |Xj )] . The first expectation is the piecewise likelihood (as for local CMI), but the second has terms equal to the edge's endpoints' scores in the disconnected model Pdisc (Y |X) i P (Yi |Xi ), giving the following result: Proposition 4 When building a spanning tree T , if we add edge (i, j) and T does not yet contain edges adjacent to i, j, then DCI is an exact measure of the likelihood gain from adding edge (i, j). Moreover, DCI succeeds on Figure 1's counterexample for piecewise likelihood and local CMI. Example 2, continued: The DCI edge scores are: DCI(1, 2) = -H(Y1,2 |X1,2 ) + H(Y1 |X1 ) + H(Y2 |X2 ) -H(Y1 |X1,2 ) + H(Y1 |X1 ) DCI(1, n) = -H(Y1,n |X1,n ) + H(Y1 |X1 ) + H(Yn |Xn ) = [H(Y1 |X1 ) - H(Y1 |X1,n )] + [H(Yn |Xn ) - H(Yn |Y1 , X1,n )] Since Y1 , Yn are far apart, the two terms in DCI(1, n) are much closer to 0 than the sum in DCI(1, 2). DCI performs very well in practice (Section 5.1). 4.4. Sample Complexity Though Local Linear Entropy Scores violate the Score Decay Assumption in general, it is instructive to consider the sample complexity if the assumption is met. Theorem 5 Let Y, X be discrete and P (Y|X ) be representable by a CRF with tree structure T . (Assume w.l.o.g. that Xi is a single variable; we can merge multiple variables into a new variable of higher arity.) Let all variables have arity R. Let |Y| = n. Assume a Local Linear Entropy Score S meets the Score Decay Assumption by ; i.e., for each edge (i, j) T on the path between k, l, S(i, j) - S(k, l) > . To recover the tree with probability at least 1 - , it suffices to train on a set of i.i.d. samples of size O R8 2 Proof: We use this result on the sample complexity of estimating entropies from Hoffgen (1993): The entropy over k discrete variables with arity R may be estimated within absolute error with probability 1 - using 2k k k O R 2 log2 R log R i.i.d. samples (and time). Local Linear Entropy Scores may be represented by a constant number of entropies over k = 4 variables. With n potential edges, we must compute O(n2 ) en2 tropies. To ensure estimates of scores order edges in the same way as the true scores, we must estimate scores within error = /2. These values, Hoffgen's result, and a union bound complete the proof. This theorem makes 2 key predictions: 1) sample complexity will increase only logarithmically in n = |Y|, and 2) high arity R drastically increases sample complexity, indicating the importance of local inputs. Both predictions are born out by our empirical results. 5. Experiments We first use synthetic data to compare local CMI and DCI against other CRF learning methods: piecewise likelihood, global CMI, and Schmidt et al. (2008)'s block- 1 -regularized pseudolikelihood. (We omit results from piecewise likelihood since it does poorly.) We also tested two unstructured models: the disconnected CRF with global inputs P (Y|X ) = i P (Yi |X ) and the disconnected CRF with local inputs P (Y|X ) = i P (Yi |Xi ). Based on these results, we tested the best methods on the larger-scale fMRI application. 5.1. Synthetic Models We tested a wide variety of synthetic models over binary variables; the models varied as follows: Chains vs. trees: Chains have joint distributions P (Y, X ) representable by ladders composed of cliques (Yi , Yi+1 ), (Xi , Xi+1 ), (Yi , Xi ). Trees are the natural generalization, generated using non-preferential random attachment (Nakazatoa & Arita., 2007). We tested with and without cross factors (Yi , Xi+1 ). Tractable vs. intractable joint models P (Y, X ): For our tractable models, P (Y, X ) may be sampled from directly. For our intractable models, P (X ) and P (Y|X ) are tractable, but P (Y, X ) is not (but may be sampled via x P (X ), y P (Y|X = x)). Associative vs. random factors: Associative factors set (A, B) = exp(s) if A = B and (A, B) = 1 if A = B, where s is a factor strength. Random factors have each value log (a, b) sampled from U nif orm[-s, s]. We set strengths s separately for Y-Y, Y-X, and XX factors. For associative factors, we tried both fixed and alternating positive and negative strengths. log2 R log n + log 1 + log R Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields &'()$*)+,-)*.$ 10 Y!Y potential strength Y!Y potential strength &'()$*/0120($ 10 8 6 4 2 2 10 8 6 4 2 !"#$ 10 8 2 8 Y!X potential 6 4 6 strength 10 !"#$ Y!Y potential strength Global CMI has a natural parametrization with factors P (Yi , Yj |X ), but to be fair, we switched to factors with local inputs (Yi , Yj , Xij ) during parameter learning, which gave higher performance. We tested Schmidt et al. (2008)'s method using their implementation of structure and parameter learning and inference (via loopy belief propagation). Figures 3 and 4 show results for tree CRFs with intractable joints P (Y, X ), associative factors with alternating potentials (Y-Y, Y-X, X-X alternating between ±4, ±2, ±1, respectively, in log space), with cross factors. "Test accuracy" is 0/1 (predicting all of Y or not). Training time includes cross-validation for choosing regularization for structure but not parameter learning. Figure 3 compares varying training set sizes, while Figure 4 varies the model size. In both, DCI consistently outperforms other methods in recovering true edges, except for small sample sizes. Global CMI is the next most competitive, overtaking DCI in accuracy with enough training data. However, global CMI becomes prohibitively expensive as the training set and model sizes increase. Like DCI, local CMI is tractable, but it underperforms DCI. These tests are difficult for the Schmidt et al. (2008) method, for it learns general CRFs, not tree CRFs. The plots omit log likelihood for Schmidt et al. since it is intractable to compute, though it could be approximated via a projection. We omit results from other models for lack of space. In general, DCI performs best, especially with large models and random factors. Though local CMI and DCI do not obey the Score Decay Assumption in general, we observed that they approximately follow it. Figure 5 plots SDA violation for consecutive triplets (i, j, k) in the true CRF, measured as (1/2)[(S(i, k)-S(i, j))+(S(i, k)-S(j, k))]. SDA violation and edge recovery are strongly anti-correlated. 5.2. fMRI We next applied our CRF learning methods to an fMRI application from Palatucci et al. (2009). The learners takes inputs X which are voxels (3-D pixels) from fMRI images of test subjects' brains and predicts a vector Y of semantic features which describe what the test subject is thinking of (e.g., "Is it man-made?"; "Can you hold it?"). This application is much more challenging than our synthetic experiments. After preprocessing, their dataset has 60 examples (objects), with |Y| = 218 and |X | = 500, for each of 9 test subjects. Palatucci et al. (2009) gives more details. Given the success of DCI in synthetic tests, we chose it for the fMRI data. Y and X are real-valued, 4 6 8 10 Y!X potential strength 10 8 6 4 2 #"%$ Y!Y potential strength %!#$ 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 Y!X potential strength Y!Y potential strength 8 6 4 2 #"#$ 2 8 4 6 2 Y!X 4 8 6 strength 10 10 potential Y!X potential strength Figure 2. Local CMI vs. DCI with exact scores. Chains with associative factors, cross factors, alternating +/- strengths. Plots: varying magnitudes of Y-Y and Y-X strengths for fixed magnitude 2 for X-X (in log space). "Edge recovery" is the fraction of true edges recovered; "edge ranking" is the fraction of (true, false) edge pairs with the true edge ranked above the false. |Y| = |X | = 10. These models have natural input mappings from Yi to Xi which we gave our learners access to. 5.1.1. Exact Scores We tested exact scores on simple models to illuminate domains in which local CMI and DCI succeed. Figure 2 shows model recovery results for length-10 chains. DCI outperforms local CMI when Y-X potentials are stronger (matching the counterexample in Figure 1) and when Y-Y potentials are weak. Peculiarly, local CMI does better when X-X potentials are strong. These trends were similar for most models we tested, though local CMI did significantly better without alternating positive and negative potentials. 5.1.2. Tests with Samples Our next tests used samples from the synthetic models. For structure learning, we computed P (Yi , Yj |XC ) where XC is small using tables of counts. For large sets XC , we used 2 -regularized logistic regression. We chose regularization parameters separately for every regression during structure learning, which outperforms fixed regularization. We smoothed estimates of P (A|B = b) with one extra example per a V al(A). For parameter learning, we used conjugate gradient to maximize the 2 -regularized data log likelihood. For both structure and parameter learning, we chose regularization parameters via 10-fold cross-validation, testing 10 values between .001 and 50 (on a log scale). Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields per-label test accuracy 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 per-label test accuracy Figure 3. Synthetic data: Varying training set size. Tree CRFs P (Y|X ) with associative factors. |Y| = |X | = 40. 1000 test examples. Averaged over 10 models/random samples; error bars (very small) show 2 standard errors. DCI CMI-local CMI-global Local Disconnected CRF Global Disconnected CRF Schmidt et al. True Model 100 200 300 400 500 # training examples 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 Figure 4. Synthetic data: Varying model size (|Y| = |X |). Tree CRFs P (Y|X ) with associative factors. 50 training, 1000 test examples. Averaged over 10 models/random samples; error bars (very small) show 2 standard errors. DCI CMI-local CMI-global Local Disconnected CRF Global Disconnected CRF Schmidt et al. True Model 100 200 300 400 500 # training examples so we used conditional Gaussian factors (y, x) = exp(-(1/2)(Ay - (Cx + b))2 , where y, x are vectors. This parametrization is similar to that of Tappen et al. (2007), though they do not do general parameter learning, and it permits unconstrained optimization. 3 We regularized A and C, b separately, choosing regularization via 10-fold cross validation (CV) on values between .0001 and 30 (in a grid in log space). Because of the expense of CV, we ran CV on test subject 0 and used the chosen regularization for subjects 1-8. With no natural input mapping, we used 1 regularized regression to do feature selection. To decrease the number of parameters (for both computational and statistical benefits), we tried two methods: CRF 1: We chose 10 highest-weight inputs per Yi , accounting for 1/5 of the regression weights on average. To use all of X without increasing complexity, we added fixed factors (Yi , X ) = P (Yi |X ), i. CRF 2: We chose 20 inputs per Yi ; we added the same fixed factors. After structure learning, we parametrized edge factors to be independent of X . Palatucci et al. (2009) test zero-shot learning, which permits predictions about classes not seen during We technically must constrain A so that AT A is invertible, but this was not a problem in our tests. 3 training. After predicting semantic features Y from images X , they use hand-built "true" Y vectors to decode which object the test subject is thinking of. For testing, they use leave-2-out CV: Train on 58 objects; predict Y for 2 held-out objects i, j. Object i is classified correctly if its predicted Y (i) is closer in 2 norm to its true Y (i) than to the true Y (j) . We used the same setup, scoring using their accuracy measure, squared error of predicted Y, and log probability log P (Y|X ). Palatucci et al. (2009) use ridge regression Yi X , i, equivalent to a disconnected CRF with global inputs; we used this as a baseline. Figure 6 compares disconnected and tree CRFs. The discrepancy between the 3 performance metrics is remarkable: Tree CRFs are best at predicting Y w.r.t. log likelihood and squared error (before decoding), but disconnected CRFs are best w.r.t. the accuracy metric (after decoding). This behavior could be caused by decoding via Euclidean distance and not accounting for the relative importance of each Yi . We also tested decoding by predicting the more likely of the two held-out objects' Y vectors, but this performed worse with all learning methods. Learning this decoding Y - objects might avoid this problem and be a valuable addition to the zero-shot learning framework. Learning Tree Conditional Random Fields 1 0.5 0 !0.5 !1 0 3&$#2(456( !"#$%&'()*+),( ")$&-)")*( 1 0.5 0 ./0# 1-234)5#%*6%&# -%3)7%-%*# Acknowledgements Many thanks to Mark Palatucci and Dean Pomerleau for the fMRI data and helpful advice and to the anonymous reviewers for their feedback. This work was supported by NSF Career IIS-0644225, ONR MURI N000140710747, and ARO MURI W911NF0810242. .-)"#+)( /0.(-1&2#%&'( 5 10 15 20 25 !0.5 !1 0 87%-26%# 9.8#7:)+24)5# 5 10 15 20 25 78(9),:(5&*)2,;(,&":)*( !"#$%&'#()*%+&,#&)-'%*# Figure 5. Score Decay Assumption violation vs. edge recovery on 24 models: (|Y| = 10, 15, 20) × (with/out cross factors) × (2 associative factor types, 2 random). SDA violation averaged over consecutive triplets. For edge recovery, up=better; for SDA violation, down=better. 50 train exs. Tests averaged over 10 samples. Tractable P (Y, X ). References Chow, C.K. and Liu, C.N. Approximating discrete probability distributions with dependence trees. IEEE Trans. on Info. Theory, 14:462­467, 1968. Friedman, N., Geiger, D., and Goldszmidt, M. Bayesian network classifiers. Machine Learning, pp. 131­163, 1997. H¨ffgen, K.-U. Learning and robust learning of product o distributions. In COLT, 1993. Koller, D. and Friedman, N. 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Also, finding subclasses of tree CRFs which are recoverable via local scores would be worthwhile. We are currently applying our methods to templated models for relational data, a learning setting which naturally suggests local inputs. Software: Our CRF learning code is available at http://www.select.cs.cmu.edu/code/index.html.