Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks Tuyen N. Huynh HNTUYEN@CS.UTEXAS.EDU Raymond J. Mooney MOONEY@CS.UTEXAS.EDU Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin,1 University Station C0500, Austin, TX 78712, USA Abstract Markov logic networks (MLNs) are an expressive representation for statistical relational learning that generalizes both first-order logic and graphical models. Existing methods for learning the logical structure of an MLN are not discriminative; however, many relational learning problems involve specific target predicates that must be inferred from given background information. We found that existing MLN methods perform very poorly on several such ILP benchmark problems, and we present improved discriminative methods for learning MLN clauses and weights that outperform existing MLN and traditional ILP methods. ditional Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) methods focus on discriminative relational learning (Dzeroski, 2007); however, they do not address the issue of uncertainty. Discriminative methods have been developed for parameter learning in MLNs (Singla & Domingos, 2005; Lowd & Domingos, 2007); however, they do not address structure learning. We have found that existing MLN structure learning methods perform very poorly when tested on several benchmark ILP problems on relating the activity of chemical compounds to their structure (King et al., 1995). This led us to develop new discriminative structure and parameter learning algorithms for MLNs whose performance on these problems surpasses that of traditional ILP methods. The overall approach is to use traditional ILP methods to construct a large number of potentially useful clauses, and then use discriminative MLN parameter learning methods to properly weight them, preferring to assign zero weights to clauses that do not contribute significantly to overall predictive accuracy, thereby eliminating them. Our structure learning component utilizes many of the clauses considered during the search conducted by a specific configuration of A L E P H (Srinivasan, 2001). Our parameter learning component utilizes an exact probabilistic inference algorithm for MLNs with only non-recursive definite clauses. Our parameter learner also uses L1 -regularization (Lee et al., 2006) instead of the normal L2 in order to encourage assigning zero weights to clauses, thereby simplifying the theory. We present experimental results that demonstrate that all three of these enhancements contribute significantly to improving the performance of our system over existing MLN and ILP methods. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides some background on MLNs, A L C H E M Y (Kok et al., 2005), and A L E P H. Section 3 presents our new structure and parameter learning algorithms. Section 4 presents our experimental evaluation of these methods. Section 5 discusses related work, and section 6 presents our conclusions. 1. Introduction Statistical relational learning (SRL) concerns the induction of probabilistic knowledge that supports accurate prediction for multi-relational structured data (Getoor & Taskar, 2007). Markov Logic Networks (MLNs) are a recently developed SRL model that generalizes both full firstorder logic and Markov networks (Richardson & Domingos, 2006). An MLN is represented as a set of weighted clauses in first-order logic, and learning an MLN decomposes into structure learning, learning the logical clauses, and parameter learning, setting the weight of each clause. Existing structure-learning algorithms for MLNs (Kok & Domingos, 2005; Mihalkova & Mooney, 2007) are nondiscriminative and attempt to learn a set of clauses that is equally capable of predicting the truth value of all predicates given an arbitrary set of evidence. However, in many learning problems, there is a specific target predicate that must be inferred given evidence data about other background predicates used to describe the input data. Most traAppearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks 2. Background 2.1. ILP and Aleph Traditional ILP systems discriminatively learn logical Horn-clause rules (logic programs) for inferring a given target predicate given information provided by a set of background predicates. These purely logical definitions are induced from Horn-clause background knowledge and a set of positive and negative tuples of the target predicate. A L E P H is a popular and effective ILP system primarily based on P RO G O L (Muggleton, 1995). The basic A L E P H algorithm consists of four steps. First, it selects a positive example to serve as the "seed" example. Then, it constructs the most specific clause, the "bottom clause", that entails that selected example. The bottom clause is formed by conjoining all known facts about the seed example. Next, A L E P H finds generalizations of this bottom clause by performing a general to specific search. These generalized clauses are scored using a chosen evaluation metric, and the clause with the best score is added to the final theory. This process is repeated until it finds a set of clauses that covers all the positive examples. A L E P H allows users to customize each of these steps, and thereby supports a variety of specific algorithms. 2.2. MLNs and Alchemy An MLN consists of a set of weighted first-order formulae (also called clauses or rules). It provides a way of softening first-order logic by making situations in which not all formulae are satisfied less likely but not impossible (Richardson & Domingos, 2006). More formally, let X be the set of all propositions describing a world (i.e. the set of all the ground atoms1 ), F be the set of all clauses in the MLN, wi be the weight associated with clause fi F, Gfi be the set of all possible groundings of clause fi , and Z be the normalizing constant. Then the probability of a particular truth assignment x to the variables in X is given by the formula (Richardson & Domingos, 2006): f g 1 wi g (x) P (X = x) = exp Z F Gfi i f 1 = exp wi ni (x) (1) Z i F In order to perform inference for an MLN, L, one needs to produce its corresponding ground Markov network. As described by Richardson and Domingos (2006), this is done by including a node for every possible grounding of the predicates in L and an edge between two nodes if they appear together in a grounding of a clause in L. The nodes appearing together in a ground clause form a clique. In general, exact inference in MLNs is intractable, so to calculate the probability that a ground atom or a set of them has a particular truth assignment given some evidence, one needs to run an approximate inference algorithm such as MCMC on this ground Markov network. MC-SAT (Poon & Domingos, 2006) is currently the best inference method for MLNs. As previously mentioned, learning an MLN consists of two tasks: structure learning and weight learning. The weight learning component is independent of the structure learning one. It can learn weights for clauses produced by structure learning or written by a human expert. There are two approaches to weight learning: generative and discriminative. The former is used when there is no specific target predicate, and the latter when we know which predicate is to be queried. The current state-of-the-art discriminative weight learner is preconditioner scaled conjugate gradient (PSCG) (Lowd & Domingos, 2007). This algorithm uses samples from MC-SAT to approximate the intractable expected counts of satisfied clauses w.r.t. the current model. These counts are needed to compute the gradient and Hessian of the conditional log-likelihood (CLL) of an MLN. The inverse diagonal Hessian is used as the preconditioner in this method. Regarding structure learning, there are currently two algorithms for learning clauses for MLNs. The first algorithm was proposed by Kok and Domingos (2005). This algorithm uses a top-down approach and can perform either beam-search or shortest-first search over the space of clauses. The candidate clauses are scored using weighted pseudo log-likelihood (WPLL) (Kok & Domingos, 2005). In contrast, the second algorithm, B U S L (Mihalkova & Mooney, 2007) follows a more bottom-up approach. It first constructs Markov network templates from the data and then generates candidate clauses from these network templates. All candidate clauses are also evaluated using WPLL, and added to the final MLN in a greedy manner. Both of these algorithms can be constrained to only learn clauses that contain a given target predicate by setting their "ne" (non-evidence) parameter to that predicate. However, they are not designed for discriminative learning since they try to find a set of clauses which maximizes WPLL, a nondiscriminative measure. A L C H E M Y (Kok et al., 2005) is an open source software system for MLNs. It has implementations of all the ex- where g (x) gis 1 if g is satisfied and 0 otherwise, and ni (x) = Gfi g (x) is the number of groundings of fi that are satisfied given the current truth assignments to the variables in X . Ground atoms are predicates without variables, which are formed by replacing all the variables in predicates by constants. 1 Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks isting algorithms for structure learning, generative weight learning, discriminative weight learning, and inference for MLNs. It is also a framework for developing new algorithms for MLNs. Our proposed algorithm is implemented in this framework. 3. Discriminative MLN Algorithms In this section, we describe our two-step process for discriminatively learning both the structure and parameters of an MLN. The first step uses A L E P H to learn a large set of potential clauses. The second step learns the weights for these clauses, preferring to eliminate useless clauses by giving them zero weight. 3.1. Discriminative Structure Learning Ideally, the search for discriminative MLN clauses would be directly guided by the goal of maximizing their contribution to the predictive accuracy of a complete MLN. However, this would require evaluating every proposed refinement to the existing set of learned clauses by relearning weights for all of the clauses and performing full probabilistic inference to determine the CLL of each of the query atoms. This process is computationally expensive and would have to be repeated for each of the combinatorially large number of potential clause refinements. Evaluating clauses in standard ILP is quicker since each clause can be evaluated in isolation based on the accuracy of its logical inferences about the target predicate. Consequently, we take the heuristic approach of using a standard ILP method to generate clauses; however, since the logical accuracy of a clause is only a rough approximation of its value in a final MLN, we generate a large number of candidates whose accuracy is at least markedly greater than random guessing and allow subsequent weight learning to determine their value to an overall MLN. In order to find a set of potentially good clauses for an MLN, we use a particular configuration of A L E P H. Specifically, we use the induce cover command and m-estimate evaluation function. The induce cover command implements a variant of P RO G O L's MDIE greedy covering algorithm (Muggleton, 1995) which does not remove previously covered examples when scoring a new clause. The normal A L E P H induce command scores a clause based only on its coverage of currently uncovered positive examples. However, this scoring is not reflective of its use in a final MLN, and we found that the induce cover approach produces a larger set of more useful clauses that significantly increases the accuracy of our final learned MLN. The m-estimate (Dzeroski, 1991) is a Bayesian estimation of the accuracy of a clause (Cussens, 2007). The m parameter defining the underlying prior distribution is automatically set to the maximum likelihood estimate of its best value. The output of induce cover is a theory, a set of highscoring clauses that cover all the positive examples. However, these clauses were selected based on an m-estimate of their accuracy under a purely logical interpretation, and may not be the best ones for an MLN. Therefore, in addition to these clauses, we also save all generated clauses whose m-estimate is greater than a predefined threshold (set to 0.6 in our experiments). This provides a large set of clauses of potential utility for an MLN. We use the name A L E P H + + to refer to this version of A L E P H. 3.2. Discriminative Weight Learning Compared to A L C H E M Y's current discriminative weight learning method (Lowd & Domingos, 2007), our method embodies two important modifications: exact inference and L1 -regularization. This section describes these two modifications. First, given the restricted nature of the clauses constructed by A L E P H, we can use an efficient exact probabilistic inference method when learning their weights instead of the approximate inference algorithm that A L C H E M Y uses to handle the general case. Since these clauses are non-recursive definite clauses in which the target predicate only appears once, multiple query atoms will not appear together in any grounding of any clause. For MLNs, this means that the Markov blanket of a query atom only contains evidence atoms. Consequently, the query atoms are independent given the evidence. Let Y be the set of query atoms and X be the set of evidence atoms, the conditional log likelihood of Y given X in this case is: jn =1 log P (Y = y |X = x) = log jn =1 P (Yj = yj |X = x) = log P (Yj = yj |X = x) and, P (Yj = yj |X = x) = i exp( FY wi ni (x, y[Yj =yj ] )) j i i exp( wi ni (x, y[Yj =0] )) + exp( wi ni (x, y[Yj =1] )) FYj FYj (2) where FYj is the set of all MLN clauses with at least one grounding containing the query atom Yj , ni (x, y[Yj =yj ] ) is the number groundings of the ith clause that evaluate to true when all the evidence atoms in X and the query atom Yj are set to their truth values, and similarly for ni (x, y[Yj =0] ) and ni (x, y[Yj =1] ) when Yj is set to 0 and 1 respectively. Then the gradient of the CLL is: Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks wi log P (Y = y |X = x) = [ni (x, y[Yj =yj ] ) - P (Yj = 0|X = x)ni (x, y[Yj =0] ) -P (Yj = 1|X = x)ni (x, y[Yj =1] )] jn =1 Notice that the sum of the last two terms in the gradient is the expected count of the number of true grounding of the i'th formula. In general, computing this expected count requires performing approximate inference under the model. For example, Singla and Domingos (2005) ran MAP inference and used the counts in the MAP state to approximate the expected counts. However, in our case, using the standard closed world assumption for evidence predicates, all the ni 's can be computed without approximate inference since there is no ground atom whose truth value is unknown. This is a result of restricting the structure learner to non-recursive definite clauses. In fact, this result still holds even when the clauses are not Horn clauses. The only restriction is that the target predicate appears only once in every clause. Note that given a set of weights, computing the conditional probability P (y |x), the CLL, and its gradient requires only the ni counts. So, in our case, the conditional probability P (Yj = yj |X = x), the CLL, and its gradient can be computed exactly. In addition, these counts only need to be computed once, and A L C H E M Y provides an efficient method for computing them. A L C H E M Y also provides an efficient way to construct the Markov blanket of a query atom, in particular it ignores all ground formulae whose truth values are unaffected by the value of the query atom. In our case, this helps reduce the size of the Markov blanket of a query atom significantly since many ground clauses are satisfied by the evidence. As a result, our exact inference is very fast even when the MLN contains thousands of clauses. Given a procedure for computing the CLL and its gradient, standard gradient-based optimization methods can be used to find a set of weights that optimizes the CLL. However, to prevent overfitting and select only the best clauses, we follow the approach suggested by Lee et al. (2006) and introduce a Laplacian prior with zero mean, P (wi ) = ( /2) · exp(- |wi |), on each weight, and then optimize the posterior conditional log likehood instead of the CLL. The final objective function is: log P (Y |X )P (w) = log P (Y |X ) + log P (w) i = log P (Y |X ) + log( P (wi )) = C LL + = C LL - i log ( i · exp(- |wi |)) 2 i There is now an additional term |wi | in the objective function, which penalizes each non-zero weight wi by |wi |. So, the larger is (corresponding to a smaller variance of the prior distribution), the more we penalize nonzero weights. Therefore, placing a Laplacian prior with zero mean on each weight is equivalent to performing an L1 -regularization of the parameters. An important property of L1 -regularization is its tendency to force parameters to zero by strongly penalizing small terms (Lee et al., 2006). In order to learn weights that optimize the L1 -regularized CLL, we use the OWL-QN package which implements the Orthant-Wise Limited-memory Quasi-Newton algorithm (Andrew & Gao, 2007). This approach to preventing over-fitting contrasts with the standard L2 -regularization used in previous work on learning weights for MLNs, which is equivalent to assuming a Guassian prior with zero mean on each weight and does not penalize non-zero weights as severely. Since A L E P H + + generates a very large number of potential clauses, L1 regularization encourages eliminating the less useful ones by setting their weights to zero. In agreement with prior results on L1 -regularization (Ng, 2004; DudŽk et al., 2007), i our experiments confirm that it results in simpler and more accurate learned models compared to L2 -regularization. 4. Experimental Evaluation In this section, we present experiments that were designed to answer the following questions: 1. How does our method compare to existing methods, specifically: (a) Extant discriminative learning for MLNs, viz. A L C H E M Y. (b) Traditional ILP methods, viz. A L E P H. (c) "Advanced" ILP methods, viz. kFOIL (Landwehr et al., 2006), TFOIL (Landwehr š et al., 2007), and RU M B L E (Ruckert & Kramer, 2008). 2. How does each of our system's major novel components below contribute to its performance: (a) Generation of a larger set of potential clauses by using A L E P H + + instead of A L E P H. (b) Exact MLN inference for non-recursive definite clauses instead of general approximate inference. (c) L1 -regularization instead of L2 . 4.1. Data We employed four benchmark data sets previously used to evaluate a variety of ILP and relational learning algorithms. They concern predicting the relative biochemical |wi | + constant Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks activity of variants of Tacrine, a drug for Alzheimer's disease (King et al., 1995).2 The data contain background knowledge about the physical and chemical properties of substituents such as their hydrophobicity and polarity, the relations between various physical and chemical constants, and other relevant information. The goal is to compare various drugs on four important biochemical properties: low toxicity, high acetyl cholinesterase inhibition, good reversal of scopolamine-induced memory impairment, and inhibition of amine re-uptake. For each property, the positive and negative examples are pairwise comparisons of drugs. For example, less toxic(d1 , d2 ) means that drug d1 's toxicity is less than d2 's. These ordering relations are transitive but not complete (i.e. for some pairs of drugs it is unknown which one is better). Therefore, this is a structured (a.k.a. collective) prediction problem since the output labels should form a partial order. However, previous work has ignored this structure and just predicted the examples separately as distinct binary classification problems. In this work, in addition to treating the problem as independent classification, we also use an MLN to perform structured prediction by explicitly imposing the transitive constraint on the target predicate. Table 1 shows some background facts and examples from one of the datasets, and Table 2 summarizes information about all four datasets. Table 2. Summary statistics for Alzheimer's data sets. Data set #Examples % Positive # Predicates Alzheimer acetyl 1326 50% 30 Alzheimer amine 686 50% 30 Alzheimer memory 642 50% 30 Alzheimer toxic 886 50% 30 was set to 2. The upper bound on the number of negative examples covered by an acceptable clause was set to 300. The evaluation function was set to auto m, and the minimum score of an acceptable clause was set to 0.6. The induce cover command was used to learn the clauses. We found that this configuration gave somewhat better overall accuracy compared to those reported in previous work. A L E P HPSCG: Uses the discriminative weight learner PSCG to learn MLN weights for the clauses in the final theory returned by A L E P H. Note that PSCG also uses L2 -regularization. A L E P HExactL2 : Uses the limited-memory BFGS algorithm (Liu & Nocedal, 1989) implemented in A L C H E M Y to learn discriminative MLN weights for the clauses in the final theory returned by A L E P H. The objective function is CLL with L2 regularization. The CLL is computed exactly as described in Section 3.2. A L E P H++PSCG: Like A L E P HPSCG, but learns weights for the larger set of clauses returned by A L E P H++. A L E P H++ExactL2: Like A L E P HExactL2, but learns weights for the larger set of clauses returned by A L E P H++. A L E P H++ExactL1: Our full proposed approach using exact inference and L1 -regularization to learn weights on the clauses returned by A L E P H++. To force the predictions for the target predicate to properly constitute a partial ordering, we also tried adding to the learned MLNs a hard constraint (i.e. a clause with infinite weight) stating the transitive property of the target predicate, and used the MC-SAT algorithm to perform prediction on the test data. This exploits the ability of MLNs to perform collective classification (structured prediction) for the complete set of test examples. In testing, only the background facts are provided as evidence to ensure that all predictions are based on the chemical structure of a drug. For all systems except A L E P H, a threshold of 0.5 was used to convert predicted probabilities into boolean values. The predictive accuracy of these algorithms for the target predicate were compared using 10-fold cross-validation. The significance of the results were evaluated using a two-tailed paired t-test test with a 95% confidence level. To compare the quality of the predicted probabilities, we also report the average area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC) for all probabilistic systems by using the AUCCalculator package (Davis & Goadrich, 2006). 4.2. Methodology To answer the above questions, we ran experiments with the following systems: A L C H E M Y: Uses the structure learning (Kok & Domingos, 2005) in A L C H E M Y and the most accurate existing discriminative weight learning PSCG (Lowd & Domingos, 2007) with the "ne" (non-evidence) parameter set to the target predicate. B U S L: Uses B U S L (Mihalkova & Mooney, 2007) and PSCG discriminative weight learning with the "ne" (non-evidence) parameter set to the target predicate. A L E P H: Uses A L E P H's standard settings with a few modifications. The maximum number of literals in an acceptable clause was set to 5. The minimum number of positive examples covered by an acceptable clause Since the current A L C H E M Y does not support real valued variables, we could not test our approach on the other standard ILP benchmark data sets in molecular biology. 2 Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks Table 1. Some background evidence and examples from the Alzheimer toxic dataset. Background evidence r subst 1(A1,H), r subst 1(B1,H), r subst 1(D1,H), x subst(B1,7,CL), x subst(D1,6,OCH3), polar(CL,POLAR3), polar(OCH3,POLAR2), great polar(POLAR3,POLAR2), size(CL,SIZE1), size(OCH3,SIZE2), alk groups(A1,0), alk groups(B1,0), alk groups(D1,0), great size(SIZE2,SIZE1), flex(CL,FLEX0), flex(OCH3,FLEX1) Examples less toxic(B1,A1) less toxic(A1,D1) less toxic(B1,D1) Table 3. Average predictive accuracies and standard deviations for all systems. Bold numbers indicate the best result on a data set. Data set Alzheimer amine Alzheimer toxic Alzheimer acetyl Alzheimer memory ALCHEMY 50.1 ± 0.5 54.7 ± 7.4 48.2 ± 2.9 50 ± 0.0 BUSL 51.3 ± 2.5 51.7 ± 5.3 55.9 ± 8.7 49.8 ± 1.6 ALEPH 81.6 ± 5.1 81.7 ± 4.2 79.6 ± 2.2 76.0 ± 4.9 ALEPH PSCG 64.6± 4.6 74.7± 1.9 78.0± 3.2 60.3± 2.1 ALEPH ExactL2 83.5 ± 4.7 87.5 ± 4.8 79.5 ± 2.0 72.6 ± 3.4 A L E P H++ PSCG 72.0± 5.2 69.9± 1.2 76.5± 3.7 65.6± 5.4 A L E P H++ ExactL2 86.8± 4.4 89.5± 3.0 82.1± 2.1 72.9± 5.2 A L E P H++ ExactL1 89.4 ± 2.7 91.3 ± 2.8 85.1 ± 2.4 77.6 ± 4.9 Table 6. Average number of clauses learned Data set A L E P H++ A L E P H++ A L E P H++ ExactL2 ExactL1 Alzheimer amine 7061 5070 3477 Alzheimer toxic 2034 1194 747 Alzheimer acetyl 8662 5427 2433 Alzheimer memory 6524 4250 2471 advantage of learning a large set of potential clauses and combining them with learned weights in an overall MLN. Across the four datasets, A L E P H++ returns an average of 6, 070 clauses compared to only 10 for A L E P H. Table 5 presents average accuracies with standard deviations for the MLN systems when we include a transitivity clause for the target predicate. This constraint improves the accuracies of A L E P HExactL2, A L E P H++ExactL2, and A L E P H++ExactL1, but sometimes decreases the accuracy of other systems, such as A L E P HPSCG. This can be explained as follows. Since most of the predictions of A L E P H++ExactL1 are correct, enforcing transitivity can correct some of the wrong ones. However, A L E P HPSCG produces many wrong predictions, so forcing them to obey transitivity can produce additional incorrect predictions. Due to space constraints, we do not report the corresponding AUC-ROC results, which are qualitatively similar. Regarding question 2(c), using L1 -regularization gives significantly higher accuracy and AUC-ROC than using standard L2 -regularization. This comparison was only performed for A L E P H++ since this is when the weight-learner must choose from a large set of candidate clauses by encouraging zero weights. Table 6 compares the average number of clauses learned (after zero-weight clauses are removed) for L1 and L2 regularization. As expected, the final learned MLNs are much simpler when using L1 regularization. On average, L1 -regularization reduces the size of the final set of clauses by 26% compared to L2 regularization. Regarding question 1(c), several researchers have tested "advanced" ILP systems on our datasets. Table 7 compares our best results to those reported for TFOIL (a combination of FOIL and tree augmented naive Bayes), kFOIL (a kernelized version of FOIL), and RU M B L E (a max-margin approach to learning a weighted rule set). Our results are competitive with these recent systems. Additionally, unlike MLNs, these methods do not create "declarative" theories 4.3. Results and Discussion Tables 3 and 4 show the average accuracy and AUC-ROC with standard deviation for each system running on each data set. Our complete system (A L E P H++ExactL1) achieves significantly higher accuracy than both A L C H E M Y and B U S L on all 4 data sets and significantly higher than A L E P H on all except the memory data set, answering questions 1(a) and 1(b). In turn, A L E P H has been shown to give higher accuracy on these data sets than other standard ILP systems like F O I L (Landwehr et al., 2007). A L C H E M Y's existing non-discriminative structure learners find only a few (3­5) simple clauses. Two of them are unit clauses for the target predicate, such as great ne(a1,a1) and great ne(a1,a2); the others capture the transitive nature of the target relation. Therefore, even after they are discriminatively weighted, their predictions are not significantly better than random guessing. The ablations that remove components from our overall system demonstrate the important contribution of each component. Regarding question 2(b), the systems using general approximate inference (A L E P HPSCG and A L E P H++PSCG) perform much worse than the corresponding versions that use exact inference (A L E P HExactL2 and A L E P H++ExactL2). Therefore, when there is a target predicate that can be accurately inferred using non-recursive definite clauses, exploiting this restriction to perform exact inference is a clear win. Regarding question 2(a), A L E P H++ExactL2 performs significantly better than A L E P HExactL2, demonstrating the Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks Table 4. Average AUC-ROC and standard deviations for all systems. Bold numbers indicate the best result on a data set. Data set ALCHEMY BUSL ALEPH ALEPH A L E P H++ A L E P H++ A L E P H++ PSCG ExactL2 PSCG ExactL2 ExactL1 Alzheimer amine .483 ± .115 .641 ± .110 .846 ± .041 .904 ± .027 .777 ± .052 .935 ± .032 .954 ± .019 Alzheimer toxic .622 ± .079 .511 ± .079 .904 ± .034 .930 ± .035 .874 ± .041 .937 ± .029 .939 ± .035 Alzheimer acetyl .473 ± .037 .588 ± .108 .850 ± .018 .850 ± .020 .810 ± .040 .899 ± .015 .916 ± .013 Alzheimer memory .452± .088 .426 ± .065 .744 ± .040 .768 ± .032 .737 ± .059 .813 ± .059 .844 ± .052 Table 5. Average predictive accuracies and standard deviations for MLN systems with transitive clause added. Data set ALCHEMY BUSL ALEPH ALEPH A L E P H++ A L E P H++ A L E P H++ PSCG ExactL2 PSCG ExactL2 ExactL1 Alzheimer amine 50.0 ± 0.0 52.2 ± 5.3 61.4 ± 3.6 87.0 ± 3.3 72.9± 3.5 91.7± 3.5 90.5 ± 3.6 Alzheimer toxic 50.0 ± 0.0 50.1 ± 0.8 73.3 ± 1.8 88.8 ± 4.8 68.4± 1.5 91.4± 3.6 91.9 ± 4.1 Alzheimer acetyl 53.0 ± 6.2 54.1 ± 4.9 80.4 ± 2.7 84.1 ± 3.1 83.3± 2.5 88.7± 2.1 87.6 ± 2.7 Alzheimer memory 50.0 ± 0.0 50.1 ± 0.5 58.9 ± 2.3 76.5 ± 3.5 70.1± 5.2 81.3± 4.8 81.3 ± 4.1 that have a well-defined possible worlds semantics. tured prediction, as demonstrated by our results that include a transitivity constraint on the target relation. 5. Related Work Using an off-the-shelf ILP system to learn clauses for MLNs is not a new idea. Richardson and Domingos (2006) used C L AU D I E N, an non-descriminative ILP system that can learn arbitrary first-order clauses, to learn MLN structure and to refine the clauses from a knowledge base. Kok and Domingos (2005) reported experimental results comparing their MLN structure learner to learning clauses using C L AU D I E N, F O I L, and A L E P H. However, since this previous work used the relatively small set of clauses produced by these unaltered ILP systems, the performance was not very good. ILP systems have also been used to learn structures for other SRL models. The S AY U system (Davis et al., 2005) used A L E P H to propose candidate features for a Bayesian network classifier. Muggleton(2000) used P RO G O L, another popular ILP system, to learn clauses for Stochastic Logic Programs (SLPs). When restricted to learning non-recursive clauses for classification, our approach is equivalent to using A L E P H to construct features for use by L1 -regularized logistic regression. Under this view, our approach is closely related to M AC C E N T (Dehaspe, 1997), which uses a greedy approach to induce clausal constraints that are used as features for maximum-entropy classification. One difference between our approach and M AC C E N T is that we use a twostep process instead of greedily adding one feature at a time. In addition, our clauses are induced in a bottomup manner while M AC C E N T uses top-down search; and our weight learner employs L1 -regularization which makes it less prone to overfitting. Unfortunately, we could not compare experimentally to M AC C E N T since "only an implementation of a propositional version of MACCENT is available, which only handles data in attribute-value (vector) format" (Landwehr et al., 2007). Additionally, MLNs are a more expressive formalism that also allows for struc- 6. Conclusions We have found that existing methods for learning Markov Logic Networks perform very poorly when tested on several benchmark ILP problems in drug design. We have presented a new approach to constructing MLNs that discriminatively learns both their structure and parameters to optimize predictive accuracy for a stated target predicate when given evidence specified with a defined set of background predicates. It uses a variant of an existing ILP system (A L E P H) to construct a large number of potential clauses and then effectively learns their parameters by altering existing discriminative MLN weight-learning methods to utilize exact inference and L1 regularization. Experimental results show that the resulting system outperforms existing MLN and ILP methods and gives state-of-the-art results for the Alzheimer's-drug benchmarks. Acknowledgments We thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. We also thank Niels Landwehr for helping us set up the experiment with A L E P H. This research is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) under contract FA8750-05-2-0283. Most of the experiments were run on the Mastodon Cluster, provided by NSF Grant EIA-0303609. The first author also thanks the Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF) for its sponsorship. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied of DARPA, AFRL, VEF, or the United States Government. Discriminative Structure and Parameter Learning for Markov Logic Networks Table 7. Average predictive accuracies and standard deviations of our best results and other "advanced" ILP systems. 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