Space-indexed Dynamic Programming: Learning to Follow Tra jectories J. Zico Kolter Adam Coates Andrew Y. Ng Yi Gu Charles DuHadway Computer Science Department, Stanford University, CA 94305 Abstract We consider the task of learning to accurately follow a tra jectory in a vehicle such as a car or helicopter. A number of dynamic programming algorithms such as Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) and Policy Search by Dynamic Programming (PSDP), can efficiently compute non-stationary policies for these tasks -- such policies in general are well-suited to tra jectory following since they can easily generate different control actions at different times in order to follow the tra jectory. However, a weakness of these algorithms is that their policies are timeindexed, in that they apply different policies depending on the current time. This is problematic since 1) the current time may not correspond well to where we are along the tra jectory and 2) the uncertainty over states can prevent these algorithms from finding any good policies at all. In this paper we propose a method for space-indexed dynamic programming that overcomes both these difficulties. We begin by showing how a dynamical system can be rewritten in terms of a spatial index variable (i.e., how far along the tra jectory we are) rather than as a function of time. We then use these space-indexed dynamical systems to derive space-indexed version of the DDP and PSDP algorithms. Finally, we show that these algorithms perform well on a variety of control tasks, both in simulation and on real systems. Appearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). 1. Intro duction We consider the task of learning to accurately follow a tra jectory, for example in a car or helicopter. This is one of the most basic and fundamental problems in reinforcement learning and control. One class of approaches to this problem uses dynamic programming. These algorithms typically start at the last time-step T of a control task, and compute a simple (say, linear) controller for that time-step. Then, they use dynamic programming to compute controllers for timesteps T - 1, T - 2 and so on down to time-step 1. Some examples of algorithms in this family include (Jacobson & Mayne, 1970; Bagnell et al., 2004; Atkeson & Morimoto, 2003; Lagoudakis & Parr, 2003), and all of them output time-varying/non-stationary policies that choose the control action as a function of time. Given that following a tra jectory requires one to choose very different control actions at different parts of the tra jectory -- for example, the controls while driving a car on a straight part of the tra jectory are very different from the controls needed during a turn ­ these dynamic programming algorithms therefore initially seem well-suited for tra jectory following. However, a weakness in the naive dynamic programming approach is that the control policies are timeindexed. That is, these algorithms output a sequence of controllers 1 , 2 , . . . , T and execute controller t at time t. However, as time passes, the uncertainty over the state increases, and this can greatly degrade controller performance. For example, suppose we are driving a car around a track with both straight and curved portions, and suppose that the controller at time t assumed the car was on a curved portion. If, due to the natural stochasticity of the environment, the car was actually on a straight portion of the track at this time, the resulting controller would perform very poorly, and this problem increases over time. This Space-indexed Dynamic Programming problem can be alleviated slightly be "re-indexing" the controllers by state during execution. That is, at time t we do not necessarily execute controller t , but instead we examine al l the controllers 1 , . . . , T , and execute the controller whose corresponding state is closest to the current state -- several variations on this approach exist, and we will discuss them further in Section 5. However, there are two fundamental limitations of this general method. First, because we are executing a different policy from the one learned by dynamic programming, it is difficult to provide any of the performance guarantees that often accompany the purely time-indexed dynamic programming algorithms. Second, and more fundamentally, the uncertainty over states in the distant future often make it extremely difficult to learn any good policy using the time-indexed algorithms. This means that regardless of how we re-index the controllers during execution, we are unlikely to obtain good performance. In this paper we propose a method for space-indexed dynamic programming that addresses both these concerns. More precisely, we will define a spatial index variable d that measures how far we have traveled along the target tra jectory. Then, we will use policies d that depend on d -- where we are along the tra jectory -- rather than the current time t. In order to learn such policies, we define the notion of a space-indexed dynamical system, and show how various dynamical systems can be rewritten such that their dynamics are indexed by d instead of by time t. This then allows us to extend various dynamic programming algorithms to produce space-indexed policies -- in particular, we develop a space-indexed versions of the Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) (Jacobson & Mayne, 1970) and Policy Search by Dynamic Programming (PSDP) algorithms (Bagnell et al., 2004). Finally, we successfully apply this method to several control tasks, both in simulation and in the real world. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we show how to transform a standard (time-indexed) dynamical system into a space-indexed dynamical system. Using this transformation, in Section 3 we develop space-indexed versions of the DDP and PSDP algorithms. In Section 4 we present experimental results on several control tasks. Finally, in Sections 5 and 6 we discuss related work and conclude the paper. thus solve for them in reverse order. The key difficulty of generalizing a dynamic programming algorithm to the space-indexed setting is that it is difficult to know in advance where in space (i.e., how far along the trajectory) the vehicle will be at each step, and thus which space-indexed policy will be executed when. For example, if the vehicle is currently at space-index d, then there is no guarantee that executing policy d for one time-step will put the vehicle in space-index d + 1. But if d might be executed multiple times before switching to d+1 , then in general its parameters cannot be solved for in closed form during the dynamic programming backup step, and require some complex policy search instead. In this section we discuss a method for addressing this problem. Specifically, we will rewrite the dynamics of a system so that the states and transitions are indexed by the spatial-index variable d rather than by the time t. Suppose we are given a general non-linear dynamics model in the form of a (possibly stochastic) differential equation s = f (s, u), where s Rn denotes the state vector u Rm denotes the control input, and s denotes the derivative of the state vector with respect to time. While some classical control algorithms operate directly on this differential equation, a common technique in reinforcement learning and control is to create a discrete-time model of the system st+1 = F (st , ut ) + wt by numerical integration, where st and ut denote the state and input at time t respectively, and wt is a zeromean IID noise term (typically taken to be Gaussian with some prespecified covariance, for example). A simple but very common method for achieving this discretization is by Euler integration. In this case the state evolves as st+t = st + f (st , ut )t + wt where t is the integration time constant (the variance of wt will scale linearly with the time constant as well). Note that even though the system evolves in continuous time, by making the decision to model it as a discrete-time system, we have made a decision to explicitly represent the state only at certain instants in time (t = t, t = 2t, . . .). When transitioning to a space-indexed dynamical system, we instead will explicitly represent the state only when it is at certain points along the tra jectory. We begin by representing the time-indexed state as T st = [xt , t ] , where x Rp represents what we refer to as the spatial portions of the state (in this paper we typically consider the spatial portions of the state to be the 2D or 3D position). Now, assume we are 2. Space-indexed Dynamical Systems Standard dynamic programming algorithms are very efficient because they know in advance that the policies 1 , . . . , T will be executed in a certain sequence (and that each policy will be executed only once), and can Space-indexed Dynamic Programming tion, and this is unlikely given any reasonable controller. When t > 0 does exist, we can compute st+t = st + f (st , ut )t and use this to find the next space-indexed state sd+1 = [td + t, d+1 , t+t ] ~ T where d+1 is xt+t - x+1 expressed in the Rp-1 subd space defined by the plane through x+1 . This gives d us our final space-indexed simulator in the form ~~ sd+1 = F (sd , ud ) + wd ~ ~ Figure 1. Figure illustrating space-indexed dynamics. (1) given a target tra jectory in the space of x, such as the curved path shown in Figure 1. We choose a total of D discrete points along the tra jectory, and designate the target state at these points as x1 , x , . . . , x . In 2 D the space-indexed dynamical system, we will explicitly represent the state only when the state lies on a hyperplane which is orthogonal to the target direction of travel and which passes through the one of the target points x . More formally, we let x be the instantad d neous direction of motion (along the target tra jectory) at point d. We will then explicitly represent the state only when (x - x )T x = 0. This situation is depicted d d in Figure 1. Because we constrain the state in this manner, our space-indexed state will have a different set of variables as our time-indexed state. In particular, we represent T the space-indexed state as sd = [td , d , d ] where td ~ R denotes the time of the system, d Rp-1 denotes the lateral deviation from the target tra jectory -- for x Rp a point satisfying the constraint that (x - x )T x = 0 can be represented using p - 1 dimensions d d and this gives the lateral deviation term -- and d denotes the non-spatial portions of the state as before. The time variable td is kept for completeness, but it can be ignored if the policies do not depend on time. Now we can rewrite the dynamics so that they are indexed by space rather than time; this will give us an equation for computing sd+1 from sd . For simplicity, ~ ~ we develop an Euler integration-like method, but the technique could also be extended to higher-order numerical integration methods. Rather than simulating the system forward by a fixed time step, we solve for t such that the next state will lie exactly on the d + 1 plane. Temporarily ignoring the noise term, we solve (x+1 )T (x + xt - xd+1 ) = 0 d where wd is a noise term. Although the distribution ~ of wd is in general quite complex, we can apply meth~ ods from stochastic calculus to efficiently draw samples from this distribution. However, in practice we find that a simpler approximate approach works just as well: we compute st+t as above, assuming no noise, then add noise as in the time-indexed model. This will result in a point that may no longer lie exactly on the space-index plane, so lastly we form the line between the states st and st+t and let sd+1 be the point where ~ this line intersects the d + 1 plane. 3. Space-indexed Dynamic Programming In this section we use the techniques presented in the previous section to develop space-indexed versions of the Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP) and Policy Search by Dynamic Programming (PSDP) algorithms. We begin by defining notation. Let S be the state space and A be the action space (so that in the context of the dynamical system above, S = Rn and A = Rm ). Since, as described above, there exists a one-to-one mapping from time-indexed states to space-indexed states, all the quantities below can be equivalently expressed in terms of the space-indexed state. A reward function is a mapping R : S R and a policy is a mapping : S A. Given a nonstationary sequence of policies (t , . . . , T ) we define the value function T 1 Vt ,...T (s) = T E [ i=t R(si )|st = s; (t , . . . , T )]. 3.1. Space-indexed DDP We first review (time-indexed) DDP briefly. DDP approximates the dynamics and cost function of a system along a specific sequence of states. Given an initial controller init , DDP simulates the system to generate a sequence of states s1 , . . . , sT . It then linearizes the dynamics around these points to obtain a timevarying linear dynamical system, and forms a secondorder (quadratic) approximation to the reward function. This system can then be solved by the Linear for t. Note that a positive solution for t may not always exist, but it typically does except in degenerate cases, when the vehicle starts moving perpendicular or backward with respect to the desired direc- Space-indexed Dynamic Programming Quadratic Regulator (LQR) algorithm (Anderson & Moore, 1989), which results in a new controller and a new sequence of states. This process is repeated until convergence. Space-indexed DDP proceeds in the same manner. Given some initial controller init and space-indexed dynamical system of the form (1)1 , we simulate the system forward for D space-indexes, resulting in a set of states s1 , . . . , sD . Using our dynamics model, we ~ ~ form the first order Taylor expansion of the dynamics at each point along the tra jectory, which results in the (space-indexed) linearized dynamics: sd+1 = Ad sd + Bd ud . ~ ~ As in standard DDP, we form a quadratic approximation of the reward function Rd (s) = -sT Qd s, where ~ ~ ~ Qd is some (usually PSD) matrix. This reduces the problem to an LQR problem, which can be solved efficiently using a backward recursion. 3.2. Space-indexed PSDP We now briefly review PSDP. As input, PSDP takes a time horizon T , a restricted policy class , and a sequence of baseline distributions over the states space µ1 , . . . , µT , where we can informally think of µt as providing a distribution over which states would be visited at time t by a "good" policy. Given policies t+1 , . . . , T , PSDP computes (or approximates via Monte-Carlo sampling and parameter search) t = arg max Esµt [V,t+1 ...T (s)]. (2) each step the algorithm obtains d such that Esµd [Vd ,d+1 ,...,D (s)] arg max Esµd [V,d+1 ...D (s)] - Then for al l ref D , V (s0 ) Vref (s0 ) - D - Ddvar (µ, µref ) where µ is the baseline distribution over space-index states (without the time component) provided to SI-PSDP, dvar denotes the average variational distance, and µref is the state distribution induced by r e f . This bound not only provides a performance guarantee for the space-indexed PSDP algorithm, it also helps to elucidate the advantage of space-indexing over timeindexing. The bound implies that to make PSDP and SI-PSDP perform as well as possible, it would be best to provide them with µ , the baseline distribution of the optimal controller, as the baseline distribution. But for time-indexed PSDP, the natural stochasticity of the environment can cause this distribution to be highly spread out over the state space, even for the optimal policy. Therefore, when performing the maximization (2), it is likely that no policy in the class will perform very well, since this would require a policy that could operate well over many different regions of the state space. Thus, regardless of whether or not we re-index the resulting controllers by state during execution, the time-indexed version of PSDP would fail to find a good policy. In contrast, if we are doing a good job following the tra jectory, then we would expect that the distribution over states at each space-index would be much tighter, allowing the space-indexed PSDP to perform much better. By starting with t = T and proceeding down to t = 1, the algorithm is able to generate a sequence of policies that can perform well on the desired task. The spaceindexed version of PSDP proceeds exactly as above, replacing the time t with the space index d and using the space-indexed simulator to generate the MonteCarlo samples. Just as in the time-indexed version, the space-indexed version of PSDP comes with nontrivial performance guarantees, formalized by the theorem below. The theorem follows immediately from the equivalent theorem for the time-indexed version of PSDP, and from the fact that the space-indexed dynamics and reward function do not depend on time. Theorem 3.1 [following (Bagnell et al., 2004)] Suppose = (1 , . . . , D ) is a policy returned by an approximate version of state-indexed PSDP where on 1 For the DDP algorithm, we ignore the noise term wd ~ because by the principle of certainty equivalence, the optimal controller for LQR does not depend on the variance/magnitude of the noise (Anderson & Moore, 1989). 4. Exp eriments 4.1. Autonomous Driving We begin by considering the problem of autonomously and accurately following a tra jectory with a car, such as that shown in Figure 4. Our first set of experiments were carried out in a simulator of the vehicle, built following (Rossetter & Gerdes, 2002) (with model parameters such as the vehicle dimensions, total weight, etc). To follow the desired tra jectory, we applied the space-indexed DDP algorithm described above. Prior to the work presented in this paper, significant engineering effort went into a hand-designed tra jectory following controller; this was an initial version of the controller described in (Hoffmann et al., 2007), which was a hand-optimized, linear, regulation controller that computes its actions as a function of state Space-indexed Dynamic Programming 50 10 Target trajectory Space-indexed DP 40 0 -10 30 Target trajectory Linear regulation controller Space-indexed DP Y [m] -20 Y [m] 20 -30 10 -40 -50 0 -20 -10 0 10 20 X [m] 30 40 50 60 70 -10 -20 -10 0 10 20 X [m] 30 40 50 60 20 18 16 14 Y [m] 12 10 8 6 4 2 40 Target trajectory Linear regulation controller Space-indexed DP Figure 4. Picture of the vehicle used for experiments (left), and tra jectory from a run on the actual car (right). 45 50 55 X [m] 60 65 70 Figure 2. Comparison of the regulation controller and space-indexed controller. The figure below is a magnification of one of the turns. 50 40 Target trajectory Time-indexed DP Target trajectory Time-indexed DP 20 Figure 5. Autonomous RC car. 30 20 10 10 0 -10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -20 -30 -50 -50 50 40 30 20 10 -40 -30 -20 -10 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 X [m] 10 20 30 40 Target trajectory Linear regulation controller Space-indexed DP 20 10 0 -10 0 -10 -20 -30 Target trajectory Linear regulation controller Space-indexed DP -20 -40 -50 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 X [m] 10 20 30 40 50 -30 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 X [m] 10 20 30 40 Figure 3. Two example tra jectories where a time-indexed controller (above) performs significantly worse than the space-indexed controller (below). features such as lateral error, orientation error, and so on. We used this controller to generate an initial tra jectory for our space-indexed DDP algorithm; however, the results of space-indexed DDP were actually very insensitive to the choice of this initial controller. Figure 2 shows the performance of the space-indexed DDP algorithm and the hand-tuned controller in simulation, when following an oval-like track at 30mph, along with a magnified view of the show the performance on one of the turns. We see that space-indexed DDP outperforms the hand-tuned controller; our controller has an RMS lateral error 0.26m, whereas the hand-tuned controller's RMS error is 1.18m. Figure 3 shows a comparison between the performance of space-indexed and time-indexed dynamic program- ming. Due to the stochasticity of the simulator, the actual state st , for large t, is increasingly unlikely to be close to where the t-th step of the linearization occurred. Therefore the linearized approximation is less likely to be an accurate approximation of the "local" dynamics at time t. This is reflected in the figures: the time-indexed controllers initially perform well, but as time passes the controllers start to be executed at incorrect points along the tra jectory, eventually leading the vehicle to veer off course. Using the spaceindexed controller, however, the vehicle is able to accurately track the tra jectory even for an arbitrarily long amount of time. For this relatively simple trajectory following task, re-indexing the time-indexed controllers by their spatial state, as described in the introduction, does perform well. However, as we will demonstrate in the next section, for more complex control tasks this is not the case. We also tested our method on the actual vehicle; the vehicle itself is described further in (Thrun & al., 2006). Figure 4 shown a typical result from an actual run on the vehicle moving at 10mph. The RMS error on the actual vehicle was about 0.17m, and the target and actual tra jectories are indistinguishable in the figure. 4.2. Autonomous Driving with Obstacles We next consider the more challenging control task of following a tra jectory in the presence of obstacles. For this task we evaluated our methods on an RC car, shown in Figure 5. Since we want to learn a single controller that is capable of avoiding obsta- Y [m] Y [m] Y [m] Space-indexed Dynamic Programming 1.5 1 1 Target Trajectory 0.5 Obstacles Space-Indexed PSDP 0 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -1 -2 -1.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 -1.5 0 0.5 Target Trajectory Obstacles Time-Indexed PSDP 0.5 Target Trajectory Obstacles Time-Indexed PSDP w/ Reindexing 1.5 1.5 1 -0.5 -0.5 -1 Figure 6. Tra jectories taken by the real RC car on a course with obstacles, using space-indexed PSDP (left), time-indexed PSDP (middle), and time-indexed PSDP with re-indexing by space (right). cles placed at arbitrary points along the tra jectory, DDP is a poor algorithm (DDP learns a controller for a single fixed tra jectory, but in this task we need to follow different tra jectories depending on the location of the obstacles). Therefore, we apply the space-indexed version of PSDP to this task. Videos of the resulting controllers for this task are available at: In greater detail, we applied the space-indexed PSDP algorithm as follows. The native action space for the car domain is a two-dimensional input specifying the velocity and steering angle (between -28 degrees and 28 degrees), but for our task we kept the velocity fixed at 1.5 m/s and discretized the commanded steering angle into five equally spaced angles. To generate the initial distribution for PSDP, µ1 , . . . , µD , we sampled 2000 different trials in a simulator of the car, using a PD controller. Then, for each space index from D - 1 down to 1, we (approximately) solved the optimization problem (2) by first trying each possible action for each of the 2000 sampled states, then executing the learned controller for all subsequent space-indices to compute the resulting cost of the policy.2 We then tried to learn the optimal action as a linear function of various state features; in particular, each controller was T of the form: usteer = arg maxi wi (s) where wi Rn is a weight vector learned by a multi-class SVM-like algorithm3 , and (s) Rn is a feature vector. In our 2 Table 1. Average costs and collision counts for the simulated RC car with obstacles, averaged over 1000 runs. Algorithm SI-PSDP TI-PSDP TI-PSDP w/ re-indexing Hand-tuned PD Controller Cost 56.17 ± 0.43 58.39 ± 0.40 58.19 ± 0.37 58.35 ± 0.34 Collisions 51 181 212 231 setting the features comprised of 1) the x and y location of the car, 2) the sine and cosine of the current car orientation, 3) 16 exponential RBF functions, spaced uniformly around the car, indicating the presence of an obstacle, and 4) a constant term. In addition to the space-indexed version, we also evaluated the performance of a pure time-indexed version, and a timeindexed version where we re-index the controllers as follows: at time t rather than execute the controller t , we examine all the controllers 1 , . . . , T and execute the controller t with minimum distance from the current state to the mean of the distribution µt . Table 1 shows the average cost incurred and total number of collisions for the different controllers in 1000 simulated trials, where each trial had three randomly placed obstacles on the tra jectory. As can be seen, the space-indexed version outperforms all the other variants of the algorithm as well as a hand-tuned PD controller that we previously spent a good deal of time trying to tune. The performance benefits of the spaceindexed controller become even more pronounced on the real system. Figure 6 shows typical resulting trajectories from the space-indexed controller, the pure time-indexed controller, and the time-indexed controller with re-indexing. Due to the stochasticity of in cost-sensitive SVM earning (Geibel et al., 2004). The algorithm finds the solution to the optimization problem: Pk 1 Pm Pk (i) (i) + min j =1 2 wj 2 + C i=1 j,l=1 (cj - cl ) i,j,l w,0 We used a cost function (i.e., negative reward), of C (sd ) = 1 2 + 2 (1 - dist/3 )1{dist < 3 } where dist denotes the distance to the nearest obstacle, 1 is the indicator function, and 1 , . . . , 3 are parameters that trade off the relative cost of deviating from the tra jectory and getting close to obstacles. For our experiments, we used 1 = 1000, 2 = 500 and 3 = 0.5. 3 Algorithmic details: the PSDP algorithm with discrete actions leads to a cost-sensitive, k-class learning problem with examples form {(s(i) ) Rn , c(i) Rk }, i = 1, . . . m (i) where (s(i) ) are the features, and cj represents the cost of classifying example i as belonging to class j . We approximately solve this problem with a support vector machinelike algorithm, which bears some similarly to previous work s.t. (wl - wj )T (s(i) ) 1 - i,j,l i, j, k. Space-indexed Dynamic Programming 12 10 8 Y [m] 6 4 2 Target trajectory Space-indexed DP Linear regulation controller Figure 7. Tempest autonomous helicopter. 0 -2 0 2 4 X [m] 6 8 10 12 the real domain, the pure time-indexed approach performs very poorly. Re-indexing the controllers helps significantly, but the space-indexed version still performs substantially better (an incurred cost of 49.32 for space-indexed versus 59.74 for time-indexed with re-indexing, and the latter controller will nearly always hit at least one of the obstacles on the track). As seen in the figure, the space indexed version is able to track the tra jectory well, while reliably avoiding obstacles. 4.3. Autonomous Helicopter Flight We also apply these ideas to a simulated autonomous helicopter. This work used a stochastic simulator of the autonomous helicopter shown in Figure 7, and we considered the problem of making accurate, high-speed (5m/s) turns on this helicopter. We applied the spaceindexed PSDP algorithm to this task due to the fact that the policy search setting allowed us to greatly restrict the class of control policies d under consideration (the space of all control policies for helicopter flight is very large, so we wanted to limit the risk of unexpected behavior). In particular, the "actions" of the controllers corresponded to picking a location of set point x which is then fed into a regulation controller, such as those described in (Bagnell & Schneider, 2001; Ng et al., 2004). Space constraints preclude a full description of the environment and algorithm, but the overall algorithm proceeds as in the previous section. Figure 8 shows a typical result of applying the spaceindexed PSDP algorithm to this task, along with the tra jectory taken by a simple linear regulation controller. By varying the set point differently at different points along the tra jectory, the space-indexed PSDP algorithm follows the tra jectory much more accurately. 2 Z [m] 1 0 12 10 8 10 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 X [m] 6 8 Y [m] Figure 8. Comparison of the regulation controller and space-indexed controller in the helicopter simulation. The figure below shows the tra jectories in three dimensions. ation or policy iteration can be viewed as performing dynamic programming on spatial states. However, in high-dimensional, continuous state spaces, the wellknown "curse of dimensionality" renders a naive application of these algorithms intractable. Indeed, it is this reality that often motivates the jump to the tra jectory following approach, where we want to find polices that perform well along the tra jectory in particular. There are also a number of methods for tra jectory following. A common approach is to design a "regulation controller" that can keep the vehicle stable at a specified position x . By smoothly moving x along the target tra jectory, we can cause the vehicle to move along this path (Franklin et al., 1995; Dorf & Bishop, 2000). This approach works well when the regulation controller has very high bandwidth ­ i.e., if it can track x almost exactly as it varies -- and is successful in application areas such as control of robot arms. But in more general settings in which the actual state x of the vehicle tends to lag well behind changes to x , one often ends up manually and laboriously adjusting the regulation controller to try to obtain proper tra jectory following performance. There are methods for compensating for this lag such as feedback linearization (Sastry, 1999), and there have also been many methods devised for tra jectory following on specific systems (Egerstedt & Hu, 2000; Johnson & Calise, 2002). However, we know of no method for tra jectory following in the general case of the nonholonomic, underaccuated vehicles that we consider. The idea of partitioning the state space into regions, and using different controllers in the different regions, is a common practice in control, and often is referred to as gain-scheduling (Leith & Leithead, 2000). Taken 5. Related Work The idea that a control policy should be dependent on the system's spatial state is by no means a new idea in the reinforcement learning and control literature. In the Markov Decision Process (MDP) formalism (Puterman, 1994), a policy is a mapping from states (which typically describe the spatial state of the system) to actions. In light of this observation, many classical dynamic programming algorithms such as value iter- Space-indexed Dynamic Programming in the general sense, the algorithm we present in this paper can be viewed as a method for gain-scheduling, though more often the term is used for a particular application of this approach to the contexts of linear parameter varying systems. Such methods typically linearize the dynamical system around certain operating points, learn controllers at each point, and smoothly interpolate between controllers at various locations. However, the focus of this work is often to prove stability of such controllers using Lyapunov theory, and the overall approach is substantially different from what we consider here. Model predictive control (MPC) (Garcia et al., 1989) (indirectly) addresses the issue of state uncertainty increasing over time, by explicitly computing new controllers at every time step in an online manner. However, MPC is generally orthogonal to the ideas we present here, since one could just as easily use a spaceindexed dynamic programming method for the local controller in MPC. Furthermore, MPC can often times be computationally impractical to run real-time. An alternative approach is to use a local control method, such as DDP, in order to estimate the value function along several tra jectories, and use these local estimates to build an approximate global model of the value function (Atkeson, 1994; Tassa et al., 2007). However, since these methods employ DDP, which is a time-indexed algorithm, they can potentially suffer the same problems as time-indexed methods in general. Atkeson, C., & Morimoto, J. (2003). Nonparametric representation of policies and value functions: A tra jectorybased approach. NIPS 15. Atkeson, C. G. (1994). Using local tra jectory optimizers to speed up global optimization in dynamic programming. Neural Information Processing Systems 6. Bagnell, J., & Schneider, J. (2001). Autonomous helicopter control using reinforcement learning policy search methods. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Bagnell, J. A., Kakade, S., Ng, A. Y., & Schneider, J. (2004). 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We thank the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, Sam Schreiber and Quan Gan for assistance with the RC car, Pieter Abbeel for assistance with the helicopter domain, Mark Woodward, Mike Montemerlo, Gabe Hoffmann, David Stavens and Sebastian Thrun for assistance with the DARPA Grand Challenge vehicle. References Anderson, B. D. O., & Moore, J. B. (1989). Optimal control: Linear quadratic methods.