Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs Purnamrita Sarkar Machine Learning Department, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Andrew W. Mo ore Amit Prakash Google Inc. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Abstract In this paper we investigate two aspects of ranking problems on large graphs. First, we augment the deterministic pruning algorithm in Sarkar and Moore (2007) with sampling techniques to compute approximately correct rankings with high probability under random walk based proximity measures at query time. Second, we prove some surprising locality properties of these proximity measures by examining the short term behavior of random walks. The proposed algorithm can answer queries on the fly without caching any information about the entire graph. We present empirical results on a 600, 000 node author-word-citation graph from the Citeseer domain on a single CPU machine where the average query processing time is around 4 seconds. We present quantifiable link prediction tasks. On most of them our techniques outperform Personalized Pagerank, a well-known diffusion based proximity measure. on graphs: diffusion of information from one node to another. Most random-walk based ranking algorithms can be categorized into two broad categories. Probability of reaching a no de: This is the basis of measures like personalized page rank. Personalized page-rank vectors (PPV) have been used for keyword search in databases (Balmin et al., 2004) and entity-relation graphs (Chakrabarti, 2007). These approaches focus on computing approximate PPV at query time (details in section 6), and quantify the performance in terms of the deviation of the approximation from the exact. However, it is not clear if PPV itself has good predictive power. Exp ected numb er of hops to reach a no de: This is also called the hitting time (Aldous & Fill, 2001). The symmetric version of this is the commute time between two nodes. These metrics have been shown to be empirically effective for ranking in recommender networks (Brand, 2005) and link prediction problems (Liben-Nowell & Kleinberg, 2003). These measures usually require O(n3 ) computation. Recently Spielman and Srivastava (2008) have come up with a novel approximation algorithm for efficiently computing commute times by random pro jections. However it is only applicable to undirected graphs. Sarkar and Moore (2007) introduced the notion of truncated commute times and demonstrated that it had good predictive power for link prediction tasks. However their algorithm (GRANCH) required storing potential nearest neighbors of all nodes in the graph in order to answer nearest neighbor queries. The key contribution in this paper are: 1) we combine sampling with deterministic pruning to design an algorithm which retrieves top k neighbors of a query in truncated commute time incrementally without caching information about all nodes in the graph. 2) We investigate locality properties of truncated hitting and commute times. 3) We show that on several link prediction tasks these measures outperform PPV in terms of predictive 1. Intro duction Link prediction in social networks, personalized graph search techniques, fraud detection and collaborative filtering in recommender networks are important practical problems that greatly rely on graph theoretic measures of similarity. Given a node in a graph we would like to ask which other nodes are most similar to this node. Ideally we would like this similarity measure to capture the graph structure such as having many common neighbors or having several short paths between two nodes. This kind of structural information can be easily quantified using random walks Appearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs power, while on others they do comparably. 4) Our algorithm can process queries at around 4 seconds on average on graphs of the order of 600, 000 nodes on a single CPU machine. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in section 2 we provide relevant background. In section 3 we introduce our hybrid algorithm, and provide sample complexity results for random sampling. The locality properties of truncated hitting and commute times are investigated in section 4. We present empirical results in section 5, and conclude with related work in section 6. namic programming. However in order to compute the hitting time from a query node to a destination, one has to compute the hitting time of all nodes to the destination, thus computing the entire matrix which takes O(N E T ) time (N and E are the number of nodes and edges respectively). In order to get around the above problem the graph is decomposed into N overlapping neighborhoods for each node. Each neighborhood is computed in a way to include potential nearest neighbors and prune away the rest. The authors provide bounds on the hitting time from all nodes within the neighborhood of i to i. The hitting time from any node outside the boundary to the destination is quantified by only two numbers: a lower and an upper bound. As the neighborhoods are expanded more the bounds become tighter. This way each column of the truncated hitting time (H T ) matrix is filled up partially. After iterating over all nodes it is possible to look at one row and obtain ranking from the bounds on hitting time from a node. GRANCH computes all pairs of nearest neighbors by caching information for all nodes in the graph. This does not work when the graph is changing continuously. We introduce a hybrid algorithm which essentially combines the above branch and bound trick with sampling techniques to obtain nearest neighbors of a query node in commute time with high probability. 2. Background A graph G = (V , E ) is defined as a set of vertices V edges E . The ij th entry of the adjacency matrix W denotes the weight on edge (i, j ), and is zero if the edge does not exist. P = pij , i, j V denotes the transition probabijlity matrix of this Markov chain, so that pij = Wij if (i, j ) E and zero otherwise. wij / Hitting time hij : The hitting time from node i to node j is defined as the expected number of steps in a random walk starting from i before node j is visited for the first k ime. Recursively hij can be written as t pik hkj , if i = j and zero otherwise. hij = 1 + Commute time cij : Commute time between a pair of nodes is defined as cij = hij + hj i . 2.1. Truncated Hitting Time The hitting and commute times are sensitive to long range paths (Liben-Nowell & Kleinberg, 2003) which result in non-local nature. They are also prone to be small if one of the nodes is of large degree (Brand, 2005). This renders them ineffective for personalization purposes. In order to overcome these shortcomings, Sarkar and Moore (2007) define a T-truncated hitting time, where only paths of length less than T are considered. We shall use h, hT interchangeably to denote truncated hitting time. hTj can be defined i recursively as 3. Hybrid Algorithm We present an algorithm to compute approximate nearest neighbors in commute times, without iterating over the entire graph. We combine random sampling with the branch and bound pruning scheme mentioned before, in order to obtain upper and lower bounds on commute times from a node. This lets us compute the k nearest neighbors from a query node on the fly. For any query node we compute hitting time from it using sampling. We maintain a bounded neighborhood for the query node at a given time-step. We compute estimated bounds on the commute time from the nodes within the neighborhood to the query. Commute time of nodes outside the neighborhood to the query are characterized by a single upper and lower bound. We expand this neighborhood until this lower bound exceeds 2T , which guarantees that with high probability we are excluding nodes which are more than 2T commute distance away. These bounds are then used for ranking the nodes inside the neighborhood. We will first describe a simple sampling scheme to obtain -approximate truncated hitting times from a query node with high probability. hTj = 1 + i pik hTj-1 k (1) k where hT is defined to be zero if i = j or if T = 0. The above equation expresses hT in a one step lookahead fashion. The expected time to reach a destination within T timesteps is equivalent to one step plus the average over the hitting times of it's neighbors to the destination in T - 1 hops. If there is no path of length smaller than T from i to j , this automatically sets hT (i, j ) to T . 2.2. GRANCH (Sarkar & Mo ore, 2007) The truncated hitting time from all nodes to a destination node can be computed in O(E T ) time using dy- Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs 3.1. Sampling Scheme We propose a sampling scheme to estimate the truncated hitting time from a given query node i in a graph. We run M independent T -length random walks from i. Lets say out of these M runs m random walks hit j for the first time at {tk1 , ...tkm } time-steps. From these we can estimate the following 1. The probability of hitting any node j for the first time from the given source node within T steps m can be estimated by M . 2. The first hitting time can be estimated by jumping to the node on the boundary (j ) which has the closest optimistic hitting time to j . This gives us a lower bound on the hitting time of all nodes outside N B S (j ) to j . lb(j ) = 1 + min hoTj-1 p p (j ) (2) The pessimistic bound is T . Plugging in these bounds in equation (1) whenever the neighbors are outside the neighborhood of the destination gives the expressions for optimistic (hoTj ) and pessimistic (hpTj ) bounds on i i hitting times (details in Sarkar and Moore (2007)). Now we have the expressions for the lower and upper bounds for the hitting times of the nodes in N B S (j ) to j (ho and hp values). The hitting time from j to nodes within N B S (j ) can be estimated using the sampling scheme described in section 3.1. Combining the two leads to the following. Theorem 3.3 The truncated commute time between nodes i N B S (j ) and j wil l be lower and upper bounded by coTj and cpTj with probability 1 - if the i i ^ number of samples for estimating hTj exceeds the lower i bound in theorem 3.1, where ^j coTj = hTi + hoTj - T i i T ^j cpij = hTi + hpTj + T i (3) (4) ^ hT (i, j ) = m r tk r + (1 - )T M M We provide bounds (details in Appendix) similar to Fogaras et al. (2004) 1. The number of samples M required in order to give an - correct answer with probability 1 - . 2. The number of samples M required in order to get the top k neighbors correct. Theorem 3.1 For a given node i, in order to obtain ^ P (u {1, . . . , n}, |hT (i, u) - hT (i, u)| T ) , n number of samples M should be at least 212 log( 2 ). Theorem 3.2 Let vj , j = 1 : k be the top k neighbors of i in exact T -truncated hitting time. Let = hT (i, vk+1 ) - hT (i, vk ) . Then number of samples T2 M should be at least 22 log(nk / ) in order to have ^ ^ P r(j k , q > k , hT (i, vj ) > hT (i, vq )) . The details are provided in the appendix. The above theorem says nothing about the order of the top k neighbors, only that if the gap between the hitting times from i to the k th and k + 1th nearest neighbors is large, then it is easy to retrieve the top k nearest neighbors. We could change the statement slightly to obtain a sample complexity bound to guarantee the exact order of the top k neighbors with high probability. The main difference will be that it will depend on minj k hT (i, vj +1 ) - hT (i, vj ). 3.2. Lower and Upp er Bounds on cTj i Let us denote the neighborhood of node j by N B S (j ). The boundary of this is denoted by (j ).In Eqn (1) ht (i, j ) is computed using the hitting time from its direct neighbors to j , which are computed in the t - 1th iteration. Since only the hitting times of nodes within N B S (j ) are stored, a boundary node would not have access to the hitting time of at least one of its neighbors. Those values can be upper and lower bounded as follows. The fastest possible way to reach node j from any node outside N B S (j ) would be by ^ We would use coij = hTi + hoTj and similarly cpij to j i denote estimates of these bounds. In order to prune away nodes which are not potential nearest neighbors we also need to obtain a lower bound on the commute time between j and any node outside N B S (j ). The incoming lower bound is given by equation 2. Now note that for the outgoing lower bound we need the minimum of hTk , k N B S (j ). j Lemma 3.4 The number of samples M should n be at least 212 log( 2 ) in order to obtain T ^ P r(| minkN B S (j ) hj k - minkN B S (j ) hTk | T ) 2 . j Thus an estimate of the outgoing lower bound can be computed from the hitting times obtained from sampling. Combining the two we obtain an estimate on the lower bound on 2T -truncated commute time lb-ct(j ) from j to any node outside N B S (j ). lb-ct(j ) = 1 + min hoTj-1 + p p (j ) ¡ kN B S (j ) min ^j hTk (5) For our implementation, we always used estimated, not the exact bounds. This introduces an additive error in our results (proof excluded for lack of space). 3.3. Expanding Neighb orho o d Now we need to find a heuristic to expand the neighborhood such that both the outgoing and incoming Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs components of the lower bound increase quickly so that the threshold of 2T is reached soon. For the incoming lower bound we just find the x closest nodes on the boundary which have small optimistic hitting time to the query. We add the neighbors of these nodes to the neighborhood of j . For the outgoing lower bound, we compute the nodes outside the boundary which a random walk is most probable to hit. We do this by maintaining a set of paths from j which stop at the boundary. These paths are augmented one step at a time. This enables one step lookahead in order to figure out which nodes outside the boundary are the most probable nodes to be hit. We add y of these nodes to the current boundary. 3.3.1. Ranking The ranking scheme is similar to GRANCH and is rather intuitive. So far we only have lower and upper bounds for commute times from node j to the nodes in N B S (j ). Lets denote this set as S . The commute time from j to any node outside S is guaranteed to be bigger than 2T . The true k th nearest neighbor will have commute time larger than the k th smallest lower bound i.e. co value. Lets denote the k th smallest co value by X . Now consider the nodes which have upper bounds (cp values) smaller than X . These are guaranteed to have commute time smaller than the true k th nearest neighbor. Adding a multiplicative slack of to X allows one to return the -approximate k nearest neighbors which have commute time within 2T . Note that the fact that no node outside set S has hitting time smaller than 2T is crucial for ranking, since that c guarantees the true k th nearest neighbor within 2T ommute distance to be within S . Since all our bounds are probabilistic, i.e. are true with high probability (because of the sampling), we return -approximate k nearest neighbors with high probability. Also the use of estimated bounds (co,cp) will introduce an additive error of 2 T (ignoring a small factor of T ). 3.4. The Algorithm at a Glance In this section we describe how to use the results in the last subsections to compute nearest neighbors in truncated commute time from a node. Given T , , k our goal is to return the top k -approximate nearest neighbors (within 2 T additive error) w.h.p. First we compute the outgoing hitting times from a node using sampling. We initialize the neighborhood with the direct neighbors of the query node (We have set up our graph so that there are links in both directions of an edge, only the weights are different). At any stage of the algorithm we maintain a bounded neighborhood for the query node. For each node inside the neighborhood the hitting times to the query can be bounded using dynamic programming. Combining these with the sampled hitting times gives us the estimated co, and cp values. We also keep track of the lower bound lb-ct of the commute time from any node outside the neighborhood to the query node. At each step we expand the neighborhood using the heuristic in section 3.3. Similar to GRANCH we recompute the bounds again, and keep expanding until lb-ct exceeds 2T . W.h.p this guarantees that all nodes outside the neighborhood have commute time larger than 2T - T . Then we use the ranking as in section 3.3.1 to obtain k -approximate nearest neighbors (with an additive slack of 2 T ) in commute time. We start with a small value of T and increase it until all k neighbors can be returned. As in Sarkar and Moore (2007) it is easy to observe that the lower bound can only increase, and hence at some point it will exceed 2T and the algorithm will stop. The question is how many nodes can be within 2T commute distance from the query node. In section 4 we prove that this quantity is not too large for most query nodes. 4. Lo cality Prop erties of hT In this section we analyze the locality properties of truncated hitting times. We show that most nodes in a graph will have only a smal l number of neighbors within 2T T -truncated commute time. We would do this in three steps. First we show that number of nodes within hitting time T from a node i is small. Then we would make a similar argument that the number of nodes within T - hitting distance to i is also small. Finally we would make an argument about the neighbors of i in commute time. Theorem 4.1 For any graph G and constants T and T , the number of nodes within a truncated hitting distance of T from any node is at most T 2 /(T - T ). Let Pi T i + hTi 2T j } } + hTi 2T j S1 can have at most T 2 /(T - T ) nodes. Now consider T S2 . S2 will have size smaller than |{j |hj i T }|. Using our result from before we can say the following Lemma 4.2 Let T be constant w.r.t n. If T is bounded away from T by a constant w.r.t n, i.e. T 2 /(T - T ) is constant w.r.t n, then t more than no O( n) nodes wil l have more than O( n) neighbors with truncated commute time smal ler than 2T . Th impact of lemma 4.2 is that in a sequence of e O( n) nearest neighbor queries (each selected at nra dom), for each node, there would be at most O( n) other nodes within 2T commute distance on average. 5. Empirical Results We have examined our algorithm on Entity Relation (ER) datasets extracted from the Citeseer corpus, as in Chakrabarti (2007). This is a graph of authors, papers and title-words extracted from Citeseer. 5.1. Dataset and Link Structure The link structure is obvious: 1. Between a paper and a word appearing in its title. 2. From a paper to the paper it cites, and one with one-tenth the strength the other way. 3. Between a paper and each of its authors. As observed by Chakrabarti (2007), the weights on these links are of crucial importance. Unlike some other approaches (Balmin et al., 2004; Chakrabarti, 2007) we also put links from the paper layer to the 2. Paper prediction for authors (Author task): Exactly the above, only the link between the paper and its authors are removed. The hybrid algorithm is compared with: 1) Exact truncated hitting time from the query, 2) Sampled truncated hitting time from the query, 3) Exact truncated commute time from the query, 4) Exact truncated hitting time to the query, 5) Personalized Pagerank Vector and 6) Random predictor. Note that we can compute a high accuracy estimate of the exact hitting time from a query node by using a huge number of Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs samples. We can also compute the exact hitting time to a node by using dynamic programming by iterating over all nodes. Both of these will be slower than the sampling or the hybrid algorithm as in Table 1. Distance from a set of no des Hitting and commute times are classic measures of proximity from a single node. We extend these definitions in a very simple fashion in order to find near-neighbors of a set of nodes. The necessity of this is clear, since a query often consists of more than one word. We define the hitting time from a set of nodes as an weighted average of the hitting times from the single nodes. For hitting time to a set, we can change the stopping condition of a random walk to "stop when it hits any of the nodes in the set". We achieve this via a simple scheme: for any query q , we merge the nodes in the query in a new megaqnode Q as follows. For any node v Q P (Q, v ) = Q w (q )P (q , v ), where P (q , v ) is the probability of transitionqng to node v from node i q in the original graph. Q w (q ) = 1. We use a uniform weighing function, i.e. w(q ) = 1/|Q|. The hitting/commute time is computed on this modified graph from Q. These modifications to the graph are local and can be done at query time, and then we undo the changes for the next query. Our average query size is the average number of words (authors) per paper for the word (author) task. These numbers are around 3 (2) for the big subgraph, and 5 (2) for the small subgraph. Figure 1 has the performance of all the algorithms for the author task on the (A) smaller, (B) larger dataset and the word task on the (C) smaller and (D) larger dataset, and Table 1 has the average runtime. As mentioned before for any paper in the testset, we remove all the edges between it and the words (authors) and then use the different algorithms to rank all papers within 3 hops of the words (5 for authors, since authors have smaller degree and we want to have a large enough candidate set) in the new graph and the removed paper. For any algorithm the percentage of papers in the testset which get ranked within the top k neighbors of the query nodes is plotted on the y axis vs. k on the x axis. We plot the performances for six values of k : 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 and 40. The results are extremely interesting. Before going into much detail let us examine the performance of the exact algorithms. Note that for the author task the exact hitting time to a node and the exact commute time from a node consistently beats the exact hitting time from a node, and PPV. However for the word task the outcome of our experiments are the opp osite. This can be explained in terms of the inherent directionality of a task. The distance from the wordlayer to the paper-layer gives more information than the distance from the paper layer to the word layer, whereas both directions are important for the author task, which is why commute times, and hitting time to a node outperform all other tasks. We only compare the predictive power of PPV with our measures, not the runtime. Hence we use the exact version of it. We used c = 0.1, so that the average path-length for PPV is around 10, since we use T = 10 for all our algorithms (however, much longer paths can be used for the exact version of PPV). PPV and hitting time from a node essentially relies on the probability of reaching the destination from the source. Even though hitting time uses information only from a truncated path, in all of our experiments it performs better than PPV, save one, where it behaves comparably. Word task: The sampling based hitting time beats PPV consistently by a small margin on the bigger dataset, whereas it performs comparably on the smaller one. Hitting times and PPV beat the hitting time to nodes for the word task. In fact for k = 1, 3, 5, for the smaller dataset the hitting time to a query node isn't much of an improvement over the random predictor (which is zero). This emphasizes our claim that the hitting time to the word layer does not provide significant information for the word task. As a result the performance of the exact and hybrid commute times deteriorates. Author task: The hitting time to the query and the exact commute time from a query have the best performance by a large margin. The hybrid algorithm has almost similar performance. Hitting time from the query is beaten by these. PPV does worse than all the algorithms except of course the random predictor. Numb er of samples: For the small graph, we use 100, 000 samples for computing the high accuracy approximation of hitting time from a node; 5000 samples for the word task and 1000 samples for the author task. We use 1.5 times each for the larger graph. We will like to point out that our derived sample complexity bounds are interesting for their asymptotic behavior. In practice we expect much fewer samples to achieve low probability of error. In Figure 1 sometimes the exact hitting (commute) times does worse than the sampled hitting time (hybrid algorithm). This might happen by chance, with a small probability. 6. Related Work In this section we briefly examine algorithms which have been developed using random walks on graphs, and their applications. Brand (2005) uses different random walk based measures to compute the top k rec- Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs 0.45 0.6 Exact Ht from Sampled Ht-from Exact Ct Hybrid Ct Exact Ht-to PPV Random 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.3 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 1 3 5 10 20 40 0 0 0.1 Exact Ht from Sampled Ht-from Exact Ct Hybrid Ct Exact Ht-to PPV Random 0.25 Exact Ht from Sampled Ht-from Exact Ct Hybrid Ct Exact Ht-to PPV Random Exact Ht from Sampled Ht-from Exact Ct Hybrid Ct Exact Ht-to PPV Random 0.5 0.2 0.25 0.4 0.2 0.15 0.05 0.05 1 3 5 10 20 40 1 3 5 10 20 40 1 3 5 10 20 40 (A) (B) (C) (D) Figure 1. Author task for (A) Small and (B) Large datasets. Word task for (C) Small and (D) Large datasets. x-axis denotes the number of neighbors and y-axis denotes accuracy. Table 1. Run-time in seconds for Exact hitting time from query, Sampled hitting time from query, Exact commute time, Hybrid commute time, Exact hitting time to query, PPV # nodes 74,877 628, 130 # edges 259,320 2, 865, 660 Task Author Word Author Word Exact Ht-from 1.8 3.1 6.9 12.3 Sampled Ht-from .02 0.3 .07 0.7 Exact Ct 9.2 10.4 79.07 88.0 Hybrid Ct .28 1.2 1.8 4.3 Exact Ht-to 6 .7 6.56 67.2 70 PPV 18 50 337.5 486 ommendations for a particular customer in a customermovie graph from the movielens dataset. The submatrices of the hitting and commute times matrices are computed by iterative sparse matrix multiplications (details in Sarkar and Moore (2007)). However it is only tractable to compute these measures on graphs with a few thousand nodes for most purposes. Liben-Nowell and Kleinberg (2003) showed that the hitting and commute times perform poorly for link prediction tasks, because of their sensitivity to long paths. The most effective measure was shown to be the Katz measure (Katz, 1953) which directly sums over the collection of paths between two nodes with exponentially decaying weights. However, ranking under the Katz score would require solving for a row of the matrix (I - A)-1 - I , where I and A are the identity and adjacency matrices of the graph and is the decay factor. Even if A is sparse the fast linear solvers will take at least O(E ) time. Tong et al. (2007) uses escape probability from node i to node j to compute direction aware proximity in graphs. A fast matrix solver is used to compute this between one pair of nodes, in O(E ) time. Multiple pairs of proximity require computation and storage of the inverse of the matrix I - P , which would be intractable for large graphs (10K nodes). Jeh and Widom (2002b) use the notion of expected f-hitting distance, which is the hitting time (in a random walk with restart) between a set of nodes in a product graph with N 2 nodes. The quadratic time complexity is reduced by limiting the computation between source and destination pairs within distance of r. The main idea of personalized pagerank is to bias the probability distribution towards a set of webpages particular to a certain user, resulting in a user-specific view of the web. It has been proven (Jeh & Widom, 2002a) that the PPV for a set of webpages can be computed by linearly combining those for each individual webpage. However it is hard to store all possible personalization vectors or compute the personalized pagerank vector at query time because of the sheer size of the internet graph. There have been many novel algorithms for efficiently computing PPV (Jeh & Widom, 2002a; Haveliwala, 2002; Fogaras et al., 2004). Most of these algorithms compute partial PPVs offline and combine them at query time. The ObjectRank algorithm (Balmin et al., 2004) computes keyword-specific ranking in a publication database of authors and papers, where papers are connected via citations and co-authors. The personalized pagerank for each word is computed and stored offline, and at query time combined linearly. Chakrabarti Fast Incremental Proximity Search in Large Graphs Many graph-based learning algorithms rely on computing proximity measures in graphs. These graphs can be very large and undergoing continuous change, hence fast incremental algorithms are needed. In this paper we have combined sampling techniques with branch and bound pruning to compute near neighbors of a query node with high probability. Our proximity measures have been empirically shown to often outperform a popular alternative, namely personalized pagerank on link-prediction tasks. nk Let = hT (i, vk+1 ) - hT (i, vk ). Setting the above probability to be less than gives us the desired lower bound of 2T 2 log(nk/ ) on M . 2 Acknowledgements Thanks to Soumen Chakrabarti for sharing his code and data, Tamas Sarlos and Martin Zinkevich for helpful dis´ ´ cussions and Geoffrey Gordon and Anupam Gupta for valuable suggestions. App endix Pro of of Theorem 3.1: We provide a bound on the number of samples M required in order to give an -correct answer with probability 1 - . We denote the estimate of a random variable x by x from now on. Lets denote by ^ X r (i, u) the first arrival time at node u from node i on the r th trial. Define X r (i, u) = T if the path does not hit r ^ u on trial r. Note that hT (i, u) = r X (i, u)/M , and ^ T (i, u)] = hT (i, u). {X r (i, u) [1, T ], r = 1 : M } are E [h i.i.d. random variables. The Hoeffding bound gives ( ^ P (|hT (i, u) - hT (i, u)| T ) 2 exp(- 2MT 2T ) ) = 2 exp(-2M 2) Pro of of lemma 3.4: Let S be a set of nodes. Let ^ q = arg minkS h(j, k ). Let m = arg minkS h(j, k ). We know that h(j, q ) h(j, m), since q is the true ^ ^ minimum, and h(j, m) h(j, q ), since m is the node which has the minimum estimated h-value. Using the sample complexity bounds from theorem 3.1, we have ^ ^ h(j, m) h(j, q ) w.h.p h(j, q ) + T . For the other part ^ of the inequality we have h(j, m) w.h.p h(j, m) - T h(j, q ) - T . Using both sides we get h(j, q ) - T w.h.p ^ h(j, m) w.h.p h(j, q ) + T . Using S to be the set of nodes outside the neighborhood of j yields lemma 3.4. References Aldous, D., & Fill, J. A. (2001). Reversible markov chains. Balmin, A., Hristidis, V., & Papakonstantinou, Y. (2004). Ob jectRank: Authority-based keyword search in databases. VLDB, 2004. Brand, M. (2005). A Random Walks Perspective on Maximizing Satisfaction and Profit. SIAM '05. Chakrabarti, S. (2007). Dynamic personalized pagerank in entity-relation graphs. WWW '07 (pp. 571­580). New York, NY, USA: ACM Press. Fogaras, D., Racz, B., Csalogany, K., & Sarlos, T. 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We upper bound this error probability using union and Hoeffding bounds and set the upper bound to be less than a small value . Hence we have P (u ^ {1, . . . , n}, |hT (i, u) - hT (i, u)| T ) 2n exp(-2M 2) n . This gives the lower bound of 212 log( 2 ). Pro of of Theorem 3.2: Consider a sampled path of length T starting from i. We define X r (i, u) as before. For two arbitrary nodes u and v , WLOG let hT (i, u) > hT (i, v ). The idea is to define a random variable whose expected value will equal hT (i, u) - hT (i, v ). We define a random variable Z r = X r (i, u) - X r (i, v ). {Z r [-(T - 1), T - 1], r = 1 : M } are i.i.d. random variables. Note that E (Z r ) = hT (i, u) - hT (i, v ). The probability that the ranking of u and v will be exchanged in the estimated hT values from M samples ^ ^ equals P (hT (i, u) < hT (i, v )). This probability equals M P ( r=1 Zr /M < 0) which using the Hoeffding bound is smaller than exp(-2M (hT (i, u) - hT (i, v ))2 /(2T )2 ) = exp(-M (hT (i, u) - hT (i, v ))2 /2T 2 ). Let v1 , v2 , . . . , vk be 7. Conclusion j k (2007) et al. show how to compute approximate personalized pagerank vectors using clever neighborhood expansion schemes which would drastically reduce the amount of offline storage and computation. the top k neighbors of i in exact truncated hitting time. ^ ^ P r(j k, q > k, hT (i, vj ) > hT (i, vq )) ^ ^ j k q>k P r(hT (i, vj ) > hT (i, vq )) M (hT (i,vq )-hT (i,vj ))2 ) q >k exp(- 2T 2 M (hT (i,vk+1 )-hT (i,vk ))2 ) exp(- 2T 2