Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning: Automatic Feature Selection and Inductive Transfer Vikas C. Raykar Bala ji Krishnapuram Jinb o Bi Murat Dundar R. Bharat Rao CAD and Knowledge Solutions (IKM CKS), Siemens Medical Solutions Inc., Malvern, PA 19355 USA Abstract We propose a novel Bayesian multiple instance learning (MIL) algorithm. This algorithm automatically identifies the relevant feature subset, and utilizes inductive transfer when learning multiple (conceptually related) classifiers. Experimental results indicate that the proposed MIL method is more accurate than previous MIL algorithms and selects a much smaller set of useful features. Inductive transfer further improves the accuracy of the classifier as compared to learning each task individually. detection (Viola et al., 2006), scene classification, text categorization, etc and is often found to be superior than a conventional supervised learning approaches (Ray & Craven, 2005). The concept of MIL was first introduced by (Dietterich et al., 1997) in the context of drug activity prediction. (Maron & LozanoPerez, 1998) proposed a framework called Diverse Density algorithm. Since then various variants of standard single instance learning algorithms like Boosting (Xin & Frank, 2004; Viola et al., 2006), SVMs (Andrews et al., 2002; Fung et al., 2007), Logistic Regression (Ray & Craven, 2005; Settles et al., 2008), nearest neighbor (Wang & Zucker, 2000) etc. have been modified to adapt to the MIL scenario. Our motivation for this work comes from the area of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) (see section § 10)­ where the task is to build a classifier to predict whether a suspicious region (instance) on a computed tomography (CT) scan is a pulmonary embolism/nodule/lesion or not. This was proposed as a MIL problem by (Fung et al., 2007) by recognizing the fact that all instances which are within a certain distance to a radiologist mark (ground truth) can be considered as a positive bag. A requirement is that run time of the classifier during testing be as small as possible. Hence we would like the final classifier to use as few features as possible. In this paper we propose a novel multiple instance algorithm which performs automatic feature selection and classifier design jointly. In particular we start out with the well-known logistic regression as our classifier and demonstrate how it can be modified for the MIL framework (§ 3­6). We use the feature selection method originally proposed for the relevance vector machine (RVM) (Tipping, 2001) single-instance classifier, in a manner that is optimal for multiple-instance classification(§ 7). We extend the algorithm to handle multi-task learning in § 8. 1. Multiple Instance Learning In a single instance learning scenario we are given a training set D = {(xi , yi )}N 1 containing N instances, i= where xi X is an instance (the feature vector) and yi Y = {0, 1} is the corresponding known label. The task is to learn a classification function f : X Y . In the multiple instance learning framework the training set consists of bags. A bag contains many instances. All the instances in a bag share the same bag-level label. A bag is labeled positive if it contains at least one positive instance. A negative bag means that al l instances in the bag are negative. The goal is to learn a classification function that can predict the labels of unseen instances and/or bags. MIL is a natural framework to model many real-life tasks like drug activity prediction (Dietterich et al., 1997), image retrieval (Andrews et al., 2002), face Appearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning 2. Novel Contributions Our method differs from the substantial body of previous literature on MIL in the following crucial aspects. a. Baseline-mo del: We use Logistic Regression as our baseline (single instance) classifier, similar to two previous papers. However, our model for combining the positive instances is quite different from the soft-max (Ray & Craven, 2005) or the averaging approach (Xin & Frank, 2004) used by others. We directly enforce the definition that at least one of the instances in a positive bag is positive. b. Feature selection: Relying on the Bayesian automatic relevance determination paradigm, our learning algorithm selects the relevant subset of features that is most useful for accurate multiple instance classification. Experimental results demonstrate that the number of features chosen for optimizing the accuracy of multiple-instance classification is much smal ler than that selected in a corresponding single instance learning algorithm. While MI Boost (Xin & Frank, 2004) also does feature selection, results indicate that our our approach is more accurate than MI Boost. c. Inductive transfer: The proposed method is easily extended to statistically exploit information from other data sets while learning multiple related classifiers. This inductive-transfer approach results in substantial improvements in accuracy in real-life problems with limited training data. We are not aware of previous work which accomplishes inductive transfer in the context of multiple-instance classification. from - to . A bag is labeled positive if at least one instance is positive and negative if all instances are negative. Learning a classifier implies choosing the weight vector w given the training data D. 4. Logistic Generalized Linear Mo del The posterior probability for the positive class is modeled as a logistic sigmoid acting on the linear classifier fw , i.e., p(y = 1|x) = (w x). The logistic sigmoid function is defined as (z ) = 1/(1 + e-z ). This classification model is known as logistic regression in the statistics community. Also p(y = 0|x) = 1 - p(y = 1|x) = 1 - (w x). 4.1. Logistic Mo del for MIL In the MIL framework we have the concept of bags­ where all the examples in a bag share the same label. A positive bag means at least one example in the bag is positive. The probability that a bag contains at least one positive instance is one minus the probability that all of them are negative. Hence the posterior probability for the positive bag can be written as p(y = 1|x) = 1 - jK 1 =1 - (w x j) , (2) 3. Notation We represent an instance as a feature vector x Rd . A bag which contains K instances is denoted by boldface x = {xj Rd }K 1 . The label of a bag is denoted by j= y {0, 1}. Training Data The training data D consists of N bags D = {xi , yi }N 1 , where xi = {xij Rd }Ki 1 is a i= j= bag containing Ki instances that share the same label yi {0, 1}. Classifier We consider the family of linear discriminating functions: F = {fw }, where for any x, w Rd , fw (x) = wT x. The final classifier can be written in the following form 1 if wT x > y= . (1) 0 if wT x < Ties are resolved by flipping a fair coin. The threshold parameter determines the operating point of the classifier. The ROC curve is obtained as is swept where the bag x = {xj }K 1 contains K examples.This j= model is sometimes referred to as the noisy - OR and has been previously used by (Viola et al., 2006) in a boosting framework and (Maron & Lozano-Perez, 1998) in the Diverse Density algorithm. We use this model for Logistic Regression. A negative bag means that al l examples in the bag are negative. Hence p(y = 0|x) = jK 1 =1 - (w x j) . (3) 5. Maximum Likeliho o d Estimator Given the training data D the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate for w is given by wML = arg max p(D/w) = arg max [log p(D/w)] . (4) w w ­ Ki 1 Define pi = p(yi = 1|xi ) = 1 - j =1 - (w xij ) the probability that the ith bag xi is positive. Assuming that the training bags are independent the loglikelihood can be written as log p(D/w) = iN =1 yi log pi + (1 - yi ) log(1 - pi ). (5) Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning A similar likelihood was also maximized by (Viola et al., 2006) using the AnyBoost framework, which views boosting as gradient descent in function space. matrix is given by iN =1 x H(w) = [yi i - (1 - yi )] iN =1 jKi =1 xij xTj (w i jKi =1 x ij ) 6. The MAP Estimator The ML solution in practice can exhibit severe overfitting especially for high-dimensional data. This can be addressed by using a prior on w. Prior We will assume zero mean Gaussian prior (N (w|0, A-1 )) on the weights w with inverse covariance matrix A = diag (1 . . . d ) (also referred to as the hyper-parameters ). p(w) = (2 ) -d/2 yi i (i + 1) T xij (w x ij ) (-w =1 ij ) - jKi xij (w x ij ) - A. (10) |A -1 -1/2 - exp | w A w . (6) Note that the Hessian matrix depends on the class labels also­unlike in regular logistic regression. 2 This encapsulates our prior belief that the individual weights in w are independent and close to zero with a variance parameter 1/i . Posterior Once we observe the training data D we will update the prior to compute the posterior p(w/D), which can be written as foplows (using Bayes's rule)­ l p(w/D) = p(D/w)p(w)/ (D/w)p(w)dw. This posterior can then be used to compute predictive distributions, which will typically involve high dimensional integrals. For computational efficiency we could use point estimates of w. In particular the maximum aposteriori (MAP) estimate is given by wMAP = arg max [log p(D/w) + log p(w)] . (7) w 7. Bayesian MIL: Feature Selection We imposed a prior of the form p(w) = N (w|0, A-1 ), parameterized by d hyper-parameters A = diag (1 . . . d ). Clearly, as the precision k , i.e, the variance for wk tends to zero (thus concentrating the prior sharply at zero). Hence, regardless of the evidence of the training data, the posterior for wk will also be sharply concentrated on zero, thus that feature will not affect the classification result-hence, it is effectively removed out via feature selection. Therefore, the discrete optimization problem corresponding to feature selection (should each feature be included or not?), can be more easily solved via an easier continuous optimization over hyper-parameters . If one could maximize the marginal likelihood p(D|A) this would perform optimal feature selection. This approach is also known as the type-II maximum likelihood method in the Bayesian literature. We choose the hyper-parameters to maximize the marginal likelihood. p A = arg max p(D|A) = arg max A A Substituting for the log likelihood and the prior we have wMAP = arg maxw L(w), where N L(w) = i =1 - yi log pi + (1 - yi ) log(1 - pi ) w A w 2 . (8) Optimization Due to the non-linearity of the sigmoid we do not have a closed form solution and we have to use gradient based optimization methods. We use the Newton-Raphson update given by wt+1 = wt - H-1 g, where g is the gradient vector, H is the Hessian matrix, and is the step length. The gradient is given by g(w) = iN =1 (D|w)p(w|A)dw. [yi i - (1 - yi )] jKi =1 xij (w x ij ) - Aw, (9) (11) Since this integral is not easy to compute for our MIL model we use an approximation to the marginal likelihood via the Taylor series expansion. The marginal likelihood p(D|A) can be written as p(D|A) = e(w) dw, where (w) = log p(D|w) + log p(w|A). Approximating using a second order Taylor series around wMAP , 1 (w) (wMAP )+ (w-wMAP )H(wMAP , A)(w-wMAP ) 2 (12) Hence we have the following approximation to the . where i = 1-ipi . Note that i = 1 corresponds to the p derivatives of the standard logistic regression updates. These term i can be thought of as the bag weight by which each instance weight gets modified. The Hessian Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning Input: {xi , yi }N 1 , where xi = {xij Rd }Ki1 is a i= j= bag containing Ki instances that share the same label yi {0, 1}. Output: A list of selected features and weight vector w for the linear classifier. Initialize i = 1 and wi = 0 for i = 1, . . . , d. rep eat If i > remove feature wi . MAP estimate using the selected features. rep eat Compute the gradient vector g. (Eq. 9) Compute the Hessian matrix H. (Eq. 10) Determine using a line search. Update w w - H-1 g. until g /d < 1 Update the hyper-parameters using 2 i 1/(wi + ii ). (Eq. 17) p c until maxi | log i urr - log i rev | < 2 X1 w1 X2 w2 Task 1 Y1 Task 2 Y2 Figure 1. In multi-task learning tasks share the same prior. on A a simple update rule for the hyper-parameters can be written by equating the first derivative to zero. n i ew = 2 wi 1 . + ii (17) The final algorithm has two levels of iterations (see Algorithm 1): in an outer loop we update the hyperparameters i and in an inner loop we find the MAP estimator wMAP given the hyper-parameters. After a Algorithm 1: The proposed algorithm few iterations we find that the hyper-parameters­the inverse variances of the priors­for several features tend marginal likelihood to infinity causing numerical problems in implementation. This means that those wi 0 we can simply p(D|A) remove those irrelevant features from further conside d 1 2 (w -wMAP )H(wMAP ,A)(w -wMAP ) e(wMAP ) w eration in future iterations. The proposed algorithm with feature selection can be considered as the exten p(D|wMAP )p(wMAP |A)(2 )d/2 | - H-1 (wMAP , A)|1/2 sion of the Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) (Tipping, (13) 2001) to multiple-instance learning framework. In the exp eriments rep orted in this pap er we use = 1012 , 1 = 10-5 , and 2 = 10-3 . Using the prior p(w|A) = N (w|0, A-1 ), the log marginal likelihood can be written as log p(D|A) + 1 log p(D|wMAP ) - wMAP AwMAP 2 1 1 log |A| - log | - H(wMAP , A)|. 2 2 (14) 8. Multi-task Learning We are often faced with a shortage of training data for learning classifiers for a task. However we may have additional data for closely related, albeit non-identical tasks. For example in our CAD applications where we have to identify early stage cancers from CT scans, our data set includes images from CT scanners with two different reconstruction kernels­B50 and B60. While training the classifier we could ignore this information and pool all the data together. However, there are some systematic differences that make the feature distributions slightly different. Alternatively, we could train a separate classifier for each kernel, but a large part of our data set is from one particular kernel (B60) and we have a smaller data set for the other (B50). Here, we discuss another approach­multi-task learning (Caruana, 1997)­ that tries to estimate models wj for several classification tasks j in a joint manner. Multi-task learning can compensate for small sample size by using additional samples from related tasks, and exchanging statistical information between tasks. In a hierarchical Bayesian approach, the clas- The hyper-parameters A are found by maximizing this approximation to the log marginal likelihood. There is no closed-form solution for this. Hence we use a iterative re-estimation method by setting the first derivative to zero. The derivative can be written as log p(D|A) A 1 1 = - wMAP wMAP + A-1 2 2 1 -1 - H (wMAP , A). (15) 2 Since A = diag (1 . . . d ), we can further simplify log p(D|A) 12 1 1 = - wi + - ii , i 2 2i 2 where ii is H-1 (wMAP , A). (16) the ith diagonal element of Assuming ii does not depend Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning Table 1. Datasets used in our MIL experiments. d is the number of features. Dataset Musk1 Musk2 Elephant Tiger d 166 166 230 230 p ositive examples bags 207 1017 762 544 47 39 100 100 negative examples bags 269 5581 629 676 45 63 100 100 Table 2. The AUC for different algorithms and datasets. Set Musk1 Musk2 Elephant Tiger MIRVM 0.942 0.987 0.962 0.980 RVM 0.951 0.985 0.979 0.970 MIBo ost 0.899 0.964 0.828 0.890 MILR 0.846 0.795 0.814 0.890 MISVM 0.899 0.959 0.945 MI 0.922 0.982 0.953 0.956 Table 3. The average number of features selected per fold by different algorithms. Dataset Musk1 Musk2 Elephant Tiger Numb er of features 166 166 230 230 selected by RVM 39 90 42 56 selected by MI RVM 14 17 16 19 selected by MI Bo ost 33 32 33 37 sifiers share a common prior p(wj |A) (See Figure 1). A separate classifier is trained for each task. However the optimal hyper-parameters of the shared prior are estimated from all the data sets simultaneously during the training. The update equation becomes (in place t j n of Eq. 17): i ew = 1/ askj (wi )2 + ji . i learning scenario. We boosted for 50-100 rounds. MI SVM (Andrews et al., 2002) This is a bag-level SVM variant for MIL. We used the implementation publicly available at (Yang, 2006). We used a linear kernel and the regularization parameters was chosen by 5-fold cross-validation. MI LR (Settles et al., 2008; Ray & Craven, 2005) This is a variant of Logistic Regression which uses the softmax function to combine posterior probabilities over the instances of a bag. We used = 3 in the soft-max function. Non-linear conjugate gradient with tolerance set at 10-3 was used as the optimization routine. Of all the above algorithms only our proposed method and the boosting one does automatic feature selection. We are not aware of any other multiple-instance algorithms which does automatic feature selection. 9.3. Evaluation Pro cedure The results are shown for a 10-fold stratified crossvalidation. The folds are split at the positive bag level, so that examples in the same positive bag will not be split. We plot the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve for various algorithms (see Figure 2). The ROC curve is a plot of False Positive Rate (FPR) vs True Positive Rate (TPR) as the decision threshold of the classifier is varied from to -. The TPR is computed on a bag level­i.e., a bag is predicted as positive if at least one on the instances in classified as positive. The ROC curve is plotted by pooling the prediction of the algorithm across all folds as in (Ray & Craven, 2005). We also report the area under the ROC curve (AUC) in Table 2. 9.4. Results Comparison with other metho ds. From Figure 2 and Table 2 we see that among other MIL algorithms the ROC for the proposed method clearly dominates 9. Exp erimental Results 9.1. Datasets Experiments were performed on four common benchmark data sets from the MIL literature (see Table 1). Musk1 and Musk2 (Asuncion & Newman, 2007) The task is to predict whether a new drug molecule will bind to a target protein. However each molecule (bag) can have many different low energy shapes (instances) of which only one can actually bind with the target. Elephant and Tiger The task is to search a repository to find images that contain ob jects of interest. An image is represented as a bag. An instance in a bag corresponds to a segment in the image; the ob ject of interest is contained in at least one segment. 9.2. Comp eting Algorithms Various learning algorithms have been adapted to the multiple learning scenario. We compare our proposed algorithm with a variant of Boosting, SVM, and Logistic Regression. Specifically we perform our experimental comparison for the following algorithms. MI RVM The proposed multiple-instance algorithm with feature selection. This is completely automatic and does not require tuning any parameters. RVM The proposed algorithm without multiple instance learning. This is same as MI RVM but every example is assigned to a unique bag. MI The proposed multiple-instance algorithm without feature selection. We set A = I, where I is the identity matrix and is chosen by five-fold crossvalidation. MI Bo ost (Xin & Frank, 2004) This is a variant of the AdaBoost algorithm adapted for the multiple instance Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning Musk1 1 0.9 0.8 True Positive Rate True Positive Rate Musk2 1 0.9 0.8 True Positive Rate Tiger 1 0.9 0.8 True Positive Rate Elephant 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False Positive Rate 0.8 MIRVM RVM MIBoost MILR MISVM MI 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False Positive Rate 0.8 MIRVM RVM MIBoost MILR MISVM MI 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False Positive Rate 0.8 MIRVM RVM MIBoost MILR MI 1 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 False Positive Rate 0.8 MIRVM RVM MIBoost MILR MISVM MI Figure 2. The ROC Curves for the different data sets and the different algorithms. the other methods. However it is interesting to note that plain RVM is better than MI RVM for Musk 1 and Elephant data sets. This confirms the surprising observation in (Ray & Craven, 2005) that for some MIL benchmarks standard supervised learning algorithm may be more accurate than MIL algorithms. Numb er of features selected. Table 3 compares the number of features selected by MI RVM, RVM, and the MI Boost algorithm. It can be seen that the proposed MI RVM algorithm selects the least number of features. Selecting features in a multiple instance setting reduces the number of features selected by half. Do es feature selection help? From Table 2 we see that the AUC with feature selection is higher than that without feature selection. Thus we are able to achieve better performance and at the same time use a smaller set of features. Runtime The proposed algorithm and the MI Boost are orders of magnitude faster than other MIL methods. As a result MI SVM and MI LR could not be run on our CAD experiments described in the next section. Also the proposed method has no free parameters to tune. The runtime of our algorithm scales as O(d3 ) with the number of features. This is because we need to compute the inverse of the d × d Hessian matrix. Figure 3. Sample pulmonary emboli in a Lung CT scan along with the candidates which point to it. 10. Computer Aided Diagnosis In computer aided diagnosis (CAD) the goal is to detect potentially malignant nodules, tumors, emboli, or lesions in medical images like computed tomography (CT), X-ray, MRI etc. A CAD system aids the radiologist by marking the location of likely anomaly on a medical image. Figure 3 shows two pulmonary emboli (PE) in a CT scan. PE (blood clots in the lung), is a potentially life-threatening condition. An early and accurate diagnosis is the key to survival. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) has emerged as an accurate diagnostic tool. Most CAD systems consist of the following three steps­(1) Candidate generation ­this step identifies potentially unhealthy regions of interest. While this step can detect most of the anomalies, the number of false positives will be extremely high (60-100 false positives/ patient). (2) Feature computation ­computation of a set of descriptive morphological features for each of the candidates. (3) Classification ­labeling of each candidate as a nodule or not by a classifier. The goal of the classifier is to reduce the number of false positives without appreciable decrease in the sensitivity. In order to train a classifier, a set of CT scans is collected from hospitals. These scans are then read by expert radiologists who mark the pulmonary emboli locations­this constitutes our ground truth for learning. The candidate generation step generates a lot of potential candidates. Any candidate which is close to the radiologist mark (for example within a certain distance) is considered a positive example for training and the rest of the candidates are considered as negative examples. Based on a set of features computed for these candidates we intend to train a classifier. Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning PECAD bag level FROC Curve Table 4. Datasets used in our PE CAD MIL experiments. Dataset Training Validation Features 134 134 positive examples bags 514 312 305 214 negative examples 4619 3246 1 0.8 Sensitivity 0.6 0.4 10.1. Multiple Instance Learning for CAD The candidate generation step very often produces a lot of candidates which are spatially close to each other (See Figure 3 for two PE appearing in a CT scan). All these candidates point to the same ground truth and can considered to share the same label for training. A single instance classifier can be trained using the labeled candidates. In this work we use the multiple instance learning algorithm by recognizing the fact that all candidates which point to the same radiologist mark can be considered as a positive bag (Fung et al., 2007). There is another important reason why MIL is a natural framework for CAD. The candidate generation algorithm produces a lot of spatially close candidates. Even if one of these is highlighted to the radiologist and other adjacent or overlapping candidates are missed, the underlying embolism would still have been detected. Hence while evaluating the performance of CAD systems we use the bag level sensitivity, i.e., a classifier is successful in detecting an embolism if at least one of the candidates pointing to it is predicted as a PE. MIL naturally lends itself to model our desired accuracy measure during training itself. Another important requirement is that run time of the classifier during testing should be as small as possible. The candidate generation step generally produces thousands of candidates for a CT scan. Computing all the features can be very time-consuming. Hence it is imperative that the final classifier uses as few features as possible without any decrease in the sensitivity. The proposed classifier automatically selects features for multiple-instance classification. 10.2. Exp eriments Table 4 summarizes the PE CAD data sets we use in our experiments. Note that unlike the previous four data sets we do not have negative bags. Every negative example is considered a negative bag. The classifier is trained on the training set and tested on a separate validation set. Since we are interested in the number of False Positives per volume (patient) we plot Free response ROC (FROC) curves for the validation set (see Figure 4). MI RVM gives a substantial improvement over the single instance RVM approach and also the MI Boost method. The MI SVM and MI LR could 0.2 MI RVM RVM MI Boost 5 10 15 False Positives/ Volume 20 0 0 Figure 4. The bag level FROC curve for the PECAD validation set. not be run for the large CAD data set. MI RVM algorithm selected 21 features in contrast to the 34 features selected by the single instance RVM algorithm 10.3. Multi-task Learning Exp eriments Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer related death in western countries. However early detection can substantially improve survival. Automatic CAD systems can be developed to identify suspicious regions such as solid nodules or ground-glass opacities (GGO) in CT scans of the lung. A solid nodule is defined as an area of increased opacity more than 5mm in diameter which completely obscures underlying vascular marking. Ground-glass opacity(GGO) is defined as an area of a slight, homogenous increase in density, which did not obscure underlying bronchial and vascular markings. Figure 5 shows an example nodule and GGO. Detecting nodules and GGOs are two closely related tasks although each has its own respective characteristics. Hence multi-task learning is likely to be beneficial, even when building a specific model for each task. To train such a system we used 15 CT scans which included GGOs and 23 CT scans that included nodules. The model accuracy was validated on a held out set of 86 CT scans that included nodules. Figure 6 compares the FROC curves for nodule detection system designed in two different ways. (1) Single task learning: the classifier was learnt only using nodule data. (2) Multi-task learning: the classifier was learnt using nodule data and GGO data. As Figure 6 shows, inductive transfer using the proposed scheme the improves accuracy of the multiple instance learning system, when we have a limited amount of training data. 11. Conclusion In this paper we proposed a novel MIL algorithm that automatically selects the features relevant for multi- Bayesian Multiple Instance Learning 1 0.8 Nodule Level Sensitivity 0.6 0.4 0.2 Multi Task Learning Single Task Learning Figure 5. Lung CT image showing a sample (a)nodule and (b) GGO. Figure reprinted from (Suzuki et al., 2006). 0 0 2 4 6 False Positives / Volume 8 10 ple instance classification. The proposed algorithm is more accurate than other competing MIL methods, both on benchmark data sets and on real life CAD problems. Our experiments also validate the previous observation of (Ray & Craven, 2005) that on some multiple instance benchmarks the single instance classifier is slightly more accurate. For all domains, the number of features selected by our algorithm is much smaller than that for the corresponding single instance classifier. Inductive transfer improves accuracy in data poor CAD applications. Figure 6. Multi-task learning experiments The bag level FROC curve for the validation set. Maron, O., & Lozano-Perez, T. (1998). A framework for multiple-instance learning. In Advances in neural information processing systems 10, 570­576. Ray, S., & Craven, M. (2005). Supervised versus multiple instance learning: an empirical comparison. 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