Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets Jason Wolfe Aria Haghighi Dan Klein Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 jawolfe@cs.berkeley.edu aria42@cs.berkeley.edu klein@cs.berkeley.edu Abstract In EM and related algorithms, E-step computations distribute easily, because data items are independent given parameters. For very large data sets, however, even storing all of the parameters in a single node for the Mstep can be impractical. We present a framework that fully distributes the entire EM procedure. Each node interacts only with parameters relevant to its data, sending messages to other nodes along a junction-tree topology. We demonstrate improvements over a MapReduce topology, on two tasks: word alignment and topic modeling. tion time. The common solutions in practice are either to limit the total training data or to process manageable chunks independently. Either way, the complete training set is not fully exploited. In this paper, we propose a general framework for distributing EM and related algorithms in which not only is the computation distributed, as in the map and reduce phases of MapReduce, but the storage of parameters and expected sufficient statistics is also fully distributed and maximally localized. No single node needs to store or manipulate all of the data or all of the parameters. We describe a range of network topologies and discuss the tradeoffs between communication bandwidth, communication latency, and pernode memory requirements. In addition to a general presentation of the framework, a primary focus of this paper is the presentation of experiments in two application cases: word alignment for machine translation (using standard EM) and topic modeling with LDA (using variational EM). We show empirical results on the scale-up of our method for both applications, across several topologies. Previous related work in the sensor network literature has discussed distributing estimation of Gaussian mixtures using a tree-structured topology (Nowak, 2003); this can be seen as a special case of the present approach. Paskin et al. (2004) present an approximate message passing scheme that uses a junction tree topology in a related way, but for a different purpose. In addition, Newman et al. (2008) present an asynchronous sampling algorithm for LDA; we discuss this work further, below. None of these papers have discussed the general case of distributing and decoupling parameters in M-step calculations, the main contribution of the current work. 1. Intro duction With dramatic recent increases in both data scale and multi-core environments, it has become increasingly important to understand how machine learning algorithms can be efficiently parallelized. Many computations, such as the calculation of expectations in the Estep of the EM algorithm, decompose in obvious ways, allowing subsets of data to be processed independently. In some such cases, the MapReduce framework (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004) is appropriate and sufficient (Chu et al., 2006). Specifically, MapReduce is suitable when its centralized reduce operation can be carried out efficiently. However, this is not always the case. For example, in modern machine translation systems, many millions of words of example translations are aligned using unsupervised models trained with EM (Brown et al., 1994). In this case, one quickly gets to the point where no single compute node can store the model parameters (expectations over word pairs in this case) for all of the data at once, and communication required for a centralized reduce operation dominates computaAppearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). 2. Exp ectation Maximization Although our framework is more broadly applicable, we focus on the EM algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977), a technique for finding maximum likelihood param- Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets s1 s2 . . . sm a1 t1 a2 · · · an t2 · · · tn T z w M N Figure 1: IBM Model 1 word alignment model. The top sentence is the source, and the bottom sentence is the target. Each target word is generated by a source word determined by the corresponding alignment variable. Figure 2: Latent Dirichlet Allocation model. Each word is generated from a topic vocabulary distribution and each topic is generated from a document topic distribution. eters of a probabilistic model with latent or hidden variables. In this setting, each datum di consists of a pair (xi , hi ) where xi is the set of observed variables and hi are unobserved. We assume a joint model over P (xi , hi |) with parameters . Our goal is to find a tmat maximizes the marginal observed log-likelihood h i=1 log P (xi | ). Each iteration consists of two steps: qi (hi ) P (hi |xi , ) im arg max Eqi P (xi |hi , ) =1 The formal generative model is as follows: (1) Select a length n for the translation T based upon |S | = m (typically uniform over a large range). (2) For each j = 1, . . . , n, uniformly choose some source alignment position aj {0, 1, . . . , m}. (3) For each j = 1, . . . , n, choose target word tj based on source word saj with probability saj tj In the data, the alignment variables a are unobserved, and the parameters are the multinomial distributions s· for each source word s. The expected sufficient statistics are expected alignment counts between each source and target word that appear in a parallel sentence pair. These expectations can be obtained from the posterior probability of each alignment, P (aj = i|S, T , ) = si tj i [E-Step] [M-Step] where the expectation in the M-Step is taken with respect to the distribution q (·) over the latent variables found in the E-Step. When P (·|) is a member of the exponential family, the M-Step reduces to solving a set of equations involving expected sufficient statistics under the distribution. Thus, the E-Step consists of collecting expected sufficient statistics = E P ( |X ) with respect to qi for each datum xi . We briefly present two EM applications we use for experiments. 2.1. Word Alignment Word alignment is the task of linking words in a corpora of parallel sentences. Each parallel sentence pair consists of a source sentence S and its translation T into a target language.1 The model we present here is known as IBM Model 1 (Brown et al., 1994).2 In this model, each word of T is generated from some word of S or from a null word prepended to each source sentence. The null word allows words to appear in the target sentence without any evidence in the source. Model 1 is a mixture model, in which each mixture component indicates which source word is responsible for generating the target word (see figure 1). Sometimes in the word alignment literature the roles of S and T are reversed to reflect the decoding process. 2 Although there are more sophisticated models for this task, our concern is with efficiency in the presence of many parameters. More complicated models do not contain substantially more parameters. 1 si tj The E-Step computes the above posterior for each alignment variable; these values are added to the current expected counts of (s, t) pairings, denoted by st . The M-Step consists of the following update: t st P s . Section 5.1 describes results for this st t model on a data set with more than 243 million parameters (i.e., distinct co-occurring word pairs). 2.2. Topic Mo deling We present experiments in topic modeling via the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Blei et al., 2003) topic model (see figure 2). In LDA, we fix a finite number of topics T and assume a closed vocabulary of size V . We assume that each topic t has a multinomial distribution t· Dirichlet(Unif(V ), ). Each document draws a topic distribution Dirichlet(Unif(T ), ). For each word position in a document, we draw an unobserved topic index z from and then draw a word from z· . Our goal is to find the MAP estimate of for the observed likelihood where the latent topic indicators and document topic distributions have been integrated out. In this setting, we can not perform an exact E-Step because of the coupling of latent variables through the integral over parameters. Instead, Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets we use a variational approximation of the posterior as outlined in Blei et al. (2003), where all parameters and latent variables are marginally independent. The relevant expected sufficient statistics for are the expected counts tw over topic t and word w pairings under the approximate variational distribution. The M-Step, as in the case of our word alignment model in section 2.1, consists of normalizing these counts: tw = P tw . Section 5.2 describes results for this w tw model. We note that the number of parameters in this model is a linear function of the number of topics T . 3.2. Distributing the M-Step A further possibility, which to our knowledge has not been fully exploited, is distributing the M-Step. Often in EM, it is the case that only a subset of parameters may ever be relevant to a split Di of the data. For instance, in the word alignment model of section 2.1, if a word pairing (s, t) is not observed in some Di , node i will never need the parameter st . For our full word alignment data set, when k = 20, less than 30 million of the 243 million total parameters are relevant to each node. We will use i to refer to the subset of parameter indices relevant for Di . In order to distribute the MStep, each node must receive all expected counts necessary to re-estimate all relevant parameters [i ]. In section 4, we develop different schemes for how nodes should communicate their partial expected counts, and show that this choice of C-Step topology can dramatically affect the efficiency of distributed EM. One difficulty in distributing the M-Step lies in the fact that re-estimating [i ] may require counts not found in [i ]. In the case of the word alignment model, st requires the counts st for all t appearing with s in a sentence pair, even if t did not occur in Di . Often these non-local statistics enter the computation only via normalization terms. This is the case for the word alignment and LDA models explored here. This observation suggests an easy way to get around the problem presented above in the case of discrete latent variables: we simply augment the set of sufficient statistics with a set of redundant sum terms that provide the missing information needed to normalize parameter estimates. For the word alignment model, we would int lude a sufc ficient statistic s· to represent the sum :(s,t)D st . Then the re-estimated value of st would simply be st s· . With these augmented statistics, estimating [i ] requires only st and s· for all (s, t) Di . It might seem counterintuitive, but adding these extra statistics actually decreases the total necessary amount of communication, by trading a large number of sparse statistics for a few dense ones. 3. Distributing EM Given the amount of data and number of parameters in many EM applications, it is worthwhile to distribute the algorithm across many machines. We will consider the setting in which our data set D has been divided into k splits {D1 , . . . , Dk }. 3.1. Distributing the E-Step Distributing the E-Step is relatively straightforward, since the expected sufficient statistics for each datum can be computed independently given a current estimate of the parameters. Each of k nodes computes expected sufficient statistics for one split of the data, (i) = E [ |Di ] [Distributed E-Step] where we use the superscript (i) to emphasize that these counts are partial and reflect only the contributions from split Di and not contributions from other partitions. We will also write i for the set of sufficient statistic indices that have nonzero count in (i) , and use [i ] to indicate the pro jection of onto the subspace consisting of just those statistics in i . In order to complete the E-Step, we must aggregate expected counts from all partitions in order to reestimate parameters. This step involves distributed communication of a potentially large number of statistics. We name this phase the C-Step and will examine how to efficiently perform it in section 4. For the moment, we assume that there is a single computing node which accumulates all partial sufficient statistics, = ik =1 4. Top ologies for Distributed EM This section will consider techniques for performing the C-Step of distributed EM, in which a node i obtains the necessary sufficient statistics [i ] to estimate parameters [i ]. We assume that the sets of relevant count indices i have been augmented as discussed at the end of section 3 so that [i ] is sufficient to re-estimate [i ]. [i ] ( i) [C-Step] where we write (i) [i ] to indicate that we only communicate non-zero counts. This is a simple and effective way to achieve near-linear speedup in the E-Step; previous work has utilized it effectively (Blei et al., 2003; Chu et al., 2006; Nowak, 2003). Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets Send: Receive: Send: m12 = (1) [1 2 ] m2 1 = (2) Receive: [1 2 ] EM Node 2 m21 = (T2 ) [1 2 ] Send: EM Node 1 (1) [1 ] EM Node 2 EM Node 1 m12 = [1 2 ] EM Node 1 Receive: [1 ] Reduce EM Node 2 EM Node 3 EM Node 3 EM Node 4 EM Node 3 EM Node 4 EM Node 4 EM Node 5 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3: (a) MapReduce: Each node computes partial statistics in a local E-Step, sends these to a central "Reduce" node, and receives back completed statistics relevant for completing its local M-Step. (b) AllPairs: Each node communicates to each other node only the relevant partial sufficient statistics. For many applications, these intersections will be small. (c) JunctionTree: The network topology is a tree, chosen heuristically to optimize any desired criteria (e.g., bandwidth). 4.1. MapReduce Top ology A straightforward way to implement the C-Step is to have each node send its non-zero partial counts (i) [i ] to a central "Reduce" node for accumulation into . This central node then returns only the relevant completed counts [i ] to the nodes so that they can independently perform their local M-Steps. This approach, depicted in figure 3(a), is roughly analogous to the topology used in the MapReduce framework (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004). When parameters are numerous, this will already be more bandwidth-efficient than a naive MapReduce approach, in which the Reduce node would perform a global M-Step and then send al l of the new parameters back to all nodes for the next iteration. To enable sending only relevant counts [i ], the actual iterations are preceded by a setup phase in which each node constructs an array of relevant count indices i and sends this to the Reduce node. This array also fixes an ordering on relevant statistics, so that later messages of counts can be densely encoded. This MapReduce topology3 may be a good choice for the C-Step when nodes share most of the same statistics. On the other hand, if sufficient statistics are sparse and numerous, the central reduce node can be a significant bandwidth and memory bottleneck in the distributed EM algorithm. Indeed, in practice, with either Model 1 or LDA, available amounts of training data can and do easily cause the sufficient statistics vectors to exceed the memory of any single node. The MapReduce topology for estimation of LDA has 3 For the remainder of this paper we will use MapReduce to refer to the topology used by the MapReduce system (Dean & Ghemawat, 2004). While the particular details of our implementation will differ substantially from the MapReduce system (e.g., we use a single reduce node), many key results should hold more generally (e.g., the MapReduce approach uses unnecessarily high bandwidth). been discussed in related work, notably Newman et al. (2008), though they do not consider the sparse distribution of the M-step, which is necessary for very large data sets. 4.2. AllPairs Top ology MapReduce takes a completely centralized approach to implementing the C-Step, in which the accumulation of at the Reduce node can be slow or even infeasible. This suggests a decentralized approach, in which nodes directly pass relevant counts to one another and no single node need store all of or . This section describes one such approach, AllPairs, which in a sense represents the opposite extreme from MapReduce. In AllPairs, the network graph is a clique on the k nodes, and each node i passes a message mij = (i) [i j ] to each other node j containing precisely the statistics j needs and nothing more (see figure 3(b)). Each node j then computes its completed set of sufficient statistics with a simple summation: j mj i [i ] = (i) + =i = ( i) + j =i (j ) [i j ] AllPairs requires a more complicated setup phase, where each node i calculates, for roughly half of the other nodes, the intersection i j of its parameters with the other node j 's.4 Node i then sends the contents of this intersection to j . In each iteration, message passing proceeds asynchronously, and each node begins its local M-Step as 4 Note that the C-Step time is now sensitive to how our data is partitioned. An interesting area for future work is intelligently partitioning the data so that data split intersections are small. Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets soon as it has finished sending and receiving the necessary counts. An important point is that, to avoid double counting, a received count cannot be folded into a node's local statistics until the local copy of that count has been incorporated into all outgoing messages. AllPairs is attractive because it lacks the bandwidth bottleneck of MapReduce, all paths of communication are only one hop long, and each node need only be concerned with precisely those statistics relevant for its local E- and M-steps. On the down side, AllPairs needs a full crossbar connection between nodes, and requires unnecessarily high bandwidth for dense sufficient statistics that are relevant to datums on many n nodes. In particular, a statistic that is relevant to k odes must be passed k (k - 1) times, as compared to an optimal value of 2(k - 1) (see section 4.3). 4.3. JunctionTree Top ology A tree-based topology related to the junction tree approach used for belief propagation in graphical models (Pearl, 1988) can avoid the bandwidth bottleneck of MapReduce and the bandwidth explosion of AllPairs. In this approach, the k nodes are embedded in an arbitrary tree structure T , and messages are passed along the edges in both directions (see figure 3(c)). We are certainly not the first to exploit such structures for distributing computation; see particularly Paskin et al. (2004), who use it for inference rather than estimation. We first describe the most bandwidth-efficient method for communicating partial results about a single statistic, and then show how this can be extended to produce an algorithm that works for the entire C-Step. Consider a single sufficient statistic x (e.g., some st for Model 1) which is only relevant to E- and M-Steps on some subset of machines S . Before the C-Step, ( i) each node has x , and after communication each node i ( i) should have x = S x . We cannot hop e to accomplish this goal by passing fewer than 2(|S | - 1) pairwise messages; clearly, it must take at least |S | - 1 messages before any node completes its counts, and then another |S | - 1 messages for each of the other |S | - 1 nodes to complete theirs too. This is fewer messages than either MapReduce or AllPairs passes. This theoretical minimum bandwidth can be achieved by embedding the nodes of S in a tree. After designating an arbitrary node as the root, each node accumulates a partial sum from its subtree and then passes it up towards the root. Once the root has accumulated the completed sum x , it is recursively passed back down the tree until all nodes have received the completed count, for a total of 2(|S | - 1) messages. Of course, each node must obtain a set of complete relevant statistics [i ] rather than a single statistic x . One possibility is to pass messages for each sufficient statistic on a separate tree; while this represents the bandwidth-optimal solution for the entire C-step, in practice the overhead of managing 240 million different message trees would likely outweigh the benefits. Instead, we can simply force all statistics to share the same global tree T . In each iteration we proceed much as before, designating an arbitrary root node and passing messages up and then down, except that now the message mij from node i to j conveys the intersection of their relevant statistics i j rather than a single number. For this to work properly, we require that T has the following running intersection property: for each sufficient statistic, all concerned nodes form a connected subtree of T . In other words, for all triples of nodes (i, x, j ) where x is on the path from i to j , we must have (i j ) x . We can assume that this property holds, by augmenting sets of statistics at interior nodes if necessary. When the running intersection property holds, the message contents can be expressed as mij = (Ti ) [i j ] mj i = [i j ] towards root away from root where Ti is used to represent the subtree rooted at i, and (Ti ) is the sum of statistics from nodes in this subtree. Thus, the single global message passing phase can be thought of as || separate single-statistic message passing operations proceeding in parallel, where the root of each such sub-phase is the node in its subtree closest to the global root, and irrelevant operations involving other nodes and statistics can be ignored. In our actual implementation, we instead use an asynchronous message-passing protocol common in probabilistic reasoning systems (Pearl, 1988), which avoids the need to designate a root node in advance. The setup phase for JunctionTree proceeds as follows: (1) All pairwise intersections of statistics are computed and saved to shared disk. (2) An arbitrary node chooses and broadcasts a directed, rooted tree T on the nodes which optimizes some criterion. (3) Each node (except the root) constructs the set of statistics that must lie on its incoming edge, by taking the union of the intersections of statistics (which can be reread from disk) for all pairs of nodes on opposite sides of the edge.5 (4) Each node passes the constructed edge set along its incoming edge, fixing future message structures in the process. (5) Each node augments its i to 5 More efficient algorithms are possible, but they require more memory. Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets include all statistics in local outgoing messages, thus enforcing the running intersection property. To choose a heuristically good topology, we use the maximum spanning tree (MST) with edge weights equal to the sizes of the intersections |i j |, so that nodes with more shared statistics tend to be closer together. This heuristic has been successfully used in the graphical models literature (Pearl, 1988) to construct junction trees. However, in general one can imagine much better heuristics that also consider, e.g., max degree, tree diameter or underlying network structure. If statistics tend to be well-clustered within and between nodes, we can expect this MST to require less bandwidth than either alternate topology, and (like AllPairs) there should be no central bandwidth bottleneck. On the other hand, if statistics tend to be shared between only a few nodes and this sharing is not appropriately clustered, bandwidth and memory may increase because many statistics will have to be added to enforce the running intersection property.6 Furthermore, if the diameter of the tree is large, latency may become an issue as many sequential message sending and incorporation steps will have to be performed. Finally, the setup phase takes longer because choosing the tree topology and enforcing the running intersection property may be expensive. Despite these potential drawbacks, we will see that MST generally performs best of the three topologies investigated here in terms of both bandwidth and total running time. As a final note, if T is a "hub and spoke" graph, and the hub's statistics are augmented to contain all of , a MapReduce variant is recovered as a special case of JunctionTree. This is the version of MapReduce we actually implemented; it differs from the version described in section 4.1 only in that the role of reduce node is assigned to one of the workers rather than a separate node, which reduces bandwidth usage. network socket communication. All experiments were performed on a cluster of identical, load-free 3.0 GHz 32-bit Intel machines. Running times per iteration represent the median over 10 runs of the maximum time on any node. We also examine the bandwidth of each topology, measured by the number of counts communicated across the network per iteration. 5.1. Word Alignment Results We performed Model 1 (see section 2.1) experiments on the UN Arabic English Parallel Text TIDES Version 2 corpus, which consists of about 3 million sentences of translated UN proceedings from 1994 until 2001.7 For the full data set, there are more than 243 million distinct parameters. In table 1(a), we present results where the number of sentence-pair datums per node is held constant at 145K and the number of nodes (and thus total training data) is varied. For 10 or more nodes, the MapReduce topology runs out of memory due to the number of statistics that must be stored in memory at the Reduce node.8 In contrast, both AllPairs and JunctionTree complete training for the full data set distributed on 20 nodes. We also experimented with the setting where we fix the total amount of data at 200K sentences, but add more nodes to distribute the work. Figure 4 gives iteration times for all three topologies broken down according to E-, C-, and M-Steps. The MapReduce graph (figure 4(a)) shows that the C-Step begins dominating run time as the number of nodes increases. This effect reduces the benefit from distributing EM for larger numbers of nodes. Both AllPairs and JunctionTree have substantially smaller C-Steps, which contributes to much faster per-iteration times and also allows larger numbers of nodes to be effective. On the full dataset, JunctionTree outperforms AllPairs, but not by a substantial margin. Although the two topologies have roughly comparable running times, they have different network behaviors. Figure 5, which compares bandwidth usage in billions of counts transferred over the network per iteration, shows that AllPairs uses substantially more bandwidth than either MapReduce or JunctionTree. This is due to the O(k 2 ) number of messages sent per iteration. In contrast, JunctionTree typically has a higher laLDC catalog #LDC2004E13. See http://projects. ldc.upenn.edu/TIDES/index.html. 8 This issue could be sidestepped by using multiple Reduce nodes as in the MapReduce system; however, the fundamental inefficiency of the MapReduce topology would remain. 7 5. Exp eriments We performed experiments using the word alignment model from section 2.1 and the LDA topic model from section 2.2. For each of these models, we compared the network topologies used to perform the CStep and how they affect the overall efficiency of EM. We implemented the following topologies (described in section 4): MapReduce, AllPairs, and JunctionTree. Although our implementation was done in Java, every reasonable care was taken to be time and memory efficient in our choice of data structures and in This could be avoided by using different trees for different sets of statistics; we leave this for future work. 6 Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets MapReduce 250 200 150 100 50 0 12 5 10 20 M-Step C-Step E-Step 250 200 150 100 50 0 12 5 10 20 AllPairs M-Step C-Step E-Step 250 200 150 100 50 0 12 5 JunctionTree M-Step C-Step E-Step Iteration time (s) 10 20 # of nodes # of nodes # of nodes (a) (b) (c) Figure 4: Speedup of median iteration time for three topologies as a function of the number of nodes, training Model 1 on 200k total sentence pairs. Time for each iteration is broken down into E-, C-, and M-Step time. The M-Step is present but difficult to see due to its brevity. Distributed Model 1 Bandwidth Bandwidth (billions of statistics) 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 12 5 10 20 1800 MapReduce AllPairs JunctionTree Optimal 1600 MapReduce AllPairs JunctionTree Distributed LDA Iteration Time (20 nodes) Iteration time (s) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 # of nodes # of topics Figure 5: Bandwidth usage for three topologies compared to optimal, as a function of the number of nodes, training on Model 1 with 145k sentence pairs per node. MapReduce ran out of memory when run on more than 5 nodes. Figure 6: Median iteration time for three topologies, as a function of the number of topics, training on LDA with 20 nodes and all 804k documents. tency due to the fact that nodes must wait to receive messages before they can send their own. AllPairs and JunctionTree with the MST heuristic represent a bandwidth and latency tradeoff, and the choice of which to use depends on the properties of the particular network. 5.2. Topic Mo deling Results We present results for the variational EM LDA topic model presented in section 2.2. Our results are on the Reuters Corpus Volume 1 (Lewis et al., 2004). This corpus consists of 804,414 newswire documents, where all tokens have been stemmed and stopwords removed.9 There are approximately 116,000 unique word types after pre-processing. The number of parameters of interest is therefore 116,000T , where T is the number of topics that we specify. We experimented with this model on the entire corpus and varied the number of topics. The largest num9 We used the processed version of the corpus provided by Lewis et al. (2004). ber of topics we used was T = 1,000, which yields 116 million unique parameters. Our results on iteration time are presented in figure 6. Note that the number of parameters depends linearly on the number of topics, which can roughly be seen in figure 6. This figure demonstrates that the efficiency of the AllPairs and JunctionTree topologies as the number of parameters increases. We see that JunctionTree edges out AllPairs for a larger number of topics. Table 1(b) shows detailed results for the experiment depicted in figure 6. Besides the difference in iteration times for the three algorithms as the number of topics (and statistics) grows, there are at least two other salient points. First, while the number of total statistics grows similarly to in the word alignment experiments, here the number of unique statistics is significantly smaller (i.e., each statistic, on average, is relevant to more nodes). This leads to significantly worse performance, especially in terms of bandwidth, for AllPairs. A second point is that setup times are much lower than for word alignment, because sets of relevant words can be determined first, and only then expanded to (word, topic) pairs. Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets Mo del 1, 145k sentence pairs p er no de # no des 1 2 5 10 # Unique Stats (in M) 29.37 47.84 90.58 147.65 # Total Stats (in M) 29.37 58.18 146.96 297.30 Opt Bandwidth (M of stats) 0.00 20.68 112.76 299.31 MapReduce Setup Time (s) 138.37 185.01 458.72 * E-Step Time (s) 149.66 177.73 196.45 * C-Step Time (s) 0.002 8.41 282.43 * M-Step Time (s) 3.18 5.48 10.65 * Iteration Time (s) 152.85 191.62 489.54 * Max Hops 0 1 2 * Bandwidth (M of stats) 0.00 58.75 233.18 * Bottleneck (M of stats) 0.00 58.75 233.18 * AllPairs Setup Time (s) 138.37 262.98 332.52 584.08 E-Step Time (s) 149.66 163.37 166.99 168.66 C-Step Time (s) 0.002 2.91 17.64 56.51 M-Step Time (s) 3.18 3.43 3.53 3.49 Iteration Time (s) 152.85 169.71 188.16 228.66 Max Hops 0 1 1 1 Bandwidth (M of stats) 0.00 20.68 207.64 915.35 Bottleneck (M of stats) 0.00 10.34 42.13 93.68 JunctionTree 138.37 262.98 393.77 868.22 Setup Time (s) E-Step Time (s) 149.66 163.37 167.32 196.00 C-Step Time (s) 0.002 2.91 24.73 51.89 M-Step Time (s) 3.18 3.43 4.20 6.05 Iteration Time (s) 152.85 169.71 196.25 253.94 Max Hops 0 1 3 6 Bandwidth (M of stats) 0.00 20.68 142.51 475.82 Bottleneck (M of stats) 0.00 10.34 54.50 92.84 20 243.01 597.95 709.88 * * * * * * * * 1003.11 204.63 594.18 3.61 802.43 1 3615.97 189.04 2392.72 222.14 536.80 8.85 767.79 13 1424.26 171.12 LDA, all 804k do cuments, # topics 10 50 # Unique Stats (in M) 1.16 5.82 # Total Stats (in M) 5.03 25.17 Opt Bandwidth (M of stats) 7.74 38.71 MapReduce Setup Time (s) 3.90 14.17 E-Step Time (s) 9.36 24.65 C-Step Time (s) 5.18 26.37 M-Step Time (s) 0.20 2.69 Iteration Time (s) 14.73 53.72 Max Hops 2 2 Bandwidth (M of stats) 9.52 47.60 Bottleneck (M of stats) 9.52 47.60 AllPairs Setup Time (s) 20.44 29.72 E-Step Time (s) 9.15 23.19 C-Step Time (s) 2.62 13.09 M-Step Time (s) 0.05 0.49 Iteration Time (s) 11.82 36.78 Max Hops 1 1 Bandwidth (M of stats) 52.29 261.43 Bottleneck (M of stats) 2.68 13.40 JunctionTree 22.92 25.15 Setup Time (s) E-Step Time (s) 8.99 23.25 C-Step Time (s) 3.81 19.10 M-Step Time (s) 0.11 1.18 Iteration Time (s) 12.91 43.53 Max Hops 14 14 Bandwidth (M of stats) 12.85 64.23 Bottleneck (M of stats) 1.39 6.93 20 no des 100 500 11.64 58.18 50.34 251.71 77.41 387.07 23.58 47.16 51.91 6.51 105.58 2 95.20 95.20 35.19 46.97 24.23 1.45 72.65 1 522.87 26.80 25.16 68.59 30.58 3.13 102.30 14 128.46 13.87 96.50 260.44 599.32 39.19 898.95 2 475.99 475.99 213.49 265.74 146.24 8.85 420.83 1 2614.33 134.00 67.54 256.60 173.23 20.66 450.49 14 642.30 69.33 1000 116.36 503.43 774.15 225.85 524.09 993.60 89.88 1607.56 2 951.98 951.98 549.89 518.71 572.00 20.01 1110.72 1 5228.65 268.01 124.36 514.02 330.98 43.62 888.62 14 1284.60 138.67 (a) (b) Table 1: (a) Results for scaling up number of nodes, training Model 1 with 145k sentence pairs per node. (b) Results for scaling up number of topics, training LDA with all 804k documents on 20 nodes. All times are measured in seconds, statistics are counted in millions, and bandwidthsPre measured in millions of statistics passed per iteration. # unique a stats measures ||, whereas # total stats measures i |i |. Opt bandwidth is theoretically optimal bandwidth (see section 4.3). Setup time includes all time until all nodes started the first E-Step. Median total time per iteration is given, as well as a breakdown into E-, C-, and M-Steps. Max hops is the diameter of the graph. Bottleneck is maximum bandwidth in and out of any single node. (*) indicates an out-of-memory error. We note that the total bandwidth is actually lower for MapReduce than JunctionTree since the MST only heuristically minimizes the number of disconnected statistic components, rather than the true cost of enforcing the running intersection property. 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Acknowledgments The authors of this work were supported (respectively) by DARPA IPTO contract FA8750-05-2-0249, a Microsoft Research Fellowship, and a Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship.