Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves Charles Dugas David Gadoury Department of Mathematics and Statistic, Universit´ de Montr´al, Canada e e dugas@dms.umontreal.ca gadoury@dms.umontreal.ca Abstract Cost curves have recently been introduced as an alternative or complement to ROC curves in order to visualize binary classifiers performance. Of importance to both cost and ROC curves is the computation of confidence intervals along with the curves themselves so that the reliability of a classifier's performance can be assessed. Computing confidence intervals for the difference in performance between two classifiers allows the determination of whether one classifier performs significantly better than another. A simple procedure to obtain confidence intervals for costs or the difference between two costs, under various operating conditions, is to perform bootstrap resampling of the test set. In this paper, we derive exact bootstrap distributions for these values and use these dstributions to obtain confidence intervals, under various operating conditions. Performances of these confidence intervals are measured in terms of coverage accuracies. Simulations show excellent results. sures of the curve are provided along with the curve itself, thereby allowing the enduser to assess the reliability of the estimated performance of the classifier considered for implementation. In order to obtain confidence intervals from a single test set, resampling methods such as the bootstrap (Efron & Tibshirani, 1993) technique can be used: from the test set, a certain number of samples are drawn with remplacement and from these samples, a distribution of the cost can be obtained. In certain cases, the bootstrap technique lends itself to analytic derivations for the limit case where the number of samples tends to infinity. Distributions thus obtained are referred to as exact bootstrap distributions. The purpose of this paper is to derive exact bootstrap distributions for a classifier's total cost of misclassification errors as well as the difference between two classifiers' total costs, for varying operating conditions. Except for Drummond & Holte (2006), little attention has been given to developing and evaluating the performance of confidence intervals for cost curves. ROC curves have received much more attention. Arguably, the recency of cost curves explains in part this situation. Recent literature on the derivations of confidence intervals for ROC curves can be segmented in three categories: parametric, semi-parametric or empirical. Semi-parametric methods mainly refer to kernel-based methods (Hall & Hyndman, 2003; Hall et al., 2004; Lloyds, 1998; Lloyds & Wong, 1999). Bootstrap resampling has been used for ROC curves as an empirical method but to date, exact bootstrap distributions for the ROC curve have not been presented. A technical difficulty arises from the fact that, when sampling from the entire test set, a procedure we shall refer to as ful l sampling, relative proportions of classes will vary from one sample to another. Mathematical derivations of exact bootstrap distributions, in the context of full sampling, are thus more complicated. In this paper, we first use a procedure referred to as stratified sampling according to which proportions of positive and negative instances of each bootstrap sam- 1. Intro duction A cost curve (Drummond & Holte, 2000; Drummond & Holte, 2006) is a plot of a classifier's expected cost as a function of operating conditions, i.e. misclassification costs and class probabilities. Performance assessment in terms of expected cost is paramount but cannot be visualized through ROC analysis although knowledge of the distribution of a classifier's total misclassification error cost is often among the enduser's interests. Cost curve analysis can be enhanced if dispersion meaAppearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves ple are fixed as equal to those of the original test set. Here, an instance is an element of the test set. Instances of the class for which the event has (not) taken place are called positive (negative). For example, for a credit card fraud detection application, fraudulous transactions would be labelled as positive whereas legitimate transactions would be labelled as negative. Within the stratified sampling framework, each sample is obtained from the combination of two independent bootstrap samples: one drawn from the set of positive instances and the other drawn from the set of negative instances. This procedure has previously been used in the context of ROC (Bandos, 2005) as well as cost curves (Drummond & Holte, 2006). After obtaining results under this simplified stratified sampling approach, we derive exact bootstrap distributions for the ful l sampling approach. From the user's perspective, the two sampling procedures, stratified and full, provide different information so that the difference between the two approaches reaches beyond mere mathematical derivations. According to stratified sampling, the user is provided with a cost distribution conditional on the operating conditions that will eventually prevail once the model is implemented. We refer to these as the deployment conditions. This corresponds to the view of Drummond & Holte (2006) who argue in favor of plotting cost curves in terms of all possible values of the unknown future deployment conditions. Within the stratified sampling approach, cost dispersion measures obtained for a specific value of the deployment conditions make no provision for uncertainty around expected deployment conditions. On the other hand, according to the full sampling approach, class proportions are implicitly assumed to be binomially distributed around those of the test set so that cost dispersion measures incorporate uncertainty around class proportions. Since the two approaches provide different information that may both be of interest, both are treated in this paper. The rest of the paper is as follows: in section 2, we briefly review the main aspects of ROC and cost curves. Then, mathematical derivations are presented in section 3 for stratified sampling and in section 4 for full sampling. In section 5, we perform simulations and measure coverage accuracies of the confidence intervals. Limitations of the proposed approach are discussed in section 6. Finally, we conclude in section 7. 2. ROC and cost curves An ROC curve is a plot of the probability of correctly identifying a positive instance (a true positive) against the probability of mistakenly identifying a negative instance as positive (a false positive), for various threshold values. Fawcett (2004) provides an excellent introduction to ROC curves along with descriptions of the essential elements of ROC graph analysis. Classifier performance assessment in terms of expected total error cost cannot be done using ROC curves and for this reason (and others (Drummond & Holte, 2006)), cost curves have been introduced as an alternative (or a complement) to ROC curves. The main ob jective of cost curves is to visualize classifier performance in terms of expected cost rather than through a tradeoff between misclassification error probabilities. Expected cost is plotted against operating conditions where, as mentionned above, operating conditions include two factors: class probabilities and misclassification costs. Once these values are fixed, all possibly attainable true and false positive rates pairs are considered. Given class probabilities, misclassification costs, and true and false positive rates, a cost is obtained. The pair that minimizes the cost is selected. It is assumed that given certain operating conditions, the enduser would select the cost minimizing pair and set the classifier's threshold accordingly. In order to obtain a cost curve, this optimization process is repeated for all possible operating conditions values. As shown below, a set of operating conditions can be summarized through a single normalized scalar value ranging between 0 and 1. Figure 1 illustrates this process. Cost curves are obtained assuming the enduser selects the threshold that minimizes expected cost, given operating conditions, based on the test set. One approach to obtain cost distributions is to draw bootstrap samples from the test set, obtain a cost curve for each of the samples and derive a distribution for the cost from these cost curves. Now consider a specific set of values for the operating conditions. Each of the samples will lead a possibly different optimal threshold for this set of operating conditions. This can be viewed in Figure 1 by comparing the left- and right-hand columns. Thus, averaging cost curves (fixed operating conditions but varying thresholds) in order to obtain an estimate of the expected cost would correspond to the enduser being able to select the optimal thresholds, depending on the actually observed sample of instances. In other words, the enduser would be required to have knowledge of the test set before deciding on a threshold value, something that can't be done in practice. Ob- Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves 0. 5 Density 3. Stratified sampling Consider a test set consisting of n instances from which stratified bootstrap samples are drawn. In this paper, we shall assume bootstrap samples are of the same size as the test set itself, a common procedure. Let n+ and n- be the numbers of positive and negative instances in the test set. According to the stratified bootstrap procedure and since we assume sample size equals test set size, the numbers of sampled positive and negative instances are fixed for all samples and also equal to n+ and n- , respectively. Let n+ denote the number t of instances, among the n+ positive instances of the test set, with score greater or equal to the threshold t = t(w) associated to operating conditions w, where w will be defined shortly. The corresponding value for a set of sampled positive instances is noted Nt+ and follows binomial distribution with parameters n+ /n+ t and n+ which we note as Nt+ Bin(n+ /n+ , n+ ). The t random variable for the true positive rate, at threshold t, is denoted T Pt+ = Nt+ /n+ . Similarly for negative instances, n- refers to the number of instances with t score greater or equal to t among the n- negative instances of the test set, Nt- is the random variable for the corresponding number of sampled instances and F Pt- = Nt- /n- is the false positive rate, at threshold t, with Nt- Bin(n- /n- , n- ). Note that, according t to the stratified sampling procedure, samples from positive and negative instances are drawn independently so that T Pt+ and F Pt- are independent as well. Let us now formalize the above mentionned operating conditions and define w. Let p+ = n+ /n and p- = n- /n represent class probabilities for positive and negative instances, respectively. Misclassification costs are noted c+/- and c-/+ for false positive and false negative errors, respectively. Total cost is therefore given by the following: T Ct 0. 0 -2 True positive rate 1 -1 0 Score 1 2 -2 -1 0 Score 1 2 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 False positive rate 1 0 0.5 False positive rate 1 Cost 0 0 0.33 Operating conditions 1 0 0.33 Operating conditions 1 Figure 1. Derivation of ROC and cost curves for two classifiers with relatively low (left) and high (right) discrimination power. Top: score distributions for negative (solid) and positive (dashed) instances. Three colored vertical lines represent possible thresholds, from low (red) to high (blue). Middle: ROC curves associated to top row distributions. Three true and false positive pairs are identified with colored dots. Bottom: each dot of the middle row plotted in ROC space is uniquely associated to a line in cost curve space. Given specific operating conditions, the cost minimizing threshold may vary from one curve to another. Here, with w = 0.33, the optimal threshold is the highest (blue) of the three considered value on the lefthand side. On the right-hand side, it is the second largest threshold value (green) that leads to the lowest expected cost. viously, thresholds must somehow be selected prior to test set cost measurements. This can be done through the standard machine learning process of splitting the data in three sets: training, validation and test. In our simulations, we assume the user chooses the optimal theoretical thresholds for all operating conditions, thus implicitely assuming an infinite sized validation set. The impact of this assumption is discussed later, in section 6. Our approach can therefore be considered as a form of threshold averaging of the costs. But since both operating conditions (abscissa values) and thresholds are fixed for each computed distribution, then the approach could be considered as vertical averaging as well. We now turn to more formal derivations of the cost curves and associated exact bootstrap distributions. = p+ c-/+ (1 - T Pt+ ) + p- c+/- F Pt- . (1) Drummond & Holte (2006) divide the total cost by its maximum possible value, in order to obtain a normalized cost with maximum value of one. This maximum total cost value is reached when 1 - T Pt+ = F Pt- = 1 and the total cost is then equal to p+ c-/+ + p- c+/- . Defining w as p+ · c-/+ w= , (2) p+ · c-/+ + p- · c+/- the normalized cost is given by N Ct = w(1 - T Pt+ ) + (1 - w)F Pt- (3) with w [0, 1]. As mentionned above, true and false positive rates are independent when stratified sampling is used. Thus, the expected value and variance Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves N of Ct follow as: N E [Ct ] = w(1 - n+ /n+ ) + (1 - w)n- /n- . (4) t t V N [Ct ] = w2 n+ /n+ (1 - n+ /n+ ) t t +(1 - w)2 n- /n- (1 - n- /n- ). t t n- + n- - t1 n- t2 t2 +(1 - w)2 t1 (n- )2 (n- -n- )2 . (8) (5) Let us now evaluate the computational time required to obtain confidence intervals for the performance of a single classifier and for the difference between the performances of two classifiers. Here, we assume the number of different operating conditions considered, i.e. the number of different values for w is proportional to n. Also, as explained above, we assume the thresholds associated to each of these operating conditions have previously been determined through a validation process. For the case of a single classifier performance, we first need to sort instances with respect to their score, which requires time O(n ln n). Then, values of n+ and t n- are easily obtained in linear time. There remains to t compute expectations and variances, using equations (4) and (5), and derive confidence intervals using these values. This is realized in constant time for each value of w, thus overall linear time. Globally, the entire process is therefore dominated by the sorting phase and total computational time is O(n ln n). Confidence intervals for the difference in performance between two classifiers can be obtained in O(n ln n) computational time as well, although less trivially. Naive solutions lead to quadratic time but, given careful sorting preprocessing, values n+ , n+ , n- , and n- are computed t1 t2 t1 t2 in linear time. Then, moments and confidence interN vals for Ct1 ,t2 are obtained in linear time (for all values of w) using equations (7) and (8). We use these expectation and variance of the distribuN tion of Ct to fit a gaussian distribution from which confidence intervals are easily obtained. Now, in order to assess the statistical significance of the difference in performance of two classifiers, we need to obtain the distribution of the difference in their normalized costs: N Ct1 ,t2 N N = Ct2 - Ct1 = w(T Pt+ - T Pt+ ) 1 2 +(1 - w)(F Pt- - F Pt- ) 2 1 (6) where we use subscripts 1 and 2 to differentiate values N obtained for the two classifiers. The values of Ct2 and N Ct1 cannot be assumed independent since it is possible that the scores assigned by two different classifiers are correlated: for example, obvious fraudulous transactions will likely obtain high scores on all classifiers. Also note that only instances that are falsely labelled by one and only one of the two classifiers will affect the difference in costs. Errors made by both classifiers will offset each other when computing cost differences. Let n+ represent the number of positive test set instances t1 labelled as positive by the first classifier and negative by the second classifier, given operating conditions w. Similarly, let n+ represent the number of positive test t2 set instances labelled as positive by classifier 2 and negative by classifier 1. Note that thresholds t1 = t1 (w) and t2 = t2 (w) associated to operating conditions w may differ from one classifier to the other since score distributions and scales may vary from one classifier to the other. Values n- and n- are defined similarly t1 t2 for negative instances, given the same operating conditions value w. Let Nt+ , Nt+ , Nt- , and Nt- be the associated random 1 2 1 2 variables for the number of instances in a bootstrap sample. Values Nt+ and Nt+ jointly follow a multino2 1 mial distribution. This also applies to Nt- and Nt- . 1 2 N Accordingly, moments of Ct1 ,t2 are easily obtained: + n + + t1 - nt2 N E [Ct1 ,t2 ] = w n+ n ( - - t2 - nt1 (1 - w) 7) n- (n+ -n+ )2 t1 t2 + + n + nt2 - N n+ V [Ct1 ,t2 ] = w2 t1 (n+ )2 4. Full sampling Within the framework of full sampling, the proportions of positive and negative instances vary from one sample to another. Whereas with stratified sampling, the number of positive and negative instances in each sample, n+ and n- , were set as equal to those of the test set, we now consider these numbers as random variables, and accordingly use capital notation N + and N - . Here again, these values follow binomial distributions: N + Bin(n+ /n, n). Thus, full sampling implicitly assumes a binomial distribution for the observed class proportions P+ = N + /n and P- = N - /n but this distribution could easily be replaced. Equation (1) still holds in the case of full sampling, but with the difference that P+ and P- are now treated as random variables. In the previous section the normalized version of the total cost was obtained by dividing the total cost by the largest possible cost: p+ c-/+ +p- c+/- , a weighted average between misclassification costs c-/+ and c+/- . Since P+ and P- are Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves no longer fixed, we must consider the largest possible weighted average which simply is the maximum of the two misclassification costs, cmax = max[c-/+ , c+/- ]. T The case where Ct = c-/+ is obtained when N + = n + T and T Pt = 0. Similarly, we have Ct = c+/- if - - N = n and F Pt = 1. Thus, for full sampling, the normalized cost can be written as N Ct = 1. 0 0. 8 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0.0 0.2 Spread=0.75 Spread=1.50 Spread=3.00 Spread=5.00 N + · c-/+ · (1 - T Pt+ ) + N - · c+/- · F Pt- . n · cmax Then, expected normalized cost and normalized cost variance are obtained through iterated expectations: N N E [Ct ] = EN + {E [Ct |N + ]} 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 c-/+ (n+ - n+ ) + c+/- · n- t t = (9) n · cmax N N N V [Ct ] = VN + {E [Ct |N + ]} + EN + {V [Ct |N + ]} = where (n+ )2 t n+ (n- )2 - t = n- - t- t n c 2+ - n+ - n+ n- n ·n t 2 t = -/+ - c+/- t n+ n- n + t = n+ - t - + 2 c2 /+ t + c2 /- t + t + - (n · cmax )2 (10) Figure 2. Effect of spread between distributions on coverage. Stratified sampling is used. Confidence intervals are derived for a classifier's cost. Location (spread) parameter for positive instances is set equal to 0.75 (up and left), 1.50 (up and right), 3.00 (down and left), and 5.00 (down and right). Sample size is 1,000. Confidence intervals are built with significance level = 10%. Coverage proportion (solid) for 1,000 simulations and target coverage of 90% (dashed) are plotted against operating conditions. where + t1 ,t2 = n+ + n+ - t2 t1 - t1 ,t2 2 t1 ,t2 Here again, equations (9) and (10) can be used to obtain a fitted gaussian distribution from which confidence intervals are easily derived. Let us now turn to the difference in performance between two classifiers. In the case of full sampling, this difference is N Ct1 ,t2 = (n+ - n+ )2 t2 t1 n+ (n- - n- )2 = n- + n- - t1 - t2 t1 t2 n c + + nt1 - nt2 n- - n- = - c+/- t2 - t1 -/+ n+ n 2 n+ · n- n c-/+ (Nt+ - Nt+ ) + c+/- (Nt- - Nt- ) 1 2 2 1 (11) n · cmax Again, expected normalized cost and normalized cost variance are obtained through iterated expectations: N N E [Ct1 ,t2 ] = EN + {E [Ct1 ,t2 |N + ]} This completes mathematical derivations. A total of four distributions have been obtained. For all four distributions, computation of confidence intervals is dominated by the need to sort instances so that computational time is O(n ln n) in all cases. Note that such time efficiency is obtained because we rely on the gaussian fitting of the variables' distributions. Computing true exact bootstrap distributions would lead to higher computational time orders. But as we show in the next section, results obtained with gaussian fitting are already excellent. = c-/+ (n+ - n+ ) + c+/- · (n- - n- ) t1 t2 t2 t1 n · cmax (12) 5. Numerical results In this section, we conduct a series of experiments in order to assess the performance of the confidence intervals derived in sections 3 and 4. Performance is measured in terms of coverage accuracy of confidence intervals. The first experiment is based on the framework used N N V [Ct1 ,t2 ] = VN + {E [Ct1 ,t2 |N + ]} N + EN + {V [Ct1 ,t2 |N + ]} = + - 2 c2 /+ t1 ,t2 + c2 /- t1 ,t2 + t1 ,t2 - + (n · cmax )2 (13) Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves 1. 0 0. 8 Shift=0.0 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 Shift=4.0 Sample size = 2500 Sample size = 10000 Shift=2.0 Sample size = 25 Sample size = 250 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 Spread=1.0 Spread=3.0 Figure 3. Effect of sample size on coverage. Stratified sampling is used. Confidence intervals are derived for a classifier's cost. Sample sizes of 25 (up and left), 250 (up and right), 2,500 (down and left), and 1,000, (down and right) are considered. Confidence intervals are built for significance level = 10%. Location parameter for positive instances is set to = 3.0. Coverage proportion (solid) for 1,000 simulations and target coverage of 90% (dashed) are plotted against operating conditions. by Macskassy et al. (2005) in which four methods for obtaining pointwise confidence intervals for ROC curves are compared: threshold averaging, vertical averaging, kernel smoothing (Hall et al., 2004) and Working-Hotelling bounds. Positive and negative instance scores follow normal distributions but with various parameter values. We set the scale parameter to 3.00 for both positive and negative instances scores. The location parameter for positive instances varies within the set {0.75, 1.5, 3.0, 5.0} and the location parameter for negative instances is set equal to -. Sample size is set to 1,000, i.e. a set of 1,000 instances is drawn from the positive instances distribution and another set of 1,000 negative instances is drawn from the negative instances distribution. The sampling procedure is repeated 1,000 times, i.e. 1,000 simulations are performed for each value of . We shall refer to this experiment as the spread experiment. Confidence intervals are obtained for a significance level of 10%. Figure 2 provides simulation results which clearly show that better results are obtained when score distributions of positive and negative instances have few overlap, i.e. for high values of . Breaks in coverage accuracy appear as w is close to 0 or 1. This recurring pattern is discussed in section 6. As a second experiment, we consider the effect of sample size on coverage accuracy. This experiment is everywhere similar to the previous one except for two modifications: (1) the location parameter not longer Figure 4. Coverage accuracy of confidence intervals for the difference in performance between two classifiers. Stratified sampling is used. Sample size is 1000, and significance level is = 10%. Location parameter for positive instances of first classifier is set to = 1.0 (left) and = 3.0 (right). Location parameter for the score of positive instances according to the second classifier is (top), + 2.00 (middle) and + 4.00 (bottom). Within each plot, correlation factor is equal to 0.3 (dotted), 0.6 (dash-dotted) and 0.9 (solid). Coverage proportions for 1,000 simulations and target coverage of 90% (dashed) are plotted against operating conditions. varies: it is set to = 3.0 and (2) the sample size takes values in {25; 250; 2, 500; 10, 000} instead of being fixed at 1,000. We shall refer to this experiment as the size experiment. Simulation results appear in Figure 3. As the sample size increases, the range of operating condition values with good coverage accuracy widens. For sample sizes of 25, only a very narrow range of operating condition values lead to a coverage rate that is on target. Our third experiment addresses the modeling of the difference in performance between two classifiers. The experiment design is similar to the ones used for the previous two experiments, i.e. the spread and size experiments. Scores are distributed according to a binormal distribution with scale of 3.00. Confidence intervals are obtained for a significance level of = 10%. The location parameters are set as follows: for positive instances of the first classifier, we consider two values: {1.0, 3.0}. For negative instances of both classifiers the parameter is set equal to -. Finally, for positive instances of the second classifier we consider three values: , + 2.0 and + 4.0. The difference between the location parameters of the two classifiers' Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves 1. 0 0. 8 Shift=0.0 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 Coverage 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 Shift=4.0 Spread=3.00 Spread=5.00 Shift=2.0 Spread=0.75 Spread=1.50 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 1. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 0. 2 0. 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Operating conditions 0.8 1.0 Spread=1.0 Spread=3.0 Figure 5. Effect of spread between distributions on coverage. Full sampling is used. Confidence intervals are derived for a classifier's cost. Location parameter for positive instances is set equal to 0.75 (up and left), 1.50 (up and right), 3.00 (down and left), and 5.00 (down and right). Sample size is 1,000. Confidence intervals are built with significance level = 10%. Coverage proportion (solid) for 1,000 simulations and target coverage of 90% (dashed) are plotted against operating conditions. positive instances distributions, either 0.0, 2.0 or 4.0, is referred to as the shift parameter. In order to include some form of dependency between the scores of the two classifiers, three values of a correlation factor are considered: {0.3, 0.6, 0.9}. We shall refer to this experiment as the difference experiment. Results appear in Figure 4. As in the previous two experiments, coverage accuracy breaks for very low or high total positive rates. Comparing curves on the left of Figure 4 with those on the right, we see the spread parameter has some impact: higher values of cause the range of total positive rate values with good coverage accuracy to widen. With = 1.0, higher shift parameter values lead to better coverage accuracy whereas with = 3.0, the shift parameter has the opposite, but less pronounced, effect. The correlation coefficient seems to have very little effect on coverage accuracy which is a welcome property: the performances of the confidence intervals seem independent of the level of correlation between the scores of two models. Figure 5 and 6 repeat the spread (first) and diffrence (third) experiments described above, but with the use of full sampling. Looking at Figure 5, it it clear that full sampling leads to better coverage accuracy than stratified sampling for low values of the spread parameter ( = 0.75). In fact, the effect of the spread parameter seems to have reversed although performance at = 5.00 is better than with = 3.0. Finally, Figure Figure 6. Coverage accuracy of confidence intervals for the difference in performance between two classifiers. Full sampling is used. Sample size is 1000, and significance level is = 10%. Location parameter for positive instances of first classifier is set to = 1.0 (left) and = 3.0 (right). Location parameter for the score of positive instances according to the second classifier is (top), + 2.00 (middle) and + 4.00 (bottom). Within each plot, correlation factor is equal to 0.3 (dotted), 0.6 (dash-dotted) and 0.9 (solid). Coverage proportions for 1,000 simulations and target coverage of 90% (dashed) are plotted against operating conditions. 6 indicates that both stratified and full sampling perform equally well for modeling the difference between two classifiers' performances. 6. Limitations of the approach A first consideration is whether actually performing a certain number of bootstrap resamplings of the test set instances would allow us to reach coverage accuracy similar to that obtained in the previous experiments, using exact bootstrap distributions. Let b be the number of empirical bootstrap samples drawn. Computational time is dominated by the need to sort instances, as a preprocessing, for each sample and is thus within O(b n ln n). Obtaining confidence intervals through empirical bootstrap is therefore both an order of magnitude slower and less precise than using the exact bootstrap approach. Obviously, coverage accuracies similar to those presented here could be obtained with a large number of resamples but at high computational cost. Another issue is the presence of breaks in coverage accuracy for extreme values of operating conditions. Pointwise Exact Bo otstrap Distributions of Cost Curves When considering operating conditions close to 0 or 1, optimal thresholds are likely to lie outside the range of observed scores of the simulated test sets. For such thresholds and simulations, variances are either zero (equations 5,8, and 13) in which case coverage is impossible or very close to zero (equation 10) in which case coverage is very unlikely. Coverage accuracy breaks appear as the probability that the optimal threshold is outside the range of observed score values rises. Also, as is apparent from Figure 1, the expected value of the cost (thus the cost difference as well) drops to zero as operating conditions reach extreme values. Finally, we may wonder how the assumption of optimal threshold selection impacts the results presented in this paper. Instead of assuming optimal threshold selection, consider selecting the thresholds, for each simulation of the previous experiments, based on a randomly generated finite-sized validation set which leading to suboptimal thresholds. Of course, expected costs are, by definition, higher for suboptimal thresholds than for optimal thresholds but what is of interest here is whether we can develop reliable confidence intervals for the cost, at the chosen thresholds, whether optimal or not. Given certain operating conditions, the selected suboptimal threshold follows a distribution centered around the optimal value so that coverage accuracy, given these operating conditions, is the expected coverage accuracy where the expectation is taken over the distribution of the suboptimal threshold. This results in a smoothing of the coverage accuracy breaks observed in the experiments above. Sampling Stratified Full Variable N Ct N Ct1 ,t2 N Ct N Ct1 ,t2 Equations (4), (5) (7), (8) (9), (10) (12), (13) Figures 2,3 4 5 6 Table 1. Summary of the paper's main results. served values, an area for future work. References Bandos, A. (2005). Nonparametric methods in comparing two correlated ROC curves. Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Drummond, C., & Holte, R. (2000). Explicitly representing expected cost: an alternative to ROC representation. 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Lloyds, C., & Wong, Z. (1999). Kernel estimators of the ROC curve are better than empirical. Statistics & Probability Letters, 44, 221­228. Macskassy, S., Provost, F., & Rosset, S. (2005). Pointwise ROC confidence bounds: An empirical evaluation. Proceedings of the ICML 2005 workshop on ROC Analysis in Machine Learning. Bonn, Germany. 7. Conclusion In this paper, we have derived exact bootstrap distributions for the (normalized) cost of the misclassification errors of a classifier's decisions. We have also derived exact bootstrap distributions for the difference between the costs of two classifiers. The first and second moments of these distributions have been used to fit gaussian distributions and thus approximate the true exact bootstrap distributions. From these approximated distributions, we were able to obtain confidence intervals for the variables of interest. Table 1 summarizes these results. All confidence intervals can be derived in O(n ln n) time. Results obtained in this paper are excellent but limited to a few simulations. In a few cases, severe breaks in coverage accuracy appear when operating conditions values close to 0 or 1. These breaks can be avoided if cost distribution computations are limited to thresholds within the range of sampled scores. Another possibility is to extrapolate score distributions beyond ob-