On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks Ruslan Salakhutdinov R S A L A K H U @ C S . T O RO N T O . E D U Iain Murray M U R R AY @ C S . T O RO N T O . E D U Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada Abstract Deep Belief Networks (DBN's) are generative models that contain many layers of hidden variables. Efficient greedy algorithms for learning and approximate inference have allowed these models to be applied successfully in many application domains. The main building block of a DBN is a bipartite undirected graphical model called a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM). Due to the presence of the partition function, model selection, complexity control, and exact maximum likelihood learning in RBM's are intractable. We show that Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) can be used to efficiently estimate the partition function of an RBM, and we present a novel AIS scheme for comparing RBM's with different architectures. We further show how an AIS estimator, along with approximate inference, can be used to estimate a lower bound on the log-probability that a DBN model with multiple hidden layers assigns to the test data. This is, to our knowledge, the first step towards obtaining quantitative results that would allow us to directly assess the performance of Deep Belief Networks as generative models of data. the latent variables in the deepest layer easy to infer. These deep generative models have been successfully applied in many application domains (Hinton & Salakhutdinov, 2006; Bengio & LeCun, 2007). The main building block of a DBN is a bipartite undirected graphical model called the Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM). RBM's, and their generalizations to exponential family models, have been successfully applied in collaborative filtering (Salakhutdinov et al., 2007), information and image retrieval (Gehler et al., 2006), and time series modeling (Taylor et al., 2006). A key feature of RBM's is that inference in these models is easy. An unfortunate limitation is that the probability of data under the model is known only up to a computationally intractable normalizing constant, known as the partition function. A good estimate of the partition function would be extremely helpful for model selection and for controlling model complexity, which are important for making RBM's generalize well. There has been extensive research on obtaining deterministic approximations (Yedidia et al., 2005) or deterministic upper bounds (Wainwright et al., 2005) on the logpartition function of arbitrary discrete Markov random fields (MRF's). These variational methods rely critically on an ability to approximate the entropy of the undirected graphical model. However, for densely connected MRF's, such as RBM's, these methods are unlikely to perform well. There have also been many developments in the use of Monte Carlo methods for estimating the partition function, including Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) (Neal, 2001), Nested Sampling (Skilling, 2004), and many others (see e.g. Neal (1993)). In this paper we show how one such method, AIS, by taking advantage of the bipartite structure of an RBM, can be used to efficiently estimate its partition function. We further show that this estimator, along with approximate inference, can be used to estimate a lower bound on the log-probability that a DBN model with multiple hidden layers assigns to training or test data. This result allows us to assess the performance of DBN's as generative models and to compare them to other probabilistic models, such as plain mixture models. 1. Introduction Deep Belief Networks (DBN's), recently introduced by Hinton et al. (2006) are probabilistic generative models that contain many layers of hidden variables, in which each layer captures strong high-order correlations between the activities of hidden features in the layer below. The main breakthrough introduced by Hinton et al. was a greedy, layer-by-layer unsupervised learning algorithm that allows efficient training of these deep, hierarchical models. The learning procedure also provides an efficient way of performing approximate inference, which makes the values of Appearing in Proceedings of the 25 th International Conference on Machine Learning, Helsinki, Finland, 2008. Copyright 2008 by the author(s)/owner(s). On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks 2. Restricted Boltzmann Machines A Restricted Boltzmann Machine is a particular type of MRF that has a two-layer architecture in which the visible, binary stochastic units v {0, 1}D are connected to hidden binary stochastic units h {0, 1}M . The energy of the state {v, h} is: E (v, h; ) = - i D jM Wij vi hj - iD bi vi - jM aj h j , ( 1 ) A and B . Suppose that each RBM has different number of hidden units and was trained using different learning rates and different numbers of CD steps. On the validation set, we are interested in calculating the ratio: p (v; A ) Z (B ) p(v; A ) = , p(v; B ) p (v; B ) Z (A ) which requires knowing the ratio of partition functions. =1 =1 =1 =1 where = {W, b, a} are the model parameters: Wij represents the symmetric interaction term between visible unit i and hidden unit j ; bi and aj are bias terms. The probability that the model assigns to a visible vector v is: p(v; ) = h 1 p (v; ) = exp (-E (v, h; )), Z () Z () vh Z () = exp (-E (v, h; )), (2 ) (3 ) 3. Estimating Ratios of Partition Functions Suppose we have two distributions defined on some space V with probability density functions: pA (v) = p (v)/ZA A and pB (v) = p (v)/ZB . One way to estimate the raB tio of normalizing constants is to use a simple importance sampling (IS) method. Suppose that pA (v) = 0 whenever pB (v) = 0: p p . p (v) ZB B (v)dv B (v) = = pA (v)dv = EpA B ZA ZA p (v) p (v) A A Assuming we can draw independent samples from pA , the unbiased estimate of the ratio of partition functions can be obtained by using a simple Monte Carlo approximation: ZB ZA M M 1 i p (v(i) ) 1i B w(i) = rIS , (8) ^ M =1 p (v(i) ) M =1 A where p denotes unnormalized probability, and Z () is the partition function or normalizing constant. The conditional distributions over hidden units h and visible vector v are given by logistic functions: i j p(vi |h) (4 ) p(hj |v), p(v|h) = p(h|v) = p(hj = 1|v) = ( p(vi = 1|h) = ( i j Wij vi + aj ) Wij hj + bi ), (5 ) (6 ) where (x) = 1/(1 + exp(-x)). The derivative of the loglikelihood with respect to the model parameter W can be obtained from Eq. 2: ln p(v) = EP0 [vi hj ] - EPModel [vi hj ], Wij where EP0 [·] denotes an expectation with respect to the data distribution and EPModel [·] is an expectation with respect to the distribution defined by the model. The expectation EPModel [·] cannot be computed analytically. In practice learning is done by following an approximation to the gradient of a different objective function, called the "Contrastive Divergence" (CD) (Hinton, 2002): . (7 ) Wij = EP0 [vi hj ] - EPT [vi hj ] The expectation EPT [·] represents a distribution of samples from running the Gibbs sampler (Eqs. 5, 6), initialized at the data, for T full steps. Setting T = recovers maximum likelihood learning, although T is typically set to one. Even though CD learning may work well in practice, the problem of model selection and complexity control still remains. Suppose we have two RBM's with parameter values where v(i) pA . If pA and pB are not close enough, the estimator rIS will be very poor. In high-dimensional ^ spaces, the variance of rIS will be very large (or possibly ^ infinite), unless pA is a near-perfect approximation to pB . 3.1. Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) Suppose that we can define a sequence of intermediate probability distributions: p0 , ..., pK , with p0 = pA and pK = pB , which satisfy the following conditions: C1 pk (v) = 0 whenever pk+1 (v) = 0. C2 We must be able to easily evaluate the unnormalized probability pk (v), v V , k = 0, ..., K . C3 For each k = 0, ..., K - 1, we must be able to draw a sample v given v using a Markov chain transition operator Tk (v ; v) that leaves pk (v) invariant: T ; ) (9 ) k (v v)pk (v)dv = pk (v . C4 We must be able to draw (preferably independent) samples from pA . The transition operators Tk (v ; v) represent the probability density of transitioning from state v to v . Constructing a suitable sequence of intermediate probability distributions On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks will depend on the problem. One general way to define this sequence is to set: pk (v) p (v)1-k p (v)k , A B (1 0 ) where the energy function is given by: Ek (v, h) = (1 - k )E (v, hA ; A ) + k E (v, hB ; B ), (14) with 0 = 0 < 1 < ... < K = 1. For i = 0, we have 0 = 0 and so p0 = pA . Similarly, for i = K , we have pK = pB . For the intermediate values of k , we will have some interpolation between pA and pB . Let us now define a Markov chain transition operator Tk (v ; v) that leaves pk (v) invariant. Using Eqs. 13, 14, it is straightforward to derive a block Gibbs sampler. The conditional distributions are given by logistic functions: ( ( i WiA vi + aA ) 15) p(hA = 1|v) = 1 - k )( j j j p(hB j = 1|v) = k( with 0 = 0 < 1 < ... < K = 1 chosen by the user. Once the sequence of intermediate distributions has been defined we have: Annealed Importance Sampling (AIS) run: 1. Generate v1 , v2 , ..., vK as follows: · · · · 2. Set w (i) p 1 ( v 1 ) p ( v 2 ) p -1 ( v K -1 ) p ( v K ) K 2 K ... = p 0 ( v 1 ) p ( v 2 ) p -2 ( v K -1 ) p -1 ( v K ) 1 K K Sample v1 from pA = p0 Sample v2 given v1 using T1 ... Sample vK given vK -1 using TK -1 i WiB vi j + aB ) j ( 16) Note that there is no need to compute the normalizing constants of any intermediate distributions. After performing M runs of AIS, the importance weights w(i) can be substituted into Eq. 8 to obtain an estimate of the ratio of partition functions: ZB ZA 1 M iM w(i) = rAIS . ^ (1 1 ) ( j WiA hA + bA ) p(v = 1|h) = 1 - k )( jj i i + k ( j WiB hB jj + bB ) i . (1 7 ) =1 Neal (2005) shows that for sufficiently large number of intermediate distributions K , the variance of rAIS will be ^ proportional to 1/M K . Provided K is kept large, the total amount of computation can be split in any way between the number of intermediate distributions K and the number of annealing runs M without adversely affecting the accuracy of the estimator. If samples drawn from pA are independent, the number of AIS runs can be used to control the variance in the estimate of rAIS : ^ Var(rAIS ) = ^ 2 Given v, Eqs. 15, 16 are used to stochastically activate hidden units hA and hB . Eq. 17 is then used to draw a new sample v as shown in Fig. 1 (left panel). Due to the special structure of RBM's, the cost of summing out h is linear in the number of hidden units. We can therefore easily evaluate: h A B e(1-k )E (v,h ;A )+k E (v,h ;B ) p (v) = k A ,hB = e(1-k ) × ek i i bB vi i bA vi i M jA (1 + e(1-k )( i =1 i A Wij vi +aA ) j ) s ^ 1 Var(w(i) ) = 2 , ^ M M 2 M jB (1 + ek ( B Wij vi +aB ) j ). =1 (1 2 ) where s is estimated simply from the sample variance of ^ the importance weights. 3.2. Ratios of Partition Functions of two RBM's Suppose we have two RBM's with parameter values A = {W A , bA , aA } and B = {W B , bB , aB } that define probability distributions pA and pB over V {0, 1}D . Each RBM can have a different number of hidden units hA {0, 1}MA and hB {0, 1}MB . The generic AIS intermediate distributions (Eq. 10) would be harder to sample from than an RBM. Instead we introduce the following sequence of distributions for k = 0, ..., K : 1h p (v) exp (-Ek (v, h)), (1 3 ) = pk (v) = k Zk Zk We will assume that the parameter values of each RBM satisfy || < , in which case p(v) > 0 for all v V . This will ensure that condition C1 of the AIS procedure is always satisfied. We have already shown that conditions C2 and C3 are satisfied. For condition C4, we can run a blocked Gibbs sampler (Eqs. 5, 6) to generate samples from pA . These sample points will not be independent, but the AIS estimator will still converge to the correct value, provided our Markov chain is ergodic (Neal, 2001). However, assessing the accuracy of this estimator can be difficult, as it depends on both the variance of the importance weights and on autocorrelations in the Gibbs sampler. 3.3. Estimating Partition Functions of RBM's The partition function of an RBM can be found by finding the ratio to the normalizer for A = {0, bA , aA }, an RBM On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks h2 W Model A h A A 2 h2 RBM RBM 1 Model B h B h1 kW B P(h1,h2 |W ) h1 Q(h1|v,W ) P(v|h1,W ) v 1 2 h1 W 1 (1-k )W v kW B (1-k )W v' A v Figure 1. Left: The Gibbs transition operator Tk (v ; v) leaves pk (v) invariant when estimating the ratio of partition functions ZB /ZA . Middle: Recursive greedy learning consists of learning a stack of RBMs. Right: Two-layer DBN as a generative model. Moreover, with a zero weight matrix. From Eq. 3, we know: i (1 + ebi ). ZA = 2MA pA (v) = i pA (vi ) = i 1/(1 + e-bi ), ln p(v|h1, W 1 ) (1 8 ) so we can draw exact independent samples from this "baserate" RBM. AIS in this case allows us to obtain an unbiased estimate of the partition function ZB . This approach closely resembles simulated annealing, since the intermediate distributions of Eq. 13 take form: exp ((1-k )vT bA ) h pk (v) = exp (-k E (v, hB ; B )). Zk B We gradually change k (or inverse temperature) from 0 to 1, annealing from a simple "base-rate" model to the final complex model. The importance weights w(i) ensure that AIS produces correct estimates. where H(·) is the entropy functional. We set Q(h1 |v) = p(h1 |v, W 1 ) defined by the RBM (Eq. 5). Initially, when , W 2 = W 1 Q is the DBN's true factorial posterior over 1 h , and the bound is tight. Therefore, any increase in the bound will lead to an increase in the true likelihood of the model. Maximizing the bound of Eq. 19 with frozen W 1 is equivalent to maximizing: h Q(h1 |v) ln p(h1 |W 2 ). (2 0 ) 1 + H(Q(h1 |v)), (19) This is equivalent to training the second layer RBM with vectors drawn from Q(h1 |v) as data. This scheme can be extended by training a third RBM on h2 vectors drawn from the second RBM. If we initialize , W 3 = W 2 we are guaranteed to improve the lower bound on the log-likelihood, though the log-likelihood itself can fall (Hinton et al., 2006). Repeating this greedy, layer-bylayer training several times results in a deep, hierarchical model. Recursive Greedy Learning Procedure for the DBN. 1. Fit parameters W 1 of a 1-layer RBM to data. 2. Freeze the parameter vector W 1 and use samples from p(h1 |v, W 1 ) as the data for training the next layer of binary features with an RBM. 3. Proceed recursively for as many layers as desired. 4. Deep Belief Networks (DBN's) In this section we briefly review a greedy learning algorithm for training Deep Belief Networks. We then show how to obtain an estimate of the lower bound on the logprobability that the DBN assigns to the data. 4.1. Greedy Learning of DBN's Consider learning a DBN with two layers of hidden features as shown in Fig. 1 (right panel). The greedy strategy developed by Hinton et al. (2006) uses a stack of RBM's (Fig. 1, middle panel). We first train the bottom RBM with parameters W 1 , as described in section 2. A key observation is that the RBM's joint distribution p(v, h1 |W 1 ) is identical to that of a DBN with second. layer weights tied to W 2 = W 1 We now consider untying and refining W 2 , improving the fit to the training data. For any approximating distribution Q(h1 |v), the DBN's log-likelihood has the following variational lower bound: h l Q(h1 |v) n p(h1 |W 2 ) + ln p(v|W 1, W 2 ) 1 In practice, when adding a new layer l, we typically do not , initialize W l = W l-1 so the number of hidden units of the new RBM does not need to be the same as the number of the visible units of the lower-level RBM. 4.2. Estimating Lower Bounds for DBN's Consider the same DBN model with two layers of hidden features shown in Fig. 1. The model's joint distribution is: p(v, h1 , h2 ) = p(v|h1 ) p(h2 , h1 ), 1 1 2 (2 1 ) where p(v|h ) is defined by Eq. 6), and p(h , h ) is the joint distribution defined by the second layer RBM. Note that p(v|h1 ) is normalized. On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks By explicitly summing out h2 , we can easily evaluate an unnormalized probability p(v, h1 ) = Z p(v, h1 ). Using the approximating factorial distribution Q, which we get as a byproduct of the greedy learning procedure, and the variational lower bound of Eq. 19, we obtain: h h ln p(v, h1 ) Q(h1 |v) ln p (v, h1 ) 1 1 - ln Z + H(Q(h1 |v)) = B (v). (22) The entropy term H(·) can be computed analytically, since Q is factorial. The partition function Z is estimated by running AIS on the top-level RBM. And the expectation term can be estimated by a simple Monte Carlo approximation: h M 1i ln p (v, h1(i) ), (23) Q(h |v) ln p (v, h ) M =1 1 1 handwritten digits (0 to 9), with 28×28 pixels. The dataset was binarized: each pixel value was stochastically set to 1 in proportion to its pixel intensity. Samples from the training set are shown in Fig. 2 (top left panel). Annealed importance sampling requires the k that define a sequence of intermediate distributions. In all of our experiments this sequence was chosen by quickly running a few preliminary experiments and picking the spacing of k so as to minimize the log variance of the final importance weights. The biases bA of a base-rate model (see Eq. 18) were set by maximum likelihood, then smoothed to ensure that p(v) > 0, v V . Code that can be used to reproduce experimental results is available at www.cs.toronto.edu/rsalakhu. 5.1. Estimating partition functions of RBM's In our first experiment we trained three RBM's on the MNIST digits. The first two RBM's had 25 hidden units and were learned using CD (section 2) with T =1 and T =3 respectively. We call these models CD1(25) and CD3(25). The third RBM had 20 hidden units and was learned using CD with T =1. For all three models we can calculate the exact value of the partition function simply by summing out the 784 visible units for each configuration of the hiddens. For all three models we used 500 k spaced uniformly from 0 to 0.5, 4,000 k spaced uniformly from 0.5 to 0.9, and 10,000 k spaced uniformly from 0.9 to 1.0, with a total of 14,500 intermediate distributions. Table 1 shows that for all three models, using only 10 AIS runs, we were able to obtain good estimates of partition functions in just 20 seconds on a Pentium Xeon 3.00GHz machine. For model CD1(25), however, the variance of the estimator was high, even with 100 AIS runs. However, figure 3 (top row) reveals that as the number of annealing runs is increased, AIS can almost exactly recover the true value of the partition function across all three models. We also estimated the ratio of normalizing constants of two RBM's that have different numbers of hidden units: CD1(20) and CD1(25). This estimator could be used to do complexity control. In detail, using 100 AIS runs with uniform spacing of 10,000 k , we obtained ln rAIS = ^ ln (ZCD1(20) /ZCD1(25) ) = -24.49 with an error estimate ln (rAIS ± 3 ) = (-24.19, -24.93). Each sample from ^ ^ CD1(25) was generated by starting a Markov chain at the previous sample and running it for 10,000 steps. Compared to the true value of -24.18, this result suggests that our estimates may have a small systematic error due to the Markov chain failing to visit some modes. Our second experiment consisted of training two more realistic models: CD1(500) and CD3(500). We used exactly the same spacing of k as before and exactly the same baserate model. Results are shown in table 1 (bottom row). For each model we were able to get what appears to be a rather 1 where h1(i) Q(h1 |v). The variance of this Monte Carlo estimator will be proportional to 1/M provided the variance of ln p (v, h1(i) ) is finite. In general, we will be interested in calculating the lower bound averaged over the test set containing Nt samples, so 1 iM N N 1 nt 1 nt n ln p (vn , h1(i) ) + B (v ) N t =1 N t =1 M =1 - 1n ^^ ^^ H(Q(h |v )) ln Z = rB - ln Z = rBound . (24) In this case the variance of the estimator induced by the Monte Carlo approximation will asymptotically scale as 1/(Nt M ). We will show in the experimental results section that the value of M can be small provided Nt is large. The error of the overall estimator rBound in Eq. 24 will be ^ mostly dominated by the error in the estimate of ln Z . In ^ our experiments, we obtained unbiased estimates of Z and ^ its standard deviation using Eqs. 11, 12. We report ln Z ^ ^ ± ). and ln (Z ^ Estimating this lower bound for Deep Belief Networks with more layers is now straightforward. Consider a DBN with L hidden layers. The model's joint distribution and its approximate posterior distribution Q are given by: p( v, h1 , ..., hL ) = p(v|h1 )...p(hL-2 |hL-1 )p(hL-1 , hL ) Q(h1 , ..., hL |v) = Q(h1 |v)Q(h2 |h1 )...Q(hL |hL-1 ). The bound can now be obtained by using Eq. 22. Note that most of the computation resources will be spent on estimating the partition function Z of the top level RBM. 5. Experimental Results In our experiments we used the MNIST digit dataset, which contains 60,000 training and 10,000 test images of ten On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks The course of AIS run for model CD25(500) Training samples MoB (100) Base-rate = 0 = 0.5 = 0.95 = 1.0 CD1(500) CD3(500) CD25(500) DB N- CD1 DB N- CD3 DBN-CD25 Figure 2. Top row: First two panels show random samples from the training set and a mixture of Bernoullis model with 100 components. The last 4 panels display the course of 16 AIS runs for CD25(500) model by starting from a simple base-rate model and annealing to the final complex model. Bottom row: Random samples generated from three RBM's and corresponding three DBN's models. Table 1. Results of estimating partition functions of RBM's along with the estimates of the average training and test log-probabilities. For all models we used 14,500 intermediate distributions. AI S Runs 100 CD1(25) CD3(25) CD1(20) CD1(500) CD3(500) CD25(500) True ln Z 255.41 307.47 279.59 -- -- -- Estimates ^ ln Z 256.52 307.63 279.57 350.15 280.09 451.28 ^^ ln (Z ± ) 255.00, 257.10 307.44, 307.79 279.43, 279.68 350.04, 350.25 279.99, 280.17 451.19, 451.37 ^ ln (Z ± 3 ) ^ 0.0000, 257.73 306.91, 308.05 279.12, 279.87 349.77, 350.42 279.76, 280.33 450.97, 451.52 Time (mins) 3.3 3.3 3.1 10.4 10.4 10.4 Avg. Test log-prob. true estimate Avg. Train log-prob. true estimate -153.46 -144.11 -164.87 -122.86 -102.81 -83.10 -151.57 -152.68 -152.35 -143.03 -143.20 -143.94 -164.52 -164.50 -164.89 -- -- -- -125.53 -105.50 -86.34 -- -- -- 100 accurate estimate of Z . Of course, we are relying on an empirical estimate of AIS's accuracy, which could potentially be misleading. Nonetheless, Fig. 3 (bottom row) shows that as we increase the number of annealing runs, the value of the estimator does not oscillate drastically. While performing these tests, we observed that contrastive divergence learning with T =3 results in considerably better generative model than CD learning with T =1: the difference of 20 nats is striking! Clearly, the widely used practice of CD learning with T =1 is a rather poor "substitute" for maximum likelihood learning. Inspired by this result, we trained a model by starting with T =1, and gradually increasing T to 25 during the course of CD training, as suggested by (Carreira-Perpinan & Hinton, 2005). We call this model CD25(500). Training this model was computationally much more demanding. However, the estimate of the average test log-probability for this model was about -86, which is 39 and 19 nats better than the CD1(500) and CD3(500) models respectively. Fig. 2 (bottom row) shows samples generated from all three models by randomly initializing binary states of the visible units and running alternating Gibbs for 100,000 steps. Certainly, samples gener- ated by CD25(500) look much more like the real handwritten digits, than either CD1(500) or CD3(500). We also obtained an estimate of the log ratio of two partition functions rAIS = ln ZCD25(500) /ZCD3(500) = 169.96, ^ using 10,000 k and 100 annealing runs. The estimates of ^ the individual log-partition functions were ln ZCD25(500) = ^ 451.28 and ln ZCD3(500) = 280.09, in which case the log ratio is 451.28 - 280.09 = 171.19. This is in agreement (to within three standard deviations) with the direct estimate of the ratio, rAIS = 169.96. ^ For a simple comparison we also trained several mixture of Bernoullis models (see Fig. 2, top left panel) with 10, 100, and 500 components. The corresponding average test logprobabilities were -168.95, -142.63, and -137.64. The data generated from the mixture model looks better than CD3(500), although our quantitive results reveal this is due to over-fitting. The RBM's make much better predictions. 5.2. Estimating lower bounds for DBN's We greedily trained three DBN models with two hidden layers. The first model, called DBN-CD1, was greedily On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks CD1(25) 259 258 257 3.3 min 33 min Estimated logZ True logZ CD3(25) 310 309 308 l og Z 307 306 305 l og Z 5.5 hrs CD1(20) Estimated logZ True logZ 282 281 280 279 278 277 Estimated logZ True logZ log Z 256 255 254 253 20 sec 17 min Large Variance 252 10 100 500 1000 10000 304 10 Number of AIS runs 100 500 1000 Number of AIS runs 10000 276 10 100 500 1000 Number of AIS runs 10000 353 352 1.1 min CD1(500) 283 282 10.4 min 52 min 1.8 hrs 17.4 hrs CD3(500) 453 452 451 450 CD25(500) 351 log Z 350 349 348 281 log Z 280 279 278 log Z 449 448 Large variance 347 10 100 500 1000 Number of AIS runs 10000 277 10 100 500 1000 Number of AIS runs 10000 10 100 500 1000 Number of AIS runs 10000 ^ ^ Figure 3. Estimates of the log-partition functions ln Z as we increase the number of annealing runs. The error bars show ln (Z ± 3 ). ^ learned by freezing the parameter vector of the CD1(500) model and learning the 2nd layer RBM with 2000 hidden units using CD with T =1. Similarly, the other two models, DBN-CD3 and DBN-CD25, added 2000 hidden units on top of CD3(500) and CD25(500), using CD with T =3 and T =25 respectively. Training the DBN's took roughly three times longer than the RBM's. Table 2 shows the results. We used 15,000 intermediate distributions and 500 annealing runs to estimate the partition function of the 2nd layer RBM. This took 2.3 hours. Further sampling was required for the simple Monte Carlo approximation of Eq. 23. We used M =5 samples from the approximating distribution Q(h|v) for each data vector v. Setting M =100 did not make much difference. Table 2 also reports the empirical error in the estimate of the lower bound rBound . From Eq. 24, we have Var(rBound ) = ^ ^ ^ Var(rB ) + Var(ln Z ), both of which are shown in table 2. ^ Note that models DBN-CD1 and DBN-CD3 significantly outperform their single layer counterparts: CD1(500) and CD3(500). Adding a second layer for those two models improves model performance by at least 25 and 7 nats. This corresponds to a dramatic improvement in the quality of samples generated from the models (Fig. 2, bottom row). Observe that greedy learning of DBN's does not appear to suffer severely from overfitting. For single layer models, the difference between the estimates of training and test log-probabilities was about 3 nats. For DBN's, the corresponding difference in the estimates of the lower bounds was about 4 nats, even though adding a second layer introduced over twice as many (or one million) new parameters. Table 2. Results of estimating lower bounds rBound (Eq. 24) on ^ the average training and test log-probabilities for DBN's. On average, the total error of the estimator is about ± 2 nats. Avg. bound log-prob Error rB ^ ±3 std ±0.77 ±0.75 ±0.67 ±0.30 ±0.29 ±0.25 AIS error ^ ln (Z ± 3 ) ^ ^ - ln Z -1.43, +0.57 -0.91, +0.31 -0.84, +0.65 -1.43, +0.57 -0.91, +0.31 -0.84, +0.65 Model Test DBN-CD1 -100.64 DB N- C D3 -98.29 DBN-CD25 -86.22 -97.67 -94.86 -82.47 Train DBN-CD1 DB N- C D3 DBN-CD25 The result of our experiments for DBN-CD25, however, was very different. For this model, on the test data we obtained rBound = -86.22. This is comparable to the esti^ mate of -86.34 for the average test log-probability of the CD25(500) model. Clearly, we cannot confidently assert that DBN-CD25 is a better generative model compared to the carefully trained single layer RBM. This peculiar result also supports previous claims that if the first level RBM already models data well, adding extra layers will not help (LeRoux & Bengio, 2008; Hinton et al., 2006). As an additional test, instead of randomly initializing parameters of the 2nd layer RBM, we initialized it by using the same parameters as the 1st layer RBM but with hidden and visible units switched (see Fig. 1). This initialization ensures that the distribution over the visible units v defined by the twolayer DBN is exactly the same as the distribution over v defined by the 1st layer RBM. Therefore, after learning parameters of the 2nd layer RBM, the lower bound on the training data log-likelihood can only improve. After care- On the Quantitative Analysis of Deep Belief Networks fully training the second level RBM, our estimate of the lower bound on the test log-probability was only -85.97. Once again, we cannot confidently claim that adding an extra layer in this case yields better generalization. Acknowledgments We thank Geoffrey Hinton and Radford Neal for many helpful suggestions. This research was supported by NSERC and CFI. Iain Murray is supported by the government of Canada. 6. Discussions The original paper of Hinton et al. (2006) showed that for DBN's, each additional layer increases a lower bound (see Eq. 19) on the log-probability of the training data, provided the number of hidden units per layer does not decrease. However, assessing generalization performance of these generative models is quite difficult, since it requires enumeration over an exponential number of terms. In this paper we developed an annealed importance sampling procedure that takes advantage of the bipartite structure of the RBM. This can provide a good estimate of the partition function in a reasonable amount of computer time. Furthermore, we showed that this estimator, along with approximate inference, can be used to obtain an estimate of the lower bound on the log-probability of the test data, thus allowing us to obtain some quantitative evaluation of the generalization performance of these deep hierarchical models. There are some disadvantages to using AIS. There is a need to specify the k that define a sequence of intermediate distributions. The number and the spacing of k will be problem dependent and will affect the variance of the estimator. We also have to rely on the empirical estimate of AIS accuracy, which could potentially be very misleading (Neal, 2001; Neal, 2005). Even though AIS provides an unbiased estimator of Z , it occasionally gives large overestimates and usually gives small underestimates, so in practice, it is more likely to underestimate of the true value of the partition function, which will result in an overestimate of the log-probability. But these drawbacks should not result in disfavoring the use of AIS for RBM's and DBN's: it is much better to have a slightly unreliable estimate than no estimate at all, or an extremely indirect estimate, such as discriminative performance (Hinton et al., 2006). We find AIS and other stochastic methods attractive as they can just as easily be applied to undirected graphical models that generalize RBM's and DBN's to exponential family distributions. This will allow future application to models of real-valued data, such as image patches (Osindero & Hinton, 2008), or count data (Gehler et al., 2006). Another alternative would be to employ deterministic approximations (Yedidia et al., 2005) or deterministic upper bounds (Wainwright et al., 2005) on the log-partition function. However, for densely connected MRF's, we would not expect these methods to work well. Indeed, preliminary results suggest that these methods provide quite inaccurate estimates of (or very loose upper bounds on) the partition function, even for small RBM's when trained on real data. References Bengio, Y., & LeCun, Y. (2007). Scaling learning algorithms towards AI. Large-Scale Kernel Machines. MIT Press. Carreira-Perpinan, M., & Hinton, G. (2005). 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